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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by nyxlily
    I loved the fact that one never know when he was telling the truth..
    A particularly apt quote:

    Bashir: What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me which ones were true and which ones weren't?
    Garak: My dear doctor...they're all true.
    Bashir: Even the lies?
    Garak: Especially the lies.

    Garak really did fill the criteria for a Cardassian incredibly well, as described by Martok. (if i remember right that is, correct me if i'm wrong)

    "Cardassians: They always have a plan within a plan within a plan leading to a trap." Too true..

    The center of Khlysty surrounds me


      Great choices nyxlily!, and thanx for the explanations why. It says a lot about how adept you are on DS9 and much truly love the show.

      Bashir was basically non-existent in season I and barely noticeable in season II, but once the relationship between O'Brien and Bashir took off in season III we started seeing dedicated episodes and a lot more story-lines thrown the Dr's. way.

      Garek is simply the best IMHO, when we did favorite characters earlier on this thread most had him either #1 or #2 on there respected lists.

      O'Brien was so much more on DS9 than he was on TNG. I have him in my top 5.

      Kira is another great character that I initially didn't care for but she really grew on me after you started to see her personal side. Sisko and her had such great repoire.

      Odo/Quark in one of the best buddy/adversary relationships on any TV show ever!. A lot of great episodes with the two together.

      Your list reads almost identical to mine nyxlily down to lumping Quark and Odo together. You are truly a smart DS9 fan, you are in the right place my friend!.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by Anubis69
        Bashir: What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me which ones were true and which ones weren't?
        Garak: My dear doctor...they're all true.
        Bashir: Even the lies?
        Garak: Especially the lies.
        LOL...great stuff!

        Originally posted by Anubis69
        Garek really did fill the criteria for a Cardassian incredibly well, as described by Martok. (if i remember right that is, correct me if I'm wrong)

        "Cardassians: They always have a plan within a plan within a plan leading to a trap." Too true..
        You pegged it brother Anubis69. Gul DuKat and Garek for different reasons were the consummate Cardassians....arrogant, deceitful, strong willed and willing to do anything to get what they want

        Martok was such a great character, every time I re-watch a DS9 episode with the General in it I find new things that impress me.
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Originally posted by nyxlily
          1. Bashir - Intelligent, selfless (although they ALL are.. actually, were there ever any 'good' starfleet officer who wasn't? <g>), caring (he's a doctor after all..), and a VERY strong sense of moral. Plus he got that deep, dark secret past! (Cliche # 1)

          2. Garek - Very mysterious (cliche #2 ), I loved the fact that one never know when he was telling the truth.. there were SO MUCH to his background we never got to explore. I was so surprised when the person he confronted in that one episode turned out to be his father. And he had such a common phobia that it made the character easier to relate to, despite the fact he was so alien (in more than the physical sense). We never knew where his loyalty laid.

          3. O'Brien - Dedicated, duty-bound, loyal. He and Bashir had a great sense of comic timing (hey, I like men who has a sense of humor!) Plus the actor was exceptionally talented, all his scenes were great and make the ST universe more believable to me.

          4. Kira - Wonderful display of a woman's leadership ability. She could definitely hold her own. A LOT of character development over the years. It actually took how many seasons before we saw the softer side to the character? I loved that, they took things slow and make believable character growth!

          5. Quark/Odo - I couldn't separate them. One of the best 'relationship' on the show. And I don't mean a 'ship' ship.. or even a normal friendship, but they respected one another in the end. I loved how they managed to antagonize each other within 2 seconds of screen time. Right up there next to the McCoy/Spock thing.

          Well, speaking of relationships, actually the ONE ship that doesn't annoy the heck out of me out of ANY TV show was Odo/Kira. It grew so slowly and carefully that (I have to use the word again) it was believable. I can't praise the writers of DS9 enough. Everything they wrote had a point, a meaning, a foreshadowing. They seem to had laid everything out so meticulously, as if they already had all 7 seasons in mind when they wrote the pilot. The only other show I can think of like it was B5.. and I loved seasons 1-4 but hated season 5. Might be because Ivonnova was no longer part of the crew.. but I digress.
          Welcome to the best damn thread out there and very nice choices nyxlily.

          Good analogy about the Quark/Odo relationship being as good as the McCoy/Kirk relationship. Odo and Kira did grow into something special especially when Odo accompanied Kira with Garek to Cardassia to help with Damar's revolution he was trying to start. Odo was dying and yet he wouldn't let on to Kira because the weight of task was so great she had to perform.

          Bashir and Garek relationship like brother Anubis quoted is personal favorite from DS9. They played so well off each other, they defiently had that brothers thing going on so well. Bashir really looked up to Garek after a while.


            I've just realised I didn't make a list of my favourite characters. I had a search through this thread, but nope, I didn't make one. I'll probably need a bit of time to come up with my choices and reasons for them. Hmm, this is something for me to think about for while...

            I'd also like to welcome all the newcomers to this thread. It's always great to have fresh opinions (even contrasting) and ideas to add to the quality of the discussion.
            "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


              I'm working my way slowly through season 5 and am looking forward to the story arc, but it hasn't arrived yet (I'm on the third disk). So far this season is not as good as much of seasons 2 and 3. There are a LOT of soap opera, relationship type episodes. Domestic fun with O'Brien's child in Kira's womb. Dax and Worf on Risa meet the up-tight fundamentalists and Worf struggles to take a stand. Quark woos a Klingon with Worf's help. This stuff is mildy amusing, but hardly science fiction at all.

              Sorry guys, but the episode where O'Brien's wife is taken over by an Alien life form had me rolling on the floor. For 15 minutes O'Brien is doing technical things all over the station and I have not the slightest idea what he's doing. He did reverse polarity a few times. But who knows what that means?

              Also, while I have always liked Quark, you could remove his brothers from the show and I would not miss them. Shades of Jar Jar .........

              A question. Was the lady who played Kira actually pregnant so that they had to write it into the script? She seems to have light duty this season and she is, as you all know, really excellent. My interest level goes way up when she appears.


                Originally posted by Starbase
                Good analogy about the Quark/Odo relationship being as good as the McCoy/Kirk relationship. Odo and Kira did grow into something special especially when Odo accompanied Kira with Garek to Cardassia to help with Damar's revolution he was trying to start. Odo was dying and yet he wouldn't let on to Kira because the weight of task was so great she had to perform.
                IMHO the Quark/Odo angle was the best on DS9, as much as I enjoyed Bashir/O'Brien, Jadzia/Worf, Jake/Nog, Martok/Sisko, Kira/Sisko, Quark and Odo had something fantastic. Sometimes it was friendly but mostly adversarial, in the end I think they learned to respect each other, after-all they were the best at what they individually did.
                Originally posted by Starbase
                Bashir and Garek relationship like brother Anubis quoted is my personal favorite from DS9. They played so well off each other, they definitely had that brothers thing going on so well. Bashir really looked up to Garek after a while.
                This is my second favorite relationship from DS9, Garek and Bashir played off of each other so darn well!. Garek acted like the teacher after they got to know each other while Bashir kind of played Garek, which was not easy by any means!, great great stuff!.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by kmiller1610
                  I'm working my way slowly through season 5 and am looking forward to the story arc, but it hasn't arrived yet (I'm on the third disk). So far this season is not as good as much of seasons 2 and 3. There are a LOT of soap opera, relationship type episodes. Domestic fun with O'Briens child in Kira's womb. Dax and Worf on Risa meet the up-tight fundamentalists and Worf struggles to take a stand. Quark woos a Klingon with Worf's help. This stuff is mildly amusing, but hardly science fiction at all.
                  The story arc should become more apparent towards the end of the season kmiller. Season 5 definitely had its up's and downs with the stand alone episodes.

                  Originally posted by kmiller1610
                  Sorry guys, but the episode where O'Briens wife is taken over by an Alien life form had me rolling on the floor. For 15 minutes O'Brien is doing technical things all over the station and I have not the slightest idea what he's doing. He did reverse polarity a few times. But who knows what that means?
                  LOL, as great as an actress O'Briens wife is, that episode did have a lot to be desired. I did like O'Brien in that one though.

                  Originally posted by kmiller1610
                  Also, while I have always liked Quark, you could remove his brothers from the show and I would not miss them. Shades of Jar Jar .........
                  I really liked all the Ferengi from DS9, but I hear you on the brothers, when Quark and Rom got together it was like slapstick humor with a lot of silliness going on. Separately Quark was brilliant and Rom was pretty darn good as well.
                  Originally posted by Kmiller1610
                  question. Was the lady who played Kira actually pregnant so that they had to write it into the script? She seems to have light duty this season and she is, as you all know, really excellent. My interest level goes way up when she appears.
                  She sure was, they almost wrote her out of the show for that season but Braga decided she was to key to where the story was headed, so they wrote her pregnancy into the show. They sure did pick a unique way to do it, didn't they?.

                  No rush to get me back my season 5 Kmiller I have season 6 ready to send out to you as soon as you are ready.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    the series just ended its run on Spike on friday, so come monday it'll be starting over with Emissary again.
                    time to go through it alllll over again!


                      Originally posted by kmiller1610
                      Sorry guys, but the episode where O'Brien's wife is taken over by an Alien life form had me rolling on the floor. For 15 minutes O'Brien is doing technical things all over the station and I have not the slightest idea what he's doing. He did reverse polarity a few times. But who knows what that means?
                      Reversing polarity means that the day has been saved.....again.

                      Anyone know how long it takes Spike to run through the series? How many months? I don't have time to watch two eps a day this time round but I have to make sure to watch next time.

                      Edit: nevermind, it works out to by approximatly the end of July.


                        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                        Reversing polarity means that the day has been saved.....again.

                        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                        Anyone know how long it takes Spike to run through the series? How many months? I don't have time to watch two eps a day this time round but I have to make sure to watch next time.
                        If Spike runs the two episodes per day in sequence from the same season then it shouldn't take to long. Not sure how Spike does that (do they show the daily two episodes from the same season

                        I have all seasons of DS9 on DVD including extras, I can loan you each season (1 at a time) in sequence anytime.
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          Originally posted by the Fifth Race

                          If Spike runs the two episodes per day in sequence from the same season then it shouldn't take to long. Not sure how Spike does that (do they show the daily two episodes from the same season

                          I have all seasons of DS9 on DVD including extras, I can loan you each season (1 at a time) in sequence anytime.
                          I just don't have the time to watch it except for the occasional episode otherwise I would be.
                          And yes, Spike does show them two a week day, in sequence, so it doesn't take long at all to run through them- less than four months.


                            yes they show the episodes in order


                              How i envy you people in America... Sky One haven't showed DS9 in months and i've resorted to reading memory alpha and watching the same 5 episodes (4 and a half really, i accidently taped over half of "In the pale moonlight" with "Top Gear" ) i taped during it's last run.

                              In a completely unrelated incident, at least the 3 trek films i ordered last night will come sometime this week!

                              Btw, feel free to ignore this post. I don't know why i even made it...

                              The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                                Originally posted by Anubis69
                                How i envy you people in America... Sky One haven't showed DS9 in months and i've resorted to reading memory alpha and watching the same 5 episodes (4 and a half really, i accidently taped over half of "In the pale moonlight" with "Top Gear" ) i taped during it's last run.

                                In a completely unrelated incident, at least the 3 trek films i ordered last night will come sometime this week!

                                Btw, feel free to ignore this post. I don't know why i even made it...
                                I know what you mean, we didn't have DS9 on here until just before Christmas when Spike got it, SPACE couldn't renew the rights to it or some such thing (not sure why they couldn't though- they've got every other Trek series).

