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    NOTE: Don't forget my friends, tomorrow (Monday) is Trek Quiz day. I have a shiny new one all ready for ya'all.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
      Geez brother Fifth, you did'nt have to go and give brother Davis more motivation. Between brothers Starbase, FB and youself, it's not easy topping either one of you guys. And if you haven't noticed, there are quite a few of our fellow Quiz taking brethren who are creeping up on us every week.

      You also gotta remember brother Davis, that brothers Starbase, FB, yourself and muah, are not only older but we have most likely watched more Trek (and proud of it ) than everyone else over the years. It gives us a marked advantage.

      I finally got around to watching The Ark of Truth last night. I loved it!, it did feel a lot like an extended episode of Stargate (which I appreciated). Everyone was spot-on with there acting, especially Vala, Cam and Teal'c. I can't wait for Continuum. I hope they keep making these straight to DVD movies, they are a great way to keep a franchise alive in this day and age. I wish that Firefly would have done something like this, I think it would have worked better than Serenity did.
      I too loved the ark of Truth, but then I am a major Vala fan, she is a riot and shakes up the stodginess of the SGC. I am also eagerly awaiting the next movie. I admit I am a spoiler junkiie and already know the plotline of Continuum.
      Am looking forward to fifth's quiz tomorrow, but classes also begin more "play time" for me!


        Unless I have to go to the hospital again, I'll be their.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
          Walter, hit it!
          Yes, I just watched The Ark of Truth. And I liked it, a lot. It was like a really good episode of SG-1. I was a bit skeptical to Claudia's acting the first few minutes, but that turned out to be completely unwarranted. I did like Teal'c's "You will never forgive yourself" speech, that was very well written (and of course he was the perfect character to give it). Also, the
          were a completely unexpected twist, which turned out quite good (although it did have kind of a "Haven't we been through this before?" feeling over it). It's funny, I just watched the DVD commentary for Menace, and
          someone (can't remember who) talked about how they always get back to those damn replicators

          [On a completely unrelated note, if you haven't heard the DVD commentaries for The Sentinel, you really should. They're hilarious ]
          Oh, and just after I though "You better not kill off anyone in this movie", they
          shot Teal'c. That was annoying. I'm still angry over Peacekeeper Wars

          That's it I guess. As I said, I really liked it, and I can only hope Continuum will be equally as good. Speaking of which, when will it be released?
          I completely disagree on Claudia's acting in the first few minutes- my main thought after watching the first five minutes was "wow she's good!" Ark of Truth just continued to prove why Claudia Black is one of the all time best actresses of sci-fi television.

          Loved the rest of the movie as well- I was happy to see that they didn't make Morena Baccarin look trashy in those awful costumes as they did in the series, which I thought was very distracting in season ten-
          the flames were pretty cool, good CGI all round for everything. The replicator IOA member was pretty cool, and the shots of Teal'c in the mountains were gorgeous as well.

          Overall I was very impressed- it was a lot better than I expected, I was honestly more excited for Continuum than this one, but it felt much like a very strong two-parter which is excellent, and now I'm even more excited for Continuum!

          jelgate, according the coupon for Continuum (yay!) that I got with my copy of Ark of Truth, it comes out on July 29.

          Originally posted by Krisz View Post
          Of what I've seen of Hugh Laurie in 'House', I was astounded that it was actually him. Of course I remembered him from the comedy shows in the UK from the mid '80's to mid 90's. Absolutely loved him in 'Jeeves and Wooster'. If you see that you won't believe that it's the same guy doing the American accent!!! When he turned up doing an American accent and he actually sounded like the other actors and not like the usual horrible attempts most British actors and actresses do.*shudder* I was amazed.

          It's always shaky ground actors and actresses tread on when doing accents. Most Americans trying to do British accents make me feel like someone is running their fingernails down a blackboard. I call it the American school of Mary Poppins British accents. "Gawd bless ya Guvnor". Ugh!

          The only American actor that I felt did the best job ever was James Marsters as Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In a peice on BTVS on a UK TV show most people interviewed said they thought he was a British actor.
          I haven't seen Jeeves and Wooster yet (keep meaning to), I knew him from "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" (he does a VERY funny musical number in the pilot episode), his roles in "Blackadder", and as Mr. Palmer in "Sense and Sensibility".

          And James Marsters really does do the flawless British accent- I thought he was British as well until I saw an interview with him. Anna Friel on "Pushing Daisies" does pretty good with her American accent (though unlike Hugh Laurie she does slip on occasion), but Michelle Ryan's on "Bionic Woman" was pretty bad.

          The worst attempts by British actors at American accents are for the Doctor Who "Daleks in Manhatten" two parter. What was a bad script to begin with is made even worse by the awful accents. Then there's this lady on PBS who pretends to be Jane Austin for Masterpiece Theater and her British accent is possibly the worst imitation I have ever heard- I have to turn off the tv when she comes on.


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            NOTE: Don't forget my friends, tomorrow (Monday) is Trek Quiz day. I have a shiny new one all ready for ya'all.

            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
            jelgate, according the coupon for Continuum (yay!) that I got with my copy of Ark of Truth, it comes out on July 29.
            cool thanks for the info
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              NOTE: Don't forget my friends, tomorrow (Monday) is Trek Quiz day. I have a shiny new one all ready for ya'all.
              Not gonna be here tomorrow so I'll be doing the quiz late in the night, I guess I have to post a funny video or picture, well here you go;


                Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                Not gonna be here tomorrow so I'll be doing the quiz late in the night, I guess I have to post a funny video or picture, well here you go;
                LOL cool vid
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                  Star Trek Quiz - lucky #14 This is also my 3,000th post. This Quiz has a Medium Diffculty Level. - With questions about TNG, VOY, ENT, DS9 and even a Trek movie question or two. I am adding character specific question to our fill-in section (all the questions will pertain to said character). I am also adding episode specific questions (where all the questions on one of the fill-in's will pertain to said episode). The last 6 questions are fill-in's, some are 2 and 3 parters - the 2 parters are worth 2 points and the 3 parters are worth 3 points. A perfect score is 30/30

                  Rules: NO Internet searches ... Be honest and have fun ... NO commenting on someones elses answers ... Some answers have multiple choice and some answers are fill-in's ... Leave your answers in a reply with a spoiler tag (hidden) ... I will post up results Tuesday night or Wednesday afternoon to give some of our brethren an extra day to take the quiz. Good Luck

                  NOTE: When filling out your answers in your reply, please just put A, B, C or D next to the number of the question (example 1)A 2)B 3)C 4)D) without "quoting" the quiz. (Same for the Fill-in's). Most of you do it this way anyway. This makes it a lot easier for me when I am grading the Quizzes, and I would greatly appreciate it.

                  1)- What is the military rank of Doctor Julian Bashir?
                  A)Lt. Commander - B)Lieutenant - C)Commander - D)Ensign

                  2)- Captain Archer has a piece of athletic equipment in his quarters. What is it?
                  A)Baseball mitt - B)Water polo ball - C)Football - D)Basketball

                  3)- At what sport did Jean-Luc Picard excel at Starfleet Academy?
                  A)Track - B)Tennis - C)Polo - D)Soccer

                  4)- What does Janeway insist that every crew-member call her?
                  A)Captain - B)Sir - C)Ma'am - D)Ms. Janeway

                  5)- During the TNG episode "Attached" Picard and Dr. Crusher were telepathically linked. What did Picard telepathically tell Dr. Crusher?
                  A)"I'm sorry for your husbands death" - B)"I'm thinking about leaving the Enterprise" - C)"I'm hungry" - D)"I was in love with you"

                  6)- Jake and Nog both try and then succeed in procuring a vintage rookie player Baseball card for Ben as a gift. What player does this card feature?
                  A)Hank Aaron - B)Jackie Robinson - C)Willie Mays - D)Babe Ruth

                  7)- In the Trek movie 'Insurrection': How do Worf and Picard distract Data?
                  A)They make him sing - B)They cause a sensor glitch - C)They blow up his engines - D)They beam him out of his shuttle

                  8)- Guinan dared to attack Q once. How did she do it?
                  A)She punched him in the nose - B)She shot him with a phaser - C)She lunged at him with a fork - D)She put a voodoo curse on him

                  9)- Why can't 7 of 9 love until later on in the series?
                  A)She can but she refuses to - B)Her species does not love easily - C)Part of her brain was damaged - D)A Borg implant prevents her from feeling

                  10)- Who was the first Starfleet captain to encounter the Borg after the events in the Trek movie 'First Contact's slightly altered linear history?
                  A)Jean-Luc Picard - B)Jonathan Archer - C)Benjamin Sisko - D)Kathryn Janeway

                  11)- Who did Tiron lust after and try to hit on inside of Quark's Bar?
                  A)Kassidy - B)Jadzia - C)Kira - D)Leeta

                  12)- Where is the Borg's native territory?
                  A)The Delta Quadrant - B)The Gamma Quadrant - C)The Alpha Quadrant -D)The Beta Quadrant

                  13)- We all know Troi's mother made several appearances on TNG. Whose mother did we never see?
                  A)Picard's - B)Geordie's - C)Worf's - D)Beverly's

                  14)- Whose body did the Hologram Doctor once occupy?
                  A)Kathryn Janeway - B)Tom Paris - C)Chakotay - D)Seven of Nine

                  15)- What is the name of the Klingon ship Riker temporarily became Captain of? ______

                  16)- In the Trek movie 'The Voyage Home': why did Scotty give 23rd-Century technology to a 20th-Century industrialist? _______ What was the technology he gave him? _______

                  17)- Name the only 3 (non-regular) characters to appear in all 4 seasons of ENT? ______, ______, ______

                  18)- Data has a completely artificial central nervous system. What sort of 'brain' does he have? ______ What was the name of Data's android daughter? ______ Who did Data serve as 'father of the bride' for? ______ Who was Data's pen pal?______

                  (All these question pertain to the DS9 episode The Search Parts I & II)
                  19)- To specifically investigate the "Jem'hadar threat", what Starfleet ship was the sent through the wormhole?
                  ______ What Starfleet officer negotiated a treaty between the Federation and the Dominion while leaving out the Romulans? ______ What did the Jem'hadar show a lot of interest in while aboard DS9? ______ When Odo first met the Female Changeling, she told him about two different number's - (#100 & #300). What do each number refer to? ______, ______

                  20) What famous Trek quote from "The Wrath of Kahn" has been uttered quite a few times - including TNG, DS9, VOY & ENT? ______
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    1. B
                    2. B
                    3. A
                    4. A
                    5. D
                    6. C
                    7. A
                    8. C
                    9. D
                    10. B
                    11. C
                    12. A
                    13. D
                    14. D
                    15. Patk
                    16. to save the humpback whales, formula for Irish St. Patricks whiskey
                    17. Shran, Adm. Forrest, Sovel (the Vulcan high command guy)
                    18. posatronic, Lal, Keiko, me
                    19. Defiant, Adm. Necheya, Quark’s, 100 refers to how many Changelings were sent out to explore the galaxy. 300 refers to my batting average.
                    20. KHHHHHHHHANNNNNNN

                    Not my best one
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      1) A
                      2) B
                      3) D
                      4) C
                      5) A
                      6) D
                      7) A
                      8) A
                      9) D
                      10) B
                      11) C
                      12) A
                      13) A
                      14) A
                      15) IKS Pagh
                      16) _____, _____
                      17) _____, _____, _____
                      18) Positronic, Lal, Keiko, _____
                      19) The USS Defiant, Admiral Netzayev (I definitely got the spelling wrong), but it didn't actually happen, _____, 100 changelings were sent out into the galaxy, they were supposed to return after 300 years
                      20) _____

                      Woah, I think I actually got more fill-ins correct than multiple-choice

                      "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                      The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                      Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3



                        1. B
                        2. D
                        3. C
                        4. A
                        5. D
                        6. C
                        7. A
                        8. A
                        9. B
                        10. B
                        11. C
                        12. A
                        13. A
                        14. D
                        15. ?
                        16. So that he could build them a tank for the whales, the plastic thing.
                        17. Admiral Forrest, Soval, Shran
                        18. neural net, ?, Keiko, that little girl on that planet that where there was some natural disaster.....might have had to do with a volcano?
                        19. blew up in the end, *picks random nutty Admiral out of the hat* Nachayev?, replicators?, the number of changlings sent to the alpha quadrant (100), the number of years ago they were sent (300).
                        20. Beam me up.


                          1. B
                          2. B
                          3. A
                          4. B
                          5. D
                          6. C
                          7. A
                          8. C
                          9. D
                          10. B
                          11. C
                          12. A
                          13. B
                          14. D
                          15. the Pagh
                          16. to build a whale tank ... the material used to build the tank
                          17. Shran ... Soval ... ???
                          18. Positronic ... ??? ... Keiko ... ??? (I remember the episode)
                          19. ??? (I know it wasn't the Defiant) ... Adm. Nacheyev ... ??? ... 100 - the # of infant changelings sent out in space ... 300 - ???
                          20. ???
                          Great Quiz as usual!.


                            1. A
                            2. B
                            3. C
                            4. A
                            5. D
                            6. C
                            7. A
                            8. C
                            9. D
                            10. B
                            11. C
                            12. A
                            13. D
                            14. D
                            15. ?
                            16. So that he could get acrylic panels to hold the whales in the ship, transparent aluminum
                            17. Soval, Shran, Forrest
                            18. Positronic, Lal, Keiko, that alien girl from that planet where some kind of natural disaster occured.
                            19. The Defiant, Admiral Nechayev, ?, 100 - Number of changlings sent out into the galaxy, 300 - How many years they until they were expected to come back
                            20. Revenge is a dish best served cold???

                            Wow that was hard. I have to agree with freelancer, I think I did better on the fill-ins than the MC.
                            Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                            Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                            Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                            Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                            --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"



                              8)C (I think you meant "stabbed him with a fork")
                              15)Kung-Po Gauhc... or was that what the menu read?
                              16)In order to get some materials to make the whale tanks;Transparent Aluminum. I love that scene
                              17)Shran the Andorian; Ambassador Saval the Vulcan; Se'lik the Suliban.
                              18)Positronic; Lal; Kiako; ummmm... Murdock or something like that. The guy from "The measure of a man".
                              19)Defiant; Admiral... arrrrg. The woman from "Reunification". I need to start paying more attention; Daabo; 100=#of changlings sent out, 300=the amount of time still to pass before they were expected to return.
                              20)"The needs of the many outway the needs of the few, or the one." - Star Trek: Of Gods and Men has something to say about that somewhat misguided quote. That quote only holds true when it is the one *choosing* to sacrifice themselves. It doesn't mean that the many can force their will upon the few. Part 2 of that mini-video-series is about to come out in a few days. It's pretty decent for such a low budget production.



                                16. To raise cash, depleted phaser?
                                17.totally blanking on names....
                                18.positronic, ???, Keiko,???
                                19.Defiant,???,???, they sent out 100 changleings to assess other species potential threats, her age
                                20. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

                                Happy St. Patrick's Day!

