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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Captain James T. Kirk
    Deep space nine superior? I don't think so. Of all the Trek series the original is still the best. DS9 was merely a rip off of Babylon 5 which itself was a rip off of a sci-fi series from England. I'm sorry to say this but I don't think DS9 was superior in any way, but that's just my opinion.
    This is actually an interesting topic. DS9 was on the air before B5, but the script idea had been floating around waaaay before DS9 and JMS had pitched it to Paramount and everyone else in town. Rodenberry was not too hot for the DS9 idea and it was the first Trek series that did not have his authorization.

    B5 is built on Tolkein, not british science fiction. At least according to JMS himself......

    The secret is in the execution. SG-1 borrows from everybody, but their execution of its central concept was quite excellent for 7 seasons.


      Originally posted by kmiller1610
      This is actually an interesting topic. DS9 was on the air before B5, but the script idea had been floating around waaaay before DS9 and JMS had pitched it to Paramount and everyone else in town. Rodenberry was not too hot for the DS9 idea and it was the first Trek series that did not have his authorization.

      B5 is built on Tolkein, not british science fiction. At least according to JMS himself......

      The secret is in the execution. SG-1 borrows from everybody, but their execution of its central concept was quite excellent for 7 seasons.
      You are right brother Kmiller, DS9 started a year before Babylon 5, so who's copying who Capt. Kirk.

      Both Babylon 5 and DS9 are two of, if not the two smartest and entertaining scifi shows ever produced!. I can see where B5 got some inspiration from JRR Tolkein.

      I believe one of the reasons DS9 was so popular with fans and especially TV critics is because it was different than anything else that was written by Rodenberry before.


        Yeah, I enjoyed BOTH series immensely. I actually own all seven seasons of DS9 and all the B5 collections. It's great to g back and see those episodes anytime.


          Originally posted by HirogenGater
          Yeah, I enjoyed BOTH series immensely. I actually own all seven seasons of DS9 and all the B5 collections. It's great to g back and see those episodes anytime.
          Amen HirogenGater, I own them all as well and every time I re-watch the various episodes or a whole season at a time I realize just truly great B5 and especially DS9 are. I pick up new things each time re-watch them which in turn make me appreciate them all the more!.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            My second half of Season III episode favorites.....

            Destiny::::Interesting episode about a Bajoran prophecy about the destruction of the wormhole. Turns out it's the Obsidian order trying to use a the prophecy to get what they want. This episode had a lot of great intrigue.

            Prophet Motive::::Zek is under a spell from the Prophets because they were so disturbed by the Ferengi's greed. Zek rewrites the rules of acquisition so that they are very un-Ferengi like. Quark and Rom are horrified by the new rules so they investigate and find out that an Orb is responsible. Quark and Rom visit the Prophets thanks to the Orb and Quark strikes a deal that if they return Zek back to his normal greedy state the Ferengi will never bother the Prophets again, which they agree to....Great episode!.

            Visionary::::The Defiant gets a cloaking device from the Romulans in exchange for info on the Dominion and the wormhole. O'Brien keeps shifting in and out of the near future after suffering a mild radiation exposure, He sees his own death in the near future and tries to find a way to avoid it.

            Improbable Cause::::Garaks tailoring shoppe is bombed but fails to kill him. After investigating they find out the Romulans are behind it, but a lot more is involved with the whole story arc. Don't want to give to much away for any who has not seen this fantastic episode.

            Family Business::::Quarks mother has been secretly making investments against Ferengi law and Quark returns to Ferenginar to try and buy his mother out of trouble and confront her on why she is breaking the law. Quark takes this all way to personal and is disturbed by his mother's (Moogie) actions. Quark shines as usual in this dedicated Ferengi episode.

            Facets:::ax performs the Trill right of Closure with the help of Sisko, Kira, Quark, O'Brien, Bashir, Odo and Leeta where each agree to take the personality of one of Dax's ex host. One of the hosts was a murderer and haunts Jadzia. Truly a great Jadzia episode.

            The Adversary::::A fellow changeling has tricked the Defiants crew by mimicking Adm. Krajensky and telling them that the Tzenkethi home world is planning on attacking the Federation. Once they set out to see whats up the defiant loses contact with DS9 due to a malfunction. When they realize that Krajensky is a changeling he changes himself into various crew members to stay hidden. Once they corner him and kill him he delivers a message to Odo telling him essentially that changeling are all over the Alpha Quadrant and in the Federation. Great ending episode to season III.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Great choices for your favorite second half of season III episodes brother Fifth.....

              Destiny It was a great intrigue episode with a lot of espinage and mystery.

              Prophet Motive I laugh everytime I think of this episode, Zek was like a Monk after the Prophets changed him into the exact opposite of what a Ferengi is supposed to be. The look of shock and Horror on Quark's and Rom's faces when they first read the new rules of aquisition was hilarious!.

              Visionsary Gotta love any Romulam related episodes especially from DS9. The Defiant went from Starfleets Uber attack and fighting ship to the most unbeatable ship anywhere in the Alpha quadrant!.

              Improbable Cause Garak really showed his devious and mysterious ways in this episode. I loved this episode!.

              Family Business I could take or leave this episode, although I did enjoy Quark's and Rom's mother whenever she was in an episode>

              Facets I agree with you Fifth!, this was probably the best acting job by Jadzia in the early seasons. All the main characters involved in the right of closure that helped Jadzia shined when they were taken over by a past host. One of my favorites from season III.

              The Adversary This season ending episode had it all like all season enders should have. Great adventure and suspense, plus the way they ended it with the undercover changling whispering to Odo "we are everywhere" as his last dying words was erie and layed the ground work for the whole Dominion war stroyline arc in the coming seasons. Great stuff!.


                'Improbable Cause' and 'The Die is Cast' is one of my favourite two-part episodes. DS9 goes into top gear with this story.

                On the whole, season three produced some quality stand-alone and Dominion related stories, with fewer weak episodes than previous seasons.
                "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                  Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
                  'Improbable Cause' and 'The Die is Cast' is one of my favourite two-part episodes. DS9 goes into top gear with this story.

                  On the whole, season three produced some quality stand-alone and Dominion related stories, with fewer weak episodes than previous seasons.
                  I agree brother MF, DS9 started to kick into high gear during season III. The first three seasons are full of great stand alone episodes, not that seasons 4-7 didn't have there share of truly great stand-alone's but the whole Dominion War and Founders storyline arc shifted away from the stand-alone's.

                  Major props to 'Improbable Cause'.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Yeah the first 3 seasons had some great stand alone episodes. I liked Seasons 4-7 tho with the war and the great episode archs!
                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Originally posted by mckaychick
                      Yeah the first 3 seasons had some great stand alone episodes. I liked Seasons 4-7 tho with the war and the great episode archs!
                      I agree, I liked the later seasons better The whole storyline w/ the Dominion war was great!!!!!


                        Actually, the Dominion arc starts at the end of season two, when the Jem'Hadar opens up a can of whoop-ass on the Federation. Some of the episodes are related in season three, albeit, a bit more loosely than the interwoven episodes in later seasons.
                        "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                          Yeah they did have a few episodes early on that kind of started the war but the later episodes were the real war.
                          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                            Yeah I know, it didn't become an all-out war until the end of season Five. Before that, the Dominion were sitting back and watching all the Alpha Quadrant powers fight amongst themselves.
                            "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                              Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
                              Yeah I know, it didn't become an all-out war until the end of season Five. Before that, the Dominion were sitting back and watching all the Alpha Quadrant powers fight amongst themselves.
                              The Dominion played it very smart by trying to pit the Federation against all the major powers in the Alpha Quadrant before they sent the Jem Ha'dar and Vorta in. Not to mention sending a handful of shape shifters to infiltrate Starfleet and Earth.

                              The Dominion and the Founders were a great adversary for Starfleet and very well could have taken over the Alpha Quadrant if the Prophets didn't shut the wormhole down.

                              TPTB did a fantastic job building up the Dominion war angle leading into seasons 6 and 7 where it all came to a head.
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Ah yes season 3 had some of the best episodes.

                                1. Inprobable cause
                                2. the die is cast
                                3. Past tense part 1 and 2
                                4. And the final were my faves from that.

                                although i think season 5, 6 and 7 became my favourites.
                                For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                                We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night

