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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post

    7. c* ?????
    14 b
    15.the jem hadar
    16.the begiining of the american space shuttle program, idunno!
    17. weyoun*, brunt*, shran*, officer mulcahey* (in sisko's visions of 1950's)
    18.romulans= Tal Shiar*
    Cardassians= obsidian order*
    federation= section 31*
    klingons= would consider it dishonerable to have spies?
    19.ncc= doesn't mean anything? Nx= experimental? *
    20.pyramidal? patrick stewart?
    21.Q made the statement, about troi and her hot fudge sundae?
    22. amanda grayson** (do I get extra cause I remember her maiden name???)
    16/37 for Lady Rac. You get props and double points for naming Spocks mother full name which includes her maiden name. You along with brother USS Defiant were the only ones to name Mulkahey as one of Combs characters. Well done young lady!.

    Originally posted by Whitestar View Post

    1) C) T'maru
    2) E)None of the above
    3) C)Nyota *
    4) C)Mushroom *
    5) B)Dramatis Personae *
    6) A)Raven *
    7) A)Species 116
    8) A)Geordi La Forge *
    9) B)Wolf *
    10) A)Tabatha
    11) D)The Enterprise Incident
    12) C)Klingon and Bajoran
    13) B)$100*
    14) C)Nova *
    15) Jem Hadar?
    16) a. The first Star Wars movie came into fruition* b. Star Trek: Phase II*
    17) Weyoun*, Brunt*, and that Andorian thug
    18) Obsideon Order*, Tal Shar* (forgive the spelling), Section 31*
    19) ? , ?
    20) ? , ?
    21) ? , ?
    22) Amanda*
    16/37 for brother Whitestar as well. Well done my friend and thanx again for participating. There quite fun aren't they?.

    It's fun seeing where each of the quiz takers strength in Trek knowledge lies. You were are only one of a couple that has been perfect with all the TOS questions the last couple weeks. What I love and truly warms my heart, is that everyone seems to be rather strong with the DS9 questions.

    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
    hey brother Fifth have you seen the latest question? I thought it'd make a nice question for a future quiz

    how many androids are there on Mudd’s planet?
    answer in spoilertags
    That is a great question and I have actually recently read that while researching Trek trivia for my quizzes. If anyone got that right off the top of there head, I would be floored. Good call brother Jumper One
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Posting this from my GF's house, will post the quiz Friday it will be extra long so watch that move over and over again to get ready!


        Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

        1. What Planetary body exploded at the beginning of the film?

        2. What was Excelsior's Mission for the three years prior to that explosion?
        (a) Classifying gaseous planetary animalies
        (b) Patrolling the Fedreation border withe the Klingon Empire
        (c) Deep-space exploration
        (d) First contact with the Breen

        3. Which admiral appeared in both The Voyage Home and The Undiscovered Country?

        4. Which two ambassadors appeared in both The Voyage Home and The Undiscovered Country?

        5. What was Uhura supposed to be doing when she was called to a meeting with the rest of the Enterprise command staff by Starfleet's Commander-in-Chief?

        6. At the time of this film, the Enterprise crew was due o stand down in
        (a)One month (b)Three months (c)Six months (d)Five years

        7. What did the painting in Spock's quarters represent?

        8. Who told Kirk their generation would have the hardest time living in the "brave new world" created by peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire?
        (a)Spock (b)McCoy (c)Gorkon (d)Chang

        9. Just before Gorkon's ship was attacked, a surge of what kind of radiation was detected?
        (a)Solar (b)Neutron (c)Infrared (d)Ultraviolet

        10. According to Kirk, what was the first rule of assassination?

        11. According to McCoy, who was "the last best hope in the universe for peace"?

        12. What form did the chameloid Martia take to fight Kirk on the surface of Rura Penthe?

        13. True or fales: The Klingon court that convicted Kirk and McCoy commuted their death sentences.

        14. Who prosecuted Kirk and McCoy?

        15. The Worf who defended Kirk and McCoy at their trial had the rank of
        (a)Commander (b)Captain (c)Colonel (d)General

        16. In whose locker was a pair of gravity boots discovered?
        (a)Spock's (b)Valeris's (c)Worf's (d)Dax's

        17. At Khitomer, an assassination attempt was made on ______________

        18. What was the heading Kirk ordered at the end of The Undiscovered Country?

        PS: 600 posts!


          1) Praxis
          2) (a) Classifying gaseous planetary animalies
          3) IDK maybe the guy who gets busted when he's trying to leave the room at Khitomer at the end. but I can't recall his name
          4) the Vulcan ambassador (Sarek), the Klingon ambassador
          5) ?
          6) (b)Three months
          7) I think it represented that change is inevitable (and it was kinda blurry IIRC)
          8) (d)Chang
          9) (b)Neutron
          10) to assassinate the assassin(s)
          11) Gorkon's daughter
          12) human form, she/it looked like Kirk
          13) true
          14) Chang
          15) (a)Commander
          16) (d)Dax's (haha I knew you were gonna ask this)
          17) the President of the UFP
          18) Kirk said 'second star to the right'

          awesome quiz brother Davis but I sure would've done better if you'd posted it last week never mind, I had a lot of fun
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            1. Moon
            2. A
            3. Admiral Cartwright aka Joseph Sisko
            4. Ambassador Sarek and the Klingon Ambassador (I don't think he has a canon name, there might be one in the novelization but I don't think that would be canon).
            5. Vacation?
            6. B?
            7. The end of things?
            8. C
            9. B
            10. Get rid of the assassins
            11. Gorkon
            12. Kirk
            13. True
            14. Chang
            15. C
            16. D
            17. The Federation President
            18. Something like "Second star to the right, and straight on til morning" - it was a reference to Peter Pan

            Great quiz! I think I did good but I would have done much better a couple weeks ago.
            Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

            Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
            Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
            Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
            --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


              Wow this is a difficult quiz. I don't have the time with Christmas to take a quiz this difficult.
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

                1. What Planetary body exploded at the beginning of the film?

                2. What was Excelsior's Mission for the three years prior to that explosion?
                (a) Classifying gaseous planetary animalies
                (b) Patrolling the Fedreation border withe the Klingon Empire
                (c) Deep-space exploration
                (d) First contact with the Breen

                3. Which admiral appeared in both The Voyage Home and The Undiscovered Country?

                4. Which two ambassadors appeared in both The Voyage Home and The Undiscovered Country?

                5. What was Uhura supposed to be doing when she was called to a meeting with the rest of the Enterprise command staff by Starfleet's Commander-in-Chief?

                6. At the time of this film, the Enterprise crew was due o stand down in
                (a)One month (b)Three months (c)Six months (d)Five years

                7. What did the painting in Spock's quarters represent?

                8. Who told Kirk their generation would have the hardest time living in the "brave new world" created by peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire?
                (a)Spock (b)McCoy (c)Gorkon (d)Chang

                9. Just before Gorkon's ship was attacked, a surge of what kind of radiation was detected?
                (a)Solar (b)Neutron (c)Infrared (d)Ultraviolet

                10. According to Kirk, what was the first rule of assassination?

                11. According to McCoy, who was "the last best hope in the universe for peace"?

                12. What form did the chameloid Martia take to fight Kirk on the surface of Rura Penthe?

                13. True or fales: The Klingon court that convicted Kirk and McCoy commuted their death sentences.

                14. Who prosecuted Kirk and McCoy?

                15. The Worf who defended Kirk and McCoy at their trial had the rank of
                (a)Commander (b)Captain (c)Colonel (d)General

                16. In whose locker was a pair of gravity boots discovered?
                (a)Spock's (b)Valeris's (c)Worf's (d)Dax's

                17. At Khitomer, an assassination attempt was made on ______________

                18. What was the heading Kirk ordered at the end of The Undiscovered Country?

                PS: 600 posts!

                1. A Klingon settlement.....
                2. B
                6. A
                7. errr.....Unity?
                8. B
                9. B
                10. Kill the assassin.
                12. Kirk
                13. True
                15. C
                16. B
                18. That way.

                Wow, I haven't seen this movie in two years, so that was tough.


                  Looks like a fun quiz, too bad I haven't watched the movie

                  "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                  The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                  Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                    Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
                    Looks like a fun quiz, too bad I haven't watched the movie
                    you haven't seen it? dude you gotta watch it, it's awesome and truly one of the best!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      I'm getting there. I've seen TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, The Motion Picture and First Contact, and I'm currently following 7 or 8 different series. I only have so much free time

                      "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                      The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                      Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                        Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
                        I'm getting there. I've seen TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, The Motion Picture and First Contact, and I'm currently following 7 or 8 different series. I only have so much free time
                        take your time, I'm just saying. it's a really cool movie
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          Bleh I'm too sick to remember coherently. My throat is on fire and I can't get this bloody frog out of my throat. I'll get back to you after the holidays.
                          Later Gaters.


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            16/37 for brother Whitestar as well. Well done my friend and thanx again for participating. There quite fun aren't they?.
                            Indeed! You really gave my brain muscles quite a workout, my friend!

                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            It's fun seeing where each of the quiz takers strength in Trek knowledge lies. You were are only one of a couple that has been perfect with all the TOS questions the last couple weeks.
                            Really? Wow, I had no idea I knew quite a bit about TOS and its also one of my favorite Trek shows after DS9, of course. LOL!

                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            What I love and truly warms my heart, is that everyone seems to be rather strong with the DS9 questions.
                            Yes, I've noticed that too. Its quite fitting for this particular thread, eh?
                            Have you ever remembered what life was like before you were born? That's how it will be like after you're dead.


                              1.the klingon moon, praxis
                              4.sarek, nanclus
                     a lecture at starfleet academy
                              7.the sunset????
                              10.don't get caught
                              12.james t. kirk
                              13 True
                              14.general chang himself!
                              16. d
                              17 the president ofthe united federation of planets
                              18.second star to the right and straight on until morning (the location of neverland from peter pan)

                              great quiz davis!

                              thanks for correcting my quiz fifth... "I would like to thank the academy..."
                              I really enjoy the "fun" quizzes... now my real semester has ended!
                              Get better blaze, sounds like you have the cold my daughter brought home from IU. no fun at all



                                3)Admrial Cartright
                                5)Playing tennis with Swedish meatballs
                                10)Kill the assassins
                                14)General Chang
                                17)The Federation President
                                18)Second Star to the right, and straight on till morning.

                                I haven't seen this movie in a few years, but I've seen it about 10 times so I remember a few things. I saw this in the theatre when it first came out. I think it was my first theatre Trek movie.

