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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    yep i had forgotten that they got involved when the war started. I enjoyed those episodes as well. The romulans were such a delightfully devious group. As an enterprise fan, I see the way vulcans are portrayed in that series as to be closer to the way romulans were in TNG.
    Personally I am big sucker for Romulan and Klingon episodes no matter what series I'm watching.

    I'm curious Lady Rac, how did you draw the correlation between Vulcan's on ENT and Romulans on TNG?. I always assumed they were pretty much similar other than Romulans aren't afraid to show or use emotion. I know it has been explained in various Trek series' and in some Trek movies that the differences go beyond the Vulcans use of logic. - Romulans have pronounced ridges on the forehead and the Romulans desire for conquest and domination which the Vulacns abandoned along time ago.

    I read an interesting article that Fifth Race posted awhile back, explaining that the Q continuum seperated the Romulans and Vulcans from each other to avoid genocide between the two races.

    Originally posted by Rac80
    The way louise fletcher would use that soft voice when she was at her most evil always made my skin crawl. She had such a falsely gentle manner just as she was scheming something big. I was always pleased that Kira saw through her. I admit I loved it when winn discovered her lover was Dukat in the ending episodes!
    She was one creepy character, and you are right, that soft spoken demeanor hid a brutalness right below the surface. I always got the feeling that Winn always knew exactly what she was doing. She was so calculating and deliberate in everything she said or did. She never passed up an opportunity to drive a wedge between the Emissary and the Bajoran people, which in turn created the angst Kira had for her.


      I just re-watched In the Hands of the Prophets last night after reading the current discussion. What great episode!, much better than I remembered.

      In the Hands of the Prophets is an excellent look at the faith vs. science conflict, and it gets a lot right and shows both sides as having a legitimate case, and even goes against audience sympathies (presumably with Mrs. O'Brien, representing science) by showing the religious side (Vedek Winn) as the one more open to compromise. This is yet another case of precognition by the DS9 writers, since the Intelligent Design controversy was in a feral stage at this point. Commander Sisko's speech to his son about science and faith is a great one, as is his phillipic against Winn on the ethnic tensions among Bajorans and the Federation. However, there is one further aspect to this story which also applies to our current predicament: that these situations where faith picks a fight with science are usually a smokescreen for something else. - In the case of this episode, it's an assassination plot.

      However, this episode not only introduces the calculating Winn, but also the genuinely good Vedek Bareil who tries to reconcile the disparate parties involved. There is a scene in the episode which tells us everything we need to know about Bareil: the assassain has been unmasked and fires a shot at Bareil, who doesn't even flinch as the beam goes by him. Talk about a man of faith. Also, the final moment between Kira and Sisko is well-done and understated, and allows us to marvel as to how far these characters have come in just a season, and how much further they might go.


        Originally posted by Starbase View Post
        Personally I am big sucker for Romulan and Klingon episodes no matter what series I'm watching.

        I'm curious Lady Rac, how did you draw the correlation between Vulcan's on ENT and Romulans on TNG?. I always assumed they were pretty much similar other than Romulans aren't afraid to show or use emotion. I know it has been explained in various Trek series' and in some Trek movies that the differences go beyond the Vulcans use of logic. - Romulans have pronounced ridges on the forehead and the Romulans desire for conquest and domination which the Vulacns abandoned along time ago.

        I read an interesting article that Fifth Race posted awhile back, explaining that the Q continuum seperated the Romulans and Vulcans from each other to avoid genocide between the two races.
        I too always loved a romulan or klingon episode ! they were always interesting.
        I found the vulcans during ENT to be very secretive and manipulative. Look at how they used a religious site to spy on the andorians. The Vulcans obviously felt superior to the humans and desired to keep them under control (very romulan like I thought) using any means necessary. By the time of TOS and TNG vulcans were primarily observers and not controllers. they had stopped acting as if they were superior to humans. (did they still feel superior?)
        I just found the vulcans on ENT very unlikable with an evil subnote....


          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
          I too always loved a romulan or klingon episode ! they were always interesting.
          I found the vulcans during ENT to be very secretive and manipulative. Look at how they used a religious site to spy on the andorians. The Vulcans obviously felt superior to the humans and desired to keep them under control (very romulan like I thought) using any means necessary. By the time of TOS and TNG vulcans were primarily observers and not controllers. they had stopped acting as if they were superior to humans. (did they still feel superior?)
          I just found the vulcans on ENT very unlikable with an evil subnote....
          Awww, I had temporarily forgotten about the Vulcan/Andorian conflict. That did make the Vulcans look like Romulans. The Vulcans (not T'Pol) were rather unlikable on ENT, good call Lady Rac.

          I wasn't the biggest fan of ENT, but I did enjoy the Andorians and Shran in particular. I read awhile back that if TPTB had gotten the go-ahead to do season 5 of ENT, they were going to make Shran a regular character and possible a member of Archer's crew. That would have been sweet.


            Originally posted by Starbase View Post
            I read an interesting article that Fifth Race posted awhile back, explaining that the Q continuum seperated the Romulans and Vulcans from each other to avoid genocide between the two races.
            Good memory brother Base. It was an extensive article titled Strange Relations: Romulans and Vulcans I will re-post the part you mentioned.

            Did The Q Continuum Separate the Vulcans and The Romulans?

            There has been a great deal of historical speculation on the separation between the Vulcans and the Romulans. The Vulcans reject the notion that they could be related to a race that is so different than their own despite undeniable links, both physical and genetic, between the two races. The Romulans, on the other hand, believe Vulcan to be a lost colony of Romulus ? a theory unsubstantiated by the archeological record.

            Common belief holds that the Romulans are decendants of Vulcans, the Romulans having left Vulcan over 2000 years before the current Federation. However, its not widely known how this was carried out since warp technology has been a relatively recent technological advancement for both races.

            The answer finally came to the Federation as a result of an incident on the starship, U.S.S Voyager. It turns out that is was in fact the Q Continuum that separated the Romulans and Vulcans from one another, over two thousand years ago, when a member of the Q community indirectly started a war, which almost destroyed the entire planet of Vulcan.

            During that time, the Vulcans were a warlike people ? smart, strong, aggressive?.and emotional. Then, a disgruntled Q introduced the concept of logic and control over emotion to Surak as a way to end the continuous fighting on Vulcan. After the Q left, some Vulcans hailed Surak as a visionary leader, others as a madman who was bent on power and subjugation of the Vulcan people. Vulcans took up arms against one another unlike that world had ever seen. Terrible destruction resulted and countless lives were lost.

            The Q Continuum realized the incredible impact that the destruction of Vulcan would have on the shape of the evolving universe and was thereby moved to separate the two groups, in hopes that they would come together at a later point. The Vulcans who rejected the teachings of Surak were moved to another planet in the blink of an eye, left to fend for themselves. While thousands died as a result of the displacement, they quickly dominated the planet. When they finally developed space flight, they immediately conquered the nearby planet, Remus, and subjugated the Remans as slave laborers.

            While the hopes of the Q for the Vulcans to be reunited with their displaced Romulans has yet to occur, a number of peace accords between the Federation and the Romulan Empire have started to make this a reality.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by Starbase View Post
              Awww, I had temporarily forgotten about the Vulcan/Andorian conflict. That did make the Vulcans look like Romulans. The Vulcans (not T'Pol) were rather unlikable on ENT, good call Lady Rac.

              I wasn't the biggest fan of ENT, but I did enjoy the Andorians and Shran in particular. I read awhile back that if TPTB had gotten the go-ahead to do season 5 of ENT, they were going to make Shran a regular character and possible a member of Archer's crew. That would have been sweet.
              Even T'Pol could be arrogant and very unlikable! I didn't warm up to her until she warmed up to Trip. don't ask me why, I don't know.


                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                Good memory brother Base. It was an extensive article titled Strange Relations: Romulans and Vulcans I will re-post the part you mentioned.

                Did The Q Continuum Separate the Vulcans and The Romulans?

                There has been a great deal of historical speculation on the separation between the Vulcans and the Romulans. The Vulcans reject the notion that they could be related to a race that is so different than their own despite undeniable links, both physical and genetic, between the two races. The Romulans, on the other hand, believe Vulcan to be a lost colony of Romulus ? a theory unsubstantiated by the archeological record.

                Common belief holds that the Romulans are decendants of Vulcans, the Romulans having left Vulcan over 2000 years before the current Federation. However, its not widely known how this was carried out since warp technology has been a relatively recent technological advancement for both races.

                The answer finally came to the Federation as a result of an incident on the starship, U.S.S Voyager. It turns out that is was in fact the Q Continuum that separated the Romulans and Vulcans from one another, over two thousand years ago, when a member of the Q community indirectly started a war, which almost destroyed the entire planet of Vulcan.

                During that time, the Vulcans were a warlike people ? smart, strong, aggressive?.and emotional. Then, a disgruntled Q introduced the concept of logic and control over emotion to Surak as a way to end the continuous fighting on Vulcan. After the Q left, some Vulcans hailed Surak as a visionary leader, others as a madman who was bent on power and subjugation of the Vulcan people. Vulcans took up arms against one another unlike that world had ever seen. Terrible destruction resulted and countless lives were lost.

                The Q Continuum realized the incredible impact that the destruction of Vulcan would have on the shape of the evolving universe and was thereby moved to separate the two groups, in hopes that they would come together at a later point. The Vulcans who rejected the teachings of Surak were moved to another planet in the blink of an eye, left to fend for themselves. While thousands died as a result of the displacement, they quickly dominated the planet. When they finally developed space flight, they immediately conquered the nearby planet, Remus, and subjugated the Remans as slave laborers.

                While the hopes of the Q for the Vulcans to be reunited with their displaced Romulans has yet to occur, a number of peace accords between the Federation and the Romulan Empire have started to make this a reality.
                Thanks! this was "fascinating" (said in a dead-pan Vulcan way) and an interesting read. so the question persists: are the Q more than overgrown spoiled brats?


                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  Even T'Pol could be arrogant and very unlikable! I didn't warm up to her until she warmed up to Trip. don't ask me why, I don't know.
                  I wasn't the biggest ENT fan myself, personally I thought all the characters were somewhat lame. That being said, Archer, T'Pol and Trip all kind of grew on me by the end of the series. I did enjoy T'Pol during the Xindi conflict.
                  Originally posted by Rac80
                  Thanks! this was "fascinating" (said in a dead-pan Vulcan way) and an interesting read. so the question persists: are the Q more than overgrown spoiled brats?
                  "Fascinating", indeed. I believe some of the Q are decent enough (ex. the Q that saved John DeLancie Q from the Calamaran in the great TNG episode Deja Q). Even John DeLancie Q straightened himself up some by the end of VOY. Not to sure about the son of Q, he seemed like the type that was going cause trouble, no matter whether his father has to keep an eye on him.
                  The USS Defiant Rocks!


                    Here is some Ronald D Moore interview tid-bits from June 8 1999.
                    Note: I have a lot of these RDM interviews and they start from when he joined DS9 half way through season III. So I am just picking some out of the blue that seem interesting. If you have any requests about a season or character, RDM talks about it all, I will try to dig up any requests.

                    Bold Lettering is Moore talking....

                    <<Actually, do you think it will be difficult to write on a "Every Week Is a New Adventure" Show again??>>

                    Not at all. Doing episodic adventures is actually much easier than trying to maintain continuity across the season. Writing the final arc of DS9 was a very difficult and taxing experience and while I'd love to try it again (on an even larger level, say, a true sci-fi serial) it's a nice change of pace to get away from it for a while.
                    <<Okay, Ron, spill it. Did you get a peek at the couple reportedly playing bounce the watermelon on the 4th floor at the wrap party?>>

                    This incident, which was widely reported and seems to be true, somehow escaped my notice at the wrap party.

                    <<Did you and/or the writing staff consider letting Worf keep [the Chancellorship] instead of giving it to Martok?>>

                    No. We always intended to give the Empire to Martok. I didn't think that the Klingons would accept Worf as their leader after all that's happened. BTW, there was a nice scene that got cut for time at the end of the show where Ezri asked Worf what it was like to stand at the pinnacle of the Empire for a moment and Worf said he remembered wishing his father had been there to see it.

                    <<Why didn't Sisko take the Defiant's dedication plaque before leaving? It seemed he had a few seconds (or did he order one from the Franklin Mint). Also, does DS9 have one (a dedication plaque)? >>

                    Sisko does receive the commemorative plates, but not the plaques. DS9 does not have a plaque since it was dedicated by the Cardassians, who presumably wouldn't have bothered.

                    <<Since you hadn't been in the Voyager loop, officially, how did you prepare for writing your first Voyager story? In both TNG and DS9 you came in, as a staff writer, in the 3rd season, I believe. But since Voyager is finishing up its 5th season with over 100 eps in the can, did you watch past episodes (any or all <g>), or did TPTB give you a synopsis of each character's development and the ship's past encounters of interest? Did your preparation for writing this series differ from preparing to write for either TNG or DS9, and if so, how?>>

                    I've been watching the tapes, but mostly I've been talking to the VOY writers for a couple of months now about the show and the direction they want to take the characters. On all three series, I've pretty much just jumped into the process and learned the show as I worked on it. On DS9, my first script was the season three opener and now my first show will be the second episode of the year. I've found that sitting down and actually writing the character voices and learning what they're all about is the quickest and most rewarding way of discovering the show.

                    <<Are you and Brannon going to collaborate on any scripts like you did for Generations and First Contact?>>

                    It's certainly possible, but we don't have anything in the works.

                    <<In "Tacking Into the Wind" it is stated that Section 31 has been in operation for over 300 years. Since it was established in TNG that the Federation was founded in the year 2161, how is this possible? I remember hearing in a past episode that Section 31 was founded at the same time as the Federation. It should only be about 215 years old now.>>

                    Chalk this up to my notoriously bad math. It seems like I'm forever screwing up dates in relationship to what's already been established. My apologies.

                    <<One off topic question: Have you see The Phantom Menace yet and if so what did you think of it? >>

                    I saw it two weeks ago and while it didn't knock my socks off, I didn't end up loathing it either. I went into the movie with extremely low expectations after hearing so many negative comments, so perhaps that helped, but I didn't think it was nearly as bad as many people are saying. Personally, I think the film is a tragedy that doesn't seem to know it's a tragedy. All the characters that are set up in this movie are doomed in one way or another, from the Jedi Council to the Republic itself, and so viewed in that context I found the movie to be strangely bittersweet. Watching young Obi-Wan, I couldn't help but think of what was eventually going to happen to this character: the loss of the other Jedi, the collapse of the Republic, his failed teaching of young Anakin, the eventual betrayal of their friendship, and finally his death at the hands of his erstwhile student. Likewise, the brave boy will turn into the scourge of the galaxy and the queen will (evidently) fall in love with him but be forced to send their two children into exile. Viewed through the prism of operatic tragedy, the film works as a quasi-historical epic. However, the movie seems blithely unaware of its own tragic overtones and insists that it's only a bubble-gum fantasy even though it ends with the head villain not only winning, but actually becoming even more powerful than he was at the beginning.

                    <<I read that UPN is going with a 2-hour block of WWF Pro-Wrestling and was wondering if that will lead to some wrestlers appearing on ST: Voyager?>>

                    Actually we're going the other way. Several of the Voyager characters will be appearing in the WWF ring.

                    <<Watched "Extreme Measures," but it was kinda unbelievable. >>

                    Yeah, I wasn't too happy with it either. It's one of those shows that sounded good in the development stage when we were laying out the arc, but just never came into focus when it went into production. Initially, our thought was to have Odo going into Sloan's mind and having a surreal adventure where he eventually ran into Dr. Mora and learned that it was his own "father" who created the changeling disease. Unable to really mine this concept for all it was worth, we junked it and decided to make one final Bashir and O'Brien adventure, but I think maybe we were closer with the original idea.

                    <<If Molly O'Brien and Naomi Wildman had a fight, who would win?>>

                    Naomi would head-butt her and it'd be all over.

                    <<So, who moved into all the extra office space at the Hart Building?>>

                    As part of my deal, all new office space here will be given over to my large and ever-expanding collection of Klingon erotic sculpture.

                    <<Any plans to see more of that night-shift helmsperson (Jenkins?) on Voyager (from "Warhead")? >>

                    It's possible.

                    <<Who came up with the name for the Defiant's replacement and why did they chose it?>>

                    I did and the USS Sao Paulo is an homage to the Steve McQueen flick, "The Sand Pebbles." So's the line, "Hello, ship," which is a variation on McQueen's line, "Hello, engines" which he says at the top of the film.

                    <<A few comments on the Dogs of War: I loved when Quark said that the line must be drawn "HERE"! All he needed was the accent. Did you put that in? It seemed like your wacky (and much-loved) sense of humor.>>

                    I take great glee at mocking my own work. See also "In the Cards" for a riff on Picard's rather pompous "we don't need money" line.

                    <<I have seen up to "The Dogs Of War" and I have but one question. Why have y'all excluded Jake from the Storylines?>>

                    We talked about several possible storylines that involved Jake, but none of them ever gelled for us, so we didn't pursue them.

                    <<Ron, to your knowledge, is Rick Berman in fact working on a mini-series or TV movie for DS9?>>


                    <<Why was Jadzia excluded from Worf's Memories of DS9? Is there some animosity between Terry Farrel and the ST Execs?>>

                    In order to use a clip of someone from a previous episode, you first have to obtain permission from the actor in question. Usually permission is routinely granted and a nominal fee is paid (unlike writers and directors, who receive a flat fee and don't get the option of saying yes or no). In this case, we were unable to obtain permission. And no, we weren't real happy about it.

                    <<Why didn't the Prophets bring Jake to see his father along with Kasidy?>>

                    This was under discussion right up until the very end, but we felt that the scene became too unwieldly and lacked focus with three people.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Thanks, fifthrace, for the interview transcripts. It gives a deeper look at DS9. They are always interesting and informative.
                      Well, defiant, you made me re-evaluate the Q. I had long thought them to be simply annoying. I had forgotten the episodes where they showed responsibility. (then again I TRY to forget most of TNG! )
                      Starbase: great analysis of the "Hands of the Prophets"! Very thought provoking. I had forgotten that was our first encounter with Winn. I remembered her more from the 2nd season episode "the Circle". It has been so long since I watched the episodes in order I got confused.
                      Overall you people make this the most interesting (and thought -provoking!) thread


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        Thanks, fifthrace, for the interview transcripts. It gives a deeper look at DS9. They are always interesting and informative.
                        Well, defiant, you made me re-evaluate the Q. I had long thought them to be simply annoying. I had forgotten the episodes where they showed responsibility. (then again I TRY to forget most of TNG! )
                        Starbase: great analysis of the "Hands of the Prophets"! Very thought provoking. I had forgotten that was our first encounter with Winn. I remembered her more from the 2nd season episode "the Circle". It has been so long since I watched the episodes in order I got confused.
                        Overall you people make this the most interesting (and thought -provoking!) thread
                        Brothers Starbase and Fifth Race do keep things interesting in Trekville. I know them personally Lady Rac (we all live in Marin County). And I got to tell ya, they both have a passion and love for Star Trek, especially DS9. Most people forget that Winn's first appearence was as Vedak Winn, she didn't make herself Kai Winn until season 2, which Sisko and Kira thought was unecessary.

                        I'm starting to re-watch season 2 of DS9 tonight.
                        The USS Defiant Rocks!


                          Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                          Brothers Starbase and Fifth Race do keep things interesting in Trekville. I know them personally Lady Rac (we all live in Marin County). And I got to tell ya, they both have a passion and love for Star Trek, especially DS9. Most people forget that Winn's first appearence was as Vedak Winn, she didn't make herself Kai Winn until season 2, which Sisko and Kira thought was unecessary.

                          I'm starting to re-watch season 2 of DS9 tonight.
                          you all definitely share a passion for Trek. I find myself thinking more about the episodes knowing you will have carefully analysed them! you all keep me hopping!
                          Maybe the best way to enjoy ds9 is in order. I am thinking I need to breakdown and buy DS9, the whole problem is I am CHEAP! (ok stingy as heck as my daughter says! ) Comes with old age I guess Until then i will watch as I can and enjoy the analysis found here!


                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                            you all definitely share a passion for Trek. I find myself thinking more about the episodes knowing you will have carefully analysed them! you all keep me hopping!
                            Maybe the best way to enjoy ds9 is in order. I am thinking I need to breakdown and buy DS9, the whole problem is I am CHEAP! (ok stingy as heck as my daughter says! ) Comes with old age I guess Until then i will watch as I can and enjoy the analysis found here!
                            Thanx for the kind words Lady Rac and brother Defiant. One thing that I have learned since I started this thread - DS9 fans are the smartest of all Trek fans. Sure most people that are fans like or love all the Trek series (count me as a huge anything Trek fan), but Trek fans that like DS9 the best just seem more passionate and intelligent than the average Trek fan, just like yourself Lady Rac.

                            This thread has gone a long way in renewing my interest in the series. Plus I have learned a lot from all the great posters we have had over the years here. I always find it interesting to hear and read every ones take on anything DS9/Trek whether it's positive or negative.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                              This thread has gone a long way in renewing my interest in the series. Plus I have learned a lot from all the great posters we have had over the years here. I always find it interesting to hear and read every ones take on anything DS9/Trek whether it's positive or negative.
                              The same here. I find myself spending waaaaaaaaay too much time thinking about trek (esp. DS9)! But it is a "fascinating" show!


                                I found this Ronald D Moore interview from 3/26/99 where he talks about the final episodes, DS9's legacy, best and worst episodes of season 7, disagreement with Roddenberry's vision of a to peacful Trek universe and a bunch of cool inside info. I had to split into 2 pages.....

                                Nore: Bold Lettering is Ronald D Moore speaking:

                                Hello, everyone! Life has been exceptionally busy for the last couple of months, so you'll forgive me for not coming here sooner. First and foremost, I am pleased and proud to announce the arrival of Robin Cooper Moore on January 26th and to say that both mother and son are doing very well. To say that Ruby and I are ecstatic would be an understatement and we would both like to extend our thanks and appreciation for the congratulatory e-mail messages we received from so many of you.

                                As for DS9, I can report that on Monday, March 26th, we will begin production on the final episode of the series. Today is the last day of shooting on the final episode that I had a hand in writing, which is named "The Dogs of War" for now. Rene and I co-wrote the teleplay on this one and it is with a heavy heart that I watch the last few dailies of scenes that I helped to craft.

                                As many of you know by now, the last nine episodes of the series are tightly interwoven and build to the finale and I think that you'll be pleased to see many familiar faces crop up in surprising ways as we wend our way to the end. I just saw the first episode last night, entitled "Penumbra" and after you see it, I suspect you'll want to hang around the next eight.

                                I'll avoid getting soppy and sentimental about the show just yet (thank God for sedatives) but I will say that it's been a magical experience for me and I approach the end with a taste of the bittersweet in my mouth.

                                Now onto your questions:

                                << where an actor has to use colored contact lenses, (e.g. Dukat when he killed Jadzia, or Weyoun at any time), do the contact lenses interfere with his or her peripheral vision?>>

                                It depends on the lenses, but for the most part the actors don't have that much trouble with them.

                                <<Haven't we seen enough of the Vic and Ezri eps? What about the other characters we have grown to admire? Don't use so much of DS9 precious time developing new characters to the extent we are currnetly seeing.>>

                                We like Vic and we like Ezri, so we decided to showcase them a bit in the last year. But don't worry, you'll see plenty of everyone in the last nine episodes.

                                <<How do you want DS9 to be remembered?>>

                                I'd like us to be remembered as the Trek series that dared to be different. We took chances in a franchise that has every reason to play it safe and spoon-feed the same old thing to the audience week after week. We challenged the characters, the audience, and the Star Trek universe itself. Sometimes we failed (sometimes spectacularly) but we never stopped trying to push the show into new directions.

                                <<The revelation of the "changeling disease" in Treachery, Faith . . . seemed to come out of the blue. Was this thought up over hiatus, or sometime last year?>>

                                I believe it came up early in the season and it played well into our plans for the end of the series, so we decided to incorporate it.

                                <<Is there anything you are deliberately going to leave unresolved at the end of the series? >>

                                Well, there are certainly plot threads that we made conscious choices not to revisit.

                                << I just got through reading Solow and Justman's book Inside Star Trek, the Real Story. Any chance that you will put finger to keyboard and give us a peek at what really goes on after Paramount is no longer your employer? You can tell us, we won't tell! <G>>>

                                I've thought about doing a book after my Trek tenure is over, but I don't know if I'll ever get about to it or not.

                                << I asked this question twice before and didn't get an answer, so here goes again. I leafed thru an unauthorized book on the making of DS9 and recognized that many quotes attributed to you were comments you made on this message board. Did the author (I can't remember his name now) have to ask your permission or AOL's permission to quote you? >>

                                People usually contact me and ask permission before they use my quotes. I don't know what the legal situation is, and I look upon it as a courtesy.

                                <<Do you know what Paramount is going to do with the standing sets (especially the massive Promenade) when the show ends? Its a shame a permanent museum can't be established for sets that won't be used again (hopefully they will, but you get my meaning).>>

                                Unfortunately, they will all be torn down and thrown into the trash. It's a hard and cruel world...

                                << Here's one to stretch the grey cells way back with: what was it like on the set/ in the staff on TNG when Gene Roddenberry died? I had recently read that Paramount fired Richard Arnold and Susan Sackett the day after he died (that seemed abit cold) and I know GRs presence was not a daily-thing due to his health, but still I imagine it must have been profound. If you would share any personal and professional recollections? Thank you >>

                                I remember that day very well. Michael Piller called the entire staff down into his office and made the announcement that Gene had died and then we all sort of drifted off to our own offices to reflect on his passing and what it meant to each of us. Joe Menosky eventually wandered into my office and we had a long quiet talk about Trek and what it meant to us in our youth and how odd it was to find ourselves now writing the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Gene hadn't been in the office very much for several weeks at that point, and everyone knew his health was deteriorating, so it wasn't a shock when he passed away, but it was a blow. There was an almost palpable sense that a milestone had been passed and that nothing would ever be the same again.

                                <<Question: Any regrets in doing away with Worf's brother Kurn?>>

                                Not really. If we'd had other stories for Kurn, I'd feel differently, but I didn't have anything else to say about the character.

                                <<In my search for screenwriting software I have come across an ad for "Scriptware" that advertises that it is used by the writers of Deep Space Nine. I was wondering if that is true, and what is your opinion, rating, of it? Is there another software package out there you like and prefer to use ?>>

                                We stopped used Scriptware a year or two ago. We found that it had problems with keeping up with all the revisions and changes required on a TV series -- which is not to say that a freelance writer couldn't find it perfectly acceptable. At the moment, we're using a program called Final Draft and we're very happy with it.

                                <<Any chance of us getting a nice, juicy Odo/Kira episode as part of that wrap-up?>>

                                There is an Odo/Kira storyline running throughout the final nine.

                                <<Were you on the set during the actual shooting? Did you have a speaking part? Was this your first directing role?>>

                                I was onset during the shooting, but at the last minute, my directing assignment was taken over by a Dr. SomethingOrOther.

                                <<What alternative names did you consider? Did you ever consider names such as Kahvis, Luv, Klincat, Crambam, STFC? James Tiberius Moore has a nice ring to it.>>

                                For one insane moment, the word "Tiberius" did leave my lips as a possible middle name. It was met by a.... less than enthusiastic response.

                                << Are you and your collaborator planning any sequels? Or is it too premature to comment?>>

                                The sequels are tied up in a merchandising rights dispute. I'll get back to you.

                                <<Ron, whatever happened to the Alpha Jem'Hadar ? That was an interesting plotline you guys thought up in "One Little Ship", but we've heard nothing about the Alpha J's and their friction with the Gamma J's since.>>

                                We dropped the ball on this one. It sounded like a cool idea at the time and we kept telling each other that we'd follow up eventually, but it just kinda got away from us.

                                <<Since there are no plans currently for a DS9 movie, miniseries, etc. when the series is over... If you had to come up with some new plot for the above mentioned, what would you like to see on the screen. >>

                                To be honest, I'm not rooting for another DS9 movie or miniseries or whatever. I think the show should be allowed to end its story in our finale and then be left alone.

                                <<How can there be a "real" 24th century Mirror Universe counterpart to an "imaginary" 1962 holographic character?>>

                                I give up. How?

                                <<Didn't we see a klingon ship decloak in an earlier mirror universe episode?>>

                                Yep. This is what's known in Hollywood as a "Mistake." The decloaking ship in the earlier Mirror episode was sort of a throwaway -- an optical that was thrown in, but which really didn't have anything to do with the story. As a result, the decloaking shot didn't stick in anyone's mind when we were reviewing those shows and talking about the established stories. Unfortunately, no one on the entire production remembered that one shot until the episode was in the can. Oh, well...

                                <<Ron, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated the dedication at the beginning of the final Mirror Universe episode to Jerome Bixby. Was that your idea, and did many other staff members even know who he was?>>

                                We all knew who he was and we were all saddened by his death.

                                <<Do you feel you're looked at as just a science fiction writer, when you probably consider yourself just a good writer? >>

                                I think I'm looked at as that guy who's working on that Trek show.

                                <<What is your opinion on the best and worst episodes of season 7?>>

                                Strongest: "The Siege of AR-558", "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang", "Inter Arma, etc.", "It's Only a Paper Moon"

                                Weakest: "Covenant", "Prodigal Daughter"

                                <<Now that the season is probably planned to the end, are there any DS9 stories you wanted to tell that you will not be able to tell due to lack of time? >>

                                There was a story about Klingon Hell that I wanted to do and an episode that revolved around doing an entire day at Quark's. And the DS9 Musical, natch.

                                <<Ron, if you were offered the chance to write a script for a DS9 movie with a nice budget in a couple of years, would you take it?>>

                                Uh... let me think. Yes.

                                <Badda-bing, Badda-bang" was rather interesting. Did you intentionally choose that song as a subtle hint as to what awaits us in the last 10 episodes of the series?>>

                                You betcha.

                                << How do you feel about the charges on the episode message board that 60s racism was addressed yet 60s sexism went unchallenged? I gotta admit, I think this time the chicks have a point! Anybody else see the hood ogle Ezri's ass, fer cryin' out loud?!?>>

                                I think it's a silly charge and a silly argument. Were any of our female characters humiliated, degraded, abused, etc. during the show? No. I've scanned over some of the objections, and in my opinion, it's political correctness run amuck. So they dressed in period outfits. So Kira vamped a bit. So what? Can't we just enjoy the show without engaging in a tiresome debate about hidden messages that can only be seen if you have an agenda and you're searching for them?

                                << I read on one of these boards (think it was the latest ep folder, but I'm not sure), that in "A Fistful of Datas" Deanna was originally supposed to be a dancing girl from the Saloon, and this was changed to her role as "mysterious stranger" (which was great. I really liked that ep). Is this true, or trek legend?>>


                                continued on the next page tomorrow......
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

