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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    What I disliked about The Sword of Kahless was how it tried (and failed miserably) to make the bat'leth into some kind of mystical almost-haunted nonsense that makes Klingons crazy.
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      Maybe including The Sword of Kahless was an overstatement on my part. But as you both well know, I am a sucker for any kind of Klingon story-line, especially when Kor (John Callicos is brilliant!) or Worf is involved. Sure there are some miscues and a somewhat stretched story-line, so to speak, but I like the kind of stories where people go on a hunt for ancient, larger-than-life treasures that have been lost and forgotten for centuries. Here's an episode that totally forgets about the ongoing arcs of Starfleet politics and Dominion threats and just puts three people on a quest with only the most rudimentary objectives.

      I also enjoy the give and take between the 3. I find it intriguing why it is these two honorable warriors turn against each other. Although the story doesn't come out and say it in so many words, there is a strong insinuation that the sword itself has some sort of spell or curse on it that causes these two Klingons to feel a very strong, if not dangerous, feeling of self-power. This is a very offbeat notion for Star Trek, I find the mythical element interesting.

      I do wish that Dax would have phase-stunned them both a little bit sooner, that dragged out.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        That's is truly great to hear 6thRace. One of the main reasons I started thread was to get newbies or people like yourself (who might have watched DS9 in the past but never gave the show a real look) to discover or revisit DS9. It is truly a superior show.
        I knew DS9 was gonna be superior when I first come across it all those years ago Before DS9 I didn't really watch Star Trek. I caught a couple of eps ot TOS here and there but that was really about it *shrugs*

        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
        I know I haven't been in here much for a while now. But just the same, I like our little cult so I'm popping in for my 10,000th post
        Happy 10,000th post. I never think to look at my post count. I couldn't even tell you what it is

        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        LOL to kewl brother Digi. Hey no matter where you may roam, the superior thread will always be a welcoming home for you and all our brethren.
        You better brother Fuzz You have posted here with a few different post count achievements. I love it!

        I watched the first 3 episodes of AMC's season 1 zombie show The Walking Dead. Interesting and very graphic, yet not gratutitous. I kind of like it. It's no Dawn of the Dead, but it's pretty darn close. There always seems to be some kind of evil redneck southern dude in every one of these zombie flicks. LOL
        Are you trying to say it's a bit cliche? But yeah, why are the rednecks almost always portrayed as the bad guys


          I never knew! Star Trek: The Newspaper Comic!
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
            This also the first time I've ever heard of this.


              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
              lol. Brother Fifth Race bought a collection of those comic-strips at a Trek conventions. He used to love to collect rare and unusual Trek memorabilia. The comic-strips he bought were presented in a nice photo album type book with plastic protective pages to display them. I wonder if he still has it?

              Probably the coolest thing I can remember him buying was an authentic Starfleet (red) Commander's Uniform (from TNG's second season, I have forgotten the particular episode). He wore it a few times when we went out and partied on Halloween. He once grew a beard to mimic Riker. Talk about a total geek, that being said, he did look very cool. lol
              The USS Defiant Rocks!


                If the similarity is close enough to pull it off properly, cool.


                  Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                  lol. Brother Fifth Race bought a collection of those comic-strips at a Trek conventions. He used to love to collect rare and unusual Trek memorabilia. The comic-strips he bought were presented in a nice photo album type book with plastic protective pages to display them. I wonder if he still has it?

                  Probably the coolest thing I can remember him buying was an authentic Starfleet (red) Commander's Uniform (from TNG's second season, I have forgotten the particular episode). He wore it a few times when we went out and partied on Halloween. He once grew a beard to mimic Riker. Talk about a total geek, that being said, he did look very cool. lol
                  Thats just a little geeky. Now total geeky would be if he carried a phaser and tricorder with it.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Thats just a little geeky. Now total geeky would be if he carried a phaser and tricorder with it.
                    LOL, trust me if I could have afforded a Phaser or especially a working Tri-Corder, I would have added it to my Commander's ensemble. I won't admit how much I had to pay for the uni alone, the rank insignia and com-badge were a very expensive extra (thousands). The last Phasers I saw that sold at auction went for thousands, I can imagine a working Tri-Corder would go for double if not way more.

                    I still have it all (in mint condition). I have thought about selling a few times over the years, but it keeps going up in value since it was worn in an episode (they didn't say by whom when I bought it from the Paramount collection).
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      I just discovered my wife I have replica backpacks of the ones worn by Archer and the female Captain of the other Warp 5 ship in the Season 4 Episode "Home" I'm watching them hike\backpack\climb and I notice those are the exact (or at least brand and style) of backpacks that each of us own.

                      Found a Screen Shot
                      Last edited by Spimman; 09 March 2011, 10:36 AM.


                        Riker is much less scary than Kirk.


                          Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                          I just discovered my wife I have replica backpacks of the ones worn by Archer and the female Captain of the other Warp 5 ship in the Season 4 Episode "Home" I'm watching them hike\backpack\climb and I notice those are the exact (or at least brand and style) of backpacks that each of us own.

                          Found a Screen Shot
                          Very kewl brother Spimman. I found out at a Trek convention that the jump-suit looking uniforms that the ENT crew donned were modified air-line mechanic uniforms. Theye didn't do the making of original costumes and props on ENT as much as they did with TNG, DS9 or VOY.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            The DS9 DVD black Box Set's are very sweet, one of the best looking and designed. Make sure you check out the "Special Features" stuff (each disc has a few hidden ones)

                            Other than The Muse and Bar Association (which I kind of like), there are no what I would consider bad episodes in DS9's season IV. You start out with The Way of the Warrior and The Visitor (both are brilliant) as the first two episodes of the season. There is also Little Green Men - Homefront - The Sword of Kahless - Paradise Lost - Accession - Hard Time - Shattered Mirror - The Quickening - just to name a few.

                            You're not kidding. This package is primo sleek. I like it.
                            And I'm also glad that season four was as you said the best season of Trek since the next generation. The best and last good season of Trek.


                              Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                              Riker is much less scary than Kirk.
                              Indeed!. Riker is tough as nail's but mostly a big teddy bear while Kirk is spastic and a loose gun.

                              I love your Kira as the Cardassian Iliana Ghemor avatar Iffy.
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Riker's also much hotter than Kirk.

