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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
    After thinking about this for longer than I will ever admit LOL - I'm leaning towards the point of view that Q's actions, in exposing the Enterprise to the Borg, did in the end help humanity and the Alpha Quadrant as a whole - It did advance our protection and weaponry technology by decades, while shaking us out of our comfortable zone. You can make compelling arguments either way, but for now, I'm on board you guy's.
    Welcome to the club.

    Even in DS9, Q said he's always being wrongly blamed, even Vash thought he was going to destroy the station. He kept hinting about Vash being more dangerous than himself but no one listened, then it turns out Vash was the danger with one her auction items. We hear about the bad stuff he's done, yet every time he shows up it's always for a good purpose and often involves a lesson in some way.

    Teaching Picard, teaching Amanda, teaching Sisko, he learnt a lesson about himself in Deathwish and of course teaching his son.



      Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
      Welcome to the club.

      Even in DS9, Q said he's always being wrongly blamed, even Vash thought he was going to destroy the station. He kept hinting about Vash being more dangerous than himself but no one listened, then it turns out Vash was the danger with one her auction items. We hear about the bad stuff he's done, yet every time he shows up it's always for a good purpose and often involves a lesson in some way.

      Teaching Picard, teaching Amanda, teaching Sisko, he learnt a lesson about himself in Deathwish and of course teaching his son.
      He's like the mischevious little boy who can't understand why others don't find his "pranks" funny. I had no patience with him--which is why i cheered when Sisko decked him. actually I always thought Q was Trelayne (Squire of Gothos) older but never truly grown up!


        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
        He's like the mischevious little boy who can't understand why others don't find his "pranks" funny. I had no patience with him--which is why i cheered when Sisko decked him. actually I always thought Q was Trelayne (Squire of Gothos) older but never truly grown up!
        but to be fair, a lot of the stuff he's blamed for he never did. The events that went on during Q-Less (DS9), the moon falling out of orbit during Deja Q, the anomaly during All Good Things, I want to say he was blamed for the supernovas too in Q and the Grey but not sure about that. He shows up, something happens, he gets blamed, it's not his fault, but he is still blamed anyway.



          Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
          but to be fair, a lot of the stuff he's blamed for he never did. The events that went on during Q-Less (DS9), the moon falling out of orbit during Deja Q, the anomaly during All Good Things, I want to say he was blamed for the supernovas too in Q and the Grey but not sure about that. He shows up, something happens, he gets blamed, it's not his fault, but he is still blamed anyway.
          True - The impact we (humanity/Picard) had on Q seemed to make him come around to being more of a helper than someone who causes trouble just for the sake of there own pleasure (which is basically what Q was doing before TNG). Both Picard and Sisko (to a less degree of course) helped shape the friendlier Q that visited Janeway and Voyager.

          Picard: (quoting Hamlet) ""And what he said with irony I prefer to say with conviction. "What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty. In form, in moving, how express and admirable. In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a god... ""
          Q: "You don't really see your species like that?!"
          Picard: "I see us one day becoming that, Q. Is that what concerns you?"
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
            but to be fair, a lot of the stuff he's blamed for he never did. The events that went on during Q-Less (DS9), the moon falling out of orbit during Deja Q, the anomaly during All Good Things, I want to say he was blamed for the supernovas too in Q and the Grey but not sure about that. He shows up, something happens, he gets blamed, it's not his fault, but he is still blamed anyway.
            Not Me used to live at my house too!


              I have a question that seemed to big/broad for the quiz thread. How does currency work within the Federation? I know I've heard Picard talk about humans no longer strive for material things, money and such...but how do humans/Federation engage in commerce with other cultures that obviously do still use currency?

              Small Example - Paying Quark and going on vacations.

              DS9 makes you ask these questions more than the other Star Trek shows because they are on a space station and not a Federation Star Ship.

              The further I go down this rabbit hole the more confused I can make myself...maybe I should just not think about it


                Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                I have a question that seemed to big/broad for the quiz thread. How does currency work within the Federation? I know I've heard Picard talk about humans no longer strive for material things, money and such...but how do humans/Federation engage in commerce with other cultures that obviously do still use currency?
                Great question! And it is confusing - There is a lot of gray area when it comes to the talk of the monetary system on Earth after the 23rd century. I think Nog probably descibed it best when he told Jake "It's not my fault that your species decided to abandon currency-based economics in favor of some philosophy of self-enhancement."

                I also know that money wasn't all together abandoned by all Human/Federation citizens -- Riker had a stash of Latinum he like to use while on vacation or to gamble with... Jake Sisko was starting to make money when he sold his book... Dr. Bashir kept a stash of Latinum as well for gambling purposes... And we also saw Jadzia us Latinum when gambling with Quark and other Ferengi.

                Originally posted by Spimman
                DS9 makes you ask these questions more than the other Star Trek shows because they are on a space station and not a Federation Star Ship
                Indeed it does!. The whole DS9 concept of being based on a space-station does offer a new and unique dynamic to the Trek franchise (the superior writing and acting helped a little as well).


                  Originally posted by Starbase View Post

                  I also know that money wasn't all together abandoned by all Human/Federation citizens -- Riker had a stash of Latinum he like to use while on vacation or to gamble with... Jake Sisko was starting to make money when he sold his book... Dr. Bashir kept a stash of Latinum as well for gambling purposes... And we also saw Jadzia us Latinum when gambling with Quark and other Ferengi.

                  Indeed it does!. The whole DS9 concept of being based on a space-station does offer a new and unique dynamic to the Trek franchise (the superior writing and acting helped a little as well).
                  That probably has something to do with DS9 being a Bajoran station and not a Federation one. The Bajorans definitly had money. I remember something about a currency system for trade with non-Federation races but I can't remember what it was called
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    That probably has something to do with DS9 being a Bajoran station and not a Federation one. The Bajorans definitly had money. I remember something about a currency system for trade with non-Federation races but I can't remember what it was called
                    That goes without saying brother jelgate, and I agree... The point I was trying to make was that -- some human's born and raised on Earth that travel the stars regularly (like Starfleet or Federation personnel), have shown interest in owning wealth or some kind of monies because most other worlds have a monetary system. Then you had some people (like Picard), that were dead-set against owning any wealth and dismissed all monetary systems as obsolete.

                    Starfleet personnel did earn and receive a salary through the 24rth century, or at least some did.


                      Thanks guys!

                      It kind of throws economics into a tailspin. How would Sisko's Dad's restaurant operate? With replicators I would think farms would be few and far between, and then with no money why would his restaurant get supplies over another one and if it costs nothing to eat there how do you decide who can eat there with overcrowding and such...that is one trip down the rabbit hole that gives me a headache.

                      I would think Starships and such just would keep a vault with supplies of currency to hand out to crew members when they stopped at places where it was needed.

                      And with the ability to replicate complex materials, what would stop someone from creating money?

                      OK I better stop before my head explodes!


                        S1 E08 - "Dax"

                        This was a really awesome episode. I bet for a first time viewer this episode would be one where you would be filling in so many gaps about the relationship between Sisko and Curzon vs Jadzia. This episode was a really good look into the Trill joining and how Dax is different yet the same, and hopefully (I don't remember the details of DS9 so well) will be a pivotal step in Sisko accepting Jadzia as Dax without the awkward feelings he has had. Jadzia withholding the affair even though Curzon was dead to preserve the memory of a former love and a former friend was admirable and touching, I found the episode to be very exciting considering there really wasn't a lot of action...technically speaking (other than the initial kidnapping attempt, which was really cool!) All in all I really liked this episode, likely will be one of my favorite Season 1 episodes!


                          I think that the monetary system of Earth was done away with, but perhaps not the Federation itself. There are other non Federation worlds that trade could be done with, but while Earth itself did not have a monetary system, the Federation could have limited dealings using gold press latinum while everything on Earth is free and done for a higher cause (similar to Starfleet).
                          Last edited by SaberBlade; 19 July 2010, 01:06 PM.



                            I always saw the "no money issue" as one of Roddenberry's failed utopian ideals. so much of what he wanted in the early TNG seasons were simply not feasible. So I ignore that part of his "canon". yes I will shift the "facts of cannon" to suit myself from time to time! after all how did Bashir's folks get the money to pay for his enchancement also who even drinks the wine picard's brother makes? (remember all they drink is synthihol)!


                              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                              I always saw the "no money issue" as one of Roddenberry's failed utopian ideals. so much of what he wanted in the early TNG seasons were simply not feasible. So I ignore that part of his "canon". yes I will shift the "facts of cannon" to suit myself from time to time! after all how did Bashir's folks get the money to pay for his enchancement also who even drinks the wine picard's brother makes? (remember all they drink is synthihol)!
                              Thats not true. Synthihol is all that is served on starships but I have yet to see anything to say that people in the Federation don't drink other alcohol beverages. I will not disagree the moment of no currency made little realastic sense because it does
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Please note these reviews will be a little shorter then normal. Sorry but its due having to review so many at once. Contrary to popular belief I have a life

                                For the Cause

                                Ah look Sisko and Kassidy in a loving perfect life. Of course thier is no such thing as perfect on DS9. Here is where you enter Odo and Eddington saying they suspect Kassidy as a Maquis smuggler. Its something you almost forget about. Since the Klingion-Cardassian War broke out we forget about the Maquis but they are still out there defending their home so I like seeing them return to an episode. While its fun seeing the DS9 crew track down and prove Kassidy is a smuggler its pretty predictible and feels like going through the motions. Its more fun seeing Sisko struggle with his love for Kassidy and his duty. But I can overlook the predictible nature nature for the huge twist of Cmdr. Eddington being a Maquis spy. I remember first seeing this episode and my jaw drop. While we don't always agree with him Eddington always came off as a person you could trust. He always did his duty. That is until now which is why the ending is quite a shocker.

                                If the A plot is about plot development then the B plot of Garek and Ziyal is a about the B plot. Its about two outcasts coming together and forming a frienship and trying to get together. It has that sweet quota because society deems they should stay apart but the two form a friendship with one another because of their isolation and just wanting to see someone who would understand.

                                To The Death

                                One problem is S4 is that thier seems to be a severe lack of Dominion episodes. Thats what fun about this episode. Thier is a severe lack of action until the episode in the physical sense. Its about the prepartion of the battle and the Jem'Hadar and StarFleet trying to get along. You would think that get boring but it doesn't. Because while we are learning about the Jem'Hadar don't eat or their strict emphasis on following orders or their philosphy on victory or death we see them conflicting with the StarFleet and that conflict is what drives the episode. That and Weyoun. Because Weyoun is always fun to watch. We know he is the enemy because he feels like those smooth talking politicians who is almost your friends because of pseudokindess he shows everyone. The battle scene at the end is kind of pointless except to finish the plot of destroying the Iconian gateway. The part of the Iconian gateway causing the Jem'Hadar and Defiant crew to merge is what makes this episode shine.

                                The Quickening

                                Ah Bashir senses a diease and must use his brain to solve a problem to find a cure. Its almost a DS9 cliche. But this is different enough to peak my interest. For one the people who have given up on finding a cure for blight. Its interesting for me to see the people oppose Bashir wanting to help them finding a cure and wanting to die. You have to wonder what kind of of ordeal these people must have gone through to give up on life so much. Thats what fun abou this episode. Watching the people oppose Bashir trying to make them better.

                                Not to mention the character insight of Bashir. Before I mention Bashir it seems Dax is in this episode nothing more to get insight into who Bashir is. She seems to have no practical purpose with Kira being an overglorfied pilot. But back to Bashir its an interesting insight to have him get cocky of finding a cure and then turn to almost depressed state when his cure is making them even more sick. Even when the story is resolved its bittersweet as Bashir's cure only works in the long one since only the offspring is saved and not the people already infected. Its kind of a sad episode to have Bashir see his limitation and how much he is depressed those people are still suffering. A powerful episode into Bashir's psychie but also a sad episode.

                                This is another episode where Quark should have been thrown in the brig.

                                Body Parts

                                I normally don't like Quark episodes. You all know why but this episode is the exception to the rule. With Quark selling his body because he thought he was dying and then finding out he is going to live only to have Brunt demand the sale remains raises a moral deliema for Quark. And I like that as Quark soul searches what is more important, his life or Ferengi culture. Its a no-win situation and still fun to see especially given the lasting reprecusions the events of this episode.

                                Even more fun to me is how the writer's put Keiko's baby in Kira for the real life pregnancy of Nana Visitor. Its was interesting to see Kira adjust to pregnant life and ultimately moving in with the O'Briens. In simplest term she is a surrogate mother and it was an interesting turn for Kira. I'd like seeing her adjust to this new life and chuckled when Molly called her Aunt Nerys. It was not a groundbreaking episode like the previous reviewed but fun to watch

                                Broken Link

                                This is one of those incidents where as an episode Broken Link is quite a good and interesting episode but as a season finale its weak. It lacks suspense at the end making a lack of wow for the start of season five.

                                But as an episode of Odo's character arc, not to mention the Dominion threat on the Alpha Quadrant its fun. It show a vulnerable side of Odo. Odo has always been a proud man dedicated to his work and very solitary. Its weird for him to depend on others namely Bashir. Thier is a little bit of playing through the motions with Odo sick and going to the Great Link to be cured. Its a little easy of a progression

                                Although we can't go wrong when Salmone Jens reprising her role as the Female Shapeshifter. I love her coldness. Its so simple to her. Odo harmed a Changeling and must be judged for the crime. No compassion for the situation he is in. I love that about her and what she brings to the character. Almost as much I like the final result of Odo being a Solid. It was interesting to see him change.

                                Garek asking a Female Shapeshifter about the Cardassian survivors and then Garek wanting to use the quantum torpedos to destroy the Founders homeworld is fun but I have to ask, "What is the point?" It seems pointless to me. Almost as pointless as the end when Gowron declares war on the Federation. It seems tacked on and serve no point but for to give a story for the season 5 premiere.

                                Apocolaypse Rising

                                This is also an episode that is good but it lacks to wow me. Its fun to see Sisko and the group pose as Klingions to expose Gowron as a Changeling and going through the motions of sneaking aboard a Klingion station and then waiting for Gowron to appear. It keeps me entertained but nothing shocking or exciting happen. Not even Worf's coaching of Klingion etiquette. That changes when Gowron appear and the crew is arrested by Gen. Martok. That is what redeems the episode. Its the twist of Martok being the Changeling. Not only that but the way the twist is found out to help a depressed Odo get used to his new life. It helps Odo comes to terms to what has happened.
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

