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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
    I'm not denying that, but I have never read or heard anything of the sort about John deLancie. As a matter of fact what I read about him is that everyone from TNG and VOY that worked with deLancie loved the guy, especially Kate Mulgrew (Janeway).

    What I have read about Q's quick departure from the DS9 universe was - the writers really wanted to establish themselves as being separate from TNG - They felt that the DS9 storyline was strong enough that they didn't have to play the Q-card for ratings like VOY did. And boy were they right!
    He was only on a few episodes. Less then TNG. I wouldn't go that far to say they only had him on for ratings. That's kinda silly.


      Originally posted by Starbase
      Silly how? VOY was scrambling for ratings quite often throughout its wonderful 7 year run - that is one of the main reasons why they brought 7 of 9 aboard, and she did end up boosting the ratings quite a bit. VOY also used the Borg and Q around sweeps time (very selective timing), that alone tells you a lot.

      Oh yeah brother Alan is a huge a VOY fan, no wonder he's defending it just teasing my friend. Don't get me wrong - VOY is 2nd only to DS9 in my book as far as Trek goes. VOY is also in my top 5 scifi series of all-time. But like all television shows (scifi or otherwise) - they ALL use rating ploys by bringing back beloved characters (ie. Q), or a known entity (ie. Borg), to boost there ratings. TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT all did it. There is nothing really wrong with it, and it really doesn't bother me at all.
      I just think it's a little unfair to call the appearance of someone in 3? episodes a ratings ploy. I'd like to think he was there to add a good story.


        Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
        He was only on a few episodes. Less then TNG. I wouldn't go that far to say they only had him on for ratings. That's kinda silly.
        Silly how? VOY was scrambling for ratings quite often throughout its wonderful 7 year run - that is one of the main reasons why they brought 7 of 9 aboard, and she did end up boosting the ratings quite a bit. VOY also used the Borg and Q around sweeps time (very selective timing), that alone tells you a lot. It's actually a very big compliment to said character and actor! Q was sweeps week worthy.

        Oh yeah brother Alan is a huge a VOY fan, no wonder he's defending it just teasing my friend. Don't get me wrong - VOY is 2nd only to DS9 in my book as far as Trek goes. VOY is also in my top 5 scifi series of all-time. But like all television shows (scifi or otherwise) - they ALL use rating ploys by bringing back beloved characters (ie. Q), or a known entity (ie. Borg), to boost there ratings. TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT all did it. There is nothing really wrong with it, and it really doesn't bother me at all.


          Hard Time
          It nice to see the writers came up with a storyline worthy of Colm Meany's talent. The idea wasn't terrifically original: reminded me of "Ex Post Facto" from VOY, and of "Tribunal" from DS9. But the execution was superb. I have only one complaint, and it's the same one I had at the end of "The Visitor": an event like this should change a man's life, but I get we get the same old chief we know and love in a couple of weeks. No lasting repercussions from having a life condensed into a few minutes.

          The interweaving of past and present was particularly effective, since we needed to see what was going on in O'Brien's head to have a real sense of his pain. I thought the other characters reacted admirably: Sisko intervened just when he needed to (though I don't much like the ease with which we're led to believe he and Kira agreed to O'Brien's torture), Bashir really showed how much more empathetic a person he is now than a few years ago, and for once, I believed Miles and Keiko actually mean something to one another.

          I'm not completely clear on the role of Ee'char - O'Brien's conscience or his dark side? The Chief's always been a sort of geeky Everyman, which I mean in the best possible way - he's a little stuffy and serious about his job, but he likes a good drink and a good fight, he's interested in history, he can play a mean game of darts. He's not someone I'd expect to have a lot of hidden hatred or lack of self-worth. I wished there were more references on the series to his feelings of anger about Cardassians left over from his TNG experiences with Captains Maxwell and Picard. Overall a very good character piece.


            Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
            I just think it's a little unfair to call the appearance of someone in 3? episodes a ratings ploy. I'd like to think he was there to add a good story.
            I hear ya, and I'm not belittling it. But you don't want to ever under-estimate the power of the Q

            When I knew a Q episode was coming (whether on TNG or VOY) during there original airing - I was extra excited about watching it that week. He is probably the best and most interesting part-time character from any scifi series or franchise ever (and I don't say the lightly). Heck I was a fan of John deLancie when he played Eugene on Days of Our Lives long before TNG ever aired.


              Ratings ploy is just the way of network TV. Happen all the time. How much you want to bet Thomas Riker in Defiant was a ratings ploy. Heck Q in DS9 was a ratings ploys. The writers have admitted that a lot of DS9's episodes had TNG characters as ratings ploy.
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                The Muse

                Can I have my hour back? I still believe this has to be the worst episode in DS9 history. The notion of an enity sapping the electricity of Jake's brain by increasing his creativity is so absurd and makes very little sense. Furthemore the whole thing of him with that enity is dull. Watching him in the entity's room is boring. Not to mention thier seems to be little conflict in this plot and they resolve way to easily with the entity flying away into space. Boring

                The Lwaxana/Odo story is a little better but it seems like we have already been here. The overall story of Odo marrying Lwaxana while the plot is to escape a marriage is to show Odo growing close to her. But as we know she pulls away from Odo because not because she doesn't love him but because Odo is in love with Kira. And it seems we already went through this in Fascination. So both plots were weak and boring
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  Ratings ploy is just the way of network TV. Happen all the time. How much you want to bet Thomas Riker in Defiant was a ratings ploy. Heck Q in DS9 was a ratings ploys. The writers have admitted that a lot of DS9's episodes had TNG characters as ratings ploy.
                  Indeed they are. Look at DS9 bringing on Worf - the producers of the show made no bones about admitting that they brought him on board to help boost ratings (that doesn't make the move any less brilliant after how wonderully awesome Worf/Dorn was on DS9). They admitted as much when they introduced 7 of 9 and the Borg to VOY, not to mention using Counselor Troi and Barclay, who were used only during sweeps week. Post O'Neill Stagate did the same thing by bringing in O'Neill during different sweep weeks. Heck SGU just did the samething by using Richard Dean Anderson and the O'Neill character for there season finale arc.

                  I'm sorry if I ruffled your feathers brother Alan, I didn't mean to put down VOY or espcially 7 of 9. Like brother Starbase, I love VOY and especially Jerri Ryan's portrayal of the lovely and talented ex-Borg drone. She turned what could have been a rather mundane character into one of the most Dynamic scifi characters ever!
                  Last edited by USS Defiant; 14 July 2010, 05:44 PM.
                  The USS Defiant Rocks!


                    Shattered Mirror

                    I'd be lying if I said Shattered Mirror is a standout accomplishment in skilled writing or character development, it's not. But I'd also be lying if I said this show isn't a wonderfully gleeful diversion. It's good comic book - big, dumb, sensationally simplistic, and fun.

                    The premise? Well, like any comic book, it's about good versus evil. More specifically, the mirror version of Jennifer Sisko comes to "our" side and kidnaps Jake to the mirror side. Sisko crosses over to retrieve his son, and finds himself kidnapped by the rebellion and enlisted to help them. "Smiley" O'Brien brings him up to date on current events (the rebels have driven the Alliance off of Terok Nor, claimed the station for themselves, and imprisoned Intendant Kira). O'Brien insists Sisko help them put some necessary finishing touches on the Defiant they have built (courtesy of some stolen schematics from DS9 on the other side).

                    The plot (what little bit of it there is) takes a while to get fully underway, but when dealing with mirror characters, that's all the better. In all honesty, even if this show had nothing going for it other than its reversed role-playing, it would probably still be worth watching simply because of the opportunity to see the cast in neat costumes while delivering enjoyable dialogue.

                    The episode's first four acts center around the Preparation for the Battle between Good and Evil. Mired in here somewhere is a somewhat interesting angle involving Jake's fascination of meeting his "mother" and his kid-like misconception of realism. He gets caught up in this fantasy-like world, and seems blind to the dangers of it.
                    The USS Defiant Rocks!


                      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                      I'm sorry if I ruffled your feathers brother Alan, I didn't mean to put down VOY or espcially 7 of 9. Like brother Starbase, I love VOY and especially Jerri Ryan's portrayal of the lovely and talented ex-Borg drone. She turned what could have been a rather mundane character into one of the most Dynamic scifi characters ever!
                      Who are we kidding? It was her catsuit
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by USS Defiant
                        I was going to skip The Muse, but since you rewatched it and typed something out for it, I case I can do the samething. I will give it a re-looksy tomorrow afternoon during my day off.

                        That to!, hubba hubba lololol
                        Don't bother. I'm going away for the weekend and we'll have watched many DS9 when I get back. Watch those instead. I'll probably get to S5
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          The Muse -- Can I have my hour back? I still believe this has to be the worst episode in DS9 history.
                          lololol amen brother jelgate! Although I would argue that Profit and Lace is the worst DS9 episode of the lot. The Emperor's New Cloak from season 7 is also pretty forgettable.

                          I was going to skip The Muse, but since you rewatched it and typed something out for it, I case I can do the samething. I will give it a re-looksy tomorrow afternoon during my day off.

                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          Who are we kidding? It was her catsuit
                          That to!, hubba hubba lololol Even my wife compliments how hot she looks every time we watch VOY, how hot is that!
                          The USS Defiant Rocks!


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            Don't bother. I'm going away for the weekend and we'll have watched many DS9 when I get back. Watch those instead. I'll probably get to S5
                            I got nothing better to do manana. I was going to watch Warehouse-13 and Eureka, I got plenty of time to squeeze in The Muse.
                            The USS Defiant Rocks!


                              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                              I'm not denying that, but I have never read or heard anything of the sort about John deLancie. As a matter of fact what I read about him is that everyone from TNG and VOY that worked with deLancie loved the guy, especially Kate Mulgrew (Janeway).

                              What I have read about Q's quick departure from the DS9 universe was - the writers really wanted to establish themselves as being separate from TNG - They felt that the DS9 storyline was strong enough that they didn't have to play the Q-card for ratings like VOY did. And boy were they right!
                              I think that Q would have really been out of place in DS9 aside from the one episode. He and Picard had an interesting rapport that wasn't altogether antagonistic, especially near the end of TNG. But a good Q story on DS9? I don't think that would have worked out otherwise. Perhaps he could have provided an interesting view on the Prophets (especially with Q inside the wormhole) but aside from something like that, he didn't have a bond with any of the DS9 characters the way he had the ties with Picard and Janeway.


                                Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                                I think that Q would have really been out of place in DS9 aside from the one episode. He and Picard had an interesting rapport that wasn't altogether antagonistic, especially near the end of TNG. But a good Q story on DS9? I don't think that would have worked out otherwise. Perhaps he could have provided an interesting view on the Prophets (especially with Q inside the wormhole) but aside from something like that, he didn't have a bond with any of the DS9 characters the way he had the ties with Picard and Janeway.
                                No rapport with DS9 crew?

                                He had a boxing match with Sisko. Epic
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

