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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    aw right folks. How's my superior friends....and Jelgate doing
    lolol Hi there Lady Linda. Keep on giving brother jelgate a hard time in honor of us Quark and Ferengi loving fans.


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      LOL, a big part of me agrees with what I think you were trying to saying. As much as I would have loved an 8th season of DS9 - Maybe RDM and the other writers vision of a post Dominion-War rebuild season might have been somewhat of a let-down - That being said, there is also the chance that a post Dominion-War season might have turned out to be equally as brilliant as the rest of the series (the storyline idea's that RDM purposed sounded pretty sweet). They nailed it with the way the war was wrapped up and how they ended the series in season VII, so why mess with a masterpiece.
      My biggest fear would be after season 7 they would have created news arcs and new villians to give tension to the DS9 characters and have the show cancelled and we get a SG1 situation where the show is done but the main plot is unfinished. I'm happy that all the major arcs were finished. Of course some minor ones were never completed but I understand that goes with TV not some stories get drop. Although the parasites in S1 of TNG never coming to completion does annoy me. That was such an interesting story
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        Then there was the storyline that RDM talked about where a faction of Jem'Hadar wanted to break free from the Founders and form there own society and government and actually be allies to the Federation under the adamant protest of the Founders who even after surrendering, are still proving to be pain in the Federations side (very kewl!).

        But the coup de gras was a multiple-episode series ending (8th season) storyline, that had the man himself Benjamin Sisko coming back to corporeal form, hooking back up with Kassidy and Jake while resuming his Starfleet career and commander of DS9 and his role as Emissary to Bajor.
        I remember that particular covention brother Fifth, that was probably the best one we ever attended (great post by the way!). RDM had attended a couple different San Francisco Trek conventions but when he showed up with storyline idea's for a potential 8th season of DS9, he had the attention of every single DS9 fan at that show.

        Personally I loved the independent Jem'Hadar storyline the most. The writers realized just how cool and well liked the Jem'Hadar were among us fans, so they wanted to capitalize on that if they did do an 8th season. It also offered the opportunity to bring the Founders back into the mix, which would have also brought back Salome Jens as the Female Shapeshifter (who Federation still has under incarceration). They would have used her to help negotiate a treaty between the Federation and the newly established independent Jem'Hadar colony they established in the Alpha Quadrant. I remember someone asked would this have been enough to let the Federation release the Female Shapeshifter to back to her home planet - which RDM quite coyly said - "maybe".

        Also like brother Fifth stated - "the coup de gras" was a series ending multiple episode arc that had Sisko taking his corporeal form, under the scrutiny of his fellow Prophets, to rejoin Starfleet and his family on DS9. Sisko would reason with his fellow Prophets that even in times of peace Bajor and it's people still need an Emissary - and that it wouldn't hurt to have someone to speak for the Prophets and protect the Celestial Temple from the outside, and of course he still loved Kassidy and his family. Apparently Avery Brooks agreed to appear in the 3 final episodes to play out this wonderful storyline.

        As cool all this sounds, personally I am fine with the way the series did end. Although after hearing the great storylines the writers had planned for an 8th season, I have little doubt that a post Dominion war season would have been as equally fantastic as the rest of the series.


          Originally posted by Starbase View Post
          lolol Hi there Lady Linda. Keep on giving brother jelgate a hard time in honor of us Quark and Ferengi loving fans.
          Oh I don't need an excuse to annoy him. I do that anyway


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            (Re-Posted from the Previous Page)
            As a regular at all the local Star Trek conventions starting from the 1980's through today, I have probably been to over 20 (here in San Francisco where I live), including at least 4 that were dedicated to DS9 (my very favorite Scifi show of all-time).

            At one show (circa 1999) right after DS9 was ending it's amazing 7 season run - Ronald D Moore was a guest speaker where he told the crowd that "the powers that be" at Paramount were prepared to give DS9 an 8th season. Which RDM and the other writers were willing to do, but Paramount wanted them to extend the Dominion War another season while RDM and the other writers wanted to end the war and focus an 8th and final season on "Post Dominion War Re-Build and Alpha Quadrant Politics". The start of 8th season would have started approximately 2+ years after the end of the Dominion War where the whole Alpha Quadrant is still in a rebuilding mode.

            (Potential Story-Lines for an 8th Season of DS9)
            Some of the storylines RDM talked about for his vision of a post Dominion-War had Nana Visitor and Michael Dorn both coming back for an 8th season - They had Kira joining Starfleet and keeping her field commission rank of Commander while she takes over Sisko's job as head of DS9 (the station itself) - Worf ditches his Ambassador role and resumes his Starfleet career and second in command of DS9. And Bajor finally joins the Federation as a full-fledged member. They also had Julian, Ezri, Quark, Martok, Garak, Rom, Nog and even Jake Sisko coming back to play there roles again.

            There was mention of the Romulans playing a big role by being there usual surly selves and exploiting the power vacuum the war created (another-words the same ole from the Romulans, which I was glad to hear).

            Then there was the storyline that RDM talked about where a faction of Jem'Hadar wanted to break free from the Founders and form there own society and government and actually be allies to the Federation under the adamant protest of the Founders who even after surrendering, are still proving to be pain in the Federations side (very kewl!).

            Another interesting storyline (they're all interesting!) revolved around the rebuilding of Cardassia involving Garak and Kira who try to mend the fences between the Cardassian and Bajoran people, which might lead to them finding a lasting peace (he left that storyline open to lead us in the crowd to believe that it might or might not happen).

            But the coup de gras was a multiple-episode series ending (8th season) storyline, that had the man himself Benjamin Sisko coming back to corporeal form, hooking back up with Kassidy and Jake while resuming his Starfleet career and commander of DS9 and his role as Emissary to Bajor.

            As much as I loved the way they ended DS9 (the entire series was off the hook great!), I would have absolutely loved an 8th season with the vision of RDM and company had.
            I would want 9 seasons of DS9.

            In the Eighth Season would be about the destabilized Alpha Quadrant subcombing to Pirates and the smaller Governments like the Tholians, Tellar and the Tzinkethi. The Federation Romulan Secret gets out which cause the Romulans to withdraw from the Alliance and the subsquent take over of Cardassian Space as compensation of the War. The Federation's economy built on prestige would become unstable due to spreading distrust in Federation methods and the introduction of Mass amounts of Gold Pressed Latitnum which is illegal for Federation businesses to use between each other.

            The season Finale would be the Destruction of the Tower of Commerce by the Orion Syndicate and Orion and several Border World Leave the Federation because of Star Fleet's severely diminsihed capacity.


              That would set up for the INCONIC 9th Season of Deep Space Nine or a Deep Space Nine Movie.


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                My biggest fear would be after season 7 they would have created news arcs and new villians to give tension to the DS9 characters and have the show cancelled and we get a SG1 situation where the show is done but the main plot is unfinished. I'm happy that all the major arcs were finished. Of course some minor ones were never completed but I understand that goes with TV not some stories get drop. Although the parasites in S1 of TNG never coming to completion does annoy me. That was such an interesting story
                apparantly the original plan was for the parasites to be the first part of a borg invasion, initially the borg were intended to be an insectoid race but when that didnt happen the parasites no longer fitted, they featured in some of the ds9 novels, which established them as an offshoot of the trill, a science experiment gone wrong


                  Originally posted by dosed150 View Post
                  apparantly the original plan was for the parasites to be the first part of a borg invasion, initially the borg were intended to be an insectoid race but when that didnt happen the parasites no longer fitted, they featured in some of the ds9 novels, which established them as an offshoot of the trill, a science experiment gone wrong
                  I'm well aware what the intent of the parasistes were but it still bugs me that were never finished. When they went a different angle with the Borg they could have fitted the parasites in a different storyline. Its one of those unfinished storyline that bugs me. It also bugs me the Vaadwaur from VOY was never resolved.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                    I would want 9 seasons of DS9. In the Eighth Season would be about the destabilized Alpha Quadrant subcombing to Pirates and the smaller Governments like the Tholians, Tellar and the Tzinkethi. The Federation Romulan Secret gets out which cause the Romulans to withdraw from the Alliance and the subsquent take over of Cardassian Space as compensation of the War. The Federation's economy built on prestige would become unstable due to spreading distrust in Federation methods and the introduction of Mass amounts of Gold Pressed Latitnum which is illegal for Federation businesses to use between each other.

                    The season Finale would be the Destruction of the Tower of Commerce by the Orion Syndicate and Orion and several Border World Leave the Federation because of Star Fleet's severely diminsihed capacity.
                    Not bad brother Sasquist, you have some interesting idea's about a post Dominion-War Alpha Quadrant. I particularly like the Orion Syndicate story-line.

                    How about something to do with Section 31. There was a lot left up in the air when it came to that dubious organization. You had to believe that Section 31 didn't just fold-up and completely disappear after Agent Sloan was killed. I wonder just how many people he was able to recruit, like Dr. Bashir, that were genetically enhanced. It's a pretty scary thought to think of a group of genetically enhanced secret agents, with there superior strength and re-flexes to go along with the uber brain-power, being under the control of Section 31.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      Not bad brother Sasquist, you have some interesting idea's about a post Dominion-War Alpha Quadrant. I particularly like the Orion Syndicate story-line.

                      How about something to do with Section 31. There was a lot left up in the air when it came to that dubious organization. You had to believe that Section 31 didn't just fold-up and completely disappear after Agent Sloan was killed. I wonder just how many people he was able to recruit, like Dr. Bashir, that were genetically enhanced. It's a pretty scary thought to think of a group of genetically enhanced secret agents, with there superior strength and re-flexes to go along with the uber brain-power, being under the control of Section 31.
                      You know if DS9 is an example genetic engineered is that good. Sure thier smart but they seem to lack common sense brains. As for Section 31 I would be more then happy to see how that is concluded. They put the Tal Shar and Obscidian Order to shame in subterfuge
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Greetings from Digi's Mirror Universe counterpart. I do, in fact, have a goatee and wear a dagger on my waist. Look at me the wrong way and I'll send you to the Agony Booth.
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                          Not bad brother Sasquist, you have some interesting idea's about a post Dominion-War Alpha Quadrant. I particularly like the Orion Syndicate story-line.
                          Thanks I appreciate that.
                          I think it's the perfect play because of the power vacuum. It think it would make the most interesting two Season of DS9. The War felt short so if it has to have a ending so quick then that should mean there is a lot to rap up

                          How about something to do with Section 31. There was a lot left up in the air when it came to that dubious organization. You had to believe that Section 31 didn't just fold-up and completely disappear after Agent Sloan was killed. I wonder just how many people he was able to recruit, like Dr. Bashir, that were genetically enhanced. It's a pretty scary thought to think of a group of genetically enhanced secret agents, with there superior strength and re-flexes to go along with the uber brain-power, being under the control of Section 31.
                          That would be for season number 9.
                          I would have a new Captain take over DS9 I named him...Galo Saldivia in my story. (Yes Latin) He turns out to be a S-31 Agent
                          The last season would deal with the Prophets leaving Bajor forever, which starts by removing the all the Orbs but the Orb of Prophecy and Change, dismantling the Fire Caves, the final Fight between Kira, Jake vs. Kostamogen and his pah wraiths on the surface of Bajor (Series Finale) and the complete collapse of the wormhole.
                          Saldiva helps to Avert Civil War. Benjamin Sisko returns in the end to save Kira and Prophet within the Orb of Prophecy and Change that will destroy the pah wraiths forever.

                          In this season S-31 becomes more of the good guys....but not completely good.
                          I haven't put a lot of thought into this season possibilities because it would be heavily dominated by the Prophets returning Bajor to the people and the chaos that is created from the release and the destruction of the false prophets.


                            Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                            Thanks I appreciate that.
                            I think it's the perfect play because of the power vacuum. It think it would make the most interesting two Season of DS9. The War felt short so if it has to have a ending so quick then that should mean there is a lot to rap up

                            That would be for season number 9.
                            I would have a new Captain take over DS9 I named him...Galo Saldivia in my story. (Yes Latin) He turns out to be a S-31 Agent
                            The last season would deal with the Prophets leaving Bajor forever, which starts by removing the all the Orbs but the Orb of Prophecy and Change, dismantling the Fire Caves, the final Fight between Kira, Jake vs. Kostamogen and his pah wraiths on the surface of Bajor (Series Finale) and the complete collapse of the wormhole.Saldiva helps to Avert Civil War. Benjamin Sisko returns in the end to save Kira and Prophet within the Orb of Prophecy and Change that will destroy the pah wraiths forever.

                            In this season S-31 becomes more of the good guys....but not completely good.
                            I haven't put a lot of thought into this season possibilities because it would be heavily dominated by the Prophets returning Bajor to the people and the chaos that is created from the release and the destruction of the false prophets.
                            I would hate this idea. It would betray everything we know of the Prophets
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by dosed150 View Post
                              personally i would have been happy with a season dealing with the aftermath of the dominion war, wanted to see how the federation changed after the events of what you leave behind and endgame but all we got was nemesis, and another 24th century series would have been a much better choice than enterprise, instead were left hanging, the alpha quadrant lies in ruin but the federation is more powerful than ever, theyve scored major victories against the 2 strongest foes theyve encountered and expanded their influence, i'd much rather of seen all that than enterprise
                              I agree that a series dealing with the post-war Alpha and Beta Quadrants would have been great. I enjoyed Enterprise (especially seasons 3 and 4), but it could have waited for better closure after the war.

                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                              (Re-Posted from the Previous Page)
                              But the coup de gras was a multiple-episode series ending (8th season) storyline, that had the man himself Benjamin Sisko coming back to corporeal form, hooking back up with Kassidy and Jake while resuming his Starfleet career and commander of DS9 and his role as Emissary to Bajor.
                              That would have been awesome. I would have loved to see Sisko back on the TV. I enjoyed the DS9 Millennium trilogy that was written but none of the other DS9 novels really read right. "Invasion! Book 3: Time's Enemy" was a good one (mainly I just love time travel stories though).
                              "Goodbye Eli Wallace, you're a good man."
                              - imlad, from


                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                I would hate this idea. It would betray everything we know of the Prophets

                                Always felt that the prophets were there because of their own error and that Bajor was merely an innocent bystandard in the conflict with the pah wraiths and once the conflict was resoluved Bajor would stand on it's own....Not with the Federation. I would end the series with the Bajorans and the Cardassians and elements of certain individuals of the maquis forming the center of a Government that would rival the Federation in stability.

                                I think that's where the Bajorans belong their civilization started much earlier than even the vulcans, they mastered warp flight . I think they have a grand future and frankly the Federations shouldn't be the only peaceful organization in the Galaxy and the Bajorans don't deserve to always be under the heal of the Federation or anyone else. I believe they are leaders.

