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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
    Ahh, so it's fresh in your memory. I really envy you brother Alan. You have this wonderfully epic series (DS9) with 7 full seasons of episodes you have yet to view. Enjoy the ride, and I look forward to chatting about anything and everything DS9 and Trek related.

    Also, I have a handful of "Ringer Questions" I created last night. I watched some TNG, DS9 and VOY. And in the spirit of brother Fifth, who likes to give us choices, is there any prefernce on which series you want the question from?.
    Try Voyager, as I'm most familiar with that series

    Actually, maybe a mix of both TNG and Voyager? to test my knowledge of something i'm not so familiar with too.


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      I happened to watch it last night as part of my rewatch and said quote happen to stick in my head
      Great stuff. You picked a quote that wasn't generic, and it sounded like it could have come from a handful of different characters from any of the various Trek series. ^5
      Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
      Try Voyager, as I'm most familiar with that series
      Actually, maybe a mix of both TNG and Voyager? to test my knowledge of something i'm not so familiar with too.
      You got it. I will post 2 "ringer questions" - 1 about VOY and 1 about TNG. Hopefully they will be challenging enough, it's very hard to stump brother jelgate.
      The USS Defiant Rocks!


        Past Prologue

        Episode #3

        A kira centered episode

        Introduced to the character of Garrek here! And oh my, what an uncomfortable and awkward introduction it is. Garrek proceeds to introduce himself to a rather, uncomfortable, and squirrelly looking Bashier. Seemingly only appearing to be friends? but maybe he's a little bit too friendly? The way Garrek talks and acts... makes it appear to seem like he has other motivates. Bashier obvisouly doesn't trust him, as he accuses him of being a spy only moments later after the meeting ! this was a silly scene, but it had me chuckling a bit

        The plot of this episode starts to take shape when a Bajoran ship is seen fleeing from a Cardassian ship, which is firing apon it. After the Cardassian's recently left the Bajoran people to there own fate, one is only left wondering, "what the heck is going on now?"

        The bajoran scout ship requests help. Lucky for the occupant, O'Brien was able to beam him out only seconds before the destruction his vessel.

        The person feeling from the attack? Tahna Los. a known member of the terrorist organization, the Kohn-Ma. And an old friend of Major Kira...

        Tahna Los, having recently been released from prison on Bajor following the formation of the new government, requests political asylum aboard DS9. Sisko grants this request, having no other option, and trusting Tahna Los that he indeed has changed his ways.

        Apparently Kira and Tahna fought together in the underground resistance. No doubt they have a friendship built up because of this. This causes rifts in the episode, that test both friendships... and loyalty to duty. Does she stick to her command post? Or help an old friend?

        This also gives us a greater insight into the character of Kira. How far she's willing to go to do what she believes is right... and not what necessarily is right. Her morality comes into play here.

        Back to the episode.. Tahna is accused of horrible crimes against the Cardassian people. Which is ironic in itself isn't it?

        Commander Sisko is debating the issue of handing Tahna over to Cardassian's, or letting him go. Kira is obviously infuriated with the idea that he could possibly even be considering handing him over. She goes over his head at this point, bringing the issue to another commander at Star Fleet. This shows how much respect she has for Sisko at this point in the show... which is very little.

        At this point in the episode, everyone is against the Cardassian trying to get Tahna, and on the side of him... a terrorist.

        As the episode moves forward... it's clear that Tahna has not left his terrorist acts behind him though...

        Meanwhile... the Duras sisters! TNG anyone?

        Garrek comes back into play here... as a cardassian, he's a great source of information regarding all things "trouble", and he proceeds to inform Bashier that Tahna and the Duras sisters are involved in a dealing.

        Tahna is apparently looking for a transaction to secure him materials that could be used to build a bomb. Although the Duras sisters are planning on giving him the supplies, they intend on double crossing him... and handing him over to the cardassians for a price. Typical move.

        Tahna plays on Kira's feelings, and tries ( with success ) to get her to help him with his mission. Claiming the mission he wants to do... is nonviolent.

        Having stolen a shuttle craft, Kira and Tahna set course to complete the mission. Tahna's plan all along? destroy the worm-hole. With a slight battle on-board between Kira and Tahna, he loses his bomb... and plans.

        In the final scenes of the episode, he accuses Kira of being a terrator... and has he walks away in hand-cuffs, she looks onto Sisko. No doubt feeling like she betrayed him as well.

        My final thoughts?

        Pretty good episode! although I didn't really care for it much. It's good to see that there still is conflict between the Cardassian people and the people of Bajor, and not everything went away once they left. We'll likely see this conflict through many, many episodes throughout the series. Continuing story lines... good stuff !

        Kira - It's pretty obvious that her loyalty will be questioned more then once in the upcoming episodes. I really hope this doesn't become a show about her flip-flopping back and forth... this is not something I want to see.

        The Duras Sisters - I'm hoping we see them again at some point in the show... they're very interesting characters.

        Sisko - Good judgement calls from the captain... and we got to see how he leads. A "wait and see" type of captain... not taking sides till he knows the general outcome and situation.

        Garak - This episode is indeed worth watching for his character introduction. A cardassian... who sells clothes? I'm guessing by his actions through this episode... there is much more to him that is yet to be shown. I am defiantly looking forward to his character now.

        Bashier - I really hope he finds his footing soon. He seems so goofy in his scenes.

        I'd give this episode 7.5/10... nothing great, the storyline was, "eh", but worth watching for some good character insight.

        Next up... A Man Alone. Odo gets some screen time!
        Last edited by Alan Wake; 30 March 2010, 11:54 AM.


          Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
          Past PrologueEpisode #3Introduced to the character of Garrek here! And oh my, what an uncomfortable and awkward introduction it is. Garrek proceeds to introduce himself to a rather, uncomfortable, and squirrelly looking Bashier. Seemingly only appearing to be friends? but maybe he's a little bit too friendly? The way Garrek talks and acts... makes it appear to seem like he has other motivates. Bashier obvisouly doesn't trust him, as he accuses him of being a spy only moments later after the meeting ! this was a silly scene, but it had me chuckling a bit
          You ain't seen nothing yet lolol. Garak is one of the most diabolically wonderful characters from any scifi series. He plays a huge part throughout the entire series while developing this cat and mouse type friendship with Dr. Bashir.
          Originally posted by Alan Wake
          The Duras Sisters - I'm hoping we see them again at some point in the show... they're very interesting characters.
          Unfortunetly they only make the one appearance on DS9. But don't despair, you will meet plenty of feisty Klingon Woman throughout the entire series - including the sexy as all heck Grilka, who makes a handful of appearances including a hilarious storyline involving Worf and Quark.

          Another great review brother Alan. As you might have seen some of my Episode Reviews that I like to do once or twice a month. I really appreciate your effort, it's nice to read your take and opinions as someone like yourself that hasn't seen all these episodes.

          I am sitting down to eat lunch now. I will post 2 new "Ringer Questions" (with brother Fifth's blessing) in the next 30 minutes or so.
          The USS Defiant Rocks!


            I always found the Duras sisters out of place on DS9. They were TNG villians. They should stay on TNG.
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Ok here goes. I picked 2 questions - 1 from TNG and 1 from VOY. Please leave your answers with a spoiler tag and try to resist the urge to use an Internet search. Thanks and good luck.

              Question #1) Not Counting Worf or O'Brien, who was the first DS9 character to make an appearance on TNG?

              Question #2) In the many times we have seen Alternate Realities - Dream Sequences - Mirror Universes on all the various Star Trek series - What 2 characters on VOY were once killed by the Vidiians, and how they were killed, but not really?.

              I will post answers in a few hours.
              The USS Defiant Rocks!


                Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                Ok here goes. I picked 2 questions - 1 from TNG and 1 from VOY. Please leave your answers with a spoiler tag and try to resist the urge to use an Internet search. Thanks and good luck.

                Question #1) Not Counting Worf or O'Brien, who was the first DS9 character to make an appearance on TNG?

                Question #2) In the many times we have seen Alternate Realities - Dream Sequences - Mirror Universes on all the various Star Trek series - What 2 characters on VOY were once killed by the Vidiians, and how they were killed, but not really?.

                I will post answers in a few hours.
                Dr. Bashir in Birthright

                Janeway and Chakatoy. They shuttle exploded while being chased by the Vildians. They were a sort of time loop
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                  Ok here goes. I picked 2 questions - 1 from TNG and 1 from VOY. Please leave your answers with a spoiler tag and try to resist the urge to use an Internet search. Thanks and good luck.

                  Question #1) Not Counting Worf or O'Brien, who was the first DS9 character to make an appearance on TNG?

                  Question #2) In the many times we have seen Alternate Realities - Dream Sequences - Mirror Universes on all the various Star Trek series - What 2 characters on VOY were once killed by the Vidiians, and how they were killed, but not really?.

                  I will post answers in a few hours.
                  Question 1) - I'm gonna go with Quark. I remember him being shown a few times in TNG.

                  Question 2) - Humm... this question as thrown me for a loop. I remember the episode of VOY where they have a split ship... and in the last few moments of the episode, the entire ship is destroyed along with the vidiians, but the other Voyager survives.

                  Is this a trick question?

                  If not... I have a few characters I think it might be?

                  naomi wildman as a baby? when the Vidiians attacked... the power went out in sick bay, the doctor couldn't save her.

                  and I want to say Kes? from a phaser shot.

                  I honestly can't remember this one.

                  but it was worth the try I fail. hah


                    Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                    Question #1) Not Counting Worf or O'Brien, who was the first DS9 character to make an appearance on TNG?
                    Question #2) In the many times we have seen Alternate Realities - Dream Sequences - Mirror Universes on all the various Star Trek series - What 2 characters on VOY were once killed by the Vidiians, and how they were killed, but not really?.
                    1) Bashir, in 'Birthright' pt 1. Even though I'm tempted to say Morn.
                    2) That's a really... interesting question. Those directly killed by them... Tuvok, Ensign Wildman and Paris [maybe Torres and Kes, can't remember exactly], in 'Deadlock' via those cool Vidiian harvesting devices; Torres' Klingon half, in that episode where the Vidiians split her, again via Vidiian harvester. Er...
                    Last edited by nx01a; 30 March 2010, 05:25 PM.
                    More fun @ Spoofgate!


                      interesting enough, I believe Quark was the first and only character to appear on Voyager. in the pilot episode, at DS9.

                      I'm not sure though if any other characters ever make an appearance... I don't believe so.


                        Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                        Ok here goes. I picked 2 questions - 1 from TNG and 1 from VOY. Please leave your answers with a spoiler tag and try to resist the urge to use an Internet search. Thanks and good luck.

                        Question #1) Not Counting Worf or O'Brien, who was the first DS9 character to make an appearance on TNG?

                        Question #2) In the many times we have seen Alternate Realities - Dream Sequences - Mirror Universes on all the various Star Trek series - What 2 characters on VOY were once killed by the Vidiians, and how they were killed, but not really?.

                        I will post answers in a few hours.
                        1. Bashir appeared in Birthright. I heard that Dax was originally supposed to appear but the producers opted for Bashir instead.

                        2. Harry Kim and Samantha Wildman. I believe they were killed in Deadlock but a subspace duplication effect created another "copy" of the two characters that was virtually identical to the "real" characters.


                          Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                          interesting enough, I believe Quark was the first and only character to appear on Voyager. in the pilot episode, at DS9.

                          I'm not sure though if any other characters ever make an appearance... I don't believe so.
                          Not true. Morn was there as well. Joking aside Quark was the only DS9 character to appear on VOY but quite a bit of TNG characters appeared on VOY. Probably the most noticeable was Lt. Barcley.
                          Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                          1. Quark. He appeared in Caretaker

                          2. Harry Kim and Samantha Wildman. I believe they were killed in Deadlock but a subspace duplication effect created another "copy" of the two characters that was virtually identical to the "real" characters.
                          Spoiled due to being related to brother Defiant's quiz questions
                          Caretaker is a VOY episode
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            Not true. Morn was there as well. Joking aside Quark was the only DS9 character to appear on VOY but quite a bit of TNG characters appeared on VOY. Probably the most noticeable was Lt. Barcley.

                            Spoiled due to being related to brother Defiant's quiz questions
                            Caretaker is a VOY episode
                            That was a misread on my part. And that's why I changed my answer.


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              Not true. Morn was there as well. Joking aside Quark was the only DS9 character to appear on VOY but quite a bit of TNG characters appeared on VOY. Probably the most noticeable was Lt. Barcley.
                              I'd say Barclay was the most recurring TNG character, but I'm not sure that I can agree he's the most noticeable. Unless people had seen a lot of TNG to recognise him as a recurring character (which may or not happen based on the first show people get into, and whether or not they they make their way through anything that has come before). I think there could be a bigger chance of VOY fans seeing him in 'Pathfinder' and thinking "hey, it's that hologram from season 2". As much as I love Barclay, I think that Q, Riker, Troi and LaForge are more noticeable.

                              What I like about Barclay, was that he had more appearances in VOY than TNG (tied if you included First Contact, but if you split Endgame into two episodes then it's more appearances in VOY) and had a huge impact in the show. Big jump from being a holoaddicted hypochondriac.



                                Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                                What I like about Barclay, was that he had more appearances in VOY than TNG (tied if you included First Contact, but if you split Endgame into two episodes then it's more appearances in VOY) and had a huge impact in the show. Big jump from being a holoaddicted hypochondriac.
                                Yeah he went a very long way, especially the Barclay from the distant future. I would never have pegged him to be in front of people teaching a class about the Borg. But he got rid of the stammering and the other quirks about his personality to the point where he acts comfortably around even crowds and has regular golf games with the Doctor. Self-confidence can go a long way with some people. I would have liked to have seen Barclay appear on DS9 even once but a viable storyline for him just wasn't in the cards.

