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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
    Good morning my fellow DS9/Star Trek/Sci-Fi brethren. I have 2 new fairly easy "Guess the Quote" questions and a Bonus "Trivia Question".

    Again, please leave your answers with a "Spoiler Tag" so everyone has a chance to answer the questions. Also try and guess who said the quote -- from which Trek Series they came from (either TNG, DS9, VOY or ENT) -- and the name of said Episode. Good luck

    (Guess the "Quote")
    "I failed, I repaid kindness with blood. I was no better than an animal"

    "You hate yourself so much you think you deserve to die"
    "I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question"
    (Bonus Trivia Question)
    Why did Miles once twist and almost break Quark's wrist and arm while threatening to "break every bone in your worthless body"? _____

    (I am headed out for the day. I will post answers later this afternoon)
    I have to head to the gym in about 30 minutes but I do have some guesses:

    The first quotes I think are from "Hard Time" when O'Brien was going through PTSD from his unfortunate experience with the Agrathi (sp?). I think he was talking to Bashir at the time, or was it that alien played by Craig Wasson? I can't remember the character's name at the moment.

    The second quote, I have no idea.

    The bonus question: I think that incident was from "Fascination." Quark was being influenced by Lwaxana's Xanthi (sp?) fever and was making everyone around her hot for each other. Quark happen to fixate on Keiko and he started rubbing his lobes against her ears. Needless to say, O'Brien was pissed.

    Wait a second, I think O'Brien just grabbed his ears. OK, maybe it wasn't from "Fascination"?


      [QUOTE=Alan Wake;11347444]So, I've tried time and time again to go through this show and watch it... but something always seems to get in the way. Also, this trek series seems to be the least shown on T.V. so that makes it all the more harder to catch up on what possibly is the best series out of them all.

      Its probably because DS9 was more serialized then the other Treks. Episodic televison pulls in the money in syndication. Serialized TV does not.

      As for you character interpertations trust me they will change. These characters change so much but to say how would be spoiley.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        (Guess the "Quote")
        "I failed, I repaid kindness with blood. I was no better than an animal"

        "You hate yourself so much you think you deserve to die"
        That sounds like Picard and Beverly when Picard was time shifting during TNG's farewell episode All Good Things ....

        Originally posted by the Fifth Race
        "I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question"
        This one is easy, that is Spock from some TOS episode I cannot remember.

        Originally posted by the Fifth Race
        (Bonus Trivia Question)
        Why did Miles once twist and almost break Quark's wrist and arm while threatening to "break every bone in your worthless body"?
        I have no idea. If I was to guess I would because Quark was dissing a fellow Starfleet officer?.

        Great stuff brother Fifth. I knew one of the quotes, and guessed on the other and the bonus trivia question. I need to bone up for the quiz next week.


          Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
          So, I've tried time and time again to go through this show and watch it... but something always seems to get in the way. Also, this trek series seems to be the least shown on T.V. so that makes it all the more harder to catch up on what possibly is the best series out of them all.
          I'm not sure I agree with it being the least known. As a person who has gone to many Star Trek conventions, all of which with Brother Fifth Race over the years. We have talked with, and seen more DS9 and fans than any other series. Both TNG and VOY also have very loyal followings at these conventions as well.

          I mean look at this thread alone, sure brother Fifth deserves a lot of credit for being a wonderful host, but this thread has more 15x more replies than any other Star Trek thread. I know Fifth Race loves to say the "DS9 fans are simply the best and tend to be more intelligent", and as someone who has spent a lot of time around all kinds of fellow Trek fans, I wholeheartedly agree.
          Originally posted by Alan Wake
          This episode/pilot starts out with a tie into the battle of Wolf 359 from TNG. I find this an awesome start for the series so far. What better way to introduce us to the new characters, by characters we already know and love? Although Picard is the only TNG character we see in this episode, it gave me a feeling of a "bigger" picture going on. Whenever I watch that TNG episode now, I'll feel a larger scope to the battle then we were shown.
          Well said and I agree brother Alan. In my opinion Emissary: Parts I & II is a truly great Trek episode, probably the best premiere episode from any of the various Star Trek television series.
          Originally posted by Alan Wake
          Quark - He's probably my favorite. I love his character. Having seen a few DS9 episodes overtime, I can say that I'm looking forward to getting to know him the best through the series. He's not at all has heart-less as the show makes him appear. Although a bar-keeper, and gambler, he still has a good side. Him and Odo may get at each others throat more then a few times during the show, but they both keep each other in balance. A great combination for both comic relief, and tender character moments.
          You ain't seen nothing yet my friend!. Quark is one of my very favorite characters from any scifi series, Trek or otherwise. There are a handful of Quark dedicated episodes in all 7 seasons of DS9. There is also a handful of Ferengi episodes in all 7 seasons where Quark is only partially involved or not involved at all. I won't say they're all good, there are some stinkers, but most of all the Ferengi story lines are simply fantastic.
          Originally posted by Alan Wake
          All and all this piolt was a great start for the series. Did I care for it much though? not so much. The worm hole aliens didn't grab me much... and that's pretty much my only down side to this. I loved everything else though. The characters are interacting so much better then any other trek series. I can see that only in this first episode. Much more conversations/dialogue!
          In all honesty, and as someone who is old enough to have watched DS9 during it's original airing. I didn't care that much for the first 2 seasons. That isn't to say that there aren't a handful of exceptional to great episodes in those first 2 seasons. But for me the series doesn't really take off until season 3 where the Jem'Hadar and Vorta are introduced at the very end of season 2. The whole Founders and Dominion storyline dominates the rest of the series in a way that made it easily my favorite Sci-Fi series of all time.

          Great post again brother Alan. And as big and fellow fan of VOY (my second favorite Star Trek series), I have little doubt that DS9 will live up to it's billing and make you very happy that you took the time to watch it. And it just might surpass VOY as your favorite.


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            Its probably because DS9 was more serialized then the other Treks. Episodic televison pulls in the money in syndication. Serialized TV does not.
            Originally posted by Starbase View Post
            I'm not sure I agree with it being the least known. As a person who has gone to many Star Trek conventions, all of which with Brother Fifth Race over the years. We have talked with, and seen more DS9 and fans than any other series. Both TNG and VOY also have very loyal followings at these conventions as well.

            I mean look at this thread alone, sure brother Fifth deserves a lot of credit for being a wonderful host, but this thread has more 15x more replies than any other Star Trek thread. I know Fifth Race loves to say the "DS9 fans are simply the best and tend to be more intelligent", and as someone who has spent a lot of time around all kinds of fellow Trek fans, I wholeheartedly agree.
            Ah I didn't mean the least known, just the least shown on Television. Although I do agree with you, from just reading this forum every day.. Ds9 is certainly the most popular, and well known.


              Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
              Ah I didn't mean the least known, just the least shown on Television. Although I do agree with you, from just reading this forum every day.. Ds9 is certainly the most popular, and well known.
              DS9 is one of the more well known when it comes to TV in the UK, same with Voyager. I've seen them repeated on TV more times than TOS, TAS, TNG or Enterprise and are currently being repeated now. No idea who has the rights to TOS, TAS, TNG or ENT.



                Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                DS9 is one of the more well known when it comes to TV in the UK, same with Voyager. I've seen them repeated on TV more times than TOS, TAS, TNG or Enterprise and are currently being repeated now. No idea who has the rights to TOS, TAS, TNG or ENT.
                Looks like I should be living in the UK then


                  You should if you enjoy constant repeats and never knowing when the next series will air, sometimes it's so bad, the last episode can air one day, the first episode the next and the cycle starts all over again.



                    Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                    You should if you enjoy constant repeats and never knowing when the next series will air, sometimes it's so bad, the last episode can air one day, the first episode the next and the cycle starts all over again.
                    Heck, it's the unknown parts of our lives that make life worth living

                    Over here, my guide tells me every episode that's airing for the next 3 weeks. So if it's an episode of Trek I hate, I already know when it's coming


                      Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                      Ah I didn't mean the least known, just the least shown on Television. Although I do agree with you, from just reading this forum every day.. Ds9 is certainly the most popular, and well known.
                      Ahh, I got you brother Alan, I misread, my bad.

                      Every single Star Trek convention that brother Fifth and I attended, alot of them with brother USS Defiant as well (we all grew up best friends and still live near each other today), had huge contingents of all the various Trek series. It didn't matter if it was a dedicated convention (like DS9 only), every series was well represented.

                      Speaking of VOY, I am getting ready to start season 7 after rewatching the entire series over the last 2 months. I am also simultaneously rewatching DS9's season 4 to follow brother USS Defiant's Episode Reviews. BTW I also love your pointing Picard avatar, very cool!.


                        For us it's 7 days, be it EPG (electronic programme guides), TV guides, but even then I hardly check that far ahead. I wait, see what's on the next day and will watch it or miss it. I like the surprise.



                          Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                          Ah I didn't mean the least known, just the least shown on Television. Although I do agree with you, from just reading this forum every day.. Ds9 is certainly the most popular, and well known.
                          As much as I love DS9 its not the most well known and most popular. That belongs to TOS.
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            As much as I love DS9 its not the most well known and most popular. That belongs to TOS.
                            Yeah, I was thinking that very thing as I made that post.


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              As much as I love DS9 its not the most well known and most popular. That belongs to TOS.
                              It's hard to argue that. Although TNG had the highest television ratings, DS9 second highest. But TOS definitely has the most recognizable and iconic characters.

                              I know brother Fifth has mentioned that Paramount has floated the idea of converting TNG and eventually all the Star Trek series to Blu-Ray Hi-Definition DVD. I hope they do one day.


                                I have no doubt that Paramount will release them on Blu-Ray. There are so many versions of Star Trek on DVD, VHS and both types of HD disc, It's just a matter of time really. I think the best thing to do is wait for Blu-Rays to cost less because the DVD seasons were a complete ripoff originally, which is why they now do season box sets for £20 to £30 here.


