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    I have a wine question. Helen says the wine from Churchill was a '45 and mentions D-Day. But D-Day was in 1944.

    Would a wine produced in '44 be dated as a '45 "release?" Or maybe she got the '45 wine as a thank-you for D-day contributions?

    Or I misheard or the writers screwed up.


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      I have a wine question. Helen says the wine from Churchill was a '45 and mentions D-Day. But D-Day was in 1944.

      Would a wine produced in '44 be dated as a '45 "release?" Or maybe she got the '45 wine as a thank-you for D-day contributions?

      Or I misheard or the writers screwed up.
      Correct, WWII D-Day was June 6 1944. Don't know about the wine dates. I thought the bottle was dated for the year of grape harvest. But, then I buy wine to drink, not to think


        So the bad guys hacked the Sanctuary's walkies. Do you think we'll see a different kind of walkie used in future episodes? From what I've seen thus far, the show creators have used the same walkies used for SG1. But, they are a popular style, so I cut them some slack. But with the scene with Helen stepping on the hacked walkie, I wonder if they'll have a different style next time.

        OK, yes I'm bored and grasping for something to say


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          But with the scene with Helen stepping on the hacked walkie, I wonder if they'll have a different style next time.

          OK, yes I'm bored and grasping for something to say
          Good thing Helen has those walkie-stomping shoes.


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            Good thing Helen has those walkie-stomping shoes.
            Very good thing!


              well, if you want to use this as a guide, the date on wine may/may not match the date it's released


              some of the wines 'released' (as in put out for sale) in 2009 were bottled in 2008, some years earlier.

              so......maybe helen was with Winston in 1944, so later, maybe on the D-Day anniversary (or maybe he came for a visit to her villa in Italy...a known wine area) he gave her a bottle of wine to 'celebrate' their victory of a year or two before.

              I would be very surprised if there were many bottles of 1944 anything around from europe. Although, even 1945 anything might be a stretch.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                well, if you want to use this as a guide, the date on wine may/may not match the date it's released


                some of the wines 'released' (as in put out for sale) in 2009 were bottled in 2008, some years earlier.

                so......maybe helen was with Winston in 1944, so later, maybe on the D-Day anniversary (or maybe he came for a visit to her villa in Italy...a known wine area) he gave her a bottle of wine to 'celebrate' their victory of a year or two before.

                I would be very surprised if there were many bottles of 1944 anything around from europe. Although, even 1945 anything might be a stretch.
                A plausible theory--but VE day might make more sense in 1945. And yeah, it's hard to believe much wine was being produced in Italy or France in 1944-45 in the middle of the fighting.


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  I have a wine question. Helen says the wine from Churchill was a '45 and mentions D-Day. But D-Day was in 1944.

                  Would a wine produced in '44 be dated as a '45 "release?" Or maybe she got the '45 wine as a thank-you for D-day contributions?

                  Or I misheard or the writers screwed up.
                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  Correct, WWII D-Day was June 6 1944. Don't know about the wine dates. I thought the bottle was dated for the year of grape harvest. But, then I buy wine to drink, not to think
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  well, if you want to use this as a guide, the date on wine may/may not match the date it's released


                  some of the wines 'released' (as in put out for sale) in 2009 were bottled in 2008, some years earlier.

                  so......maybe helen was with Winston in 1944, so later, maybe on the D-Day anniversary (or maybe he came for a visit to her villa in Italy...a known wine area) he gave her a bottle of wine to 'celebrate' their victory of a year or two before.

                  I would be very surprised if there were many bottles of 1944 anything around from europe. Although, even 1945 anything might be a stretch.
                  I think it's possible that the writers didn't realize the dates.

                  A possible theory (one I actually don't think is possible ) is that Churchill had an in with the winemakers and received a bottle labeled 45 prior to it's official release. This is doubtful however because the way things work (at least these days) is that a wines date refers to the year it was bottled not the year it's released. BTW-This is not necessarily true of the mass produced "affordable" wines which sometimes don't even have a date on the label.


                    Side note: In 1945 both France and Italy produced some exceptional wines, especially Bordeaux's but the harvests were small. Hence the rarity of exceptional 1945 vintages.


                      and with soldiers of all sides fighting their way across continents, it's possible that some cases were 'liberated' then confiscated...and since people even 60 years later are just getting possessions back, it's doubtful that a bottle/case of wine would be high priority to return

                      thing is, even if it was to celebrate the total end of the war in aug 1945, i don't think there'd be any wine ready then. harvest and wine festivals are usually harvest festivals, sept, oct, etc. I don't even think the grapes would be ripe in august, much less ready to be bottled

                      I'm thinking that Damian and the guys need to google their historical references better. First there's Molly brown never going back for survivors, the fact that so very few were pulled out of the water, then D-Day a year wrong
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        I agree Sky. Helen is a character with a lot of history under her belt and TPTB want to explore that but so far all they've given us is references to bits of Helens' past (a lot of name dropping) with no real relevance and they keep getting it wrong. If Helens' (and therefore the worlds) history is as important to them as they've said in interviews you would think an effort would be made to get it right.

                        If the writer can't or won't take the time to do the research than maybe they should leave historical references out of the episodes.


                          all she had to say was 'damnit, winston gave that to me after d-day' and leave the year out of it and all would be good.

                          now, if they want someone to fact check scripts, i got google and i know how to use it
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            all she had to say was 'damnit, winston gave that to me after d-day' and leave the year out of it and all would be good.

                            now, if they want someone to fact check scripts, i got google and i know how to use it

                            I only vaguely remember a world without google.

                            ps leave the year out and/or the finer details.


                              And gettting D-Day wrong? I thought that was common knowledge.
                              And Canadians *did* take part in the landings--at Juno Beach.


                                They didn't get D-Day wrong because they didn't say what some of you think they said.

                                Here's what was said :

                                Will: Hey... over here.
                                Helen: What did you find?
                                Will: It's what I didn't find. Dust. Squeaky clean.
                                Helen: The '45 Bordeaux. *******. That was a gift from Winston. Churchill. D-day. Long story.

                                At no point was it said that D-Day was in 1945 as some of you are trying to make out but rather that Helen received a gift of a '45 Bordeaux from Winston Churchill and it had something to do with D-Day and it was a long story.

                                As there are rare wines from 1945 so I really don't see why some of you are making a fuss.

