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Eulogy (203)

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    so we had HeadAshley in this episode

    The entire cast and crew deserve some major awards for this, it's amazing TV.

    and yeah, go ripper go


      [QUOTE=Skydiver;10741153]i can go with the:

      bounced out, memory foggy, runs out of fear and doesn't know who she is



      HA, I love the idea but I always love when show use amnesia to bring back a character that was once thought dead!!!!
      sigpic There are my dogs!

      If you had to chose, die or watch the world die, what would you pick?"


        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
        Oh, and after seeing just these first 3 episodes of the season, I can say if Amanda and/or the rest of the cast don't get any awards for any of these episodes, or any episode these season, I will be TOTTALY shocked.
        I agree! Amanda and the cast did some amazing acting here, and just from these first three episodes it's easy to tell it's going to get better. I to would be shocked if they don't get any awards. Hope they do... they so deserve it!


          Anyone else think Dana is setting up John? John has killed several Cabal operatives over the last 6 days, between the episodes ... so would Dana really be drinking coffee/tea without a care in the world alone in a city? She has been portrayed to be very strategic in her planning... I'm guessing Dana knew John was looking for her and she was waiting for him.
          I totally think she was, like you say she was just to comfortable for her own liking, she knew the Cabal was been targeted and been wipe clean and here she was without a worry? I don’t buy that, she had something planed.

          I'm not always big on flashbacks as a story means, but the Helen historical flashbacks were really, really cool. I'm not totally clear on what they meant, but they were good. The rapport between Helen and Will was terrific too, a real credit to either their acting skills, their real-life personal relationship, or most probably both.
          To me they represented the different states Helen was going through while searching desperate for Ashley and not finding her, she keep looking and reaching another dead end until she saw reality Ashley is gone; she could rest now; her search until that moment had ended; Helen leaving that necklace on Ashley’s coffin was symbolic in a way, as if it should guide Ashley back to her.

          Something I found a bit illogical....why were they trying to use those lasso things to try to capture the slimy little bugger in the Sanctuary? That just doesn't make any sense to me. Why not a net? Or a bucket?
          Totally on the mark, that’s what I thought to a net was way better than the “dog” catcher pole.

          I have to say as well that I really liked Will in this ep as well. The way he kinda started off being worried about Magnus to cautiously hopeful about ashley then realising that Magnus is just in complete denial. I loved the way he yelled at her once he finally reached breaking point with her theories.
          That was awesome, the way Helen reacted to his yelling and Will backing away again to give her what she needed was really good acting, all the scenes with them together were so real and good Will did really fine here.

          I felt of Helen so much, I can't imagine the hurt she felt saying good-bye to Ashley, as a mom she wants to believe she'd never loose her, but Helen always knew being who she is she'd most likely outlive Ashley. I think in her heart the day she'd have to say good-bye to Ashley would come, but she probably didn't think it would happen so soon, perhaps if she just died it would have been easier, but the Cabal took Ashley away from them a piece at a time.
          Yeap, that’s how I think she felt, when she say “I’m sorry” at the end she was blaming herself for what happen to Ashley; Helen knew that she would lose her daughter with time only she wasn’t prepared for Ashley leaving her so soon and because someone that was after her; she feels responsible and that has to have an effect in her.

          Overall it was a great episode, and from what I've read Amanda brought a few tears to people's eyes, and I'm still eager to see what more we see next. Oh, and after seeing just these first 3 episodes of the season, I can say if Amanda and/or the rest of the cast don't get any awards for any of these episodes, or any episode these season, I will be TOTTALY shocked.
          I do hope they do get nominated for some awards and win them, AT has have 3 extraordinary episodes, as the rest pf the characters.

          On a final note, I read some reviewers commenting on the lack of feelings or showing emotion after losing Ashley, tome they were doing what they were suppose to do by supporting their boss, is been 6 days after Ashley’s been taken from them and the Sanctuary needs to keep on.

          Big Guy was overprotecting of Helen, Will taking charge at first ant then supporting Helen in her search; you can see Henri’s face when he tells Kate she is good in her craft, look closely and you see his face contort a little and his eyes look like he wants’ to cry and that final scene was perfect, they all had days to think and deal a little with their felings but still that final scene was so good.

 chapter I don’t know who I feel about that one but as someone said, I watch a show because I admired the actors that played in them so AT and Com. I’ll be there all the way.

          Dare and Dream


            Originally posted by antoa View Post
            Not really spoilery, but just in case.

            10 to 1 that she isn't in the intro next week.

            The first pod cast they mentioned that it was their 'old credits', so I think there will be 'new credits' that will include Ryan and Agam.
            Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
            AWESOME episode! I was surprised that the different tones in the show worked together. And I found myself hating Kate just a little less this week. Still don't love her, but it's nice to despise her less.

            Regarding Ashley being seen in the credits...that could change. I think a friend who was a die-hard Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan once told me that not only did a character get killed off and the credits changed the following week - but the actress finally got her billing bumped up for the episode where her character was killed off in. How's that for harsh?
            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Again, I agree.

            As much as I love the show and have been anxiously awaiting season 2 and as much as I have liked the episodes and loved the performances, something has been nagging at me so far this season. I realised it was the impending and now apparent doom of Ashley. To be prefectly honest, that has diminished my enjoyment of the season so far.

            I'll admit part of it is having met EU. She is such a nice young lady and acting is a tough way to make a living so I want her to continue to be employed in a regular gig.

            Part of it is that (while I love the guy) I don't subscribe to MW's theory that you have to kill off characters to keep jeopardy alive. First, I don't buy that because regardless of how many other people they kill off we know they'll never do it to Helen so there is no real jeopardy to her. Second, if I like a character I want to continue to see them. I don't watch this show for the visual effects or because they use the red camera. I watch it out of loyality to the cast and crew and because I love the characters. In addition, as others have said, if "no one really dies in scifi" it again makes the jeopardy argument moot.

            I liked the fact we had a mother/daughter relationship on this show. I thought it held great potential. I also thought there was a wonderful opportunity to explore the relationship between John and Ashley. The storyline of using Ashley as a Cabal "weapon" was brilliant and I think it opens up great potential for Ashley to deal with what was done to her and what she did while under the Cabal's control. That potential is wasted if she is dead. I hope that is not the case.
            Again, I have to go back to the Daniel Jackson thing, MS wasn't credited in the intro in S6 of SG-1, but he still came back the next season. It's funny because Corin Nemec was listed as a main cast member in S6, but was taken out when MS came back. I know lots of fans missed Daniel, and wanted Jonas to go, but by the start of S7 when MS came back, I'm sure lots of fans missed Jonas and wished he had stayed, because they had gotten used to him. That could happen again with Sanctuary, fans will miss Ashley, want Kate gone and if EU comes back next season, anything could happen. Kate could go, Ashley come back, or they both stay, but I'm sure by then Kate will have some fans.

            Oh and other example, Leonard Nimoy in Star Trek 3, he wasn't in the opening credits, but still in the movie, for like 5 minutes . But he was back again in the next movie, so you see, dead isn't really dead in Syfy world, and look at Supernatural for another example.

            Originally posted by sandra-carter View Post
            just saw the episode, and I can not get my head the last scene ... was so strong .. I cried ... AT really knows how to touch the hearts of people ....
            was ... I have no words really a special episode ...
            I think ashley is alive somewhere .. but we have to wait and see ...
            Amanda Tapping congratulations performance in 1000.

            you're the best actress in drama, without a doubt

            other well represented ... liked to see that John is more accessible, more human ..

            "You are my life" Oh broke my heart...
            I know, that last scene with them was so special, Amanda can make people cry without evn trying.

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i am sad.

            i'm not even sure what i think of the ep as a whole. while i think we 'needed' a release of the tension of helen hunting for ashley, i thought some of the creature stuff was sillish. and i wanted to bop kate a time or two.

            but the meat of the ep was helen... amanda really is an amazing actress. she's always been able to convey *so* much with just a look on her face, especially her eyes...

            i asked rocky to tell me if ash was alive, dead, or something else, and he told me dead. (that's the only spoiler i asked of him). so i built of this melancholy feeling till by the end of the ep, my throat hurt. it's left me very sad.

            i really, really hope ashley's not dead. helen didn't 'feel' it, so...

            while i love seeing amanda act her butt off, this storyline is something i hate. i adore mother/daughter relationships, and this one barely had a chance to shine. there was still SO much to show!

            so maybe, somewhere, someday, ashley will come back...

            (((helen and ashley)))

            quick side note: mom came in to talk about amanda. she gushed. amanda, you're amazing.
            Sally, has there ever been a time when you said anything negative about Amanda?

            I think I'm, or we're all being a little like Helen wanting Ashley to still be around somewhere, and she could be, but we won't know until a bit later. I'm sorry you and your mom were hurt yet again Sally, and this episode left yet another pain in your throat , but at least we got to see more of Helen's feelings towards Ashley.

            I like to think that Amanda uses her own mommy feelings/emotions to help her with these scenes, it makes sense IMO.

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            i loved the dichotomy of helen - we must pick up and move on - vs john - we mus take our vengeance and make them pay.

            i still think ash will show up, but not until the end of the season.

            Kate....kate is annoying. That said, Henry is good at toning her down so i hope they pair the two of them up a lot. she needs to be called on the carpet not patronized. I can't wait to see helen tearing into her

            she's been a bit distracted until now but that will change next week i think.
            I kinda like kate, I see her a little like Jonas and Vala, because they both semi replace Sam and Daniel for a while on SG-1, but they both had to earn their place on the show, and I hope Kate can do that. If Ashley does come back, then I kinda hope they both can stay, either as rivals or friends.

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i don't know about that... it's my greatest fear is that they'll have helen's ultimate release from the curse of long life... be her death. (like they did with xena!!! )

            so if martin and damian are death happy...
            Sally don't say that. I don't want to see my Helen dead.

            (and this death happy scenario is what's keeping from really caring about any of the characters on 'sgu'. i'm afraid to)

            exactly. i watch, or stick with, a show b/c i fall for the characters. i already love helen, and i have feelings for the others... i could just watch helen sitting at her desk for an hour
            Helen lover.

            (we really need some sanctuary smileys )
            There are some Sanctuary smileys, just not listed on GW.


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i got really scared when they found the body in the wall. i was thinking, don't let that be ashley!, but more out of helen having to see her child like that.

              they work wonderfully well off one another! i'm not a shipper of them, but two such strong actors together... yeah.
              There 2 things you should think about when you watch that scene.

              1. The fact that wasn't Ashley in the wall gives hope to the fans and Helen that she isn't dead and could come back.

              2. If it was Ashley in the wall, we would have less hope she'd be back, and so would Helen. Also, if that was her, it may have given Helen a bit more closure in knowing for sure if her daughter was dead or not, that would have given Helen a definite answer.

              So I think that the book is still open and until we know more, there's a chance she could come back.


                Originally posted by shel View Post
                I agree! Amanda and the cast did some amazing acting here, and just from these first three episodes it's easy to tell it's going to get better. I to would be shocked if they don't get any awards. Hope they do... they so deserve it!
                Amanda won a Leo and is nominated for a Gemini, both for Requiem. And I could easily see her getting some kind of nom just from something from these first 3 episodes alone.


                  Originally posted by Amalthea View Post

                  I hope John "plays" with her a little before he drops her off a bridge or something equally horrible. That's so wrong of me, but I hate her for what she did!

                  Or John could teleport Dana to the top of the Eiffel Tower and leave her hanging by her underpants..... curtsy of Ashley.


                    I just thought of something, wouldnt have been beautiful if Druitt had dropped by to leave a gift in Ash's coffin? how about Dana's head LOL

                    Picture this, Magnus is alone, Druitt ports in with the head in is hand, covered in blood and*drop head in coffin

                    Too much? LOL


                      I have seen a few scene's from the eps and i can say i was in tear's i still am i found it so hard to watch them seeing Helen hurting so much AT does an awsome job in the word's of the comic book guy :BEST PERFORMACE EVER i loved seeing John watching waiting for the right time to attack Dana very cool revenge by the Ripper sweet

                      I hope Ash is alive somewhere and i really hope it isnt a permnent good bye becase Ash/EU rock's you need Ash bagin the bad guy's and if she comes back with the gift's she has minus the mind control well the cabal will have no safe to hide .
                      (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                        I'm not always big on flashbacks as a story means, but the Helen historical flashbacks were really, really cool. I'm not totally clear on what they meant, but they were good. The rapport between Helen and Will was terrific too, a real credit to either their acting skills, their real-life personal relationship, or most probably both.
                        I was trying to read through all the posts and I didn't see many people refer to the historical flashbacks. The very first with Druitt wasn't a flashback, of course, it was one a daydream Helen has of Ashley being alive. But the stuff in the desert - all those flashbacks were of Helen returning the remains of the last shaman of that tribe (who apparently live in a place that doesn't exist - sorta like Brigadoon or something?). The man said they had been waiting for his return for 300 years and can now finally be at peace. Perhaps Helen is thinking about what will it take and/or how long it will take for her to be at peace with the loss of Ashley. And then, of course, the bracelet they give her to help her with the dark times/places (can't remember which at the moment). Helen would turn to that talisman in her darkest hour. I didn't have a clue where those desert flashbacks were going or how they would tie into everything, but after seeing them all, I thought it all fit so perfectly.
                        Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                          ah yes, the lack of a net. I thought the same thing, use nets to catch the little beggers please

                          I don't mind Kate joining the show. I do kinda mind her character's actions. But time will tell if she tones down and fits in a bit or if she continues to stick out like a sore thumb
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                            I was trying to read through all the posts and I didn't see many people refer to the historical flashbacks. The very first with Druitt wasn't a flashback, of course, it was one a daydream Helen has of Ashley being alive. But the stuff in the desert - all those flashbacks were of Helen returning the remains of the last shaman of that tribe (who apparently live in a place that doesn't exist - sorta like Brigadoon or something?). The man said they had been waiting for his return for 300 years and can now finally be at peace. Perhaps Helen is thinking about what will it take and/or how long it will take for her to be at peace with the loss of Ashley. And then, of course, the bracelet they give her to help her with the dark times/places (can't remember which at the moment). Helen would turn to that talisman in her darkest hour. I didn't have a clue where those desert flashbacks were going or how they would tie into everything, but after seeing them all, I thought it all fit so perfectly.
                            That's a nice interpretation/way of looking at things. I like it.
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              After watching this episode I was very impressed with CH. He is really above Tv acting as far as I am concerned. He has such pain in hes eyes when he talks about the way Ashley was taken from them. Its not just that he is saying his lines with a sad face, he is feeling them somewhere deep in his soul. Bravo.

                              I was a bit annoyed that we did not get to see the revenge that Tesla and John were taking out on the Cabal. And as far as Dana was concerned, they said she was a fugitive but why? The public has no idea what she tried to do and she looked comfy to me sipping her tea. Yes john was there to stalk her but as far as the writing goes so far goes maybe thats what she wanted??

                              I was also really impressed with the actor that plays Will. He did a great job backing AT up. He was so torn between the "truth" and trying to support a friend.

                              EU was so great at the end of the show. We saw a side of Ashely we never got to see. Soft, very real and not so hot headed. Losing a child before you is so unatural. It goes again the normal flow of the world. I was a tad dissapointed that Helen did not want to seek some blood on her own. Her character bounces from voilent while searching for Ashley in epsiodes 1 to a wierd calm as she orders her memorial. She skipped the 7 steps of grief!!

                              Also Henry and the big guy knew ashely since she was a kid. I felt emmtions there were lacking as well but I guess its so the show can plow ahead and we can all move on.

                              I am still hoping she comes back. Not warming up to Kate at all. I am trying but she does not fit well into the show. Her lines and delivery are not in step with the rest of the cast. This maybe ironed out as the show moves foward. Time will tell.

                              O'Neill: Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound...
                              Nothing comes to mind.


                                Originally posted by WishIwasJoes View Post
                                I was a bit annoyed that we did not get to see the revenge that Tesla and John were taking out on the Cabal. And as far as Dana was concerned, they said she was a fugitive but why? The public has no idea what she tried to do and she looked comfy to me sipping her tea. Yes john was there to stalk her but as far as the writing goes so far goes maybe thats what she wanted??
                                From what I understood, the two of them are out there mercilessly butchering and destroying all parts of the Cabal; making her want to keep her head down and maintain a low profile. I took it as her being a fugitive from Druitt/Tesla Execution Squad.
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

