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Into the Black (320)

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    Originally posted by kes View Post
    I loved it!
    Sure I can nitpick the hell out of it starting with the fact that they didnt just time travel they also moved geographically (sp)

    To my own surprise, I really loved this episode! Haven't been very thrilled with season 3 in general, but now I can't wait for S4.


      Wow...i could not have said it better myself... I felt the same way....Great Ep....but going from laying in his arms, him helping them get to hollow earth, to then saying what she me, i think she was trying to convince herself otherwise....NOT HELPING.....those two have so much story possibilities....she and John are not through at all....

      Originally posted by kes View Post
      I loved it!
      Sure I can nitpick the hell out of it starting with the fact that they didnt just time travel they also moved geographically (sp) ...but this was exactly what I wanted. Except maybe Magnus saying she never wanted to see Druitt again. I like Druitt and even with the whole dream thing she did sleep in his arms quite recently!
      But I sort of understand, his reasons were selfish. If he really loves her, he wouldn't want to erase who she is now.
      I loved all the scenes between them thou. Well except after the shock thing, she barely looks at him. Not even "Are you alright?"
      I hope they dont just solve this in the 1st ep and I hope we have some Magnus/Magnus scenes. If they pull a: "Oh she's out of town" I'll be pissed!

      Also Magnus took info from Worth laptop. So Tesla probably as everything he needs to go get her.

      I didnt mind the wrestler, he was alright. VFX were crap on the big troll like creature. Hell the dude with the water and AD werent even looking at him *sigh*
      Loved Will runing away. And after getting his butt handed to him saying something like: "I have him" LOL Yeh, right.

      Need to watch it another million it Set/Out yet? At least Comic Con is coming up. Hope we get some sweet spoilers out of that.

      EDIT: Oh sort of a side note. I wished it was 16 instead of 13. Enough room to explore certain topics and still have stand alones. Afraid with 13 they are just going to close this story line in 1 ep and do stand alones till near the end. This season would have been amazing without One Night and Wingman.
      Check out my fanfic


        I love his reaction to her: "in order to bed me in some other timeline" is priceless. Its sort of like a "well no, yes...ah. Frak" all in one look


          GREAT episode!!! The last few episodes truly took the show to another level of excitement. Could you imagine the ramifications of all those abnormals surfacing from hollow earth? I could just imagine how season 4 would be. Let's see. In the future I invision:
          1. There can be a real war between the surface dwellers and those from Hollow Earth. It would be PERFECT if the humans on earth don't learn about abnormals because I tend to lose interest in shows when big secrets like that is disclosed. A war between abnormals would be awesome!!!
          2. Helen might rewrite history and Adam may never exist and the whole Hollow- Earth- being- destroyed- and- the- residence- threatening- the- surface- may- never- happen. Sanctuary has a knack for just letting great storylines die like that.
          I really hope they go through with the great ending of season 3. Oh! and I hope they show more of Helen and John! I LOVED THAT!!! I want Helen to really chose for good- keep John around or dismiss him for good. I hope it's the former. I can't wait for season 4!!!!!!!


            i'm going to reply without reading other's thoughts first.


            i *loved* the look on helen's face when she took john's arm in the elevator!!

            i felt sorry for wil when he was running away from wrestler dude. (((wil)))

            loved seeing biggie to the rescue!!

            a friend said about the cliff hanger and the wow'ness of it, and... i was thinking it was going to be that we'd see ashley. :/

            why is helen so almost anti john suddenly? i know why she's ticked, but it just seems so sudden that she's *this* ticked. it's like it's a hold-over from her john anger from the previous ep.

            i wasn't too thrilled with the abnormals being all demandy and such (i was saying, 'you don't like it here, go back home then!), but the end revealed it was just part of their plan.

            HUGE ramifications on what's going to happen to the abnormals and the sanctuary network, with thousands of abnormals surfacing now. (got some stargate program vibes too )

            now, the end... oh noooo... so helen's back in victorian england... this is going to be VERY interesting!!

            all in all, a good ep, and set up some *big* things to happen for/in season 4!



              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
              It was a good episode. I was hoping John would mention his JTR alter ego and that was part of the reason he wanted to go back and clean up his past, but alas no mention of it. I’m hoping Garris is not part of the global domination plan. Hopefully he was able to protect Kate. It will be interesting to see what happens in s4…. Hopefully they allow Helen to play around in the 1800s for a couple of episodes before they hit the reset button.
              i'd have preferred john's number one motivation for wanting to go back in time, was to bring about a way of getting ashley back. i'm also thinking that wouldn't have ticked helen off so much.

              i have more ideas on what's happening with helen and john, but it's about season 4 and spoilers, so i'll just comment in the other thread.



                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                The B story was also cool, and I'm glad we saw Tom McBeath in a military role, he does that well.
                it was lovely to see tom (maybourne)!!

                ~i keep picking actors to play helen's dad, so i've added him to the list. number one on the list is the guy that played bra'tac.~



                  Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                  *sigh* This episode just took my little shippy heart, threw it on the ground and smashed it into a million tiny pieces.
                  don't take helen's words to john to heart! she's just overwhelmed, and don't forget the loving things she's said to him before. *hugs a shipper*



                    Originally posted by tomstone View Post

                    I love Henry with his beard, it goes well with his Werewolf character. Also I think he looks really hot with it.
                    i like hairy guys too.



                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      Was surprised that Helen went through the wondering if she & Adam will be subjected to the radiation again?
                      that crossed my mind too.



                        Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                        If hollow earth had come above a hundred years ago and tried to blend their society with human society it might have worked, but with Praxia gone it seems unlikely to really work.

                        Wonder what the abnormal population (sentient) is in Hollow Earth?
                        if nothing is reset, just how and where will these abnormals be? could we actually just give them a state (and not one of the desert ones, that no one wants )



                          Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
                          You know, I hope this has larger ramifications and they just don't resolve things up and forget it.

                          Having thousands of monsters come up from out of the blue is going to have a huge effect on humanity.

                          I'd like to see that explored, but I don't think it would.

                          It looks like those people who kidnapped Helen's daughter did actually foresee this thing happening.
                          what do you mean?



                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            And, she still has to find a way back people....have you thought about that! The device was basically a one way trip. There isn't one on the othe side and only one person really knows how to build it. Plus all the power it needs! Offers up a lot of possibilities. Plus a big desire to see S4.
                            woah, i didn't think about that. poor helen!!



                              Originally posted by prsweety View Post
                              Wow...i could not have said it better myself... I felt the same way....Great Ep....but going from laying in his arms, him helping them get to hollow earth, to then saying what she me, i think she was trying to convince herself otherwise....NOT HELPING.....those two have so much story possibilities....she and John are not through at all....
                              you know, i'm not a shipper of them (not anti though), but i just felt this was too sudden a shift for helen to be this angry and against him, so...

                              spoilers for s4-
                              i'm thinking this is a set up for helen to have a lover in s4. i think they wanted to show the viewers that helen wants and needs to be with someone else, so they're giving us the reasons now...

                              and this reminds me of the sam/jack stuff that happened with the sudden appearance and 'need' for a boyfriend for sam in s7, and the crappy reasons for that happening too. first it was love, love, need, want, then doubts, wants for a life... SET UP for reasoning sam's boyfriend.

                              this just might be the same thing happening with helen and a helen/other relationship coming up in s4.



                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                what do you mean?
                                I thought about this too. The Kabal was afraid of abnormals taking over. (Just playing devil's advocate) maybe if the Kabal succeeded, they would have had this under control? Hm....

