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Warriors (110)

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    Originally posted by tricky View Post
    I just had a horrible thought about the lady in charge of this project.

    I have nothing to base this on, but since we know nothing of this person's life, it is possible (and would be a major 'jump the shark' event!) that the 'Cabal woman' is


    I pray that I am wrong. (if this was ST, then she would be future Ashley )
    OOOOOOHHHH! I hadn't thought of that one. I guess we'll watch and see, won't we


      OK, I just saw Warriors-- I finally got my Amanda/Helen fix *HUGE sigh of relief*. Anyway, it was actually pretty good, it was no Requiem, and I don't think any episode will ever be-- well not now anyway, but it was pretty good. Before I start I just want to assure you, this review won't be as LONG as my review for Requiem. *Everyone has a sigh of relief*

      I really like how it started with the team in tent, and I got to tell ya, Helen look very hot in that dress .


      *Mesmerized by the third pic*... Anyway, it was cool hearing that Helen's favorite bands are Sgt. Pepper and... *Can't remember full name* something blue , perhaps Helen was a party girl in her day . Will got a text saying a friend of his was in trouble, a little later, that lead him to an empty warehouse, and that's where Helen finds her daddy. She remembers him, however he doesn't remember her, so they take him back to the Sanctuary to figure him out, there Will explains to Helen that he may not be her father, but she insists that he is. She goes to talk to him, and he still doesn't believe her and thinks she's wacko. But we all know Helen's always right, same with Sam and Amanda. *Thumbs up*

      We then find Helen and the team looking at pics of some of the abnormals Helen's father, Greg, help create, and she finds something odd about his DNA Later she takes him to the lab, and she tells him about his past, and I have to admit she looked very nice doing it *Wink*.

      It was also really good seeing a blonde Helen Magnus *YAY* and I thought the whole beetle in the head was freaky, kinda reminded me of the Goa'uld, but it was all good . Then came the scene, a great scene, the scene that's the origin of this pic, this glorious pic

      *Goes off to get a class of water*

      The scene in Henry's office, I got to say, Helen + that tight grey shirt =


      That was the highlight of the episode for me, besides every second if Amanda screen time that is . *Stares at pics, goes off to go get more water*. Helen tells Greg that she's going to remove the bug from his head, after Helen and Ashley remove the bug, they track down Will, who's already been changed into "Hulk Will" and Henry's able to talk him down, while Helen gives one of the bad guys the old foot to the throat, which was pretty hot btw.

      I thought the end was nice, it all seemed right, the fight club was shut down, Will's buddy got back with his family, and Helen and her dad said good-bye the right way. And I loved how the episode ended with us seeing Helen's face at the end, which IMHO is always the best way to end an episode, although she was crying.

      Last edited by Rocky89; 26 December 2008, 08:14 PM.


        it's rhapsody in blue
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Ahhh Nevermind Much Love
          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            it's rhapsody in blue
            Thanks .


              Originally posted by Celandine View Post

              The ep didnt explain some things though or maybe I missed something. How did her father survive all these years? He'd be 180ish years old. Did the Kabal do something to him knowing he was Helen's father? Something to prolong his life?
              i've got a couple of questions (that might be answered on a second viewing): why did the cabal want zimmerman, and was helen's dad put in that location so he'd be picked up by magnus' gang and brought back to the sanctuary?




                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                I think my biggest beef...SuperWill??? oh those bulky muscles were cheesy to the extreme. As in laughable cheesy. Just too OTT for my tastes. About the only real crit i had of the eps.
                ... OT, when you said "beef" it reminded me of something really funny that happened once in high school . There was this guy, he was kind of a bully, so one day I decided to teach him a lesson . I stayed after school, and I waited till the halls were empty-- btw, this is before I really knew Amanda , I took some white-out and I rubbed it all over is lock on his locker, so he couldn't see the numbers or anything .

                The next day, I was in a teachers office waiting for him to see it, and I laughed like crazy when I heard him, he was pounding the locker, and he was like: "Yo, who the f*** did this to my locker?" . The teacher tried to calm him down and he said: "Chris, calm down, it was probably one of your buddies." And he's like: "Sir, this is beef! I mean look at it, I can't see where the zero is or anything". He so had it coming, he had to use Scissors to take off the paste . I did it again before the end of the school year btw .

                Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                Agreed! When he first started bulking up, all I could think of was the Incredible Hulk - not the movies, but the original tv show with Lou Ferrigno bursting out of his shirt. And Will's nickname made me laugh. All the other fighters had tough sounding names, but "Boy Man"?

                I loved the bit at the beginning, but this won't be one of my favorites. After last week, it was a little disappointing.

                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                Oh, totally agree! I personally couldn't keep a straight face when Henry bust into the ring, because the body comparisions between the two was just so strange.

                Bit of a disappointment after last week, although I'm certainly not complaining! This series is incredible!
                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i agree. after 'requiem', it would be VERY hard to follow it. but this one wasn't my cup of tea. i didn't even care for some of the direction.

                what i did like, though were the helen/father bits. i laughed with some of his remarks to her. but when i replay this, i'm going to fast forward through stuff to get to the helen stuff.

                (i'm thinking she watched the sunset/sunrise with paul )

                wait, now why did helen's dad not age? i'm not even sure i like that he's still alive. i liked helen being the only one in the family to have the longevity.

                i know sanctuary's experimenting and trying different things, but i hope they don't do something like this again. some of it just felt kind of cheesy (will as the incredible hulk), and some i just didn't like the way the director handled it. and i didn't like helen's dad still being alive, because it took a bit away from what helen and the five did to have their longevity. and why the heck would he want to leave his daughter!

                (i also think the scifi channel was having some probs with their picture. at first i thought it was just sanctuary, but i saw a commercial for battlestar galactica and i saw the same flaws. if this had happened when i was recording 'requiem'... )
                Originally posted by tagger View Post
                I guess after every peak there is a valley?

                Part of the problem for me before I even saw the episode was how fantastic Requiem was. I was thinking nothing could top it. So, I was almost expecting to not like Warriors as much. But, I told myself the writers would wow me once again.

                I loved the character bits we got!

                I was totally bummed her Dad wouldn't stay. My heart was hoping for a completely different ending. What Dad would just say no like that? As a mother, I would find it impossible to say no to my daughter if she really needed my help (even when she is an adult). Alternatively, maybe he wasn't the real father?

                I would love if her real father was around a bit and we got flashbacks into how he mentored her and taught her.

                EDIT: Oops, forgot, I liked the Moroccan scene and Ashley's tea pouring. =)
                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                Having just finished watching Warriors...and this being the quickest I have ever been able to see an episode...I have to say that it doesn't surprise me that I wasn't as enthralled with this episode as I was with Requiem...of course I would be very surprised if they can top Requiem...well at least for this season anyhow!

                If I had to give it a rating...I'd give it a 6.5/10. I'll probably re watch it but I'm in no hurry to do so just yet.
                Sorry Sanctuary guys...a good ep but one that really didn't ruffle my feathers in the good ruffling kinda way!

                EDIT...should mention that the bug was kinda freaky and I did jump a couple of was again something that I'm sure someone will point out closely resembles something from the symbiote in the neck thing??!! Still I did like the bug...creepy little sucker!!
                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                Wow, after Requiem I said this show has become awesome. I am now afraid to even watch this ep after reading the reviews which are even worse than SGA's ep for the same night. Should I even bother with this ep? If it's a stand alone it will not add to the story arc, which I am still trying to figure out what it is.
                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                So I just watched this episode. Somethings I did not like was the entire fight club thing, and super Will. The episode I found very predictable and knew how it was going to end. Lets have Dad get his memory back by removing the Goa'uld er um Scarab, then rush to save Will, and then save his friend Danny. I like the eps that make you think and sit at the edge of your seat guessing what will happen. Super Will was so fake looking and that was just pathethic. I also hated the CGI of stretch man, it looked so fake. Well Sanctuary is not exactly getting the big bucks to fund these kind of scenes. Also, the Scarabs were a rip-off of Goa'ulds from SG-1. The best part of this ep was Helen and her father. So overall not a good ep, but it could of been a lot worse. After an amazing episode last week the show just took a 180 degrees turn.
                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                All in all, an ok episode. But of course it may have suffered by comparison coming right after the awesome Requiem.
                Let me make a VERY important point about the bolded parts. As I already told Sally, You know what I love? I've read reviews about the episode on GW and from other boards, and a lot of them say the same thing, actually they say 3 things:

                1. After seeing the masterpiece episode Requiem , they knew the next episode wouldn't be as good, and it'd be REALLY tough to beat.

                2. Requiem raised the "expectations bar" with it's awesome acting and direction.

                3. Requiem was a solid, and damn fine episode, which the series needs more of .

                Requiem also got a lot of great fan and critic reviews, and they were mostly on Amanda's performance. So basically their saying they want more Helen , and what's even better is that, if a large number of people consider Requiem as the best episode of the season, their saying they consider a Helen centred episode the best of the season .
                Amanda/Helen rules

                Btw Sally, I know how you feel, when Requiem aired, I turned off the phones and what not, made sure I had perfect picture and sound on my TV, and I kept thinking "If something happpens that takes my attention away from the episode, there's gonna be hell to pay." *Sinister laugh* HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA

                Originally posted by Phenix View Post
                This episode had a lot of potential but I don't like the direction it is taking with Will. I'm half way into it right now. I like the Magnus storyline but not so much with Will.
                I don't know much about the direction, but I've read that a few people are unhappy with it, I think it would have been better if MW directed it. I trust him as a director, but I trust Amanda WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more as both an actress and a person. Without her, this episode wouldn't have been as good, she saved it .

                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                I'm not sure I like this episode, I'll have to watch it again when I have more time and decide exactly what I do and don't like. I knew going in that I wouldn't like the fight element but that's just me. I'm not sure I like the concept of Gregory Magnus being alive though I did enjoy watching Helen's and Ashley's reaction to him.
                Like you and Sally, I'm not sure if I like Helen's dad alive either, I mean, I'm happy she's not so alone anymore, but.... I don't know.


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i think it would have been a bigger impact if will just looked like himself, but with super strength powers. maybe his face a bit deformed like his friend, but not the incredible hulk look.

                  so after thinking this ep through, and talking about it with my mom, it's two main things i didn't enjoy about this episode. 1, will turning into that muscle creature, and 2, helen's dad not aging like her.

                  what i did enjoy were the opening sequence, and the helen/father dialog and scenes.

                  and boy... this might not be nice, but boy did i see just how much better amanda is as an actor than everyone else in this episode. sorry everyone else

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  that was the high point, finding out more about helen
                  I agree with you two, while I still enjoyed Will's scenes and his story, the main thing that I wanted was more Helen backstory, and I got that . Along with these AMAZING pics:


                  Wow .


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i've got a couple of questions (that might be answered on a second viewing): why did the cabal want zimmerman, and was helen's dad put in that location so he'd be picked up by magnus' gang and brought back to the sanctuary?

                    My guess is that they considered any 'troublemaker' prime material for being changed into an abnormal and used for fighting. Kept them nice and quiet and their little sting still secret. Perhaps they never had a woman inquiring after them so maybe didnt know what to do with Ashley. I dunno.


                      Ohhh, what has Gregory done to the Sanctuary. Something to the computers? So the Cabal can see what they are doing, or drop the security systems so they can get in later?

                      I too thought it looked like Gregory had been frozen.


                        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                        You missed my point, these people had written Stargate eps so it would seem like they are taking something they've written before, but whatever. The show has Stargate written all over it, and I was hoping for something totally different, which has been, up until this episode. I thought the Scarabs were just a lousy touch.

                        As per this episode folks here are right. It was not good. Last week's was Superb. Yes, I am always going to favor Stargate, BSG, Eureka, and etc to this show because I put those shows before this one. There is nothing wrong with that.
                        No, I didn't miss your point. I got it. I just don't agree with it and I thought I explained quite clearly why.

                        You say it's OK to take common elements and put your own spin on it but then you say in essence that the Sanctuary people can't do that. I find that quite an unreasonable position. If everyone took such superficial elements and said that another show can't/shouldn't use them then no new shows would exist because at the conceptual level, most elements have been used before. It is this aspect of complaining about superficial connections to other shows that I am complaining about. That's the reason for my last sarcastic comment - to highlight that if you applied that reasoning at such a superficial level then 90% of Stargate shouldn't have been made.

                        I'd also like to clarify that the people who wrote this episode haven't written for Stargate so they are not taking something that they have written before. Oh wait, Sam Egan wrote Touchstone but that didn't have the Goa'uld in it. However both are genre writers and so it's possible that they have written similar things as we are talking about a superficial element.

                        I've got no problem with anyone favouring another show (my fave is Babylon 5) and I didn't say that there was anything wrong with that but I do find it a tad annoying when people let their faves enter into a discussion about another show and not display the same, shall we say, objectivity about both shows. In this case Damian Kindler is the only permanent writer from Stargate and, according to you, he's (and by extension all other writers for Sanctuary) not allowed to use any concepts used before by Stargate but it's OK that Stargate writers have done that same thing.

                        So, on to a few more of my thoughts on this episode.

                        I personally thought that the beetles were not a very well thought out device (or maybe it was and it just wasn't translated to the screen very well) and I did see that it was a tad reminiscent of the Goua'uld and the X-Files and countless other shows/movies/stories but only a tad. I don't think that they showed how the control of the people/abnormals was given to the handlers. Clearly the beetles took the control away from the hosts but they were sadly lacking in explaining how the control was passed to the Cabal minions. I'm more of a mind with EH-T and probably would have liked the control aspect be explained via drugs and/or brain washing because the beetle thing just didn't grab me. Maybe they didn't want to take the drug route because they were already using drugs to effect the genetic changes, who knows? Maybe we'll get some insight with the DVD commentaries next year.

                        Another aspect I'm not liking is that Gregory Magnus is alive (either him or a clone but if it's a clone then how did he get Gregory's memories?), even though it made for a few great character scenes. I've only watched it once but this is bugging me and I'll probably have to watch it again several times to coherently sort out why.

                        I also wasn't fond of the Will gets captured again by going off alone bit and then being made into an abnormal that looked suspiciously like Lou Ferrigno's Hulk and called "Boy Man". But to be honest my personal distaste for the fighting involved could be affecting how I saw this part of the storyline.

                        So I've gotten a few of my dislikes out of the way, now for what I did like - the character moments

                        Starting with the opening scene, I loved that! A touch of eccentricity and we get to know our characters a little more.
                        Ashley's and Helen's reaction to Gregory.
                        Henry running into the fight ring to help Will.
                        An appearance of KickA$$!Helen. Loved how she handled the fight boss - kick the gun out of his hand, knock him down, keep him down with a stilleto in his throat (shades of Purdey there ) and deliver your ultimatum. Loved it!

                        I'm still wondering about what the asset was that Gregory said was in place. We'll probably find out in future episodes when it'll cause problems for the Sanctuary.

                        Unfortunately, at the moment, this ep will be one of the lower ranked ones for me.


                          Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                          Ohhh, what has Gregory done to the Sanctuary. Something to the computers? So the Cabal can see what they are doing, or drop the security systems so they can get in later?

                          I too thought it looked like Gregory had been frozen.
                          Yeah, I'm wondering what he put in place too.

                          Actually, I thought it looked like gel, but I could be wrong as my eyesight isn't good anymore.

                          I really have to find some time to watch this again but things are a bit hectic with the approach of Christmas.


                            Originally posted by Achaja View Post
                            I don't like this ep because of these fight scenes- they were brutal and awful. The rest part of movie was great, Ashley plays excellent
                            Same here...and I too actually enjoyed Ashley in this ep!
                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            I had a problem with the bug being too close to the whole "snake in the head" thing.
                            Ditto on that one. BUt it was so cool...I jumped in my chair at one point...scared the living daylights out of Tom!
                            I do like it that the leader of the Cabal is a woman. Love the strong roles for women in this show.
                            See, I don't like that the leader is a woman...I don't know why...I think for me it's a case of it makes her look like a beetch! I love strong roles for women but not roles that make them look like first class dogs! Sorry, but that's just my feelings on it! :O
                            Originally posted by tricky View Post
                            I just had a horrible thought about the lady in charge of this project.
                            I have nothing to base this on, but since we know nothing of this person's life, it is possible (and would be a major 'jump the shark' event!) that the 'Cabal woman' is
                            HELLEN'S MOTHER!!!

                            I pray that I am wrong. (if this was ST, then she would be future Ashley )
                   way! If they go down that path then I don't think I'd watch the show with the same kind of respect. That's just taking it all way way way over the top!
                            I seriously doubt that will be the case. I seriously hope that's not the case!
                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i've got a couple of questions (that might be answered on a second viewing): why did the cabal want zimmerman, and was helen's dad put in that location so he'd be picked up by magnus' gang and brought back to the sanctuary?
                            I was thinking the same thing Sally.
                            My thoughts about Gregory are that he may have planted something there. He was meant to be a mole for the Cabal and maybe he put something there that won't be discovered til the next two eps. I'm pretty sure he was in the right spot at the right time to be found by Helen and the gang and then taken back to the Sanctuary.
                            As for Will...I have no idea why they wanted him...I mean if it was because he was snooping around then why didn't they take Ashley too? Oh hey...that would have been cool...abnormal Ash!! Bulked up Ash!!! How bizarre!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Maybe they took Will because it was just an opportunity to get one over on Helen, rather than trying to go for her directly yet. Weaken the queen by taking the knights out first kind of thing.


                                Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                                Maybe they took Will because it was just an opportunity to get one over on Helen, rather than trying to go for her directly yet. Weaken the queen by taking the knights out first kind of thing.
                                That's a good thought. It would also explain why they didn't take Ashley because they knew it would precipitate extreme action on Helen's part and they weren't ready for that kind of confrontation.

                                I'm looking forward to the final 2 episodes of the season. Pity there's only 3 eps left then we have to wait for more

