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    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
    My understanding from this eppy is that John Druitt is not JtR. In this eppy they said Spring Hill Jack was the one responsible for the JtR killings. Not real crazy about the idea given all the awesome James/ John dialog from S1 and of course what we have believed for the past 4 years. I'm not a big fan of the way they write John or rewrite John.

    Otherwise great episode! I was glad they dedicated the entire episode to the Victorian era. I loved the set, costumes, etc. I really loved how James worried about future humanity lack of civility. Loved the music and the camera work as they showed both Helen's and both Adam's. I like the idea that Helen takes a 113 years off somewhere secluded. I'm guessing dear Watson visits from time to time to check on her and she makes new friends wherever she ends up. I think her being there will alter the future some, and I hope they explore what she did during those years. I hope they use it and don't push it under the rug.
    This was after the JtR killings, they never said John didn't do those ones, in fact Helen purposely wouldn't tell Watson that John was the killer. These were new killings that looked like JtR's style, but was in fact SpringHeeled Jack. Oy, anyone think there are too many John's and Jacks

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      She found Kwai Chang Caine and studdied Kung Fu
      Funny! A lot of theory in this episode; going to have to watch the rebroadcast at midnight.

      Love the sets, the costumes, atmosphere, a really nice job of sense of time and place. I felt for poor FutureHelen in the rain!

      The scene with PastHelen and Druitt was very chilling. The thought of that strong, intelligent woman being terrorized by him had me speechless and on edge till he took off. Yipes. Amanda was excellent portraying her defenseless Helen. Oh, and then our Helen met him in the alley and delivered some mean whoopa$$. Who says you can't get no satisfaction!

      And I kept wondering when the Helen's would bump into each other; would they cancel each other out if they touched? Of course they didn't meet but it was very weird with two of her and two of Adam. Interesting touch juxtaposing the two Helens, showing how our Helen had grown since then. BTW, great resolution to the time line thing. The girl had to go and at least Helen didn't have to be the one to do it.

      Super season opener. Glad I parked myself with popcorn, phone on silent and full attention. But still have to rewatch this one. Kudos all around. Next week looks full of action, too. I'll be at NY Comic Con, will have to watch it the second time.
      Last edited by Traveler Enroute1; 07 October 2011, 07:48 PM.
      Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


        Originally posted by Feast of the Muse View Post
        I vote everywhere! That explains why we see Helen as even more kickass in the trailers for the new eps. Can you imagine how much more she's learned and done? Wow!!!
        FANFICS needed.


          But if Adam travels back to save her from the rubble, wouldn`t Helen have to try to stop him again? Wouldn`t they go in a cycle of time-traveling and trying to kill each other, until Helen fails, and Adam never has cause to travel back, causing the implosive destruction of the universe???


            Originally posted by Mackandal View Post
            But if Adam travels back to save her from the rubble, wouldn`t Helen have to try to stop him again? Wouldn`t they go in a cycle of time-traveling and trying to kill each other, until Helen fails, and Adam never has cause to travel back, causing the implosive destruction of the universe???
            uhhhh..... hum????? Oh yeah..... Right.


              According to the s1 pilot John did kill a woman and Helen said it stops here. In that episode She seemed to think he was JTR. So is he or have the writers rewritten John's past? Because didn't Helen also in that eppy or in s1 at least say she hasn't seen him since that night and she thought she killed him when she shot him?

              If John is JtR then why are they letting him roam the streets free a year later? OR are they just off on their dates and her shooting him was done recently and he wasn't JtR? Yes he killed a woman, but he wasn't responsible for all the killings? They are investigating it like it could be John. The latest killings Helen told James the last woman killed was his 5th victim (wasn't there 5 JtR killings). There seemed to be a lot of similarities between JtR case and spring hill Jack hence the confusion.
              Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 07 October 2011, 08:00 PM.


                Originally posted by Steff View Post
                uhhhh..... hum????? Oh yeah..... Right.
                My thoughts exactly

                my fanfic


                  Who is going to do the math for Helen's age in the upcoming episode?


                    Originally posted by Steff View Post
                    Who is going to do the math for Helen's age in the upcoming episode?
                    uhhhh..... hum????? Oh yeah..... Right


                    my fanfic


                      All this time travel makes my head hurt.
                      Ok, so if Helen has to live it out for 113 years, what happened to the original Helen...or the Helen from the Victorian era in which our Helen travelled to? Wouldn't she continue to live as well given her/their longevity?
                      I haven't seen the ep as yet but am curious to know what happened to the other Helen.
                      I don't understand how she can possibly live for all that time without trying to stop certain events...what about Ashley? How does this change things with her? Does she still give birth to Ashley? See...head hurt!!
                      The whole JtR thing doesn't make my head hurt so much.
                      I had a feeling that Adam was going to lose Imogene one way or the other...if he continues to go back in time to try to save her, then there's going to be HUGE ramifications for every time line.
                      Oi...time travel hurts my head!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        she is around 270 to 274 years old. Now that is aging gracefully


                          I have no words.

                          It was awesome. I'm so HAPPY about the ending. No shortcut or anything. It's the long way out. Hard, but WOW.

                          The scene between Helen & John in her bedroom? Made me shiver! I was close to crying at the end when he finally teleported and she almost ran out of there.

                          The acting was flawless in every scene.

                          Um? What else to say?
                          Bring on next week.

                          Originally posted by Steff View Post
                          Who is going to do the math for Helen's age in the upcoming episode?
                          274. Including Carentan. @GillianHorvath on Twitter did it for me though. ;P

                          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                          All this time travel makes my head hurt.
                          Ok, so if Helen has to live it out for 113 years, what happened to the original Helen...or the Helen from the Victorian era in which our Helen travelled to? Wouldn't she continue to live as well given her/their longevity?
                          I haven't seen the ep as yet but am curious to know what happened to the other Helen.
                          I don't understand how she can possibly live for all that time without trying to stop certain events...what about Ashley? How does this change things with her? Does she still give birth to Ashley? See...head hurt!!
                          The whole JtR thing doesn't make my head hurt so much.
                          I had a feeling that Adam was going to lose Imogene one way or the other...if he continues to go back in time to try to save her, then there's going to be HUGE ramifications for every time line.
                          Oi...time travel hurts my head!
                          Just watch the ep Chelle. It'll all be clearer.
                          Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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                          Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                            So John was Jack, but Jack was also Jack, but not the Jack that killed Jerry or the Jack that save James who is known as John and finds Jack, not the James who is Jimmy.

                            Now I understand those parents who give their kids unique names.


                              Originally posted by Mackandal View Post
                              So John was Jack, but Jack was also Jack, but not the Jack that killed Jerry or the Jack that save James who is known as John and finds Jack, not the James who is Jimmy.

                              Now I understand those parents who give their kids unique names.
                              And who is on first?


                                Originally posted by Mackandal View Post
                                So John was Jack, but Jack was also Jack, but not the Jack that killed Jerry or the Jack that save James who is known as John and finds Jack, not the James who is Jimmy.

                                Now I understand those parents who give their kids unique names.
                                By George I think you've got it

                                my fanfic

