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    Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
    Okay! Here are the insta-reactions to "Eulogy"…

    It's so weird to see John in his period clothing while Ashley's around and Helen's in current dress. Flashbacks can suck, man! It's already clear that Helen's not cling too well, but who can blame her?

    Look! Will has a responsibility. And yet he's already screwed it up. Is that his fault, Helen's (due to her understandable distraction) or the Beijing guy's? While the credits are rolling I'm going to expound on this a little further and this is based primarily on me liking Robin Dunne for other non-Sanctuary reasons… I don't know what it is about this show or the writers or just the character, but Robin Dunne comes across as a bad actor (he's no Charlton Heston, but he's not that bad either) or Will comes across under-utilized at worst/insipid at best or, quite frequently, both. I've said it before…the character had amazing potential within the first half of the first season and then it started to dwindle. It's irritating.

    Another flashback/daydream, whatnot… and can I just say how nice it is to see Biggie back in the fold? I missed him while he was a part of that mishandled storyline.

    Am I the only one who is worried about where they're going to put all the abnormal refugees?

    Wow, Kate's a slob. I can appreciate that lifestyle as I too hate to clean, but good grief, girl! How do you get to a place where you can treat someone else's home that way? I don't like what that says about her personality. Then again, she's clearly a lost little girl beneath that prickly exterior.

    Ooh, what's Helen searching for? (And the editing in this ep is beautiful!)

    Now we get into the nitty gritty of Wil's response to Clara's death? I (hold on…I'm pausing the ep)… Okay, I'm a little confused about this. I understand that it's possible to get very close to people very quickly. But it seems like a fairly short period of time has passed (it's been five days since the funeral) and everyone's all stiff upper lip about all the deaths (for the most part). But here's what I'm really misunderstanding: How serious could the relationship between Will and Clara have been? Surely there's not going to be major emotional fallout from this. (Okay, resuming the ep…)

    Oh goodness…is Helen off her rocker? Is this just wishful thinking or what? Even if Ashley's alive is she salvageable?

    Beijing guy's name is Mark?

    Okay, back to Helen…hmmm…maybe Ashley was able to get out unharmed. But still I wonder if the DNA changes she's undergone can be reversed. And now Will's back to portage status - he's going to be Helen's moral compass? That's pretty big digs for a guy that's been little more than a book end for a little while.

    Ah, Kate. Why do you have to be so bad? I'm trying to like you because I know you're sticking around but you're making it really hard. And…ew. But it's a baby! It's kinda cute.

    And yeah, that's a lot of crates. I'm still really worried about where they're going to put everyone. (Did we ever find out how many sanctuaries the Cabal destroyed?)

    Lol, Biggie's got Kate's number. He'd probably be good for her.

    Yikes! Maybe that baby thing isn't so cute after all.

    Ah, the real John arrives! Is Helen really upset that he's killing members of the Cabal? That seems incongruous… Is there anything sadder than parents fighting with one another after their child has died? I feel so bad that John didn't know Ashley better but at the same time I could kick him in the shins because it's his own damn fault but he's so broken up about it.

    Did I miss what Helen's looking for in the New Mexico flashbacks?

    I'm beginning to wonder if the Ashley visions are daydreams or something more… Oh, looks like Helen wonders something similar. But I'm with Will on this one. Surely someone would have noticed Ashley's body. Even if she is disoriented or hurt…the place is really only so big - she'd have wandered into someone or someone would have heard her calling for help. Again, it's been what…five, six, seven days?

    Here's that split screen again that I'm not in love with. But I'm getting used to it. I no longer feel like I'm missing things. (Heh - looks like Kate's burger idea worked…)

    They're spending a lot of time on hunting this baby creature. Is it that important or is it meant to be comic relief from the heavier Ashley story line?

    And wow - is Kate always eating something?

    Wait…Henry's supposed to be "the man"? Since when?

    Okay…it's an Ashley DNA hunt. Here goes nothing…

    Holy smokes that baby whatever-the-hell-it-is can pack a wallop!

    And there was a hit. And oh my goodness. That can't be good.

    I dunno, though - that skeleton looks pretty far gone to be Ashley's… Phew - it was one of the other ones. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

    That mark on Kate's face…isn't that where the baby thing got her? Is its tongue toxic?

    Hmmm…whatever Helen's thinking about in New Mexico appears to be important. Hmmm…Ashley's trapped in the computer? (Shades of Teal'c being trapped in the gate…) Ouch, Will. Is letting her run this last test really a bad thing? I mean, she's come this far and it actually sounds fairly reasonable the way she explains it… (And that, folks, is how you know you watch too much sci-fi.)

    Whoa! That baby got big FAST! (And it was way cuter as a baby…)

    Okay. I take it back. Henry's the man.

    Ha ha ha! It thinks Kate's its mom! (And now it's cute again.)

    So all of that New Mexico stuff was over a necklace? And oh, damn. I was kinda hoping they'd find Ashley in that EM field. Not that I know what they'd do with her, but for Helen's sake, you know?

    And hey, look! Kate's got a soft, chewy center. Whodathunk it?

    Helen's offering John words of comfort? Wow. And he's going to be completely not helpful when Helen's got to be hurting far worse. I want so badly to like the guy the way you guys seem to, I just can't.

    Hey. That was the Cabal lady…

    And John.


    Ah, now I see. Helen buried the necklace meant to show her the light.

    Okay, that last scene with Helen and Ashley made me tear up. Damn it.
    Just watched this ep and I too teared up at the end. Still not a fan of the B-plot with Kate but I have to say she does get better further down the line. Still don't like her very much, though.

    I agree with what you said about Robin Dunne, although I can't be certain he's actually a good actor since I've never seen him in anything else and after his performances on Sanctuary I have no desire to, either. In just about every scene with Magnus here he was raising his eyebrows and using the same facial expression, only lowering/raising his head every now and then.

    Loved everything about Magnus here, even if her theories seemed far-fetched. Actually, I think that makes her even better; normally she is far more rational and it shows how devastated she is by losing her daughter. Had to laugh at your comment about it making sense and knowing you've watched too much sci-fi because I felt the same!

    The New Mexico stuff puzzled me the first time too but once she talks to the old lady and they zoom in on the necklace, it became clear to me that was what it was all about since Magnus was seen holding it in the first scene (at the Sanctuary) too. Learning the meaning of it and seeing her place it in the coffin was nicely done, very touching.

    Also, loved John here. It was especially a contrast from having watched Tempus yesterday but I don't think there's ever a moment I don't like him. Well, maybe like isn't the right word but the actor is just so damn good that I'm always impressed with him, in particular during emotional/angsty scenes with Magnus and/or the rest of the Five.

    Oh and I thought you once asked why they killed off Ashley, Amara, and from what I recall it basically came down to TPTB not knowing what to do with her (hey, haven't we heard that one before?) as she was pretty much a mini Magnus and probably felt it was better for Helen's character development to lose her and replace her kickass qualities with someone like Kate... I'll let you decide for yourself whether that was a good idea!
    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
    On FFnet or AO3

    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


      wow I just found this thread. A channel I get plays it too, it also just played Kali last Saturday. Except only the first part which is annoying since it ends in a cliffhanger. But its nice to read comments during a rewatch, which that sparked me to want to do.


        It's playing on the CW for me. Saturdays at 4:00. I don't usually get to it at that time, but it's fun to know there's someone else on the same schedule as me!
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          Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
          It's playing on the CW for me. Saturdays at 4:00. I don't usually get to it at that time, but it's fun to know there's someone else on the same schedule as me!
          Grr...if my DVR was working I would record it! I just copied Season 2 to my hard drive I'm hoping to get Season 3 soon...but I had to go on YouTube last night to watch Kali, Part III

          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


            I'm watching Kali part 2 and am so irritated with everyone.

            Question that cropped up: How is it that the only one communicating with Helen about what all the other heads of houses are thinking re: Bertha is Carson (I can't the ink of his name in this show - is that completely awful?) Wexler? Shouldn't it have been someone we were better acquainted with? Like Declan? And moreover, I always got the impression that Helen was sort of the head of the heads for lack of a better term. At what point does she get to pull rank? Or is the fact that she's still operating under her own steam what her pulling rank looks like?

            Also - Robin Dunne dancing Bollywood - love you, gorgeous, but please…never again.

            Callum Blue makes an awesome bad guy and I'm very glad he has a three episode arc in this show because there's not enough Callum Blue on television. There just couldn't possibly be.

            Edit: Okay, so Helen is was head of the network? Then why has she been fed only little snippets from the new (to us) guy? Methinks there's something wrong with this picture. Although, I'm pretty sure I warned you, Helen, a few posts up…

            Edit 2: Do we ever find out what kind of Abnormal Wexler is?
            Last edited by Amara D'Angeli; 05 March 2014, 03:32 PM.
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              I don't think so.
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                It's playing on the CW for me. Saturdays at 4:00. I don't usually get to it at that time, but it's fun to know there's someone else on the same schedule as me!

                And no I don't think so. But yeah it was really hard to see Carson be a jerk lol.


                  I believe that Sanctuary network is set up in such a way that no one person can be "the boss." So, Helen cannot call all the shots because she has to answer to all the other heads of house. That is why this situation is so touchy, she went over everyone's heads and made a decision on her own that as Amara said so elegantly, came back to bite her in the arse. Terrance is the designee of the other heads of house to see to taking care of Bertha.

                  Amara, I so very much agree with your statement about Callum Blue! I fell in love with him when he played Zod on Smallville. He's a bad boy you just gotta love.

                  FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                    I like Callum Blue too though to me he still will always be Mason from Dead Like Me. Who isn't a bad guy .


                      Only 3 days late to Kali Part III this time!

                      I've gotta admit, that tidal wave we ended with last time gave me the willies. I mean, those things only gain strength. How is anyone going to survive…

                      Oh. Wait. Look. OUr folks made it. The other guys didn't. Shocking. :/ And seriously? Wexler's nursing a wrist sprain. I'm thinking a word I don't think I'm allowed to use on GW…

                      And don't get me wrong - I'm on Helen's side, but she's not exactly helping her case with her whole "Wexler this isn't your choice!" to destroy Bertha but she's hellbent on keeping Bertha alive. It sounds like the Sanctuary Heads need to have a sit-down.

                      And why is Wexler on the phone with Biggie and Declan but not the other Heads?

                      I'm sure I'll be back sometime during this episode…

                      EDIT: Whoa! Since when are AT's eyes brown? Or…has she always worn contacts as Helen and I'm just now noticing?
                      Last edited by Amara D'Angeli; 11 March 2014, 06:01 PM.
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                        Okay, on to Firewall!

                        Yay Season 3 and finally replacing the silhouette that had Ashley with one that had the entire team. (I think they should have done that near the beginning of last season, but they didn't ask me…)

                        All this drama surrounding Will and is he/isn't he on the mission roster… actually it leads me to an overreaching feeling I have for the entire series.

                        I don't feel like the regular characters are very well developed. I feel like we've got a much better line on John and Tesla than we do on Will, Henry and Kate (and, to some extent, even Helen). Will is clearly not dealing well with his death - both mentally and psychologically. However, the team is wrestling with whether or not he should be on the roster? Well, Helen's wrestling. Everyone else says ditch him (for good reason). But the tiptoeing around him…I just don't know. Hell even he called 'em on it. I get that he came back from the dead and they're giving him props, but still…I just don't feel like we're getting a lot of consistency from the characters.

                        (I can't help but wonder if I feel this way because I'm watching the series in a compressed format. Sure, I only get one ep a week, but I don't have to take hiatus breaks - the network is playing them straight through. So where the original run gave everyone the impression they're dealing with these characters for years, I'm dealing with those years in about half the time… I remember feeling a little like that with Stargate, but the series was SO LONG - and now I've watched it through several times - that I feel like I've been with them as long as anyone else.)

                        We just went to commercial break and the network(?) aired the old silhouette. ::sigh::

                        Biggie likes Marcus? Go figure. (ba-dum-dum; folks, tip your waiters…)

                        And Biggie wears glasses? Adorable!

                        Also, it must be said… HA! Suck it, Wexler!

                        I thought his week had one of the most MOTWs we've seen in a while. Invisible ninja memory stealers. That's nifty. And they can burn themselves into oblivion? Cool.

                        I sort of love that Abnormals are blasé and aliens are science fiction.

                        And if I'm understanding all this - Kali control Big Bertha, but the two other guys are also Big Bertha-esque? More giant weather controlling creatures?

                        And Gregory Magnus?!? And a cool not-holographic city sprung up from a book and a paperweight? Damnit but next Saturday can't come quick enough. Oh. Wait. I'm at Megacon next weekend. I'm going have to wait an extra couple of days?!? Grrrr!
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                          I'll admit - I got a little disillusioned with the show for a while. I wasn't sure where they were going with the characters and I felt like the story telling got a little loose.

                          And then the Hollow Earth (sp?)/hologram thing happened and HOLY COW! this show got good again. I'm currently watching Breach (the Jekyll/Hyde) episode. This is a tight script!
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                            I can't watch that episode... Adam is sooooo annoying, and I hate that Helen gets beaten-up so bad, without even having a proper chance to fight back.

                            Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                            - R.E.M.


                              Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                              I'll admit - I got a little disillusioned with the show for a while. I wasn't sure where they were going with the characters and I felt like the story telling got a little loose.

                              And then the Hollow Earth (sp?)/hologram thing happened and HOLY COW! this show got good again. I'm currently watching Breach (the Jekyll/Hyde) episode. This is a tight script!
                              I found the episodes got better after this one. Well, there's still the one with the dating stuff that is bad, but overall it improved.
                              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                              On FFnet or AO3

                              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                                Originally posted by fems View Post
                                I found the episodes got better after this one. Well, there's still the one with the dating stuff that is bad, but overall it improved.
                                I second that. And of course I'll put it in spoiler tags,
                                the one where Abby and Will get kidnapped

