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Favourite Sanctuary Quote?

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    Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
    Tesla: I'm Serbian
    Watson: Just ignore him.

    Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
    Tesla: Yes, but Helen, we've known each for a hundred-plus years. I think I know your mind by now.
    Helen: (nods) Left side.
    Tesla: (moves close, preparing to reach inside her jacket) I've often wondered what this moment would be like. Me … you tied up. (whispers) It's a shame you brought the children.
    Helen: Focus, Nikola.
    One of my favorite scenes from Sleepers!!!!!!
    Icon and Sig by me.


      Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
      One of my favorite scenes from Sleepers!!!!!!
      Heee mine too!! I just can't get that scene outta my head..which is a good thing I get to think about Teslen all day. Yay! Lol
      My tumblr


        Sorry for the double post.. I got another quote I love

        Tesla: Forgive me, Helen. It's just my soul-crushing depression talking. I'm not myself.
        Helen: On the contrary, you are your real self again - human, mortal.
        Tesla: Watch your language!
        Helen: I'm sorry, Nikola, but it's true. I've tried everything I can think of. There's simply no way to re-vamp you.
        Tesla: You see how this puts a crimp in my plans for world domination? Not to say I won't keep trying.
        Helen: I would expect nothing less.
        Tesla: Very well, if this is to be a wake, then let's do it properly. Join me in a toast : To happier times, to those halcyon days of bloodlust now gone - plus you gotta admit, vampires are just plain cool.
        Helen: Amen.
        Tesla: Here's to the glorious vampire race - once mighty, now extinct.
        My tumblr


          You can quote the whole episode sleepers or better every szene Nikola is in, because everything with him is just plain cool in this episode. His face at the end is just priceless. Simply loved it


            Favorite lines?

            Pretty much anything Tesla has to say.


              Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
              Tesla: Yes, but Helen, we've known each for a hundred-plus years. I think I know your mind by now.
              Helen: (nods) Left side.
              Tesla: (moves close, preparing to reach inside her jacket) I've often wondered what this moment would be like. Me … you tied up. (whispers) It's a shame you brought the children.
              Helen: Focus, Nikola.
              love that one!!


                Originally posted by sanctuary girl View Post
                You can quote the whole episode sleepers or better every szene Nikola is in, because everything with him is just plain cool in this episode. His face at the end is just priceless. Simply loved it
                I could not agree more !! <3 Tesla


                  Originally posted by sanctuary girl View Post
                  You can quote the whole episode sleepers or better every szene Nikola is in, because everything with him is just plain cool in this episode. His face at the end is just priceless. Simply loved it
                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  Favorite lines?

                  Pretty much anything Tesla has to say.
                  I could not agree more!!!!!

                  From The Five:
                  Tesla: Kiss me and I'll save your life.
                  Magnus: And if I don't?
                  Tesla: *scoffs* It's been over 60 years, just plant one on me already.

                  From Animus:
                  Tesla: Hold me close. And either way, I'll die a happy man.


                  Magnus: Whatever happens, we face it together.
                  Tesla: And we never even said vows.
                  Icon and Sig by me.


                    Nikola: What kill Worth because his Lordship says so?
                    Watson: He's not a Lord. He's a King..... ANd No go to Hell...... Mr. Prime Minister.
                    John: Seconded


                      Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                      I could not agree more!!!!!

                      From The Five:
                      Tesla: Kiss me and I'll save your life.
                      Magnus: And if I don't?
                      Tesla: *scoffs* It's been over 60 years, just plant one on me already.

                      From Animus:
                      Tesla: Hold me close. And either way, I'll die a happy man.


                      Magnus: Whatever happens, we face it together.
                      Tesla: And we never even said vows.
                      The five 4ever Oh got ... he is so cheeky I love him
                      The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                        From Revelations (2):

                        Tesla: Your father really didn't like me, did he?
                        Helen: You're an acquired taste.

                        And from The Five:

                        Tesla: I feel so safe when I'm with you.
                        Helen: Quiet! We're gonna have to fight our way out of here. No killing
                        Tesla: Said the woman with the gun to the vampire.

                        I just love Nikola



                          John: Let me make it up to you.
                          Helen: How?
                          John: I want you to wake up... NOW!
                          *helen wakes up*


                            Tesla - "You think it'll go better this time?"

                            John- " Words and courage dear boy we'll be fine"

                            Tesla - " I'm not British you know, all that 'tally ho' crap doesn't work on me!"


                              After Helen falls on top of John:

                              "Next time, you take point"


                                Henry Foss in Nubbins:
                                "Okay, women and geeks first. Oh, no, wait, that's all of us."

