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The Henry Foss/Kate Freelander (FATE) Shippers Thread

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    Originally posted by liliofthevaley View Post

    and no problem tina, have to share the pretties, eh??? =d
    hell yes !!! :d fate ruleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!
    The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


      Originally posted by liliofthevaley View Post
      Okay, one thing I want to discuss here and I wanna see what you guys think.

      I'm fairly certain that Kate won't be in the next episode (3x09 - Vigilante), because we haven't seen her in any of the promo pics, or sneak peeks and the only time we actually do see her is in episode 3x10, which is the one from the pictures.

      SO, here's the thing, this would have been 5 - FIVE - episodes after the
      , we haven't seen either Kate or Henry together. COME ON SHOW!?! Are they trying to prolong the torture by not giving us SOME resolution or even MENTION of what happened??? THAT'S NOT FAIR TPTB!! Like, there has been a serious lack of Kate in episodes, for starters, but what annoys me even more is that this means no interaction between our favourite couple.

      My question is: Do you guys think that there's actually a reason for this? That this is a way to show us something after this huge torture, or do you think the fact that nothing has happened, means that nothing WILL happen between them?? I have faith in this episode, 3x10, because of little things in the trailer and some stuff Agam tweeted about.
      I know they touch at least TWICE, but you know, that could mean so many things...

      Anyway, discuss!! Thoughts, speculations, grumblings, etc. =D
      haha, I totally think they're avoiding each other of course! (I haven't seen any episodes since Thanksgiving, so I don't really know what I'm talking about) but I don't mind it. it's keeping the tension and I like the tension but didn't one of the pictures you just posted
      have the two of them in the same scene as each other?

      don't loose faith, hang onto the FATE


        Originally posted by nebulan View Post
        haha, I totally think they're avoiding each other of course! (I haven't seen any episodes since Thanksgiving, so I don't really know what I'm talking about) but I don't mind it. it's keeping the tension and I like the tension but didn't one of the pictures you just posted
        have the two of them in the same scene as each other?

        don't loose faith, hang onto the FATE
        Oh I wish it were simply that they were avoiding each other, but NOPE, the characters are literally not in the same episodes since Hero 2. So there isn't even that 'awkward' eye-glance or whatever. NOTHING. NO-THING. Which irks me to no end!! But s'okay, I have some sort of faith in TPTB - the did give us shiny after all. But it still is very frustrating.

        But yes, that's the new episode, 3x10, not this week, but the one after that. But apparently, the Blizzard one is from 3x09, so we might get some Kate in that episode WHICH MAKES ME HAPPY. LOL.

        "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


          Originally posted by keaira taegan View Post

          i'll start off by saying that i was hooked on these two as a couple the moment kate said "i'll make it look good" and henry gave her that powerbar haha


            Originally posted by liliofthevaley View Post
            Oh I wish it were simply that they were avoiding each other, but NOPE, the characters are literally not in the same episodes since Hero 2. So there isn't even that 'awkward' eye-glance or whatever. NOTHING. NO-THING. Which irks me to no end!! But s'okay, I have some sort of faith in TPTB - the did give us shiny after all. But it still is very frustrating.

            But yes, that's the new episode, 3x10, not this week, but the one after that. But apparently, the Blizzard one is from 3x09, so we might get some Kate in that episode WHICH MAKES ME HAPPY. LOL.

            BUT ALWAYS, FAITH IN FATE!!! <3
            Think of it this way: the less screentime they get, the less chances TPTB have to mess it up!! (sorry, bitter words from a shipper, and I'm not just thinking stargate, tho mostly... actually, I stopped caring about stargate ships in canon but boy did the writers of Gilmore Girls screw their best ship up!)


              Originally posted by nebulan View Post
              Think of it this way: the less screentime they get, the less chances TPTB have to mess it up!! (sorry, bitter words from a shipper, and I'm not just thinking stargate, tho mostly... actually, I stopped caring about stargate ships in canon but boy did the writers of Gilmore Girls screw their best ship up!)
              Hahaha, okay, I can totally agree with the screwing up part of this. LOL. DO NOT SCREW IT UP TPTB. You're actually doing very well so far. Give us a few more interacting moments, maybe a longing glance here or there. HEY, you can even give us some hand holding, I'm very okay with that.

              But whatevah, musn't be picky, as long as they pick ONE direction and stick to it. LOL.

              Also, for those of you who have tumblr: &
              "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


                Originally posted by liliofthevaley View Post
                Hahaha, okay, I can totally agree with the screwing up part of this. LOL. DO NOT SCREW IT UP TPTB. You're actually doing very well so far. Give us a few more interacting moments, maybe a longing glance here or there. HEY, you can even give us some hand holding, I'm very okay with that.

                But whatevah, musn't be picky, as long as they pick ONE direction and stick to it. LOL.
                Also, for those of you who have tumblr: &
                I agree 100% especially the bolded part!
                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                  Okay, so, this episode.


                  I'm just leaving this here. It has nothing to do with plot. BUT I LIKE IT.
                  "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


                    Originally posted by liliofthevaley View Post
                    Okay, so, this episode.


                    I'm just leaving this here. It has nothing to do with plot. BUT I LIKE IT.
                    I more that like it !!! I love IT !!! My mind is gutter land now ... ♥ xD
                    The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                      Originally posted by Martina Magnus View Post
                      I more that like it !!! I love IT !!! My mind is gutter land now ... ♥ xD
                      How could anybodies mind not go in the gutter with that picture of those two?

                      Anybody else pick up on Kate saying that
                      Henry has been teaching Kate how to jerry rig the stunners?
                      I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                      Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                        Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                        How could anybodies mind not go in the gutter with that picture of those two?
                        Yeah you are right ... that's impossible !!!
                        The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                          Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                          Anybody else pick up on Kate saying that
                          Henry has been teaching Kate how to jerry rig the stunners?
                          Yup, totally, one of the few times that I flailed during this episode. Speaking of, what did you guys think about it?? I'm terribly torn. IDK if I liked it, or if there were some things that made me Irgh-y about it.

                          Like the whole him pushing her against the wall. I had been waiting since JULY for that moment and there were SO many ways they could do it and have it be the best UST EVAH and then....They have to go have him terrify the s*** out of her. NOT COOL TPTB.

                          There was also the comments of "He's in his room talking to his HAP girlfriend on Skype" at the end that was TOTALLY NOT NECESSARY. Yes, I'm bitter about it. I just don't get why they throw us a kiss and then do SQUAT about it!!!!! CONSISTENCY IS KINDA GOOD SOMETIMES. Just, damn it show!!!

                          I think I figured out what was most annoying me about the ending scene with Kate/Biggie. Not the Skype mention, but:

                          Instead of Henry being there with Bigfoot, which he should have been, Kate was so Henry could talk to Erica. Henry and Biggie are basically the closest in the Sanctuary, having that BFF/father/son bond kind of thing, and the one time the Big Guy is crying and so upset about what he did, Henry isn't there for him.

                          I mean, don't get me wrong, it's sweet that Kate was sitting at his bedside, and she understands everything, especially since she was with him there since the beginning, but it just upsets me that Henry wasn't there. Sorry, I just find that very... out of character and just a tad on the annoying side.

                          In the previous episodes, Henry could hardly leave his side, and now Erica is taking up extra space in Henry's life and Henry's not there for Biggie...

                          Yeah, that's what really annoyed me, because in regards to everything else this has been a bloody brilliant episode!!!
                          Last edited by liliofthevaley; 12 December 2010, 04:37 PM.
                          "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


                            Originally posted by Martina Magnus View Post
                            Yeah you are right ... that's impossible !!!
                            I wish I was a better writer because that pic is just screaming for a smut fic based on it.
                            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                              Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                              I wish I was a better writer because that pic is just screaming for a smut fic based on it.
                              I had the same thought and I am writer ... but not good one LOL
                              Fic based on that pic would be great ...
                              Hope that we will find someone who would write it xD
                              The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                                Interview with RyRo HERE.

                                "Robbins answered a whole whack of your queries, which ranged from his music/singing to the kiss between Henry and Kate. He also gives us some inside information on the cast dynamic, nick-names (example: Agam Darshi = Darsh Vader), and his favourite on-set goofs."

                                One of the question asked was:

                                Q - Henry's getting some action lately. Is the kiss between him and Kate going to change things between them? Develop maybe?

                                This was at the 6:48 mark for those that wanna know.

                                So first of all he obviously doesn't give a direct answer, at the start he jokes around, but after that he gets more 'serious' and personally I think he has a very smug look on his face. The one that says 'I know more then you do.'.

                                His answer:

                                A - "The kiss between Henry and Kate...Yeah, but what Kate was that? I mean, she was under the influence of the suit, you know? That could have easily uh....been a kiss...between me and Chris Gautier. *RyRo leans back all smug* It could have happened. Maybe it's just the suit that has a crush on Henry. Ya know? That could be.... *wags finger at screen*...The suit and Henry have a .. *gestures with hands a connection*. I wanna see what happens if Henry gets to wear the suit. Now that's a relationship I want to see."

                                *quirky little smile at the camera before ACTUALLY (sorta) answering the question.*

                                "Er, no, the Henry/Kate kiss um...*stops to think a bit on how to phrase answer* ... Henry and Kate's relationship is still, you know, evolving.... As is all of our relationships. All the character's relationships are evolving. *SMUG SMIRKY GRIN OF 'I know something you don't'.*

                                So yeah. Personally this has me very, very excited. Mostly because there's also mention of bringing back the HAPs and RyRo's all talking about Alistair, Henry's new friend. And although he mentions Erica as Henry's girlfriend in passing, no mention of her coming back or anything like that. Annnnd no mention of "Well, Henry's got a girlfriend now." to the Kate kiss thing.

                                JUST SAYING. ♥
                                "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus

