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Helen Magnus/Amanda Tapping Thunk, Discussion and Appreciation

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    I have a little mission for Sam fans….As some have mentioned, Amanda's birthday is at the end of August. And it is traditional to collect and send birthday greetings to her. However, since Amanda's site is less a fan site now and more an official and professional one, there's a decision not to collect wishes via that site.

    So Julia has asked me to help spread the word for her. So….birthday wishes for Amanda.

    Starting July 25 through August 15 (and ONLY these dates please) you can send BRIEF birthday wishes – no attachment, just words please – to [email protected] . Please put 'Amanda Wishes' in the subject line so they don't get lost.

    She will then collect them and put them together and get them to Amanda for her birthday.

    so....advanced heads up. Please do not send anything until the 25th (those that know Julia know that shes in the middle of her torch run at the moment.)

    Again, no attachments, no artwork please. And permission certainly granted to spread this message anywhere you want. Forward your little hearts out, give it a tweet, do a little friendly Facebook Spammage. Let's see how many greetings we can round up huh?

    Any questions, please feel free to ask and I'll answer as best I can.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


        Made by the talented Meredithe5

        Live peace, speak kindness, dwell in possibility - Amanda Tapping

        My Rainbow Run for Mila raised $2672.5 CAD for Sanctuary For Kids! Many thanks to everyone who donated in honour of my beloved niece


          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


            Originally posted by Samfan13 View Post
            That is a GREAT picture! Which ep is it from? I don't recognize it.
            || acrazyobsession on AO3 & Tumblr || My DeviantArt ||


              That would be "Untouchable", Season 4, I believe. It's when they go to apprehend the Crixorum in the marketplace, before SCIU butts in and sends things to heck in a handbasket.


                Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                That would be "Untouchable", Season 4, I believe. It's when they go to apprehend the Crixorum in the marketplace, before SCIU butts in and sends things to heck in a handbasket.
                || acrazyobsession on AO3 & Tumblr || My DeviantArt ||


                  Here are 2 Amanda Tapping wallpaper I did based on the Pin Ups For Pink Picture Amanda did for the 2011 calender.



                    Found in the Stargate forums.

                    Originally posted by samcartersg1 View Post
                    Amanda Tapping Interview from SeriesTV Magazine

                    Article is in French but was translated to English - any problems with translation can be blamed on Google Translator

                    Article with pictures

                    Click on each image to enlarge
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                    Article text only

                    Page 46

                    "An actor is more centered on the emotions, it's a trade based on things visceral. Being a film director is a trade more linear."

                    After being Samantha Carter in Stargate series, and then Helen Magnus in Sanctuary, recently cancelled at the end of season four, Amanda Tapping is focused for now on her role as director of the series Primieval New World. Before diving into the broader issue that we dedicate this series as expected, Amanda Tapping has agreed to reconsider her career and her future in the soap ...

                    Page 47
                    From Behind the Scenes: Amanda Tapping Sanctuary

                    SeriesTV: For several years, you work at a time as an actress, director and producer ... which are very different professions. Did each one use a different part of your brain?

                    Amanda Tapping: Yes! An actor is more centered on the emotions, it's a trade based on things visceral. Being a film director is a trade more linear, which requires a lot of organization - in any case, this is how I work, personally, as a director! (laughs). I do not know if this is the case for everyone. You have to have a good vision. This is certainly a creative craft, but there are also millions of aspects to manage. you have to plan your days, making a film shot lists, ensure that all the necessary elements will be there, that each scene can be filmed without problem ... As for working as a producer ... It's quite cerebral, it's a job that requires being thorough and taking into account a multitude of details. we must also ensure that everyone is happy - the players, the team shooting, that of production ... The things we did not manage everything as a player, or film director. turn what is happening behind the machine, which feeds the engine of machine ... an actor is somehow the steam coming out of a train. The film director is the conductor of the train in question. And the producer provides the coal that powers the engine: it must ensure that the engine works well. These are really very different trades.

                    SeriesTV: What aspects of these different trades do you prefer?

                    Amanda Tapping: And as an actress, especially during these last four years spent interpreting Helen Magnus ... It was a character so unique, a great incarnation ... It was so different from the norm, unpredictable ... I did not always know how to interpret it. And as a person, she always represented for me a kind of mystery ... Me, Amanda, I did not always understand the decisions she made. But for Helen, these decisions made sense. Interpreting this character was thus, both a joy and a challenge. As a producer on Sanctuary, I mostly managed aspects of postproduction. I love to work with the production team, talk to the broadcasters, take care of the financing ... But what I liked most, it was the post-production phase: an episode up, adjust color, sound ... It's so fascinating! This is something that I love.

                    SeriesTV: Does being an actress affect the way you lead your life? Were you living things way more intense ...

                    Amanda Tapping: Probably ... I think actors tend to be more open, and suddenly, living things way more intense. I feel things more deeply and I think that's why many actors become actors. For example, I cry more easily than most people, without shame. I hurt more easily than most people. And by that, I do not mean that it's better ... Perhaps even that the opposite is true and we all need to go see a shrink, which probably is true! But as an actor, yes: I think we're more receptive to the sum of things that falls on you in a day! (laughs)

                    SeriesTV: How do you feel when you suddenly can not play a character that represents you for years, like that of Helen Magnus? And sorry for the question, given that the decision regarding Sanctuary is very recent ... It is apparent there a form of mourning?

                    Page 48
                    Amanda Tapping: Oh my God, yes ... It's a feeling of total loss. When we heard, that we would never that series again for another season, I was here on Primeval New World, filming an episode. It was super hard ... I went home and I cried. And in a way, it keeps on affecting me inwaves ... I came, for example, to present the Leo Awards with Robin Dunne, and we were both behind the scenes, and suddenly we realized we would not be nominees for these awards for Sanctuary ... After being a nominee 18 times ... it was super weird. It was a series of hard knocks, and it's still a sad period.

                    SeriesTV: Strangely, many actors are shy, introverted ... and choose a job that exposes you lot. The eyes of others, critics ... Even today with the dominance of the Internet. You are also rather shy by nature ... How do you explain this paradox?

                    Amanda Tapping: It’s true, you've interviewed me on numerous occasions, and henceforth we know each other well, for a long time ... and it's true: I am a shy person. I am often nervous in public as I am surrounded by people I do not know ... ill at ease in social situations. So, maybe that's why you became an actor, because you're nervous in your own life, because it's easier to be someone other than oneself. .. I was embarrassed and such ill at ease on my wedding day! (laughs) I kept thinking, Do not look at me, it's too personal a moment! Whereas if I had a player the role of a woman who gets married to the screen in a movie, I'd be super horny! Wear a wedding dress, walk up to the altar of the church, etc. .. This is really something strange.

                    SeriesTV: What inspires you to become a director? Was there was a special time, a shutter button?

                    Amanda Tapping: While I was working on Stargate, Season 2, Michael Shanks and I requested to direct an episode. he had the green light to direct in Season three, and I had to wait until Season 7 ... Let's just say it's an interesting difference. And suddenly, I still feel like doing it! (Laughter) And the reality is that I had to wait for years and years to get there, and I am the only woman to have worked as director on Stargate SG1

                    SeriesTV: Which brings us to my next question ... There still, today, many more men than women in this profession. In your opinion, is it because of the very nature of the job or because it is a kind of preserve, dominated by men?

                    Page 49

                    Amanda Tapping:: It’s preserved. And there are many departments on a shoot or you rarely see women ... Cameramen, sound engineers, film directors ... And it's not a criticism per se, it's just reality, a fact. That said, things change in a short term ... There are more than before, and that a woman has won the Oscar for best director a few years ago [Kathryn Bigelow in 2009] is something important ... Even though it's also rather sad that only one woman in Oscar history has won in this category. And I think it's a shame, because women bring something different as directors, a different sensitivity ... and I think we're more organized than men! (laughs) Anyway, this is my personal opinion!

                    SeriesTV: You have worked on series that have lasted for years. Suddenly, they correspond in some way at different periods of your life ... can you describe what they represent for you?

                    On Stargate I was growing ... Gaining maturity, developing myself as a woman. I became a mother while I was acting on this series. This is an era during which I grew as a person and as an actress - Sanctuary, it was a very different period of my life. I was more at ease in my role as mother, wife, actress ... and Martin Wood and Damian Kindler so it was implicated, both professionally and personally, in the series ... I was ready for that.

                    Interpreting the role of Helen Magnus and assuming all responsibilities of production, and now, to be honest, I do not know at all what the next phase of my life is supposed to be. I am a little mid-water, lost ... working as director on Primeval: New world is ending... and the truth is that I have no idea what I will do after - and it makes me completely like a pinball! It is really weird because I'm working on the series for 15 years, and this and the first year I will not be on the screen in a series. Last week, I watched the news program schedules, launches for 2012-2013, and I was not among them ... So, perhaps that I should change everything, go make soap on an island off Vancouver (laughs)

                    SeriesTV: Last question ... for you, what would be the ideal situation? Work again at 100% of a series - as an actress, director and / or producer or work like right now, through the production a few episodes of a known series?

                    Amanda Tapping: I like stability, it is something that I discovered of my own personality. I do not like the unknown ... and I love the world of a TV Series, the home atmosphere that prevails there. I love knowing exactly where I am: having a break of three months, and find themselves all in February. and now I do not know ... I do not know if I should take a vacation in July, remain available for fear of missing out on a job great ... and it is a situation that I hate: I do not know

                    -Article by Caroline Terree

                    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                      Made by the talented Meredithe5

                      Live peace, speak kindness, dwell in possibility - Amanda Tapping

                      My Rainbow Run for Mila raised $2672.5 CAD for Sanctuary For Kids! Many thanks to everyone who donated in honour of my beloved niece


                        No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                        It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                          Some new Tweets from Amanda

                          So proud of @JuliaHague!!! Carrying the Olympic torch!! Xo

                          I'm in Victoria BC shooting the movie Kid Cannibis. Hope someone taped the torch relay!! Xoxo

                          Happy Birthday!!! Welcome to the wacky world of adulthood! xo RT @ZairaMisha12:
                          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                            Hi all! *waves*

                            Is Tapping Tuesday still a thing?

                            Here are 2 Amanda Tapping wallpaper I did based on the Pin Ups For Pink Picture Amanda did for the 2011 calender.
                            Wow, AT is sure in shape! Can I be like and look her when I'm her age?


                              Just a reminder, you can send in birthday greetings starting tomorrow

                              I have a little mission for Sam fans….As some have mentioned, Amanda's birthday is at the end of August. And it is traditional to collect and send birthday greetings to her. However, since Amanda's site is less a fan site now and more an official and professional one, there's a decision not to collect wishes via that site.

                              So Julia has asked me to help spread the word for her. So….birthday wishes for Amanda.

                              Starting July 25 through August 15 (and ONLY these dates please) you can send BRIEF birthday wishes – no attachment, just words please – to [email protected] . Please put 'Amanda Wishes' in the subject line so they don't get lost.

                              She will then collect them and put them together and get them to Amanda for her birthday.

                              so....advanced heads up. Please do not send anything until the 25th

                              Again, no attachments, no artwork please. And permission certainly granted to spread this message anywhere you want. Forward your little hearts out, give it a tweet, do a little friendly Facebook Spammage. Let's see how many greetings we can round up huh?

                              Any questions, please feel free to ask and I'll answer as best I can.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Made by the talented Meredithe5

                                Live peace, speak kindness, dwell in possibility - Amanda Tapping

                                My Rainbow Run for Mila raised $2672.5 CAD for Sanctuary For Kids! Many thanks to everyone who donated in honour of my beloved niece

