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evaluation of Kate

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    I despise the Kate character. Absolutely loathe her. Unbelievably annoying, and I don't know that I'll be happy with the series until she's gone.
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
      I despise the Kate character. Absolutely loathe her. Unbelievably annoying, and I don't know that I'll be happy with the series until she's gone.
      why do you despise her? i'd like to know.



        She is just the boring badass female with no depth. Come on writers. We have seen this before.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by shel View Post
          Hmm, I don't see really see her as a replacement either and I don't hate her. But I don't exactly love her character either.

          I've just gotten used to her being there now, but early on I definitley had a strong dislike for her character.
          i am the same way... she is just there... not really part of the team and not really an outside... she is just there.


            I couldn't stand her when she first showed up. By ep10, I can sort of deal with her... when she's mostly in the background and not talking or doing too much... I guess it's an improvement...


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              She is just the boring badass female with no depth. Come on writers. We have seen this before.
              I agree. The character is just one big cliche.

              I also dislike Agam's acting style - the way she juts out her jaw and has a nasal quality to her voice to show her 'badass-ness'.

              I was pretty neutral about Ashley, as she was a fairly cliched character too, but I looked forward to the possible stories about the mother/daughter relationship, Asley's early life etc.

              In the podcasts, DK keeps mentioning that we'll grow to love Kate but, for me, that just isn't happening.


                I like the character. I don't know, maybe I'm just tired of the way people get so worked up about fictional things and I'm a Kate fan purely out of spite.

                (Although I'm sure none of y'all would start ranting crazily about how much you hate Kate and want her to go die alone somewhere. Certain other people on the Internet would).

                Black J/T sig made by Blencathra, Keller sig by Krissie, all others made by me

                My Fics (updated 7/29/09)


                  When I saw Kate at the first time, I didn´t like her. I wanted Ashley to go back. But time after time .. I grew up over her character. I think that she is .. "normal" quest in the team. But I don´t see her depth in the future. I can´t imagine her in the season 3. What she will be doing ? Where she will be ? Will she change herself ?
                  Maybe we all be really suprise by her changes. We will see.And absolutely I am against the ship between her and Will or betwen her and Henry. It is my opinion.

                  ( Btw, don´t you think that Helen took her into their team because of missing Ashley ? Maybe she didn´t want to be only the one woman in the team. )
                  Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
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                    stepping in here as a mod, 'other fans' are off topic, so please don't go there
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I miss ashley and i miss what she COULD have been. IMHO, she spent a chunk of s1 being used as a foil to banter with will, to be a pretty face in a tanktop and to generally just BE.

                      the mother/daughter part was rarely dealt with, and i miss that potential. i miss what she could have been. thus far with Kate, despite her rather cliched start, they haven't sexualized her. the banter hasn't been overt and flity, her clothing style hasn't been ott i can deal. I have a short tolerance for the typical TV 'let's make sure the pretty woman is well shown off' attitude.

                      Beyond that, I like the potential for Kate to redeem herself. to work towards another future or outcome than 'disposable cabal resource'. I have no strong feelings about her either way, so i'm willing to wait and see what she becomes. Can Damian & co break teh cliched mold and make her unique?
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        I think a lot remains to be seen. She sure started off as a cliche.
                        I felt there was a lot of potential left for the mother-daughter relationship w/ Ashley and so was naturally resistant to what seemed like a replacement kick *** young woman on the team.

                        I don't think Helen will have a mother-daughter type relationship w/ Kate--and I wouldn't want to see that, but maybe a bit of a mentor relationship. They seemed to be setting that up in the MS episode.
                        I do like that Kate thinks Magnus is weird.


                          kate also fulfills a role in that she questions magnus. adn magnus needs that. she's so confident adn sure, that, to keep her human (and possibly good) she needs someone to take the wind out of her sails and keep her grounded.

                          someone like kate can do that
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                            I was pretty neutral about Ashley, as she was a fairly cliched character too, but I looked forward to the possible stories about the mother/daughter relationship, Asley's early life etc.
                            you've hit the nail on the head in why i'm so confused by the ashley love/kate hate stuff. ash wasn't that great of a character either really, but now that she's gone, ppl are suddenly acting in love with her.

                            kate is pretty much like ashley (in many ways), except she's not helen's daughter.

                            ^^ this is just my opinion, from a confessed huge amanda fan. i guess there's HELEN, and then there's the other characters.



                              I agree, I think Kate has a lot of potential assuming the writers go about it right and like others have said, don't go clique.

                              I think Ashley had more potential as for as relationships, I'd be interested in seeing more of her interaction with Helen and even John, Will and Henry. But for Kate I can't say I really care to see her relationship build with either Helen or Will.

                              I like Kate, which for me isn't surprising considering I tend to love the characters some find annoying. (Rodney, Vala, etc)


                                Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post

                                ( Btw, don´t you think that Helen took her into their team because of missing Ashley ? Maybe she didn´t want to be only the one woman in the team. )
                                that's a very interesting question. maybe helen saw a lost soul in kate, which i think she is. maybe being that screwed up made her 'abnormal'?...


