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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    You're welcome .... As usual
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      I just love this pairing as Nikola is always flirty with Helen, but never forceful.

      Even at the first kiss, he tricks her into it, but when they are lip to lip he doesn't hold on to her at all to keep her in place. His hands are always by his side, Helen actually grabs hold of his arms. She even stay's in the kiss a few seconds after this before pulling away.


        Originally posted by Bonniesrg View Post
        I just love this pairing as Nikola is always flirty with Helen, but never forceful.

        Even at the first kiss, he tricks her into it, but when they are lip to lip he doesn't hold on to her at all to keep her in place. His hands are always by his side, Helen actually grabs hold of his arms. She even stay's in the kiss a few seconds after this before pulling away.
        Yes, it´s always nice to think of, their first interaction was a kiss and their last too I guess she liked it, a little, but sure i was strange after 60 years not seeing each other, but now that we know they were once lovers, like Amanda said, it shouldn´t have been that shocking to her, when he told her that he loves her all along, too.



          I noticed that as well. The kiss llasts almost five seconds, I think I haven't actually counted fully, but she didn't pull away imediately. Although Amanda said that she actually enjoys kissing Jon but I think Helen does love Helen as I've stated before.
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            Originally posted by Altariel View Post
            Yes, it´s always nice to think of, their first interaction was a kiss and their last too I guess she liked it, a little, but sure i was strange after 60 years not seeing each other, but now that we know they were once lovers, like Amanda said, it shouldn´t have been that shocking to her, when he told her that he loves her all along, too.
            Maybe she thought that to him it was a little flirtation (he is a big flirt) & just some fun with someone he respected, maybe she didn't realise he felt love towards her because he just get's too caught up in his work & is not always so forthcoming with his genuine feelings towards people.
            I mean Henry had to give him an emotional guilt trip before he offered up congratulations on Henry's baby news. Nikola's usual first instinct is to use sarcasm & wit.


              Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post

              I noticed that as well. The kiss llasts almost five seconds, I think I haven't actually counted fully, but she didn't pull away imediately. Although Amanda said that she actually enjoys kissing Jon but I think Helen does love Helen as I've stated before.
              Exactly. She looks shocked, but not disgusted & she seems a little hurt when he goes to kill her (I personally don't think he could of gone through with it). Then comes the anger from her as he basically dismisses his earlier declaration of love.


                I agree. I don't think he could've killed her. My friend who plays Helen in our rp and I came up with this idea that even though he created the vampires and that's why the Cabal was after him that they were after him on another note. He was being controlled by the Cabal and he managed to get away and Dana wanted him back so they were trying to get him back and they regained control of him and that's why he was trying to kill Helen cus Dana was telling him to, but then again that's just us cus Nikola obviously truly loves Helen and I don't think he'd have the heart to kill her.
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                  This pairing is just so fun because they banter with each other so well & Nikola's flirt level with Helen is always on full power & over the top.
                  But then you get those small moments when you can see how deeply he cares for her.
                  Such as when he just adds he loves her so casually at the end of his explanation, or when he's human & bleeding to death & Helen asks how long he can hold on for, his response just makes you melt.


                    Not to mention when he saves her in Columbia even though it was his fault they were there in the first place and how he tries to save her life when the map is going to blow them to smitherines, he tells her to leave. The fact that they've known each other for 130 years leaves so much to happen between then and the current future.
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                      Even though he shows that he would gladly sacrifice his life for her, I think he was rather pleased with Helen saying that she wouldn't leave him & that they were in it together.

                      It's funny how Nikola is not very good with people in general, but can be so open & genuine about his feelings for Helen. Whereas Helen is a people person in general, but finds it difficult to be open about having feelings for Nikola. Such as when he did Gregory's challenge in the old Vampire City, or when he expressed interest in Afina.
                      I think Druitt did such a number on her that she will not allow herself to show her true feelings for Nikola because of the strength of her feelings for him, if she pretends she's not that interested then there's no way he can hurt her like Druitt did.


                        I don't think he has the heart to hurt her the way Druitt did only because he knows what John put her through and she DID go to him about the map when she was supposed to be hiding during the 113 years, but she didn't. She went to Nikola and told him about it to get his help meaning that she changed everything so that Nikola knew about all along.
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                          Helen only seems to be able to show her true feelings for him when she's alone.
                          She starts joking with Will about Nikola about him always having hidden agenda's before leving for Columbia, but waits until Will is gone in the lift befor admitting that this is what makes him so interesting.
                          I think she likes that he can surprise her & that she can't always guess what he's up too.
                          But on the other side of that they know how each others mind works. Like in 'Sleepers' where Helen knows Nikola will have a fail safe & Nikola knows Helen will know he has a fail safe.


                            Originally posted by Bonniesrg View Post
                            Helen only seems to be able to show her true feelings for him when she's alone.
                            She starts joking with Will about Nikola about him always having hidden agenda's before leving for Columbia, but waits until Will is gone in the lift befor admitting that this is what makes him so interesting.
                            I think she likes that he can surprise her & that she can't always guess what he's up too.
                            But on the other side of that they know how each others mind works. Like in 'Sleepers' where Helen knows Nikola will have a fail safe & Nikola knows Helen will know he has a fail safe.
                            Yea I think all the Teslen fans noticed that to be honest I think she of course enjoys that he's always throwing her into an unexpected adventure because she's not a sit at a desk all day kind of girl. She enjoys it and Tesla knows it so he gets her in on the hunt or in the adventure he's on so that he can spend more time with her. About Sleepers, they have known each for over 130 years so of course they would know how each other's minds work, but also because I believe they used to love each other as well so they know each other better than James, John and Nigel.
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                              Just delurking to share an AFA challenge entry that I made for Teslen:

                              Icon and Sig by me.


                                It's awesome *snurches*
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