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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would throw in my own interpretation of Dr. Coats and 'Niki' I don't think there was anything beyond friendship when she is first introduced. I think she liked him but up to that point hadn't acted on her feelings. She was in a high pressure situation, she probably thought she was going to die. Than the guy she likes comes through the door to her rescue. I would have probably hugged him to. Relief is a very strong emotion. Tesla seemed shocked and surprised, but not perhaps unhappy at having a beautiful woman through herself at him, the fact that he seemed inclined to stay and find out where it would lead strongly suggested this was a new development in their relationship. Coats is embarrassed and tries to back-peddle with Magnus later, realizing this is the girl Tesla is always talking about. Anyway that is what I got from it that there hadn't been anything going on between them up until that point.


      That's what I hate with the character types: they tend to happen, no matter what the... you try to do to avoid it

      Not that it all should be avoided but a drop of color would sometimes do nicely in all that, character type opera/whatever. After all (as far as I know, which, admittedly, isn't that far) character types like Byronic heroes are formed from what is seen in literature (and other fictional pieces), not the other way around. I mean, people were making the character that fit the descriptions way before the descriptions were created, and (fiction) writers generally learn most of their skills, characterization skills included, from other pieces of fiction. That makes us to repeat the types, go after the certain character type on purpose, not depending if we know what the type is called or what kind of attributes academic world like to associate with the character type.

      Actually knowing the types probably helps to not to use the characters that fit to the descriptions too well, when the writers choose not to use what the audience has seen too often before. It helps to give that nice touch of color/personal depth on the character that otherwise follows, say, Byronic traits.
      I think every character and even every person falls into some kind of type or category at some point or another. But I agree, when a drop of color is added in, it makes for better characterization and better overall storytelling. There are only so many basic stories to tell out there in the universe, so one must find a new way of telling a familiar story or a familiar character. There will always be orphan heroes for instance, but if you are familiar with orphan heroes and what has come before you can present the character in a new way. So we agree. Though certainly what I think is most important is being honest and true to your voice as a writer and not necessarily trying to force uniqueness.

      Each character I think should be made to be original. But if a character is an anti-hero, they are an anti-hero. You can still make them an original, deeply layered anti-hero. Same with Byronic Heroes.

      It's of my opinion that if one decides to present the story and characters in a certain way, one should be careful on how they choose to be original. Don’t introduce an orphan hero and then say because of where he came from he has bad blood (anti Oliver Twist message for instance; also anti free will). Don’t introduce a Beauty and the Beast story and have Beauty choose some other guy instead of the Beast for illogical reasons. Don’t introduce a character seeking redemption and then not give it to him because you want to be original. You can, but make sure it’s because the character doesn’t deserve it or he was too late. No one will get a writer’s originality if it doesn't make sense with the character archetypes and stories presented.

      I don't know if that makes any sense! But I do think it's acceptable in storytelling to use archetypes. A great example is the Harry Potter novels. IE: Harry is the orphan hero; Snape is the Byronic Hero. Rowling took familiar stories and characters and then twisted them to be new. No one wants to see the same story told in the same way. I think what makes something original, is telling a story in a new and fresh way. But if there is nothing that anyone can relate to I think you run the risk of alienating an audience completely.

      Personally, I feel that Sanctuary tells a lot of familiar stories. But they found new ways to tell them, which makes it fun to watch. Same with Tesla. Yes, he’s the mocking bad boy, but they created a unique character even if he falls into a category we’re already familiar with. That’s how I feel about him as a character anyway. I also love how the show uses a lot of literature and history to come up with plot lines.

      In relation to Byronic Heroes, in literature you didn't really see much of this character type until Lord Byron's poems. And then it kind of evolved from there. The Byronic Heroes really took over though when the Bronte sisters created the characters Rochester and Heathcliff. Many of the traits of the archetype is based on the actual Lord Byron. But yes, it was only later that people would create descriptions and label different types of characters. One doesn’t necessarily need all of the criticism and literary typing to write good characters. But a familiarity with them is never a bad thing as a writer, so we agree.


        Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
        Cool vids, ppl! I can only guess how frustrating it is to work with what little material to suit the purposes, I'd probably go crazy if I ever tried
        Helen and Tesla had more clips than I was expecting. Editing can be frustrating, but it also can be a lot of fun! You never know, if you try you might enjoy it.

        Well anyway, thanks! I'm glad you liked the vid!


          Originally posted by ZaraShade View Post
          ^^ If you wanted a sci-fi show which touches upon religious themes, I'd say Battlestar Galactica.
          I second this recommendation. It's a fantastic series that isn't worried about offending people with religious themes.


            Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
            Just another thought, pardon if it was already brought up, but maybe when he was talking to Will about being in love countless times he was also referring more to infatuation, those wild, early, can't get enough of this person days. He's also talking about "young love" and viewing it from a detached scientific point of view. So maybe he's differentiating between that and a more mature, lasting love. ?? And if he recognizes infatuation, maybe he uses restraint in those situations and that's what he means when he says he recognizes the feeling for what it is. dunno, just speculating of course.
            I think you've made good points and I agree. It's likely he's referring to infatuation rather than actual deep, meaning love. I don't know if he always uses restraint, but it's certainly possible.

            Definitely agree he was talking about women here, and what you say about RL Tesla. He wanted to devote his life to science, and a wife and family would have taken too much away from his work. At least that's what I got from what I read about him.

            Loved your vid too. [/QUOTE]


              Originally posted by NumberSix View Post

              Definitely agree he was talking about women here, and what you say about RL Tesla. He wanted to devote his life to science, and a wife and family would have taken too much away from his work. At least that's what I got from what I read about him.

              Loved your vid too.
              Yeah, I think we may interpret him very similarly! Well anyway, thank you. I'm glad you liked it!


                Hi! welcome to the thread!

                ^THIS! ^.^
                Thank you! Oh, and in relation to those quotes, the chosen wording makes for some interesting discussions!

                OMG!! I LOVE YOUR VID!!! The ending was so funny!! And I love all the VO's you used!
                Thank you very much! We tried to make it fun.


                  Just wanted to add that I've watched a few of the Tesla/Helen vids made from people here! Awesome job. I enjoyed them.


                    Okay, so changing the subject. Sorry to be posting so much today, but I had a little free time to respond!

                    Well anyway, I know I've beat the Byronic discussion to death so I'm sure everyone has figured out one reason why I enjoy Helen and Tesla together. IE: I love Byronic Heroes. On top of that, I think they have great chemistry as actors and I love how their story has been presented. Their ambiguity makes it more interesting because the answer of what their relationship is, was or will mean isn't completely clear. They make me ask questions, which interests me. Not to mention Jonathon Young and Amanda Tapping are just fantastic in their roles and Tesla is simply entertaining. I also love brilliant, intelligent characters. And I'm not referring to the writing, but rather to the fact that Helen and Tesla are both extremely smart. Though obviously I do enjoy the writing!

                    But I'm curious, why do other people on here like them?


                      Originally posted by StarSancFar View Post

                      BOLDED: Does that mean if he joined twitter he'd never leave...YES! He'd reply to everyone!! *happyfangirldance*

                      The poor guy would never get away from the computer! LOL!

                      Originally posted by silvervintage82 View Post

                      I guess I just interpreted it differently. Because yeah, it always does come down to personal interpretation or opinion. I personally felt it made him appear more vulnerable than stupid. Perhaps he lacks confidence because she chose Druitt in the past over him? One can be the smartest human being in the world in relation to logic, but I don't think love really falls into the logical category. It's the one thing he can't be sure of: IE: Whether or not Helen truly loves him.
                      I agree. I didn't think it made him look stupid. And I kind of liked seeing him show a little vulnerability, at least to Helen if not to anyone else.
                      Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                        I'm not very big on historical dramas like Tudors or Rome. Jeremy Irons was the only reason why I started to watch 'The Borgias' and was hooked immediately.
                        Jeremony Irons. <3<3
                        But I also studied Renaissance Italy (uni subj) in my final year of high school, so I've been obsessed with Cosimo de' Medici...and to see Jeremy Irons play a similar figure. *dies*

                        There's still a miniture version of me in my head squeeeing all day I'm not crazy...not at all
                        You have that little person too? *phew*

                        Star:Great song idea! So Teslen! I'd try but I think ZaraShade has probably already started
                        *cough* Yeah, know me so well . I got on a crazy vidding high - you know the one, when you hear a song that works so well.

                        Star: I'm still here!!! *waves* we can be insane together!!

                        Love your vid!!!
                        Don't worry I didn't forget about you *hugs*! I just meant there was one less insane vidder... But this means we're going to have to pick it up to fill the void (I feel this is a plausible excuse for increasingly insane vidding).

                        I guess I just interpreted it differently. Because yeah, it always does come down to personal interpretation or opinion. I personally felt it made him appear more vulnerable than stupid. Perhaps he lacks confidence because she chose Druitt in the past over him? One can be the smartest human being in the world in relation to logic, but I don't think love really falls into the logical category. It's the one thing he can't be sure of: IE: Whether or not Helen truly loves him.
                        And poor Nikola, it's probably the thing he wants the most.


                          Originally posted by ZaraShade View Post
                          And poor Nikola, it's probably the thing he wants the most.
                          In Nikola's character profile JY said something like Helen has Nikola under some kind of spell. I think this is one weakness of Nikola: the desire to love and to be loved, for Helen's spell to be effective on him. His reflex response on analysing anything, including emotions that couldn't be completely explained in logical sense, makes him one poor soul who is difficult if not unable to love and to be loved.
                          Sign by me


                            *nods sadly*
                            Well said.
                            I think Helen needs to put dear Nikola out of his misery and just admit she loves him.


                              .... and invites him to stay with her
                              in the underground Sanctuary.
                              Sign by me


                                ^ That sounds like a euphemism...but its not.

