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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
    Got some more banners for you all:


    Hope you like them
    Those are gorgeous *_* I love the "I will kill her if she touches Helen" <333 He was SO thinking that.

    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
    First, kind of OT, but I have to tell you - Spoilers House S7 (nothing major, don't be afraid, just general talk)
    I don't know where you are, but you might want to consider stopping right now. Because the end of S7 (there's still one episode to go, but it doesn't change anything) is so TOTALLY screwed. It makes no sense and I'm starting to ask myself what the heck I am doing watching this show.

    Me? Ranting? Nooooooooo...

    *huggles Mimzy* You do make sense! I think you do to many of us around here! None of my RL friends are fans of the show either. Well, some are, but not nearly as me. They can't talk about for hours like I would like to. It's why places like here exist you know. So we can discuss our hearts out and squeeeeeeee all we want over something as small as a glance between two people!

    Oh, and, this may cheer you up.
    I've been procrastinating. Again. Thank you Awakening! (Luckily, my exam is only at 2:30 tomorrow - still time to study!)
    I was a little rusty from artworking yesterday. I didn't have time to artwork a lot this semester. School getting in the way and all...

    House OT:
    Oh, I'm like, WAY behind and I've never religiously watched it, but still -_- noooooo how could they do something to ruin it, it was so good of a show

    *huggles back* Beautiful banners! <3


    Sig by ME!!!


      Yamii, great banners!

      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
      House OT:
      Oh, I'm like, WAY behind and I've never religiously watched it, but still -_- noooooo how could they do something to ruin it, it was so good of a show
      Okay! Well, if you want to start watching it more religiously. I suggest you go from the beginning and stop at the end of S6. This way, you'll be happy, and there will be one less fan feeling like she wants to wail and hit the producers/writers. (You know, sometimes, it feels like they don't even care about their show. *sigh*)

      *huggles back* Beautiful banners! <3


      Thank you!

      And yes, mom. *shows you the papers and starts to read*
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Okay then. Urgh I hate it when shows do that

        And good girl. *pats head* Get A's you shall.

        Btw...I have a bone to pick with the shippers...


        Come on, I've seen 2 of them based on "Awakening" only and I was expecting an overflow -_- LOL yes I am being hypocritical b/c I haven't written anything either, but it's only because I have way too many ideas!!
        Sig by ME!!!


          Thank you all!!!

          Mimzy: that is my fav as well

          LadyGalaxyJ: Love the banners! May I snurch the first one?
          Icon and Sig by me.


            Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
            LadyGalaxyJ: Love the banners! May I snurch the first one?
            Yeah sure. But it's quite spoilery. I'd wait a month after the episode (even that is little) aired before putting it in your sig rotation. Remember, the episode hasn't aired in Australia and UK. There might be people who don't want to be spoiled and will see your sig.
            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
            My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


              LadyGalaxyJ,love the artwork Awesome!!!!
              Mimzy,*raises hand* I have a good excuse why I have not written in a while...understandably muse is sad as am I...
              Yamiinsane,Love the art!!!!!! May I snurch?
              artwork by the creative genius Glitch

              "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
              My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

              "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
              When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
              And I held your hand through all of these years
              But you still have
              All of me..." Evanes


                LadyGalaxyJ: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind

                Aurora7783: Go ahead! All my arts are snurchable.
                Icon and Sig by me.


                  hmm sorry to bring you down Mimzy =/
                  I'll try to be less pessimistic about them ending up together. After all they would totally WORK as a couple!


                    yamiinsane,Thanks *snurches*
                    artwork by the creative genius Glitch

                    "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
                    My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

                    "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
                    When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
                    And I held your hand through all of these years
                    But you still have
                    All of me..." Evanes


                      Originally posted by Aurora7783 View Post
                      LadyGalaxyJ,love the artwork Awesome!!!!
                      Mimzy,*raises hand* I have a good excuse why I have not written in a while...understandably muse is sad as am I...
                      Yamiinsane,Love the art!!!!!! May I snurch?
                      Well, yes, you have a good excuse (although I think writing might help too - I find story-writing really good at distracting me from other things).

                      BUT WHAT ABOUT EVERYBODY ELSE??

                      Does everybody just want the Magnittites to BEAT US at the fic count? (No offense, LadyGJ )

                      Originally posted by Cekay View Post
                      hmm sorry to bring you down Mimzy =/
                      I'll try to be less pessimistic about them ending up together. After all they would totally WORK as a couple!
                      That's okay. I totally understand the pessimism because I'd spend the next decade in mourning if they didn't get together and so it's not worth it to get expectations TOO high. That being said, it does get kind of annoying after awhile (this is not anything personal on you or anyone else) because we're supposed to ENJOY the shipping and not be constantly skeptical of the real meaning of every perceived shippy moment. A bit of wariness is fine, but any more than that and it just sucks the fun out of the whole shipping concept and just leaves (for me, anyway) this rather depressing feeling of "ugh what's the point; it'll never happen anyway."

                      I'm sorry to go on a rant I'm kind of over-sensitive to negativity since I have major depressive disorder :/ I don't mean to get on anyone's back or anything
                      "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                      Sig by ME!!!


                        Mimzy: I've had writer's block for the last few months, tho I have tried to get rid of it, and I've failed But I have many ideas for banners tho

                        I'll see if I can come up with something, but probably not tonight tho
                        Icon and Sig by me.


                          Mimzy, I love how you all call us Magnittites on this thread. Over on the Helen/John thread we go by Magnett's.

                          Now, on to my comment on my favorite part (I'm a closet teslen... Shhhhh!)

                          I loved it when Nikola threw Afina away from Helen and they did their little 'Hi!' exchange. I think it was totally adorable! I loved her little smile



                            It seems that I'm dragging fellow Magnittites (what a name?! xD) to this thread. Hmmmm... Where are we going?

                            As for the fics, there's not only to look at! I've seen 3 on LJ only Tuesday morning. I'm too tired right now, but I'll look into it tomorrow and see if I can get you guys some links. ;D

                            Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                            Does everybody just want the Magnittites to BEAT US at the fic count? (No offense, LadyGJ )
                            I think you already 'beat' us. Helen/John fics are far behind I'm afraid. (At least, on Counting fics on LJ isn't that easy. ;P)
                            But you know, I could say it's the quality that counts, not the quantity.
                            No offense, Teslenites.

                            (Oh and guys! I love how we can joke about this without yelling at each other. <3 Thanks for being understanding about my love for Helen/John. *huggles everyone*)
                            Last edited by LadyGalaxyJ; 19 May 2011, 08:58 PM.
                            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                            My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                              *huggles LadyJ*

                              There is more than enough sanctuary love to go around XD


                                Originally posted by Emengee View Post
                                Mimzy, I love how you all call us Magnittites on this thread. Over on the Helen/John thread we go by Magnett's.

                                Now, on to my comment on my favorite part (I'm a closet teslen... Shhhhh!)

                                I loved it when Nikola threw Afina away from Helen and they did their little 'Hi!' exchange. I think it was totally adorable! I loved her little smile

                                lol *huggles the closet teslenites* If Nikola wasn't so darn adorable I would be the biggest magnett shipper.

                                Question though: Magnett? Not Magnitt? I mean it's DruITT not Druett.. that's always bugged me..

                                Mimzy haha don't worry, feel free to tell me off when I am too negative
                                As for fic writing I'm still new (and bad) at writing fics, I will write an awakening fic after assignments but whether I post it or not depends on my confidence level on that day...

