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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    I love you people.

    (My Life Is AWESOME!!)
    Sig by ME!!!



      *hugs Teslenites*

      Sorry, I wasn't around here much these days...Things came up quite abrupty last few days...

      Anyway! Love all the stuff here! Quite productive you were, Teslenites...(Yoda? lol)

      It's really awesome.

      I missed you guys


        Oh, so um, I know this sounds really dumb, but for some reason I'm thinking of making a vid to the song "Circus" by Britney Spears. Yeah...normally I can't STAND her, but for some reason I love that song...and since my brain is constantly Teslen-oriented, I thought the song could fit:
        There's only two types of people in the world
        The ones that entertain and the ones that observe
        Well baby, I'm a put-on-a-show kind of girl
        Don't like the backseat, gotta be first

        I'm a like the ringleader, I call the shots
        (Call the shots)
        I'm like a firecracker, I make it hot
        When I put on a show

        I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
        Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break
        I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage
        Better be ready, hope that you feel the same

        All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
        When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
        Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
        Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor just like a circus

        There's only two types of guys out there
        Ones that can hang with me and ones that are scared
        So baby, I hope that you came prepared
        I run a tight ship so beware

        I'm a like the ringleader, I call the shots
        (Call the shots)
        I'm like a firecracker, I make it hot
        When I put on a show

        I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
        Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break
        I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage
        Better be ready, hope that you feel the same

        All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
        When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
        Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
        Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor just like a circus

        Let's go
        Let me see what you can do
        I'm runnin' this like-like-like a circus
        Yeah, like a what? Like-like-like a circus

        All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
        When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
        Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
        Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor just like a circus

        All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
        When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
        Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
        Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor just like a circus

        I dunno, it made me think of Helen
        Sig by ME!!!


          Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
          *HUGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS* OMG I was totally looking for you too...I had to stalk your fb page to make sure I knew what you looked like LMAO But then I was there too late and the whole Open House was already over boo But ROFL about Magner HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That's a plus for the school I suppose Although it's already awesome enough...not that I'm biased or anything But anyway, I'm glad you liked it
          cept Caldwell Hall is in all seriouness haunted. The story about that building completely trumps The Exorcist and I swear the only reason it's safe to go in there is b/c it has a chapel in it ROFL

          OH and I saw THAT GUY who totally reminds me of Niko on campus yesterday...from a distance...I could tell it was him b/c he's always wearing the same outfit I swear, it's got to be the smile. He looks nothing like Niko except for that....and it's driving me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like such a stalker but it is so. freaking. cute. LOL

          btw...I had another weird dream last night involving them too...but mostly Niko...I can't describe it, though. It was too weird
          haha its ok i stalked your fb too just to be sure and you are totally not biased in any way shape or form. and about the OT: well, uh, thats interesting! haha id totally go all ghost hunters on that and investigate hahaha totally wish id seen that guy while i was there, garuntee i woulda squueed my face off and run up to him and been like "you have the best smile!!" *smooch* and then ran away XD

          i had a weird sanctuary dream last night too. and nikola wasnt even in it. and therfore it was doubly terrible.
          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          One more and then I'll stop. I promise.

          ITS GORGEOUS! dont stop

          Twinnie missed you too
          Last edited by Keaira Taegan; 25 January 2010, 02:37 PM. Reason: bc apparently i cant spell anymore
          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


            Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
            haha its ok i stalked your fb too just to be sure and you are totally not biased in any way shape or form. and about the OT: well, uh, thats interesting! haha id totally go all ghost hunters on that and investigate hahaha totally wish id seen that guy while i was there, garuntee i woulda squueed my face off and run up to him and been like "you have the best smile!!" *smooch* and then ran away XD

            i had a weird sanctuary dream last night too. and nikola wasnt even in it. and therfore it was doubly terrible.
            LAWL He would've been like "wtf?!" but he's a nice guy. I just wish I knew him better lol I really am a stalker

            And that building...guh. It is SO WEIRD. So, in the attic (yes, it's old enough that it has a random attic), there are these two random rooms right across from each other. I have NO idea WHY they're up there. So anyway, the one room supposedly used to be the office of the real priest who performed the actual exorcism that the book and the movie The Exorcist is based on (again, I have no idea why his office was in the attic). Around the time the movie came out, there was apparently this student who became really obsessed with it and with exorcisms, so she went to the Mullen Library to research. It turns out that the official book the Catholic Church uses called The Rite of Exorcism or something actually only has two copies in the entire world--one at the Vatican, and one in the Mullen Library at Catholic U So this girl checked out the book and tried to study it, but she couldn't understand it so she returned it. However, during all this time she found herself getting more and more obsessed with exorcisms until she finally went to this priest whose office was in the random attic and said that she believed she was possessed and needed to be exorcised. So the priest let her stay in the random room across from his office for about 10 days so he could observe her and conclude whether she really was possessed or not.

            Now, for Halloween '08, The House (which is where some of the student ministers live--they live DIRECTLY BELOW that part of the attic ) opened up the attic for tours for the first time since this incident happened. I went up there on a tour, and seriously, the room where that girl stayed is the freakiest thing ever. On one of the walls, the priest put up six pictures of saints and a kneeler next to them, hoping that maybe she might devote herself to them and pray to them for help, but the faces on the pictures were all scratched out And on the opposite wall, there was some weird dark liquid? that had dried on the wall and the House ministers wouldn't tell us what it was. There was a mattress below that, and then by the window there was a wooden chair, which apparently gets randomly knocked over on its own and no one knows why. In the priest's former office, there's random scratches on the wall, some old books, a swiveling chair, and a random typewriter? I believe. And the entire time I kept hearing this weird high-pitched ringing, and there was some strange pressure in my ears (according to the House ministers, this was normal, so to speak--a lot of people apparently get the same sensation).

            So, anyway, to continue the story, the priest finally concluded that the girl was possessed after observing her, so he performed an exorcism. Some time later the girl was seen screaming and running down the steps to the fourth floor, saying "he's after me" or something like that. The priest was following her. Apparently, something went wrong and the demon or whatever went into him, and then HE was possessed. So he ran down the stairs, went to what was then a men's bathroom, and hanged himself in the shower stall O.o The bathroom has since been changed to a women's bathroom and the shower stall has been walled-up.

            On a separate occasion, there was a priest who lived and worked in the building, and was in his office when he apparently was "pushed" out the window by some unseen force. He supposedly landed on the roof of the chapel...but the thing was, his office window was too far away from the chapel for him to have fallen on top of it by any normal means. He was rushed to the hospital, but the doctors found no serious injuries whatsoever. Still, he died within the hour O.o
            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
            Sig by ME!!!


              pffft he woulda been like "heck yes!! random redheads are kissing me! SCORE!!"

              WELL!!! hahaha thats really interesting and freaky as fracking still investigate it though cuz im a crazy person like that
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                pffft he woulda been like "heck yes!! random redheads are kissing me! SCORE!!"

                WELL!!! hahaha thats really interesting and freaky as fracking still investigate it though cuz im a crazy person like that
                I agree with you! He would've been alittle scared but then would've realized that some beautiful girl is hanging on him and would've been like: sweet!

                And that was the creepiest thing ever Mimzy!!

                P.S. You look hot.


                  Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                  pffft he woulda been like "heck yes!! random redheads are kissing me! SCORE!!"

                  WELL!!! hahaha thats really interesting and freaky as fracking still investigate it though cuz im a crazy person like that
                  LOL same...freshman year my friends and I went "ghost hunting"...that building is really creepy LOL

                  I found another *squee* poem posted by an anonymous writer on

                  "Dear Lover"
                  Dear lover, come to me, melt with me
                  Become one with, press your lips to mine
                  Let me look into those deep dark eyes
                  I need this, want this, come to me.
                  The feel of your body pressing, touching
                  Reach into my soul, my depths.
                  Feel the heat in ourselves, our love.
                  Relive this ecstasy over and over again
                  Dear lover, love me as only you can.
                  A touch, a thought, a kiss
                  The sweetest magic only you can bring
                  I feel electricity from head to toe.
                  I love you more from this moment.
                  Dear lover, come to me, melt with me
                  I have waited for this, needed this.
                  I will reach for you as only I can.
                  To hold you, love dripping onto each other.
                  This act, so sacred, so private, so immense.
                  Every inch of each other touching,
                  heart to heart, face to face.
                  Hold me closer, even closer still.
                  Feel my heart beat faster and faster,
                  So fast, I think it will explode.
                  Let's show each other how love can be.
                  Dear Lover, come to me, me with me!
                  *dies of squee again*
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Mimzy *SQQUUUUUEEEEE and then sigh* god i love Teslen
                    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                      Omg Mimzy!! You find like the best frackin poems ever! *sighs while hugging clone* perfect thing to come home to after a rough day.

                      P.S. You look hot.


                        Originally posted by Ayla142 View Post
                        Omg Mimzy!! You find like the best frackin poems ever! *sighs while hugging clone* perfect thing to come home to after a rough day.
                        perfect indeed!
                        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                          Here's another from

                          "An Entrapment" by Anthony Kolos
                          My love, I have tried with all my being
                          to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
                          but nothing seems worthy;

                          I know now why Shakespeare could not
                          compare his love to a summer’s day.
                          It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
                          of such a creature as thee,
                          to simply cast away the precision
                          God had placed in forging you.

                          Each facet of your being
                          whether it physical or spiritual
                          is an ensnarement
                          from which there is no release.
                          But I do not wish release.
                          I wish to stay entrapped forever.
                          With you for all eternity.
                          Our hearts, always as one.
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            damn. thats another perfect one! haha mine suck compare to this!
                            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                              NO they don't!! I <3 your poetry!!

                              btw, I saw this and OMG it TOTALLY LOOKS LIKE THEM The only difference is the guy's hair needs to be spikier...but STILL

                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                                NO they don't!! I <3 your poetry!!

                                btw, I saw this and OMG it TOTALLY LOOKS LIKE THEM The only difference is the guy's hair needs to be spikier...but STILL

                                I saw that before i read what you wrote and yelled "OMG!!! SHE FOUND A PICTURE OF THEM KISSING IN A WINDOW IN HER VILLA HOLY FRACKING GOD ITS GOING TO COME TRUE IN THE NEXT SEASON HOLY CRAPP YESSS!!!!!" aaaand then i read what you wrote and i was like "oh, bummer." lmao it does look liiike them.

                                *sighs* god i love teslen
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

