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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    I come bearing FIC

    "A Single Ray of Light"
    Genre(s): Romance/General
    Rating: T/Teen
    Summary: In the end, it's the little things that change your destiny. A
    series of oneshots exploring the development of Helen & Nikola's relationship
    following the events of "Sleepers." DOES INCLUDE SPOILERS. ( (

    I think I died a little...

    it was so awesome, wonderfully written

    and so sweet...aaaaawwww...and at the same time it was sad

    it's official Mimzy, I'm now a BIG fan of you


      Sent off my first wallie for the calendar

      Now I can reward myself with Mimzy's fic
      "Are you like, a crazy person?"
      "I am quite sure they will say so."


        Awww, thanks so much for the love, guys And the reviews

        Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
        hahaha irish pubs <3 ok so its official january fic challenge is snowed in

        yeah i do remember you had plans for the villa but maybe im just tired of waiting around for you to do it hahaha JUST KIDDING ik its going to be well worth the wait
        YAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYY!! I shall confirm that about the fic challenge, then!!

        The 2010 Helen/Nikola Monthly Fanfic Challenge!!!
        1) Each month there will be a different fic challenge, posted HERE (I might also create a forum thread on for this, so be on the lookout).
        2) Anyone who wants to write a fic can do so, just make sure that it somehow stays within the parameters of the specific challenge that month.
        3) Make sure to mention somewhere in the summary/author's note that the fic is for the H/N Challenge for whatever month it is. Also, don't forget to say what the specific challenge is (e.g. January is "snowed in").

        That's not a lot to remember--it's basically self-explanatory. Hopefully if we mention the Challenge in the author's notes we can pull in more participants Also, if anybody has any suggestions for challenges for the next month, by all means mention them and maybe we can vote on them at the end of every month? Or something like that. I don't really care if it's not that formal; it's just for fun anyway

        If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!
        January: "Snowed In"
        Write a fic that somehow relates Helen & Niko and being snowed in.

        Can't wait to see what people come up with
        Last edited by Mimzy; 20 January 2010, 12:35 PM.
        Sig by ME!!!


          Oh, you will write FFs ? I am sorry, I can´t help, my english isn´t so good for FF :-(
          Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
          / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


            hey i got a new ff but scienc i cant put my story up till the 6th on the other place here it is hope you like in my opion its not that good but here it is


            He sat there waving the metal tray in the air , as he gazed between it and Helen he could tell that Helen was having just as much fun as he was as she too gazed at the try.
            As nickola waved the metal trey around She new that at that moment he felt whole again and she was determined to let him have his few minutes of happiness if it meant that he could feel different again not normal but him. She always cared for nickola and something inside her always burned for the hope that secretly some where deep inside him that he cared for her too.
            He turned towards her and half laughing “ I can work with this” and again waving the try trying to impress Helen, his Helen the one person who saw him the real Nickola tesla and believed in him all those years ago in oxford university he tried to impress her , to have her take notice to him over john and to have her feel the need that was his to have her love him.
            She smiled “ you see nickola you will never be boring, and I was right” as she said so she saw that grin that she loved through the years on his face “ you are right my dear Helen , but I do wonder what other things may lay in store with my new found powers” she paused for a moment as her expression changed to wonder as he moved an inch closer to her body. She new what was happening but did not know if it was the right thing to do , because of all the things that have happened with Ashley’s death and the helicopter crash , john being gone and all and to top it off one of her dear friends dying. But as she thought of the reasons why not to go in to this nickola was moving even closer.
            He new that he wanted this and he hoped she did to. “ Helen do you remember the party you had on your birth day when we were still in oxford?” she sighed “ yes it was the one party you never crashed or came too”. she smiled but for some reason he noticed that she was sad when she said that he never came to the party. He did indeed remember why he never came to the party it was the day john said the words that nickola had hated him for so many years for…… john asked Helen to marry him. Suddenly his flash back to that day was interrupted when Helen started to speak.” nickola why did you never show to my party I did invite you “ he paused again than spoke , “ I did I was at your door step waiting as I knocked on the door , and well I was waiting I saw you standing in amazement and I saw john.., holding out a ring, the ring for you to marry him. so I left flowers on the door step and simply left” he could feel what he felt on that day . The sadness that he had lost the fight for Helens love , and of course the hatred of john for proposing to her on the day, he was going to tell Helen he loved her all along . Even though Helen said yes he could never be mad at her.
            She gently but quit fast set her glass on the table and turned to face nickola, she slowly put her hand on his cheek and turned his head slowly to face her. “ nickola why didn’t you tell me” he smiled “ I did “ her face turned “ oh right yes if my memory dose serve me well which it dose you tried to kill me”
            He smiled she always brought that up when ever he made the attempt to try to get close to her . He would of never hurt her all that time that he said that he would hurt her when they were in Rome she was the one who was hurting him . Slowly killing his heart ( but I those days it would of healed with his vampy powers ) he laughed at his self at that thought . He moved closer to her as he new she was fixed starring in to the eyes she loved. He could make his move.
            “Magnus do you know where will is cause I need to talk to him about some upgrades that need work” Helen broke out of her trance “Henry” nickola sighed and the door was slammed shut . Helen noticed the metal door knob and she laughed “ go away tiny Tim me and ms. Magnus have work to do” she gave nickola the be nice look “ well I guess that means your powers arrrrrrrr” she couldn’t speak for her lips were suddenly up against his in a lip lock .
            He was surprised she didn’t smack him right there but instead stayed kissing him. She pulled back from his lips knowing that she wanted more. ”nickola if you would have told me this years ago I would not of married john” he looked amazed that she said that. “ now I do but if I did say it all those years ago I would not be in this room on this couch kissing the women that I loved for years and making her beg for more” they both laughed
            She laughed and ruffled his hair. It was clear now that she loved nickola and he loved her back . She hoped that she would be this happy for years to come . She smiled and leaned back into him and kissed him . For this night her only fear was that he would stop holding her. And his only wish was her love for him which now he has .


              there is some spelling errors in the fic, other wise its good


                cant spell great sorry never been great at it lol


                  Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                  January: "Snowed In"
                  Write a fic that somehow relates Helen & Niko and being snowed in.

                  Can't wait to see what people come up with
                  I'm so excited! Plotbunnies are swarming already!

                  I actually popped in to put a fanfic link up. It's my very first Sanctuary fic so of course it's Niko/Helen.
                  Two chapters up so far, but I've got the rest planned out--just have to write it.


                    Oh - Nikola/Helen thread - that´s great... N+H is the only pair (except Helen + John - although John isn´t my favourite character) I can imagine in SFA... I love them sooo much...

                    I can see you will write some FFs about them... that´s cool... I like reading ship FF... so I´ll read them surely :-)

                    Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                    Oh, you will write FFs ? I am sorry, I can´t help, my english isn´t so good for FF :-(
                    Hi Majka, I believe you could write some FF in ENG :-) As I´ve seen you´re good in English. You can start with some short story to try it and you´ll see how good or bad it is :-)


                      The FF challenge sounds like fun. I might give it a try too. I'm not that good, but still...

                      I love all the fics! I really should try to start reviewing.

                      Originally posted by sgjoli View Post
                      Oh - Nikola/Helen thread - that´s great... N+H is the only pair (except Helen + John - although John isn´t my favourite character) I can imagine in SFA... I love them sooo much...
                      Hi! Welcome to the thread!
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by sgjoli View Post
                        Hi Majka, I believe you could write some FF in ENG :-) As I´ve seen you´re good in English. You can start with some short story to try it and you´ll see how good or bad it is :-)
                        She can, she already written a little thing =P that was amazing!


                          Originally posted by MissCheerfully View Post
                          She can, she already written a little thing =P that was amazing!
                          Zoe, thanks so much. I appreciate your nice words :-)

                          Zoe, Joli, I think that I am not so good. Maybe I can try write something in czech language and then to translate it. But .. I am afraid that I won´t have time for it. :-(
                          Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                          / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                            Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                            Zoe, thanks so much. I appreciate your nice words :-)

                            Zoe, Joli, I think that I am not so good. Maybe I can try write something in czech language and then to translate it. But .. I am afraid that I won´t have time for it. :-(
                            Time that's always the problem, I do hope the hollidays be longer! With all the art you did these past few days! ^^
                            Love you Sammie ^^


                              Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                              HAPPY NEW YEAR!
                              I come bearing FIC

                              "A Single Ray of Light"
                              Genre(s): Romance/General
                              Rating: T/Teen
                              Summary: In the end, it's the little things that change your destiny. A
                              series of oneshots exploring the development of Helen & Nikola's relationship
                              following the events of "Sleepers." DOES INCLUDE SPOILERS.


                              Oooh it was a wonderful read! I liked the feelings and a lot of silence. Gotta read more from you.
                              "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                              "I am quite sure they will say so."


                                Originally posted by MissCheerfully View Post
                                Time that's always the problem, I do hope the hollidays be longer! With all the art you did these past few days! ^^
                                Love you Sammie ^^
                                I love you too.
                                I had to learn, I wanted to make some arts. And be with you on MSN.
                                So .. I am lacking of my time :-(
                                But I will enjoy your FFs.
                                Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                                / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /

