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Season 3 Spoilers Announcements ONLY

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    Episode 5 is called Hero II which brings the known list of episode titles to:

    1- Kali Part 3
    2- Firewall
    3- Bank Job
    4- Trail of Blood
    5- Hero II
    6- Animus
    7- Breach
    8- For King and Country
    14- Metamorphosis
    17- Normandy


      Episode synopsis for Kali 3 -

      The Season 3 premiere of Sanctuary airs at 10pm on Friday, October 15th on Syfy. The opener finds the team desperately trying to find a way to reach Kali to prevent catastrophic tidal waves from killing millions around the world. En route, they receive reports of massive tsunamis heading for the coasts of India, Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula.

      Ravi continues on to the sanctuary while Kate frantically tries to warn the authorities in Dharavi to sound the sirens and get their people to higher ground. Meanwhile Magnus (AMANDA TAPPING) and Henry (RYAN ROBBINS), aboard the sanctuary vessel now taken over by a power-hungry Wexford (PAUL MCGILLION), evaluate the horrific destruction around them, caused by Big Bertha’s last magnetic impulse.

      Sanctuary and Stargate Universe are broadcast on SPACE in Canada. Sanctuary premieres on SPACE also on October 15th.



        @samcartersg1: I uploaded a YouTube video -- #Sanctuary Season 3 Trailer - Syfy Promo 6



          'Sanctuary,' 'SmackDown' and more Syfy Digital Tour highlights
          By Hanh Nguyen
          October 11, 2010 1:50 PM ET


            From the Syfy tour
            There's a Will and Magnus story. I'm guessing it ep 18;
            Lots of flashbacks;
            Magnus will face a new villain played by Ian Tracey who'll be a classic character out of history and literature, an "iconic character that gets an Abnormal twist," who we'll love to hate;
            The Five is back, including Nigel Griffin;
            There will be an episode entirely from Will's perspective;


              Brief video interview with Robin Dunne taken today during the Syfy tour. He mentions in particular his favorite episode of Season 3.


              Robin Dunne #syfytour #Syfy #sanctuary

              about 5 hours ago via Mobile Web


                Another small casting spoiler: Paula Giroday has a role in 305. Source


                  Damian Kindler will be directing one of the last episodes of S3.


                    Here's three more episode descriptions for you -

                    4 - Trail of Blood
                    The team gets a cryptic distress call that could only come from one person. Nikola Tesla. The team heads off to respond to the call, but Will has his suspicions as to Tesla's true intentions.

                    5 - Hero 2: Broken Arrow
                    Will and Kate are hijacked at gunpoint while transporting Abnormals to an off-site storage facility, but the gunmen aren't looking for money.

                    6 - Animus
                    Will and Henry travel to the UK to follow up on a werewolf sighting and end up uncovering a dark connection to Henry's past, and to his future.

                    Source : SciFi Channel (Aus)


                      When talking about this years show. Amanda is hoping that the audience will enjoy some of the changes that 20 episodes has allowed them to make in terms of a broader and more complex arc.

                      “I think the audience will enjoy the bigger story arc, which he have this year. We have this massive quest that we go on this year, and we discover something quite remarkable and end up as a team going on this huge quest.

                      “Part of it was started by Magnus Father. So its a noble quest.”

                      Amanda went on to add that although this year has huge epic stories. The show somehow feels a bit more intimate than it has in prior seasons.



                        Tapping climbed into the director’s chair for “One Night,” a story about co-star Robin Dunne’s character, Dr. Will Zimmerman.



                          Pink Raygun

                          Syfy Executive Erika Kennair also chimed in, citing this season as a big one for Bigfoot. “There are some great episodes about his back-story. And he becomes a bit of a vigilante in one of our episodes.”


                          So, if you’re interested in seeing a giant spider attack the world and watching Bigfoot play out his own Batman fantasies, then check it out tonight, Friday October 15th at 10p/9p central, only on Syfy Channel.


                            SciFiPulse interview with Amanda talking about Tesla :

                            "I just finished an episode with him that I think the fans will go crazy for and that's all I can tell you but it's called Awakening and it's our 16th episode and so you have to wait quite a while for it. He is as sarcastic and arrogant and ballsy and annoying and wonderful as ever, so don't worry about the devamping so much, he's Tesla. That annoying bug in the ointment."



                              Sanctuary Preview For Friday, October 22
                              Pop Culture Zoo

                              This episode is a very strong follow up to last week’s season premiere and sees the team encounter a bizarre pair of beings. Are they aliens or high tech abnormals? Unfortunately, our heroes are unable to determine their origins. However, Magnus and crew are able to unlock a puzzle that, presumably, is followed through over the next few episodes, if not the rest of the season.



                                Check out the official synopsis forthe Sanctuary, Season 3 Episode 3 ‘Bank Job’.

                                In order to protect the public, Team Sanctuary is forced to stage a bank heist after a seemingly routine retrieval of an Abnormal egg goes haywire.

