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Sanctuary Fanfic

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    Just a heads up guys

    As you know Julia is revamping the official site. And as part of that fanfic isn't going to be archived there anymore. So if you have any fic there that you either want a copy of or any of your stories that you don't have a copy of locally, you should go and save it.

    I have no idea the timeline so sooner is better. Pass the word along to anyone you know.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Anyone know of any Teslen Valentines fics?


        There's "Tequila Valentine" by Emmy1512. Rated M for obvious reasons.
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          Originally posted by CeraCin View Post
          Anyone know of any Teslen Valentines fics?
          There were several posted as part of a charity for Sanctuary for Kids. Stand by, and I'll post some links...


            Ohps, never mind, those weren't for Valentine's day. It was just for S4K. But you can find them on the author's pages linked above.


              Hey Even though I'm new to Sanctuary, I've managed to get going a first chapter of a Sanctuary fanfic. It'll be posted on, titled "Shadow Games", rated T, and there will be eventual Teslen.

              Basically an OC of mine is found, and she's a vampire. Or as much a vampire as Tesla is. That's all I'm going to say, any more and I'll spoil it.
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Hi, I'm really new to Gateworld (literally just joined today) and I've just recently watched all the episodes of Sanctuary up until the third last one of Season 4.
                I am a HUGE Helen/John shipper, as well as an aspiring author, and I've decided to try my hand at writing a Magnitt Ship Fanfic. So far, I've had John attempting to get through the EM shield on the Sanctuary for a few days with a stab wound to the stomach. Henry noticed some glitches in the EM shield every time he tries, and when he told Helen, she checked for previous glitches. One was in the first episode when John tried to teleport through the EM shield, and she manages to get John into the infirmary. The blade, which is still in his stomach, is something they've never see before, and is coated in something Helen has never seen. I'm stuck for ideas about what could have (or would want to) done this to John.
                It's set where I'm up to in the series: just before the end of season 4. I was thinking that John and Nikola could have had (or might still have) a fight over Helen <3
                But other than that, I'm so blocked :/
                Does anyone have any ideas? When I finish my first chapter, I'll post it on and add the link here...


                  Hi Emii, good luck with the fanfic! I am sure you will be able to figure it out I am a huge Helen/John shipper, too and I am craving for new fics!!!


                    I don't write fanfic and don't have a recommendation for a story I've read. I just thought I'd jot some thoughts and maybe someone else would like to use them in fanfic.

                    UNREQUITED LOVE
                    I know I'm not the only person who wishes there was more romance for Helen on the show. I'm sure the percentage of fanfic that is romance-related is ridiculous! It's true that Helen has lived a very long time, but perhaps she hasn't had quite as many lovers as some think she has. (I'm not just talking about the 113 years she had to live over - where she may have avoided relationships in order to prevent changes to the timeline - but her first 160 years.) But whether you think she has had many lovers or not, I have no doubt that she has had many, many admirers. I think I posted this somewhere else on this forum, but I can just imagine a Valentine's Day at the Sanctuary and Helen receiving tons of gifts from various admirers throughout the world. Helen Magnus is just that gorgeous, intelligent, amazing, and awesome! So - what about all the people suffering from unrequited love for Helen Magnus? Some may be cases of transference (abnormals who fall in love with Helen for saving them), some may be girl-crushes (like mine for Amanda Tapping! I'm a totally straight girl, but I'm in awe of and a little bit in love with her), some may just have a physical attraction to Helen, some may be totally head over heels in love with Helen and wishing for a real relationship. Of course, delving into these various scenarios could be very funny or sweet or heartbreaking. How many people actually express their feelings for Helen or act on them? The semi-flirtatious banter that Helen had with Nikola (mainly in the 4th season) - was there anyone else she could banter with in that way? Remember from Nubbins (and pardon me if I get some dialogue wrong, I'm doing this from memory):

                    Will: "Are you asking if I've been feeling...randy?"
                    Helen: "I've made you uncomfortable."
                    Will: "No, as a matter of fact you've...aroused my curiosity."
                    Helen: "Well then, turnabout is fair play."
                    Will: "Awkward."
                    Helen: "Poor thing."

                    Loved that! I don't think it's appropriate for her to be very flirty with everyone, but it's damn effective when she is!

                    And how about when she shoots down the guy Brad in Monsoon:

                    Helen: Whatever fantasies you have about you and I are not going to happen.


                    I wonder if Will or maybe other psychiatrists that have worked with Helen over the years have always had to deal with this: hearing from the many people who are in love with Helen.
                    Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                      Darn it, meredith! Stop it! Any more plot bunnies and my head will explode! Do you want to partake of my newest SG-1 fic, or no? Because these Sanctuary fic ideas are nibbling away at me, trying to distract me...

                      But it really is a good idea. I'll probably use it. Soon. Too soon, if you know what I mean. Because I have no willpower. obviously.


                        Something I had always wanted to see on the show was Helen learning the things she knows or at least finding out when she did learn them. We've seen she speaks several languages - exactly how many? When did she learn them? Did she often learn from one or more people tutoring her, from books/tapes, and/or being immersed in the language while being in different countries? Did she learn any languages during her 113 years of seclusion? Did she learn anything else then? It's obvious Helen knows how to fight. Exactly how many different styles of fighting has she learned? What weapons does she know how to use? Helen knows her way around a gun and presumably a knife (as she carried one in Monsoon). We saw her work with makeshift weapons during Breach. Does Helen have any training in dance? Art? Music? She was an artist in Into the Blue...but then Will was a medical doctor in that reality. Can Helen cook? When did Helen learn to fly or scuba dive? And what about computers? She's not the whiz that Henry is, but she seems to know her way around a computer OK. Was she learning from early pioneers in computers? Does Helen actually learn very quickly? While extending her lifespan, could the source blood actually have allowed Helen the ability to learn quicker than adults usually learn (closer to the way children do)?

                        I have all these images in my head:
                        Helen learning to drive (car, van, motorcycle)
                        Helen learning to fly (plane, helicopter)
                        Helen learning to fight (with and without weapons)
                        Helen learning languages
                        Helen using early computers
                        Helen learning to scuba dive

                        More exciting - what did Helen teach Ashley? Was there anything they learned together? We don't know when Helen learned her hand-to-hand fighting skills. Perhaps that was something she learned as Ashley was growing up and they could do together, and Ashley just took to the hand-to-hand much more than Helen did so she became a much stronger fighter. Or maybe Ashley taught her mother. Just had a cute image of Ashley as a little girl having had lessons in Tae Kwon Do (little callback to the fact that Amanda Tapping mentioned once that she and Michael Shanks both take their kids to Tae Kwon Do class), and Ashley teaching her mother something she learned.

                        Ah, if only I knew how to write.
                        Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                          ^ An interesting idea, I have to say. Too often we just take Helen as she is given, all the knowledge and skills intact. Of course there has to have been a time she didn't know the things she now knows. There has to have been a time she was at the other end of, hmm, master-apprentice relationship, probably mentored by her father.

                          I think I have read some takes of Helen's lacking baking skills and such, mostly funny snippets or non-essential parts of longer stories. Fun as they were, I'd like to read, you know, a bit more challenging take(s) of the topic.


                            Hey guys,
                            I work on series of short stories (Valentine's Cards) and I would like to share my work with you.
                            If you want, you can read them and give me reviews with your opinions.

                            I would really appreciate it.

                            An Unusual Valentine's Day Card
                            Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                            / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                              So, anyone wanna take a gander at a fic i FINALLY got done?? A little light proof reading
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Ummmm... YES?!

                                I mean, really, Sky, what kind of question is that?

                                Link or PM attachment, please! I'll even do the proofreading for you (but I only do the grammar and spellcheck stuff. Otherwise I end up too involved in the fic-writing process, and that's totally not my intention here...).

