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Season 2 Spoiler Thread

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    Actress Karyn Baltzer to make an appearance on Sanctuary. I guess this would be episode six, unless they're already shooting 2x07.

    on set of sanctuary today. greatest crew on earth. and i want a sandwich.


      Oh my god, this is all sounding great, all these little teasers are making me really excited and I can't wait to see them!


        From Damian on FaceBook :

        "Trapped helicopter. Dead Oil Rig. Deadly sea creature. Sexual frustration. Repeat."


          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
          From Damian on FaceBook :

          "Trapped helicopter. Dead Oil Rig. Deadly sea creature. Sexual frustration. Repeat."

          i just hope this sexual frustration isn't between helen and zimmerman...



            From Damian on Twitter :

            "In a "helicopter logistics meeting". It's your first one you remember the most.

            about 5 hours ago"

            spoiler picture!
            "Did some whackjob producer order this?!?

            about 4 hours ago"


              A few general spoilers from an interview with Amanda at Sci Fi Pi :

              What direction can you see the show going? You can travel wherever you want in time, all over the world. What’s coming up for Sanctuary?

              We’re playing with interpersonal dynamics in Season 2, now that everyone’s been introduced and established. There are definitely new characters coming in but we’re utilising Tesla again, played by Jonathon Young – such a great character and a really amazing actor too. There’s a lot more interpersonal. We’re going a bit “dark side” with the show this year. We’re going back to activate the feel the webisodes had, which was a little darker and a little edgier. Definitely going out a lot in terms of travelling the world. But there’s not a lot I can really tell you without having to shoot you so…


                From Damian on Twitter:

                "Not to be a giant wuss, but the end of Ep 3 will make everyone lose their ****. Chokes me every time I watch it.

                about 3 hours ago"


                  Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                  From Damian on Twitter:

                  "Not to be a giant wuss, but the end of Ep 3 will make everyone lose their ****. Chokes me every time I watch it.

                  about 3 hours ago"
                  lose their lunches? minds? bodily functions? keys?




                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    lose their lunches? minds? bodily functions? keys?

                    GW swear filter in action

                    Rhymes with hit


                      From Damian on Twitter :

                      "Okay seriously, this whole "helicopter trapped above a deep sea drilling well" concept may be my ****ing Waterloo...

                      about 5 hours ago"

                      and on Facebook :

                      "Writing ep 208. Ohhhh this is a tricky one!"


                        From Damian on Twitter :

                        "Martin Wood dropped by on his bike. Read the first three and a half acts, ate rice chips and then left. He didn't throw up. Promising...

                        9 minutes ago"


                          Possible spoiler from Robin (Dunne) on Twitter :

                          "Somehow stupidity has a knack for getting its way. Now bed. Tomorrow we do like Howard Hughes and fly above the weather.

                          about 7 hours ago"


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                            Possible spoiler from Robin (Dunne) on Twitter :

                            "Somehow stupidity has a knack for getting its way. Now bed. Tomorrow we do like Howard Hughes and fly above the weather.

                            about 7 hours ago"

                            Hmm that doesnt sound nice.


                              "Amanda is on the floor directing. Cliché as it sounds she's doing a terrific job. Let the fans all start their chorus of 'of course!'..."


                              Per Robin Dunne, this is episode 207.


                                From Damian on Twitter :

                                "Saw the pool at Vancouver Film Studio where we will hang the chopper. It will be amazing! FYI: Robin Dunne LOVES working in the water.

                                about 6 hours ago"


                                "Deep pool at VFS for ep 208. Now imagine a helicopter hanging over the water.

                                about 6 hours ago"

                                From Alan (McCullough) on Twitter :

                                "Finished outline for 209, which preps in 8 days. Good thing they can shoot an outline. Wait, what?

                                about 5 hours ago"

