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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    See that's what I'm afraid of. They usually tend not to explain wtf happens to him when he just disappears for episodes so there's all these random gaps that make no sense -_-

    And on last night's ep
    It was good, but not great. I was a bit disappointed that most of the conflicts got resolved way too easily. Like Gregory's appearance--it was a bit too random and what I really didn't like was how since it was so quick and random of course they just had him stand there and give the typical exposition about what happened to him. And a lot of the ep seemed somewhat rushed, like they had too many plotlines to pull together so it just kind of zipped through all of them. And the part about Helen's sickness was way too glossed over. They made such a big deal about it in "Hollow Men" and to have it so automatically solved like that was anti-climactic :/

    I did like the bits with Adam, though. Although they were somewhat rushed too, overall it was a good setup and I liked the cliffhanger

    I still wish Niko had been in it in some capacity, though. His absences need to at least be referenced verbally by another character.

    As for the fic ideas that this has spawned...well, all I can say is

    Alice In Wonderland. + Niko

    ^feel free to speculate on this
    Oh! That would be so cool Mimzy ... I hope you write it that would be so awesome! Please write it when you can? Please please please?
    On the edge of breaking down
    Banner made by me


      I will. But I can't promise it will be soon :/ I really want to write it though, so it will eventually happen. I've got this whole thing planned where

      Wonderland = Hollow Earth

      and Alice Liddell (the "real" Alice) went there twice and she and Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) were the only ones who knew about it and tried to tell The Five in "code" through the books but The Five got distracted and it never happened :/

      And then Nazis get involved and predicting the future and people with strange mental abilities with then brings in the Niko part of it and probably some random crossover with The Last Mimzy
      Sig by ME!!!


        Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
        I will. But I can't promise it will be soon :/ I really want to write it though, so it will eventually happen. I've got this whole thing planned where

        Wonderland = Hollow Earth

        and Alice Liddell (the "real" Alice) went there twice and she and Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) were the only ones who knew about it and tried to tell The Five in "code" through the books but The Five got distracted and it never happened :/

        And then Nazis get involved and predicting the future and people with strange mental abilities with then brings in the Niko part of it and probably some random crossover with The Last Mimzy

        gah caps sorry! *tries to hide excitement*
        On the edge of breaking down
        Banner made by me


          OMG YOU'VE ACTUALLY SEEN IT. so many people haven't

          obviously it's where I get my GW name I love it so much. Such an underrated movie. And 4 years later I still don't have a Mimzy plush and I want one SO BADLY

          also on the fic end...I've had this plotbunny hopping around in my head for some time involving Niko finding and taking care of an abandoned kitten. She will look like this

          and be named Senka, which is Serbian/Croatian for "shadow"
          Sig by ME!!!


            Mimzy,I love your fic idea Definitely write this one..I love it already!!!!
            and the cat one awww...the kitty reminds me of my Bandit I had to give him up when I was younger because of allergies...he would always sleep in my bed cuddled up next to me under the covers..and to wake me up..he would massage the back of my head with his paws or lick me on the face..he was most attached to me in the family..I cried for several weeks..
            artwork by the creative genius Glitch

            "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
            My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

            "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
            When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
            And I held your hand through all of these years
            But you still have
            All of me..." Evanes


              Originally posted by Aurora7783 View Post
              Mimzy,I love your fic idea Definitely write this one..I love it already!!!!
              and the cat one awww...the kitty reminds me of my Bandit I had to give him up when I was younger because of allergies...he would always sleep in my bed cuddled up next to me under the covers..and to wake me up..he would massage the back of my head with his paws or lick me on the face..he was most attached to me in the family..I cried for several weeks..

              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
              Sig by ME!!!


                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                See that's what I'm afraid of. They usually tend not to explain wtf happens to him when he just disappears for episodes so there's all these random gaps that make no sense -_-
                yeah basically what im afraid of, its a huge flaw that damian and the gang have as far as the show goes because its really just not logical that he'd just up and leave and nobody would care...they make such a big deal out of it everytime he shows up i'm pretty sure they'd be equally suspicious when he left...

                And on last night's ep
                It was good, but not great. I was a bit disappointed that most of the conflicts got resolved way too easily. Like Gregory's appearance--it was a bit too random and what I really didn't like was how since it was so quick and random of course they just had him stand there and give the typical exposition about what happened to him. And a lot of the ep seemed somewhat rushed, like they had too many plotlines to pull together so it just kind of zipped through all of them. And the part about Helen's sickness was way too glossed over. They made such a big deal about it in "Hollow Men" and to have it so automatically solved like that was anti-climactic :/

                I did like the bits with Adam, though. Although they were somewhat rushed too, overall it was a good setup and I liked the cliffhanger

                I still wish Niko had been in it in some capacity, though. His absences need to at least be referenced verbally by another character.
                i agree that if felt rushed but i think that was just because they (TPTB) didnt want to push this storyline into yet another episode if they could help it. dont get me wrong its a fascinating and well done idea, but there is only so much you can do with it before running into the issues of needing to keep it going to explain everything else that pops up. On the whole i think they wrapped it up as nicely as they could....i mean heck they even kinda gave us a tidbit about vampires that explained a hell of a lot that needed explaining as far as the vamps were concerned haha

                the whole gregory thing, eh. i didnt buy it. him being the tunnels and hollow earth peeps not being able to find him. unless he left the whole area, and then went back to the tunnels, i dont find it plausible. nonetheless i hearts papa magnus, such a nice insight into helen that we dont get often.

                the parts with adam were great and so interesting buuuut anti-climatic if you ask me.

                and yes, once John wrote the all depts paid in full in blood in that transport somebody could have gone, "crap is nikola here" but sadly they just probably didnt have the screen time to show them figuring out if nikola was or wasnt, plus I think it could be implied the Helen knows enough about those three that she could have guessed what happened...

                As for the fic ideas that this has spawned...well, all I can say is

                Alice In Wonderland. + Niko
                LOL *waits to see it actually get written *

                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                also on the fic end...I've had this plotbunny hopping around in my head for some time involving Niko finding and taking care of an abandoned kitten. She will look like this

                and be named Senka, which is Serbian/Croatian for "shadow"
                SO EFFING CUUUUUTE

                Originally posted by Aurora7783 View Post
                Mimzy,I love your fic idea Definitely write this one..I love it already!!!!
                and the cat one awww...the kitty reminds me of my Bandit I had to give him up when I was younger because of allergies...he would always sleep in my bed cuddled up next to me under the covers..and to wake me up..he would massage the back of my head with his paws or lick me on the face..he was most attached to me in the family..I cried for several weeks..
                ive never had a cat cuz i think my dads allegeric but ive always loved them and Clayton adores them too so when we get our own place we're going to get a kitty
                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                  Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                  OMG YOU'VE ACTUALLY SEEN IT. so many people haven't

                  obviously it's where I get my GW name I love it so much. Such an underrated movie. And 4 years later I still don't have a Mimzy plush and I want one SO BADLY

                  also on the fic end...I've had this plotbunny hopping around in my head for some time involving Niko finding and taking care of an abandoned kitten. She will look like this


                  and be named Senka, which is Serbian/Croatian for "shadow"
                  Yes I've seen it! I love that moive! Noah is my favorite character , love his science project I thought it was so cool even though I'm deathy afraid of spiders. Cute kitty btw *pets kitten* awe Senka is so cute!
                  On the edge of breaking down
                  Banner made by me


                    Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                    yeah basically what im afraid of, its a huge flaw that damian and the gang have as far as the show goes because its really just not logical that he'd just up and leave and nobody would care...they make such a big deal out of it everytime he shows up i'm pretty sure they'd be equally suspicious when he left...
                    I really wish I could just ask one of them the question, "What does Nikola do when he disappears from the Sanctuary?" or something like that. It'd probably have some funny answers I wonder what J-Yo would come up with...
                    And your thing about cats - that is my plan exactly. My parents are allergic so I never got to have one even though I've always wanted to get one. So I'm getting one when I'm on my own. I want a white Siberian so I can name it Pangur Ban after the cute kitty in the movie The Secret of Kells xD

                    Originally posted by Glitchie View Post
                    Yes I've seen it! I love that moive! Noah is my favorite character , love his science project I thought it was so cool even though I'm deathy afraid of spiders. Cute kitty btw *pets kitten* awe Senka is so cute!
                    I can't believe how much Chris O'Neil (Noah) has grown up. I think he's like 16 or something now I mean, this is him now:

                    But I loved how Noah was like a mini-Niko with all the science genius stuff ^_^ I think I liked both him and Emma equally. Emma was so adorable Although my favorite character is probably Mimzy LOL because she was the CUTEST THING EVER.

                    And yes, Senka is cute.

                    "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                    Sig by ME!!!


                      Oh yea he has grown hasn't he? Can't believe that move came out four years ago already. I think he's like Tesla in so many ways, except the glasses. I don't think Tesla wore/wears glasses


                      That's Emma now
                      On the edge of breaking down
                      Banner made by me


                        As a note: I actually watched The Fog all the way through today... lol

                        I almost turned it off when Dan the Weatherman died... lol
                        Sig by Glitchie


                          Originally posted by CrazyKewl
                          I see we're on the subject of cats! I love cats. I have three of my own.
                          well cats are awesome that's why LOL but I love all animals
                          artwork by the creative genius Glitch

                          "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
                          My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

                          "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
                          When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
                          And I held your hand through all of these years
                          But you still have
                          All of me..." Evanes


                            So do I Twin especially cats and birds Pigeons! I love Pigeons, Seagulls to
                            On the edge of breaking down
                            Banner made by me


                              Busy weekend, so I'm playing catch-up...

                              I see I’m not the only one who enjoys the scenes between Nikola and Henry. I agree Nikola does like Henry though he wouldn’t want to admit it. He did let his guard down with Henry in the “I don’t do humble” scene,” and I loved how they both looked at that gizmo and said “cool” together.


                              they had better play his leaving/not ebeing there right or im going to be mad. if they dont explain his disappearance in a proper way, they'll be doing themselves a disservice and pissing of a ton of fans...

                              Couldn’t agree more, but I’m afraid Mimzy may be right and the others will just go on about their business and his absence will never be referred to or explained. Hope I’m wrong, especially after he was in a string of episodes and was a major help in them getting to hollow earth. His absence deserves at least a mention. One thought I had is that the next ep is supposed to involve them returning to the Sanctuary and everything is a total mess, so maybe they’ll think something happened to him during whatever caused it or maybe he somehow caused it trying to get to hollow earth. Don’t know. I could be way off too.

                              Mimzy – I kind of felt that way too!

                              Yes, I liked the episode, but I guess after so many episodes leading up to them going to hollow earth it just seemed everything was resolved too easily. I realize it’s only about 45 minutes to tie everything together, but I was just thinking it would be a little more dramatic. Was Helen cured then or just treated? There were good moments though, especially when Adam sees John coming at him – “you and I have unfinished business.”

                              And I love that little kitten. Reminds me of one of my cats, Oreo. She's my buddy.

                              So anyone know how to pronounce Macak? (if I can’t find out for sure what color he was maybe I can learn how to pronounce his name )

                              Aurora – so sad you had to give up your Bandit.
                              Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                                Originally posted by NumberSix View Post

                                Couldn’t agree more, but I’m afraid Mimzy may be right and the others will just go on about their business and his absence will never be referred to or explained. Hope I’m wrong, especially after he was in a string of episodes and was a major help in them getting to hollow earth. His absence deserves at least a mention. One thought I had is that the next ep is supposed to involve them returning to the Sanctuary and everything is a total mess, so maybe they’ll think something happened to him during whatever caused it or maybe he somehow caused it trying to get to hollow earth. Don’t know. I could be way off too.

                                And I love that little kitten. Reminds me of one of my cats, Oreo. She's my buddy.

                                So anyone know how to pronounce Macak? (if I can’t find out for sure what color he was maybe I can learn how to pronounce his name )

                                Aurora – so sad you had to give up your Bandit.
                                We could make it a Tapping Tuesday question...

                                And I'm not sure how to pronounce Macak. And I've tried finding out what he really looked like but had no success There's some picture book about Niko and his cat, though:

                                And actually, there's a picture book about his childhood too:

                                EDIT: I found them on this website <--the descriptions are there
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

