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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Swimmingcook View Post
    Mimzy that was about my reaction as well. I just can't spazz out in front of my parents because theY already think I am insane. I have been watching Charlie the unicorn on Youtube Yes it is extremely random and don't usually watch things like that but it's pretty funny. We are planning a few things to make JY win. Such as Judge-napping and making them watch all of the sanctuary episodes with us until they agree that he deserves the award.

    I really hope he wins, though. It just sucks because Ryan Robbins got nominated for the same exact category and I love him too They should just both win

    But I'll root for JY since Ryan's been in more eps as Henry and JY was only in two and was absolutely phenomal in creating that memorable of a character in that few episodes. Which makes me wonder...why the heck didn't they nominate Peter Wingfield?! He was only in 2 eps and he was amazing!

    Anyhoo...I found another awesome Helen/Nikola vid on youtube:

    She Gets Me Inside

    and I was thinking while watching this video...what if we replaced the Count & Countess with Helen and Niko instead? : Twenty-Something

    I just found something out
    Apparently vampires were SUPPOSED to be OCD for some strange that's why throwing poppy seeds at them fended them off b/c they would have to count every single one. It fits the real Tesla perfectly!!
    Sig by ME!!!


      Yes, it does fit his personality but if he wanted to kill you I don't think he would stop and count the poppy seeds. You'd be dead! Still, I wouldn't mind dying at the hands of our amazing sparky vamp would you?
      Writing Update:
      I now have a whole page of Nikola revealing his feelings about his brother to Kalli, after some persuasion and pushing. I love writing!

      Have any of you noticed that in the five everytime he kills/maims/hurts anyone he wipes his hands? After every touch the little blue cloth comes out and he cleans his hands but only when he touches a Cabal agent, when he touches Helen he doesn't? Is he allergic to the Cabal?
      Last edited by Tesla_Babe; 14 April 2009, 03:17 AM.


        Welcome back, Mimzy!

        Originally posted by Tesla_Babe View Post
        Yes, it does fit his personality but if he wanted to kill you I don't think he would stop and count the poppy seeds. You'd be dead! Still, I wouldn't mind dying at the hands of our amazing sparky vamp would you?
        Writing Update:
        I now have a whole page of Nikola revealing his feelings about his brother to Kalli, after some persuasion and pushing. I love writing!

        Have any of you noticed that in the five everytime he kills/maims/hurts anyone he wipes his hands? After every touch the little blue cloth comes out and he cleans his hands but only when he touches a Cabal agent, when he touches Helen he doesn't? Is he allergic to the Cabal?

        ...My shippy answer would be hat he's allergic to anyone but Helen, but since this is the general discussion thread, I'd say...
        Eh... maybe he just likes to touch women better?
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          now that ya mention it... not really... may have been too buzy droolin away too *smirks,*

          hell said sexy, sparky vamp could turn me instead.. *cackles.*

          okies.. *bares fangs.*


            Because he came in contact with blood. I still slightly annoyed at him for telling Helen he loved her and then saying it won't work out. AGGRRR! You almost had her right there you just should of kidnapped her and showed her your wonderful plans and taken her to us your troopers we would of been happy to explain its wonderfulness.


              Originally posted by Tesla_Babe View Post
              Have any of you noticed that in the five everytime he kills/maims/hurts anyone he wipes his hands? After every touch the little blue cloth comes out and he cleans his hands but only when he touches a Cabal agent, when he touches Helen he doesn't? Is he allergic to the Cabal?
              LOLZ really?? I need to go re-watch that!! *NERD SPAZ* That SO fits him!! Once again my *psychic powers* () have been correct...I had this idea I was going to put into a fic that he hates touching people (as the real one did), but with Helen, he doesn't mind because it's, well, HELEN. And it's actually already in the show!! *SQUEE* Someone needs to ask Damian if that was in the script or if JY just made that choice himself...

    's weird that I can predict stuff like that w/ TV shows...last time this happened, I was planning an SGA fic with a character who was this child queen of this group of people on another planet, and lo and behold, "Harmony" came out.

              Btw, do you guys like my new siggy? It uses the song "A Place For Us" by Leigh Nash & Tyler James from Bridge to Terabithia.

              And Tesla_Babe, I really want to read your story!!
              And I totally agree Swimmingcook...I was SOOOO mad at him for blowing it w/ Helen in "The Five"!!! She was going to give him a chance and he went all evil over her.

              Somehow, though...if John hadn't showed up when he did, I don't think our Niko would've actually had the heart to kill her... If he's got a weakness (besides his past), it's DEFINITELY Helen. There's no way I think he actually would've killed her...John, yes, he'd kill him, but not Helen.
              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
              Sig by ME!!!


                OMG mimz ur sooo right, I'd love to see a huge fight over Helen between John and Niko in the next series, I'm working on my story, could take a while though cause I have to sort through a lot of it. I will post it on my blog when it is ready and u will be the first peoples to get the link.

                (EDIT BY THE FRIEND: Hiya again


                  Originally posted by Tesla_Babe View Post
                  OMG mimz ur sooo right, I'd love to see a huge fight over Helen between John and Niko in the next series, I'm working on my story, could take a while though cause I have to sort through a lot of it. I will post it on my blog when it is ready and u will be the first peoples to get the link.

                  (EDIT BY THE FRIEND: Hiya again
                  LOL we can probably be guaranteed lots of fighting over Helen. Poor Helen. But Niko should TOTALLY win. John creeps me out.

                  Oh, I found some more great Helen/Nikola vids:

                  It's Too Late to Apologize

                  Anything for You

                  And one...don't worry, it's actually REALLY awesome, but we know that pairing would NEVER work :
                  PAIRINGS WE HOPE WILL NEVER HAPPEN: ashley & nikola: sweet sacrifice
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Ashley and Nikola WHAT!!! NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER you get the idea...


                      *is frozen to the ground thanks to that image*
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        I actually was the one who thought of and begged for the to late to apologize actually coming here to tell about it. Ashley and Nikola just so wrong! Nikola MUST win the battle over Helen or else I will never watch anything made by the SCIFI channel again (unless JY is in it).


                          completely agree swimmingcook! I am tryin desperatly to block that image! arg my eyes!


                            Originally posted by Swimmingcook View Post
                            I actually was the one who thought of and begged for the to late to apologize actually coming here to tell about it. Ashley and Nikola just so wrong! Nikola MUST win the battle over Helen or else I will never watch anything made by the SCIFI channel again (unless JY is in it).
                            I AGREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol They already butchered SGA in terms of romantic pairings--they had better not do it with Sanctuary!!! But thank goodness Clara is gone...I was afraid she'd be a regular or something in S2 but they got this new character named Kate Freelander instead *starts coming up with ship situations for Henry *

                            Anyhoo...I didn't notice that attached pic you put of JY as Tesla in his play (it was on pg. 35 or something ) until now...I went *SQUEE! Why did I not notice that?* and then saved it.

                            I wonder if any of the rest of the cast/crew know about his obsessive crazy fangirl following yet... Maybe we should all go to Vancouver and make ourselves publicly known
                            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                            Sig by ME!!!


                              That is pure genius though it would be pretty easy for me considering I could drive there if I had a passport in like a day or two. My grandma (favorite grandchild) said if I do this diet thing with her (seriously I need to lose twenty lb. and that is it) she will take me to see one of his plays the only problem is besides the passport... (stares at easter candy) (stuffs some in face). I can't help it O.K. Any way we should all go there and follow him around for like a week with shirts that have this picture on them. He would be creeped out at the least but we would get the point across that WE LOVE YOU JY.
                              His theatre company's website is
                              I am scared of seeing Studys in motion though (don't ask me just read the reviews on the website).
                              Cool huh?
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Swimmingcook; 14 April 2009, 05:44 PM.


                                Well, I live like, on the other side of the U.S., so I definitely couldn't drive there...

                                and you stole that banner from me! lol
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

