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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    My clone is still asleep, peacefully dreaming away.
    "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


      Originally posted by CrazyKewl View Post
      Happy St. Pattys day to you too! have fun posting in green! hahaha i love the day of my people hahaha
      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


        My clone won't let me dye his hair green. What a spoil sport!
        "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


          From the Electric Company twitter account:

          "theElectrics $100k renovation investment from Dept of Cdn Heritage announced today for Electric Company's shared rehearsal space, Progress Lab 1422. YESS"
          ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


            OHmygoodness i have an awesome story for you guys about my last class and its basically all about our King

            So as some of you are aware i am taking a class called "Science-Fiction/Fantasy Literature" in which we read books and watch movies in said genre. Today we started our back to back watching of the 1930's films "Dracula" and "Frankenstein" starting today with Dracula. So my teacher, Geddes who is a simply amazing man (he watches BSG c'mon that makes him uber cool) decided to give a history of the vampire legend. Naturally after he was done a few of my idotic classmates went, "What about twilight and edward and those vampires?" and i let out a loud annoyed sigh thus they looked at me and asked "whaaat?!" and i just replied as calmly as i could "real vampires do not sparkle" and quite a few of my classmates were like "THANK YOU!!!" and then dear Geddes looked at me and said, "why don't you give us the history of vampires as you know it?" and i smiled thus and replied "my pleasure." took a deep breath and said basically this:

            "ok to start off lets get one thing straight. Bram Stoker was an alocoholic irish hack. . if you expose vampires to sunlight or garlic all you get is tan vampires with bad breath. holy water does not burn them, it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. They have reflections and dont have to sleep in coffins and they most certainly do not sparkle. All of that, and whatever other information you have regarding vampires is misinformation the vampires spread themselves to confuse you and thus prolong their race. Sanguine vampiris were, and are, the preminent race on this planet. They were the kings, ceasars, and pharohs for centuries since as immortal beings they lived for that long. Bhalasaam in the himalayas was their city and it was magnificent. when they ruled there was a golden age in the world. Math science and everything advanced and blossomed uner their rule. They would sigh and the world would tremble. Then a bunch of puny small minded stupid churchfolk decided that vampires were "impure" and went about trying to make them extinct. those that survived were sterilized. But it is my belief, along the belief of many, that Sanguine Vampiris is not an extinct race and that many of them still survive somewhere to this day. Awaiting for the perfect oppurtunity to recalim their rightful place as Kings."

            ....needless to say Geddes just hit play after i was done talking bc everybody was so stunned

            *hugs Troopers*
            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


              AND OMG! i was just talking to said teacher Geddes about how good Bello was at playing Dracula and how good the character was over all and he says this:

              "The best vampires are smooth, seductive, sexy bad boys."

              not only was it mad hysterical that he said that but its TRUE! becuase Nikola is all of that
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                AND OMG! i was just talking to said teacher Geddes about how good Bello was at playing Dracula and how good the character was over all and he says this:

                "The best vampires are smooth, seductive, sexy bad boys."

                not only was it mad hysterical that he said that but its TRUE! becuase Nikola is all of that
                Except Nikola's not bad just misunderstood

                Nice story btw
                ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                  Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                  Except Nikola's not bad just misunderstood

                  Nice story btw
                  haha all bad boys are misunderstood tho

                  and thanks. its all true, so as you can see i clearly had the greatest day LOL
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    I gave my clone a bottle of Irish whiskey. The first time he's taken something other than wine.
                    "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


                      Must be the occasion!
                      "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


                        He's outside though. Maybe I should go get him.

                        *Leaves to go outside and look for clone*
                        "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


                          So as some of you are aware i am taking a class called "Science-Fiction/Fantasy Literature" in which we read books and watch movies in said genre. Today we started our back to back watching of the 1930's films "Dracula" and "Frankenstein" starting today with Dracula. So my teacher, Geddes who is a simply amazing man (he watches BSG c'mon that makes him uber cool) decided to give a history of the vampire legend. Naturally after he was done a few of my idotic classmates went, "What about twilight and edward and those vampires?" and i let out a loud annoyed sigh thus they looked at me and asked "whaaat?!" and i just replied as calmly as i could "real vampires do not sparkle" and quite a few of my classmates were like "THANK YOU!!!" and then dear Geddes looked at me and said, "why don't you give us the history of vampires as you know it?" and i smiled thus and replied "my pleasure." took a deep breath and said basically this:

                          "ok to start off lets get one thing straight. Bram Stoker was an alocoholic irish hack. . if you expose vampires to sunlight or garlic all you get is tan vampires with bad breath. holy water does not burn them, it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. They have reflections and dont have to sleep in coffins and they most certainly do not sparkle. All of that, and whatever other information you have regarding vampires is misinformation the vampires spread themselves to confuse you and thus prolong their race. Sanguine vampiris were, and are, the preminent race on this planet. They were the kings, ceasars, and pharohs for centuries since as immortal beings they lived for that long. Bhalasaam in the himalayas was their city and it was magnificent. when they ruled there was a golden age in the world. Math science and everything advanced and blossomed uner their rule. They would sigh and the world would tremble. Then a bunch of puny small minded stupid churchfolk decided that vampires were "impure" and went about trying to make them extinct. those that survived were sterilized. But it is my belief, along the belief of many, that Sanguine Vampiris is not an extinct race and that many of them still survive somewhere to this day. Awaiting for the perfect oppurtunity to recalim their rightful place as Kings."

                          ....needless to say Geddes just hit play after i was done talking bc everybody was so stunned

                          *hugs Troopers*
                          OMG THAT IS AWESOMENESS!!!

                          Oh, random btw...I found out that St. Patrick was actually born in SCOTLAND I just thought he was straight-up British...

                 at lunch the most AMAZING thing happened!!! So, my friends were goofing off as usual, and 2 of my girl friends decided they were going to put one of the guys' hair in a little *poof* ponytail on the top of his head (don't ask why--we are very strange people ) and then one of the other guys, who happens to be the John I told you about who has Niko's cheeky attitude, decided he wanted his hair up too (b/c he's just crazy, there's no other explanation). So my friend gave him a ponytail too But then he took it out after 10 minutes b/c it was hurting his head (lol)...but here's the AWESOME part--when he took it out of the hair tie, HIS HAIR WAS STANDING UP IN A NIKO POOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like *squee* ... and triple *squee* b/c 1) Niko Poof 2) the guy is cute 3) he has the cheeky attitude.
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                            OMG THAT IS AWESOMENESS!!!

                            Oh, random btw...I found out that St. Patrick was actually born in SCOTLAND I just thought he was straight-up British...

                   at lunch the most AMAZING thing happened!!! So, my friends were goofing off as usual, and 2 of my girl friends decided they were going to put one of the guys' hair in a little *poof* ponytail on the top of his head (don't ask why--we are very strange people ) and then one of the other guys, who happens to be the John I told you about who has Niko's cheeky attitude, decided he wanted his hair up too (b/c he's just crazy, there's no other explanation). So my friend gave him a ponytail too But then he took it out after 10 minutes b/c it was hurting his head (lol)...but here's the AWESOME part--when he took it out of the hair tie, HIS HAIR WAS STANDING UP IN A NIKO POOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like *squee* ... and triple *squee* b/c 1) Niko Poof 2) the guy is cute 3) he has the cheeky attitude.
                            hahaha isnt it

                            and OMG thats soo siiiick

                            hmm, seems as tho you and i both had excellent Niko glory filled St. Pattys Day
                            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                              Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                              hahaha isnt it

                              and OMG thats soo siiiick

                              hmm, seems as tho you and i both had excellent Niko glory filled St. Pattys Day
                              Turns out that listening to Scottish bagpipe music in the car (b/c we didn't have any Irish music) wasn't so off the mark after all And to add to that, the guy who works in my mom's office that reminds me of JY wore a KILT today. She got a pic of him.

                              And yes, the Niko moment was wonderful Oh, and did I mention I'm learning about lighting in drama class right now? Yay for electricity LOL And I got a much better grade on my last class, thanks in part to Niko
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                                Turns out that listening to Scottish bagpipe music in the car (b/c we didn't have any Irish music) wasn't so off the mark after all And to add to that, the guy who works in my mom's office that reminds me of JY wore a KILT today. She got a pic of him.

                                And yes, the Niko moment was wonderful Oh, and did I mention I'm learning about lighting in drama class right now? Yay for electricity LOL And I got a much better grade on my last class, thanks in part to Niko
                                kinda wanna see this picture

                                ahaha yayy for electricity
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

