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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
    More picspam from EoN pt2 <Pic requotes snipped>
    *Hysterical Squee* You are awesome! Just had to throw that in there!

    Now if anyone has any wet Niko pix, I will squee like the fangirl I am.

    (Lovely sig made by hbt123)


      Originally posted by Alexandria's_Dreaming View Post
      *Hysterical Squee* You are awesome! Just had to throw that in there!

      Now if anyone has any wet Niko pix, I will squee like the fangirl I am.

      Wet Niko you say?

      Getting wet...

      And already wet...

      How do you like, Alex?
      Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

      image from:



        Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
        They really do. I think you have to acknowledge that even if you're not a shipper. Those scenes with them working together say way too much, especially the scene I talked about. And personally, after what happened at the end of EoN, I can see Helen running to him for comfort more than anyone else (hence my new fic plotbunny! ).

        btw, new icons!
        Love the icons!

        Can definitely see the plotbunny potential. Where to you post? I haven't found much on the net. The eyes said it all in that scene. Personally, I'm not a shipper, but I can see the def potential for some great stories!

        (Lovely sig made by hbt123)



          *snagging away* OMG, I think I passed out for a min! You are my hero!
          Was that not the coolest scene? I loved it.

          (Lovely sig made by hbt123)


            Yay thanks to ObeTheres I have new object of obsession and wonderment!

            I mut be nuts, 'cause that's just hot!

            Have you ever seen hair in more need of touching?

            btw...*hoping I actually posted those pix* I won't know till a mod posts.

            (Lovely sig made by hbt123)


              I just want to jump in here and say hi! I'm a new fan of Sanctuary and a new fan of Tesla. (Like squeeky new, actually!) It's good to know I'm not alone in my interest! LOL

              And yes, I agree, pretty pretty hair.

              It's funny, I wasn't much of a fan of this actor on Eureka, but WOW he's terrific on Sanctuary!

              And thanks for all those pics. I actually really like the Vamp mode they do on this show.

              Good to be here!
              "Nature and nature's laws lay hid by night. God said 'Let Tesla be' and all was light."


                Welcome shiny newbie!!!

                also - like, 26 (mostly tesla) icons THIS A WAY

                also - i swear, Love in the Time of Science up tonight - or tomorrow. i know I KNOW but i got distracted LOL

                re: WET TESLA PICS - i think i may have passed out.

                elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                  Originally posted by Beachdragon View Post
                  I just want to jump in here and say hi! I'm a new fan of Sanctuary and a new fan of Tesla. (Like squeeky new, actually!) It's good to know I'm not alone in my interest! LOL

                  And yes, I agree, pretty pretty hair.

                  It's funny, I wasn't much of a fan of this actor on Eureka, but WOW he's terrific on Sanctuary!

                  And thanks for all those pics. I actually really like the Vamp mode they do on this show.

                  Good to be here!
                  *Waves furiously*
                  Hi, Beachdragon! He didn't leave an impression on Eureka for me (at all) sadly. Can't remember him, but I never paid a lot of attention to Eureka, it's more my husband's show.
                  But, no, you are not alone!
                  And yes, the hair is phenomenal!
                  Welcome, there are a few Probies like us hanging around!

                  (Lovely sig made by hbt123)


                    Originally posted by ellymelly View Post

                    also - like, 26 (mostly tesla) icons THIS A WAY

                    also - i swear, Love in the Time of Science up tonight - or tomorrow. i know I KNOW but i got distracted LOL

                    re: WET TESLA PICS - i think i may have passed out.
                    One day, when I can have my own avie, you and I are gonna have a talk. Those are great!

                    (Lovely sig made by hbt123)


                      part - um - 7? 8? of ROME


                      Helen smiled politely, pulling back from the man. There was no need to introduce Tesla. It was likely they were already acquainted and, if not, there was little point in doing so now. While Helen had no doubt that Hamish would protect them until the end, there was no sense in throwing one more person between them and the Cabal.

                      "I can't stay long," Helen added, a note of urgency in her tone. "Little bit of trouble managed to find me," she intoned, giving a pointed stare to Nikola. the man nodded in understanding. He murmured something about finding the deposit to his account before waddling off to get Helen's goods. A simple book wrapped in paper and neatly tied with a piece of twine. The woman perked up, clutching the volume in her hands. "Thank you." For a few brief seconds, she basked in her glee before turning to her companion. "Let's go, Nikola."

                      Nikola’s eyes were on the parcel clutched in Helen’s hands. He made a non-committal sound and stepped aside, allowing her to step past him and lead the way to the door. They stopped just before opening it – but well out of earshot of Hamish, who had vanished into another corner of his store.

                      “I hope you have a plan,” Nikola said to her, quite seriously, “because I cannot return to my lab.”

                      He wasn’t one to beg for help, but he was tired of fleeing – being a shadow on the edge of civilisation. Nikola had being doing it longer than her and with more organisations on the hunt.

                      “I have nowhere left to go,” he admitted.

                      Helen nods, taking a quick look outside before stepping out of the shop. "Of course I do," she assured him. "There is a safe house on the outskirts of Rome. We can stay there for the time it will take for my contacts to arrange the necessary paperwork. Two, three days at most. I've been staying at the local Sanctuary, but that would be the most likely place of refuge." Hence why they'll not be going there.

                      Helen paused outside the door of the shop, offering the parcel in her hands to Nikola. "Will this fit in your case?" As if she hadn't missed a beat to make that query, she continued. "We'll take a series of taxis to the house, but we must start our travel quickly before the Cabal finds us once more." Helen paused, then, wondering on him with a mild expression. She knew it was difficult for him to step around his ego and ask for help, hence why it was only in the most dire of circumstances that he called upon her. She also understood that was simply his way and no amount of chastising or assuring it needn't be so would change it.

                      Nikola took the parcel with a snippy comment, even though his curiosity was more than peaked.

                      “I am not you caddy,” he snarled, wrapping his elegant fingers around the parcel.

                      Nikola could feel through the paper that it was a slight book – at fifty pages with a heavy binding. Nevertheless, he knelt down the ground – careful not to actually touch it, as he opened his brief case and laid her book beside his notes.

                      He was not blind to Helen’s gesture. After a second shuffling his things around to accommodate the book, Nikola shut the lid, locked it and straightened.

                      Catching taxis in Rome wasn’t like catching them in London. Most streets were too narrow for anything but people and scooters so Helen and Nikola found themselves hurrying along between the buildings until they emerged on one of the few main streets.

                      A tide of people and cars were squeezed together in the open space and amongst them, a speckling of taxis.

                      Once on the main road, hailing a taxi didn't prove a difficult feat. Once they shuffled into the vehicle, Helen instructed the driver to take them to some random tourist site on the opposite end of the city. From there, they'd transfer to another cab and head once more to another part of the city before switching to yet another and making their way to the edge of Rome.

                      "Our best option is tourists. Easy enough since neither of us are Italian. A commercial flight will be booked and we will travel economically." As she'd told him before, it would take a few days to get papers in order allowing them to travel with less chance of being tracked.

                      He sighed heavily as the word, ‘economically’ left her lips. Clearly they would be trapped in baggage class. Helen really was cheap – always had been – probably always would be. Nikola wasn’t one to talk though, as he was perpetually impoverished despite his best efforts.

                      Nikola nodded in reluctant agreement, glancing at the window of the taxi as a stand of weary poplars blurred past.

                      “I hope you have wine...” he said, still watching Italy out the window.

                      Spending two to three days in a confined space with Tesla could prove to be Helen's end. She'd contented herself reading through several books she kept at the house (and the one for which she'd come to Rome) and working diligently from her PDA. After spending the first day laying the ground rules (which included limits on how much wine he was to drink in a day and discussion of staying in the house except in the most dire of emergencies), Helen was pleased to learn their papers were to soon arrive via a courier.

                      Once the parcel was delivered (along with their airline tickets for that evening), Helen couldn't help her amusement once she'd looked over the documents. "Nikola," she called to him from the sitting room. "I have news for you."

                      Nikola set his last allotted glass of red down on the table and slinked toward the hallway. He lingered in the doorway, arms folded across his chest as he observed Helen rustle through some papers.

                      “You called?” he said.

                      He was dressed in his only other change of clothes – a dark maroon vest over a black dress shirt with black trousers.

                      "Papers," she stated, moving to hand him his needed documentation. If he flips through them, he'll see a passport sporting his photo with the name 'Milos Jovovi?' printed on it, issued from the government of Serbia. It shows extensive travel through various parts of Europe. Among the documentation, he'll find an IR green card, the type the spouse of a US citizen would have. The name listed as his sponsor reads as one Johanna Denton-Jovovi?, coincidentally, the name on Helen's documents.

                      "It seems," she droned on as if bored by the topic, "we've recently been married and have spent our honeymoon abroad. We'll be flying back to the United States this evening."

                      Nikola’s eyes languidly move from the papers in his hands to Helen’s bored look. He had read them twice, just to be sure.

                      “Maybe wine does affect me,” he said, slipping his passport into his buttoned pocket for safe keeping. “All I remember of Rome are bullets and mayhem ... Mrs Jovovi?.”

                      Is he staring at her in a manner that he shouldn’t? Quite possibly. On occasion he can’t help it, especially when she purposely baits him by feigning disinterest in his existence.

                      For a long moment, Helen simply continued to look through her papers, completely impassive. "Enjoy it while it lasts," she droned, the tone making it clear this little ruse was the closest he would ever get to her.

                      Finally, her gaze lifted to meet his, a flash of a startled look crossing her features.

                      "Nikola, you're leering."

                      “So I am,” he acknowledge, snapping out of it. Nikola cracked into one of those smiles where it was impossible to tell if he’d been kidding or not. “I’m packed...” he nodded roughly in the direction of the front door where his briefcase stood next to her luggage. “And your driver is late.”

                      elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                      HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                      NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                      HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                      Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                        LOVE THE PICCYS!!!!!! Expecially wet Tesla.


                          Originally posted by Alexandria's_Dreaming View Post
                          One day, when I can have my own avie, you and I are gonna have a talk. Those are great!
                          LMAO i don't have one here either and i've been here since 2003 - i think ... omg

                          EDIT:HAHAHAH if only i could read my own stats - 2005 - i was at sg1-database before gateworld *FAILS AT LIFE*
                          Last edited by ellymelly; 19 October 2009, 06:08 AM.

                          elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                          HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                          NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                          HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                          Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                            Ooh thanks for the Avie link! I may try to figure out how to apply one. Some day a sig. Oh well.

                            I especially liked the wet and electricity stuff. Nom nom, LOL

                            Thank goodness I have the first season of Sanctuary on disk. I've got a lot of catching up to do.
                            "Nature and nature's laws lay hid by night. God said 'Let Tesla be' and all was light."


                              This guy is great. Awesome actor, great character!!
                              Fan of SG-1, SGA, STNG, Sliders, Firefly, Fringe, & Sanctuary


                                Love the latest chapter Elly.
                                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic


