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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by shel View Post
    I'm pretty sure I passed out a few times... especially when Tesla made the comment about
    tiny tim being his assistent...
    and "I'm not british that tally ho crap doesn't work on me" LOL

    But my favorite
    "I'll need wine, the good stuff, nothing cheap"

    Actually I'm pretty sure almost every scene Niko was in I just stared at him. I hope they show a lot more of him.
    I loved those parts too.
    And how John and him just exchanged looks after they went around the corner and saw the vamps and then went into attack mode.

    Originally posted by SciFiGeek17 View Post
    Hey, I'm a Nikola Tesla fan! A new one at that! For a few months...actually. Anyway, new to this thread!

    Tesla had some nice scenes in this last sanctuary episode! He seems more interesting in this season. I hope we see more of him!
    Welcome to the thread.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      ooooo *steps in* Hello! ^_^ Nikola is awesome! Just thought i should pop in and say that. He is SOOO hot too lol


      MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
      Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
      Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


        Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
        ooooo *steps in* Hello! ^_^ Nikola is awesome! Just thought i should pop in and say that. He is SOOO hot too lol
        Absolutely true! +I love your avvie!
        Welcome to the land of crazy Tesla thunkers!
        Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

        image from:



          mmmm such a lovely eppy last night *sighs* well when i wasnt spendin the time balling my eyes out in places. although... guh
          WET TESLA welding power source... YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!


            I love our guy. LOVE him.
            Really. It's not just a crush or an obsession. It's pure love.

            Welcome to the new troopers!!
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
              Welcome to the thread SciFiGeek17! Please tell me there's a shorter nick name we can use!
              Well, my friends called me Jade. Is that short enough for you? lol

              Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
              I hope you really like it here, and decide to stick around!
              Thanks! I'm sure I'll be sticking around.


                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                mmmm such a lovely eppy last night *sighs* well when i wasnt spendin the time balling my eyes out in places. although... guh
                WET TESLA welding power source... YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!
                So sad , yet so many lovely parts !

                Gotta agree absolute fave scene!

                (Lovely sig made by hbt123)


                  yes it was.



                    THAT. EP. WAS. AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
                    I just have to say...WOW. WOW...where do I begin?

                    That was seriously THE BEST EPISODE I have seen to date. OMG. I cannot believe how awesome and yet how tragic it was...just WOW.

                    On the Niko end of things...

                    I just love his little scenes in the lab, working with Henry...*squee* AGH it was so AWESOME seeing him working in his element I am SOOOO happy they showed all that--it was such a shout out to the real guy!! *NERDSPAZ* And the little jokes he made LOL gotta love him...and the "Okay, I'm impressed!" @ Ashley lol and "Okay! It's officially a party now!" haha

                    Not to mention all that LOVELY LOVELY footage of him WET...mmmmmm *melts*
                    Hehehehehe I think my sentiments on that are self-explanatory...

                    But my absolute FAVORITE scene in the whole episode was when Helen goes in to talk to him about the weapon the last time, before Ash invades the main Sanctuary. Just...the tension and the really strong connection between the two of them totally came out in that one scene...there was so much going on there that I think I'll just list them off:
                    1) When she first comes in, he just automatically assumes what she's going to say and starts talking before she even has a chance to say anything, and then he keeps on working b/c he's so utterly absorbed in what he's doing--I just thought that was SO cute And again, it really echoed the real Tesla's crazy work ethic and his perfectionistic tendencies...
                    2) I LOVE the little chuckle she gives when he makes the "because he was a crappy doctor" joke about her father--totally adorable. You can tell she's entirely used to him saying stuff like that and even gets a little kick out of it, b/c they're such close friends
                    3) It was so adorable how he kept on working while she was talking to him, and I could tell that he (a) did that to distract himself from the discomfort of having to have a serious face-to-face conversation, b/c the real one was just awkward with people, plus, his whole being cynical about everything is really just a coping mechanism so that he doesn't have to look anything painful/tragic in the eye (b) did that b/c he was so utterly absorbed in his work that he couldn't stop until he was finished. And I LOVE how Helen just kept on going--it's like she knows him so well that she knew he was just trying to avoid anything that would make him feel too awkward and that he was still listening while working. AAH *squee*
                    4) The very last bit...OMG how do I sum this up?? It said SOOO much. First, how she said how the weapon she first asked him to build was impossible to make...his reaction to that said to me that maybe he gave in to her request even though he knew from the outset it was impossible because he was trying to protect her. Like, he knew the only answer for an effective weapon would be to kill Ashley, but he just wanted to try the other option first just in case because he didn't want Helen to be hurt. And then when she gives him the blood...I just absolutely loved how hesitant he was about it--it TOTALLY PROVES that he DOES CARE about her. He knew what Helen was asking and he didn't want to to do it, b/c he knew how it would affect's just so sweet.
                    5) Overall, I just adored the sense of trust there was between the two of them. You could really tell how much Helen trusted him to make that weapon the way she asked him to, and the way he's willing to do what she asks because SHE asks him. And the whole atmosphere of the scene just screamed of how close the two of them were back in the day. They just keep giving us more and more evidence of them having had a really strong friendship, something that we don't really see with anyone else, and oddly enough, especially not John. She's just been more comfortable talking to Niko than she has with John (possibly partly because John reminds her of Ash, but there's more to it too), like in a way she actually trusts him more. Plus, the way they looked at each other during that end part...*momentarily loses ability to breathe* AGAIN with the "eyes speaking volumes" thing! There was SOOOOOOO much going on in just their facial expressions and that silent interaction OMG *squee*

                    But...AAAH!! *FLAILFIT* That scene SOOOO calls for more backstory and definitely more fic!!! *squee*

                    AND WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES!!!!!!!!!!!
                    "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                    Sig by ME!!!


                      mmm easy Mim, *throws bucket of water.* relax and take a chill pill *grins* i know the eppy was totally lovely.


                        More picspam from EoN pt2


                        Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                        image from:



                          Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
                          More picspam from EoN pt2


                          TEEHEE *gigglefit**FLAIL*

                          But come on
                          Was not that last scene with Helen the best thing you've ever seen? OMG.
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                            But come on
                            Was not that last scene with Helen the best thing you've ever seen? OMG.
                            So awesome!
                            I think I agree with everything you said about it, I'm just not nearly that articulate!

                            I love just about anything with the two of them together. They have such a great, deep relationship! I am such a shipper...
                            Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                            image from:



                              I still can't believe
                              Helen stuck a Vampire and a Werewolf in a lab togeher and expected them to work together. They are natural enemies. That scene was just great.
                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
                                So awesome!
                                I think I agree with everything you said about it, I'm just not nearly that articulate!

                                I love just about anything with the two of them together. They have such a great, deep relationship! I am such a shipper...
                                They really do. I think you have to acknowledge that even if you're not a shipper. Those scenes with them working together say way too much, especially the scene I talked about. And personally, after what happened at the end of EoN, I can see Helen running to him for comfort more than anyone else (hence my new fic plotbunny! ).

                                btw, new icons!
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

