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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ellymelly View Post

    oh i agree - i honestly think the characters have so much chemistry. those few flashback scenes spoke volumes. i mean, nikola lifts his eyes and it says so much more than concern.

    i think sanctuary is just intriguing the way it has set these historical figures together and given them fascinating interconnecting relationships. sometimes it just awes me how brilliant and daring the show really is.

    and out of all of this you have helen and nikola - seriously, my only wish for season two is a *nod* for this relationship. and since it's 2am in the morning - it's entirely possible i'm rambling on incoherently LMAO
    You're very coherent!

    The whole relationships and historical figures was what really made me become a fan. I watched the first six eps of s1, but The Five was what really made me become obsessed with the show. I love the idea of people who've known each other for so long, and the strangeness of Helen's relationships to both Niko and John.

    It doesn't hurt that something about JY's performance just got me. I don't really understand what it was but he is a damn good actor.
    Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

    image from:



      Why can't Jane Eyre be as good as your fics? It's not fair!
      Keep going please, that is an awful place to leave us! Sorry I hvnt been on, hmwk is swamping me!


        Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post

        I think that sam/rodney is alot like helen/niko.
        They are both AT and a snarky, arrogant and egotistical genius.
        And they are the only two ships I've ever really gone for.
        I wonder if that says something about me?

        Gracias to mimzy for lovely nostalgia of S/R
        But actually the similarity is part of why I love Helen/Niko so much. For some reason I absolutely ADORE snarky ships I mean, House and Cuddy too... But yeah, was my absolute favorite SG ship...and I was so happy to get another snarky ship on Sanctuary...with like, 5 times the UST, which I never thought was possible

        Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
        warning - may induce excessive flail and fits of squee


        Helen couldn't repress a chuckle. Saucy little book! Her gaze flicked over to Tesla, then back to the gadget. "It must rub you horribly that you don't get credit for inventing Google."

        All jest aside, Helen was impressed by the book. She laid it flat on the desk to admire the workmanship of it. Very clever, as expected from the brilliant mind of Nikola Tesla. Running a finger over the luminescent page, Helen murmured the name of the book store in question, asking for its street address.

        Nikola could tell by the look of satisfaction on Helen’s face that his book was answering whatever it was she had purred at it.

        He took his time sauntering back to the main desk, keeping a respectable distance from her secrets.

        Without a word he hauled his suitcase onto it, fiddled with the brass locks until they snapped open and then proceeded to fill it with his personal papers.

        “These go where I go,” he said firmly – as did the ‘book’ under Helen’s hands.

        Helen's not muttering secrets to Nikola's little black book! Blue eyes flicked up to him, watching him with a polite measure of detachment while he fusses with the case. "I can arrange for a fire-proof safe in which you can store them when you're act the Sanctuary. No one will have access to them save you," she assured.

        At length, she slid the book across the table, the address she'd requested still on its pages. Helen was banking on Nikola's eidetic memory to remember those numbers. "How well do you know Rome's tunnels, Nikola?"

        "Are these trick questions?" he glanced at the page and it set into his memory.

        He knew the place - quaint little store. Amongst other things its range of historical documents was extraordinary.

        The 'book' joined the rest of his things in the briefcase which he shut firmly, adjusting the brass locks.

        "Hamish may have an unparalleled collection of books and trinkets," said Nikola, taking his briefcase in hand before wandering around to each piece of machinery in the lab, switching it off. Switch by switch, the room went quiet - as if sleeping. "But he's a nasty old man with a temper and will overcharge if he gets so much as a whiff of affluence," he risked a glance over his shoulder at her, "which he will."

        The only door to the lab was to the right of his desk where Helen was still draped over his chair. Talk about sights he never thought he would see.

        He makes it seem so scandalous! It isn't as if she's wearing a short skirt with her legs thrown over the arm of the chair revealing the lace of her stockings. Not at all! Helen's just sitting as a normal person sits. Worry clung to the edges of her thoughts as she peered over at him. Was he ready to travel so soon after being made into man-shaped Swiss cheese?

        "Hamish and I have a bit of history, Nikola. Being personable often has long-reaching rewards." Was she preening? Just a bit. Helen knows just what the man has for her and he knows exactly what he's going to get for it. She's been known to reward handsomely for things she covets.

        Nikola was not one to laugh out loud but he absolutely could not prevent a soft, amused s****** before it slipped out when he watched Helen run her fingers through her hair, unconsciously removing flecks of dirt. No amount of attention could possibly hide her ruffled state. What Helen needed was a hotel room and an ensuité.

        “You seem to have a lot of history,” he accused her.

        There was something else he felt – that undeniable flicker of jealousy that surfaced every time Helen paraded one of her conquests in front of him. Hamish though? Now he was really depressed.

        Helen paused in the fluffing of her hair to contemplate Tesla for a moment. And then it happened. Realization dawned and a broad smile broke across her face. "Are you jealous, Nikola?" There was a note of laughter to those words, just barely restrained. "Of Hamish? You must be joking!"

        “Jealous?” he scoffed, “what rubbish.”

        Nikola all but stormed back to his desk, this time coming around the side of it where Helen was seated. He stopped abruptly in front of her – the edges of his elegant coat just drifting far enough forward to sweep over her.

        “Pity – perhaps, for having to endure you.”

        Helen tilted her head slightly, her lashes lifting slowly as her eyes raked over him. For a long moment Helen met and held his gaze, pale eyes searching for something unknown in him. Tension grew in the air, thick as a heavy fog, and palpable.

        Finally, Helen stood, flipping her hair back over on her shoulder, her expression hardening. A flash of fire lit in the depths of her eyes. "There are some things about which even you are bad at lying," she grated out in a low, measured voice. "I promise you, you'll have no need to endure me any longer." That said, Helen turned on her heel and stalked toward anything that resembled an exit. "Good luck leaving Rome, Tesla."

        Nikola wasn’t sure when he had stopped breathing, but as Helen peered through him, examining the secrets of his soul at her leisure, he suddenly gasped and she had her answer.

        The tension swirled with her sudden fury, which Nikola realised was as much about current events as it was caught up in their past.

        Impulsively, and quite without his consent, he reached for her – just managing to catch the sleeve of her jacket before she strutted out of reach.

        At the touch of his hand, that impulsive, desperate clutch, Helen whirled around, insult and fury lining her face. Instinct pulled her arm away from him, but something else froze her in place. Cold, distant eyes fell on him once more and it was all Helen could do to remember to breathe. Like in that moment when she met John... In the heavy silence, those seconds that felt like eternity, Helen could hear only the throbbing her heart in her chest -- surely Nikola could as well.

        It was as if she was seeing him for the first time. Not the scientist, the genius engineer, eccentric inventor. All of those melted away under her intense scrutiny. No more did she see arrogance, obnoxiousness, or even a vampire. Under that stare, Helen saw him, Nikola Tesla, the man, for the first time.

        There was something human in him still, something he denied and hid from others. Something he, whether by his own will or not, revealed to her now. Helen stared at the magnificence of it as if watching a flower burst into bloom. All his well-crafted masks fell away in that one, simple, and so very human gesture. It left Helen breathless. Colour touched her cheeks, her eyes darkened slightly, and her lips parted. In those few seconds, rather than pull away, Helen stepped forward, closing the distance that remained between them, so close he could feel her breath on his skin.

        He was frozen by the revelation; after decades of teasing, taunting, warring and outright avoidance there was something real beneath it all – and it shone through now, as starkly as a desert sunrise.

        Nothing else mattered. She was a breath away – and Nikola’s eyes fluttered closed when his lips crashed down on hers.

        Shock ran through her as hot and jarring as live voltage would've been. His lips against hers drew a small, perhaps startled, sound from Helen. However, whatever anger had been there, whatever tension, and lingering adrenaline served only to fan the flames. Rage was nothing more than a passion in and of itself, after all.

        Even Helen was surprised to find her hands reaching out, cupping Nikola's face. Her lips parted beneath his in a silent invitation to pour out decades' worth of repressed and denied feelings into one heated moment.

        Their collision knocked him backwards until he ran into the edge of the desk – his free hand fumbling for it to steady them.

        Passion – in its most pure, demanding form took control of him.

        Nikola’s lips answered her silent requests, parting in turn as his hands roamed up to hers and then tangled in her hair. He pulled her, if possible, closer as if he were afraid she would vanish like one of his countless reveries.

        Abj(dsk(*#((&_@Q(*Jnvs *incomprehensible blubbering* WAAAAHH SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
        Thou hast killed me. Again.
        But seriously
        Her lips parted beneath his in a silent invitation to pour out decades' worth of repressed and denied feelings into one heated moment.


        Originally posted by MissCheerfully View Post
        I always thought a real kiss between Helen and Nikola would be so... passionate! ^^
        I totally agree!! They have SO much tension that WHEN ( ) it actually does happen...well, you know. teehee

        Originally posted by ellymelly View Post

        oh i agree - i honestly think the characters have so much chemistry. those few flashback scenes spoke volumes. i mean, nikola lifts his eyes and it says so much more than concern.

        i think sanctuary is just intriguing the way it has set these historical figures together and given them fascinating interconnecting relationships. sometimes it just awes me how brilliant and daring the show really is.

        and out of all of this you have helen and nikola - seriously, my only wish for season two is a *nod* for this relationship. and since it's 2am in the morning - it's entirely possible i'm rambling on incoherently LMAO
        I still want some serious backstory...and the thing with their eyes speaking "volumes"...totally reminds me of how people used to talk about & and how every time they looked at each other there was seriously something going on there LOL

        Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
        It doesn't hurt that something about JY's performance just got me. I don't really understand what it was but he is a damn good actor.


        My next oneshot is still working itself out in my head, but I'm hoping to start on it tonight
        Sig by ME!!!


          Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
          warning - may induce excessive flail and fits of squee


          Helen couldn't repress a chuckle. Saucy little book! Her gaze flicked over to Tesla, then back to the gadget. "It must rub you horribly that you don't get credit for inventing Google."

          All jest aside, Helen was impressed by the book. She laid it flat on the desk to admire the workmanship of it. Very clever, as expected from the brilliant mind of Nikola Tesla. Running a finger over the luminescent page, Helen murmured the name of the book store in question, asking for its street address.

          Nikola could tell by the look of satisfaction on Helen’s face that his book was answering whatever it was she had purred at it.

          He took his time sauntering back to the main desk, keeping a respectable distance from her secrets.

          Without a word he hauled his suitcase onto it, fiddled with the brass locks until they snapped open and then proceeded to fill it with his personal papers.

          “These go where I go,” he said firmly – as did the ‘book’ under Helen’s hands.

          Helen's not muttering secrets to Nikola's little black book! Blue eyes flicked up to him, watching him with a polite measure of detachment while he fusses with the case. "I can arrange for a fire-proof safe in which you can store them when you're act the Sanctuary. No one will have access to them save you," she assured.

          At length, she slid the book across the table, the address she'd requested still on its pages. Helen was banking on Nikola's eidetic memory to remember those numbers. "How well do you know Rome's tunnels, Nikola?"

          "Are these trick questions?" he glanced at the page and it set into his memory.

          He knew the place - quaint little store. Amongst other things its range of historical documents was extraordinary.

          The 'book' joined the rest of his things in the briefcase which he shut firmly, adjusting the brass locks.

          "Hamish may have an unparalleled collection of books and trinkets," said Nikola, taking his briefcase in hand before wandering around to each piece of machinery in the lab, switching it off. Switch by switch, the room went quiet - as if sleeping. "But he's a nasty old man with a temper and will overcharge if he gets so much as a whiff of affluence," he risked a glance over his shoulder at her, "which he will."

          The only door to the lab was to the right of his desk where Helen was still draped over his chair. Talk about sights he never thought he would see.

          He makes it seem so scandalous! It isn't as if she's wearing a short skirt with her legs thrown over the arm of the chair revealing the lace of her stockings. Not at all! Helen's just sitting as a normal person sits. Worry clung to the edges of her thoughts as she peered over at him. Was he ready to travel so soon after being made into man-shaped Swiss cheese?

          "Hamish and I have a bit of history, Nikola. Being personable often has long-reaching rewards." Was she preening? Just a bit. Helen knows just what the man has for her and he knows exactly what he's going to get for it. She's been known to reward handsomely for things she covets.

          Nikola was not one to laugh out loud but he absolutely could not prevent a soft, amused s****** before it slipped out when he watched Helen run her fingers through her hair, unconsciously removing flecks of dirt. No amount of attention could possibly hide her ruffled state. What Helen needed was a hotel room and an ensuité.

          “You seem to have a lot of history,” he accused her.

          There was something else he felt – that undeniable flicker of jealousy that surfaced every time Helen paraded one of her conquests in front of him. Hamish though? Now he was really depressed.

          Helen paused in the fluffing of her hair to contemplate Tesla for a moment. And then it happened. Realization dawned and a broad smile broke across her face. "Are you jealous, Nikola?" There was a note of laughter to those words, just barely restrained. "Of Hamish? You must be joking!"

          “Jealous?” he scoffed, “what rubbish.”

          Nikola all but stormed back to his desk, this time coming around the side of it where Helen was seated. He stopped abruptly in front of her – the edges of his elegant coat just drifting far enough forward to sweep over her.

          “Pity – perhaps, for having to endure you.”

          Helen tilted her head slightly, her lashes lifting slowly as her eyes raked over him. For a long moment Helen met and held his gaze, pale eyes searching for something unknown in him. Tension grew in the air, thick as a heavy fog, and palpable.

          Finally, Helen stood, flipping her hair back over on her shoulder, her expression hardening. A flash of fire lit in the depths of her eyes. "There are some things about which even you are bad at lying," she grated out in a low, measured voice. "I promise you, you'll have no need to endure me any longer." That said, Helen turned on her heel and stalked toward anything that resembled an exit. "Good luck leaving Rome, Tesla."

          Nikola wasn’t sure when he had stopped breathing, but as Helen peered through him, examining the secrets of his soul at her leisure, he suddenly gasped and she had her answer.

          The tension swirled with her sudden fury, which Nikola realised was as much about current events as it was caught up in their past.

          Impulsively, and quite without his consent, he reached for her – just managing to catch the sleeve of her jacket before she strutted out of reach.

          At the touch of his hand, that impulsive, desperate clutch, Helen whirled around, insult and fury lining her face. Instinct pulled her arm away from him, but something else froze her in place. Cold, distant eyes fell on him once more and it was all Helen could do to remember to breathe. Like in that moment when she met John... In the heavy silence, those seconds that felt like eternity, Helen could hear only the throbbing her heart in her chest -- surely Nikola could as well.

          It was as if she was seeing him for the first time. Not the scientist, the genius engineer, eccentric inventor. All of those melted away under her intense scrutiny. No more did she see arrogance, obnoxiousness, or even a vampire. Under that stare, Helen saw him, Nikola Tesla, the man, for the first time.

          There was something human in him still, something he denied and hid from others. Something he, whether by his own will or not, revealed to her now. Helen stared at the magnificence of it as if watching a flower burst into bloom. All his well-crafted masks fell away in that one, simple, and so very human gesture. It left Helen breathless. Colour touched her cheeks, her eyes darkened slightly, and her lips parted. In those few seconds, rather than pull away, Helen stepped forward, closing the distance that remained between them, so close he could feel her breath on his skin.

          He was frozen by the revelation; after decades of teasing, taunting, warring and outright avoidance there was something real beneath it all – and it shone through now, as starkly as a desert sunrise.

          Nothing else mattered. She was a breath away – and Nikola’s eyes fluttered closed when his lips crashed down on hers.

          Shock ran through her as hot and jarring as live voltage would've been. His lips against hers drew a small, perhaps startled, sound from Helen. However, whatever anger had been there, whatever tension, and lingering adrenaline served only to fan the flames. Rage was nothing more than a passion in and of itself, after all.

          Even Helen was surprised to find her hands reaching out, cupping Nikola's face. Her lips parted beneath his in a silent invitation to pour out decades' worth of repressed and denied feelings into one heated moment.

          Their collision knocked him backwards until he ran into the edge of the desk – his free hand fumbling for it to steady them.

          Passion – in its most pure, demanding form took control of him.

          Nikola’s lips answered her silent requests, parting in turn as his hands roamed up to hers and then tangled in her hair. He pulled her, if possible, closer as if he were afraid she would vanish like one of his countless reveries.

          Darn woman, you really love to leave us hanging.
          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Finally! Somewhere to show my undying appreciation for the sexy vamp!

            (Lovely sig made by hbt123)




                Welcome Alexandria's_Dreaming!
                My first post was in this thread too!

                What should we call you? Alex? AD?

                Anyhow, I hope you like it here!
                Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                image from:



                  Originally posted by Alexandria's_Dreaming View Post
                  Finally! Somewhere to show my undying appreciation for the sexy vamp!
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    So many new troppers we almost have an Army

                    Welcome to all the Newbies.

                    nice finc you go going there Rawr!!!
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      Originally posted by Alexandria's_Dreaming View Post
                      Finally! Somewhere to show my undying appreciation for the sexy vamp!

                      Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                      nice finc you go going there Rawr!!!
                      RAWR indeed

                      So I was bored in astronomy class (which would normally be interesting, but since my professor is off in Chile doing research for NASA, we have this extremely boring sub who manages to make the subject as dull as humanly possible). And since I was spacing out, I ended up writing this random thing:

                      Nikola slid his hands over her back, pulling her into him and cradling her against his chest. He felt her exhale against his skin, causing the electric tingles coursing through his body to intensify a notch. She suddenly jumped at the shock and her head snapped up to stare at him. He smirked nervously, unnerved by the...
                      ^And that's all I got before I started writing notes on the "observed ranges of stellar parameters"

                      So now I have that horribly written tidbit and the one I posted a few pages back:

                      Helen narrowed her eyes and sauntered up to him, pausing just inches away from his body. "You've been bad again, haven't you?" she murmured, a sly smirk curling at the edge of her lips.

                      A deliciously wicked grin spread across Nikola's face. "Oh, Helen," he whispered, leaning forward a tiny bit, "you know me far too well."

                      She merely grinned back at him, eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, I'll have to see what I can do about that," she replied, purposely fiddling with his collar. "Can't have you...misbehaving, now, can I?"
                      BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THEM
                      "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                      Sig by ME!!!


                        Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I'm not sure how long it will take my posts to post, but know I appreciate the welcome! One day I will be off my probie status and can banter for real! Between now and then I shall post and peruse your lovely pix! And my, my they are loverly!

                        (Lovely sig made by hbt123)


                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!



                            I just dunno how/where to use them yet
                            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                            Sig by ME!!!


                              welcome newbies!!!!!!!

                              and mimz - WOW

                              elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                              HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                              NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                              HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                              Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                                *squees at Elly's fic*

                                Originally posted by Alexandria's_Dreaming View Post
                                Finally! Somewhere to show my undying appreciation for the sexy vamp!
                                Welcome to the thread!
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

