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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

    Hi! Welcome to the thread!
    I hope you'll have fun obsessing over Niko. We do

    *squees again*
    I am so glad to see new material! They utillized him very, very well.
    I know! The wine thing and when he told Ashley to play nice was hilarious.

    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    I seriously need to make a new Tesla collage to put on my school binder

    I especially LOVE staring at this pic

    *dreamy sigh* mmmmmhmmmmm...

    A Tesla collage for your binder? I should do that.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
      More pics! (do you accept bribes ellymelly?)

      OMG it's like hot men overload...all 4 of them in the same room at the same time AAAAAAAHH *flailfit*

      Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
      omg your bribes work ! i shall get my arse in gear and write fic!

      *drools* okay - we're going to need a mop.
      Can I bribe you to finish the nubbins one?

      btw, tell givemeyourwings that her Helen is brilliant


      A Tesla collage for your binder? I should do that.
      AGH I forgot to welcome you too, Padme!!

      Anyhoo...yeah. Do the binder thing. It's very useful when you want to procrastinate/not pay attention in class
      Sig by ME!!!


        *accepts bribes*

        okay so i'll be right back -busy writing WETNIKOLA/HELEN fic

        elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

        HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

        NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

        HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

        Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


          Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
          *accepts bribes*

          okay so i'll be right back -busy writing WETNIKOLA/HELEN fic

          Sig by ME!!!


            Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
            *accepts bribes*

            okay so i'll be right back -busy writing WETNIKOLA/HELEN fic
            SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG yes!

            We love you ellymelly!!
            And we love givemeyourwings!
            Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

            image from:



              Okay, I've been finding lately that a bunch of songs REALLY fit Nikola...(and wouldn't you know, they're all SAD )

              "Why" by Rascal Flatts

              You must have been in a place so dark
              You couldn't feel the light
              Reaching for you through that stormy cloud
              Now here we are gathered in our little home town
              This cant be the way you meant to draw a crowd

              Oh why, thats what I asking
              Was there anything i could have said or done
              Oh I had no clue you were masking a troubled soul
              God only knows what went wrong
              and why youd leave the stage in the middle of a song

              Now in my mind ill keep you frozen as a 17 year old
              Rounding third to score the winning run
              You always played with passion no matter what the game
              When you took the stage you shined just like the sun

              Oh why thats what I keep asking
              Was there anything I could have said or done
              Oh I had no clue you were masking a troubled soul
              Oh God only knows what went wrong and why you would leave the stage in the middle of a song

              Now the oak trees a swaying in the early autumn breeze
              The golden sun is shining on my face
              Tangled thoughts i hear the mocking bird sing this old world really ain't that bad a place

              Oh I theres no comprehending and who am i to try judge or explain
              But I do have one burning question
              Who told you life wasnt worth the fight
              They were wrong
              They lied
              Now your gone and we cry
              Its just not like you to walk away in the middle of a song
              Your beautiful song
              Your absolutely beautiful song

              I think it's about suicide, but I still think it fits, if only for the lyrics I put in bold
              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
              Sig by ME!!!


                givemeyourwings says:

                G-gah! Hello gateworld girls! *shy wave and offers of wine*


                and - *halfway through fic*

                elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                  New banner!! Thanks to that wonderful interposed screencap from Oboe

                  the text is from the song "Tonight, Tonight" by Smashing Pumpkins:
                  Time is never time at all
                  You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth
                  And our lives are forever changed
                  We will never be the same
                  The more you change the less you feel

                  Believe, believe in me, believe
                  Believe that life can change
                  That you're not stuck in vain
                  Were not the same, we're different tonight
                  Tonight, so bright

                  And you know you're never sure
                  But you're sure you could be right
                  If you held yourself up to the light
                  And the embers never fade in your city by the lake
                  The place where you were born

                  Believe, believe in me, believe
                  Believe in the resolute urgency of now
                  And if you believe theres not a chance tonight
                  Tonight, so bright

                  We'll crucify the insincere tonight
                  We'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight
                  We'll find a way to offer up the night tonight
                  The indescribable moments of your life tonight
                  The impossible is possible tonight
                  Believe in me as I believe in you, tonight

                  It's SUCH a Helen/Niko song
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Well thanks to Oboes wonderful caps and hanging around Mimzy too much I now bring you the newest Tesla bomb. Since it is pictures from the new episode I am putting spoilers around it just in case you have not seen them. I think everyone looks at the pictures anyway but oh well.



                      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                      New banner!! Thanks to that wonderful interposed screencap from Oboe

                      I love what you did with that!
                      That cap was a total fluke too.

                      Ohhh... I love you changed your avvie!
                      I wonder how long it will take me to be able to use one not from gw...

                      Awesome Xira! LOL

                      Sort of OT...
                      I am really puzzled by John teleporting Niko away first. Why in the world would John do that?! I would have thought he'd get Helen out of there asap!
                      I know its more dramatic for her to be the last one, but I really wish that that would be explained.
                      Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                      image from:



                        Originally posted by xiratania007 View Post
                        Well thanks to Oboes wonderful caps and hanging around Mimzy too much I now bring you the newest Tesla bomb. Since it is pictures from the new episode I am putting spoilers around it just in case you have not seen them. I think everyone looks at the pictures anyway but oh well.


                        oh that is so much WIN i struggle to understand it.

                        elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                        HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                        NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                        HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                        Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                          Originally posted by xiratania007 View Post
                          Well thanks to Oboes wonderful caps and hanging around Mimzy too much I now bring you the newest Tesla bomb. Since it is pictures from the new episode I am putting spoilers around it just in case you have not seen them. I think everyone looks at the pictures anyway but oh well.


                          I am such a bad influence...

                          Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
                          I love what you did with that!
                          That cap was a total fluke too.

                          Ohhh... I love you changed your avvie!
                          I wonder how long it will take me to be able to use one not from gw...
                          Heehee thanks
                          And I think you have to have 2,000 posts to use a custom avvie

                          Sort of OT...
                          I am really puzzled by John teleporting Niko away first. Why in the world would John do that?! I would have thought he'd get Helen out of there asap!
                          I know its more dramatic for her to be the last one, but I really wish that that would be explained.
                          Y'know, now that you mention it, that doesn't make sense to me either...

                          I was just listening to "Disarm" by Smashing Pumpkins...and I have to say, it is so tragically fitting for poor Niko I keep thinking of him being a little boy in a corner, crying over his dead brother.

                          Disarm you with a smile
                          And cut you like you want me to
                          Cut that little child
                          Inside of me and such a part of you
                          Ooh, the years burn

                          I used to be a little boy
                          So old in my shoes
                          And what I choose is my choice
                          Whats a boy supposed to do?
                          The killer in me is the killer in you
                          My love
                          I send this smile over to you

                          Disarm you with a smile
                          And leave you like they left me here
                          To wither in denial
                          The bitterness of one whos left alone
                          Ooh, the years burn
                          Ooh, the years burn, burn, burn

                          I used to be a little boy
                          So old in my shoes
                          And what I choose is my voice
                          Whats a boy supposed to do?
                          The killer in me is the killer in you
                          My love
                          I send this smile over to you

                          The killer in me is the killer in you
                          Send this smile over to you
                          The killer in me is the killer in you
                          Send this smile over to you
                          The killer in me is the killer in you
                          Send this smile over to you
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            it kind of does make sense - in a way because
                            Tesla's already tried to fight ashley which result in him either killing ashley or being killed - not a desirable outcome - so john gets rid of him first. next threat is will - with a gun, but john can't take him and helen at the same time because helen's bound to put up a fight so he comes back for her last.

                            thoughts? or am i crazyily gullable?

                            elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                            HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                            NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                            HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                            Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                              *in best teal'c voice*

                              And now - the Conclusion:


                              Well, it could never be said that Tesla didn't show her an exciting time when they were together. Despite all the danger they were facing, she gave him a charming smile and an agreeable tilt of her head. "Can you show me one I've not yet seen?" After all, she did spend a bit of time in Rome now and again.

                              "Such things you say," Helen crooned in kind. "You may very well upset my delicate Victorian sensibilities." Just in case it hadn't been obvious that she was making light before, it certainly was after that.

                              "A bullet-ridden vampire is hardly a new sight for me," Helen reminds him, glancing around at the unstable lift. How it takes her back to less modern times.

                              "Your 'Victorian sensibilities' - such as they are," he openly mocked, "will remain intact."

                              The lift shook and came to a stop at its pre-destined location. Once again, Nikola pried open the grates. He strolled out of the lift, over to the doors and pushed them open revealing the roof. At once the smell and sound of Rome poured in.

                              "Rome awaits..." he said, holding the door open for her.

                              It's true, even in the Victorian era Helen was a far cry from the ideal Victorian woman. No, she was ahead of her time displaying qualities which would in the 1920s embody the New Woman.

                              After the chase through the old library, the smells of blood, books, sweat, and staleness gave way to the sweet outdoor air. All the scents of the city washed over her. The momentary distraction was enough to make her forget, for only a few seconds, that danger still lurked behind.

                              "We've not much time." Already, pale eyes scanned the rooftop for a latter or an old fire escape. Any means by which to get to the ground and once more lost in the throng of people on the street.

                              But there was nothing – nothing but an expanse of concrete speckled with air-conditioning units spinning happily to themselves.

                              He could see the terracotta rooftops of the other buildings tessellated around them in an endless maze and – far beyond, the dark hills of Rome. The air was full of passing flocks of seagulls, squawking as they grazed by in a single white sheet and somewhere in the distance a siren wailed.

                              There were no safety railings around the tops of these old buildings. The sides of the roof simply ended in a low marble step with a sharp, slippery drop to the busy streets below. This feature was haunted by a solitary pigeon, softly cooing as it bobbed its head and moved away from the pair of humans intruding on its territory.

                              Nikola closed the door behind them – for all the good it would do, and headed off toward the nearest edge. He strode the half-step onto it, and nestled himself right at its extremity with the toes of his shoes hovering over nothing while he fished around inside his jacket pocket.

                              “You always complain that I never keep in contact,” he said to her, against the wind.

                              Nikola withdrew the same silk bundle from before – only this time it was soaked in his own blood.

                              “I did try to give you this earlier,” he said, as a stunning amber stone fell out of the silk and into his other hand, “but now we’re going to use it.”

                              Helen followed behind him, close at his heels. Until, of course, he walked to the building's edge. Her gaze drifted from the edge, to the ground, then back to Tesla. There's no doubt he has some plan to escape. He's not so foolish as to trap himself. Then again, being part vampire lends him a resilience Helen lacks. It's very likely Tesla could fall or jump from such a height and still manage to walk away.

                              "Rightfully so," Helen mused. "I usually see you on occasions such as these, then not again, not even a word of greeting, for decades." Perhaps a touch of bitterness to the words? They'd been friends once upon a time, hadn't they? Whatever insult she may have felt was quickly pushed aside when Tesla unwrapped the stone. Now it was pure curiosity that gripped her. Glancing back over her shoulder, pale blue eyes then drifted back to the stone, then up to Tesla's face. "Make haste, Nikola."

                              “Ah...” he sighed, “and now she’s curious.”

                              Nikola held the ruined silk out and then let it float down into the street, caught in several currents of air. The stone he kept safe, resting in the palm of his hand with the strong light piercing through it, scattering out the other side in waves of colour.

                              “This is one-half of a quantum pair,” he cast his eye over his shoulder at her as if he were some kind of professor. “Call it, a souvenir from Bhalasaam.”

                              He held his free hand out to Helen, inviting her to join him on the ledge.

                              Her eyes widened slightly at his words. Whether she was more amazed by what it was or form where it came, who could tell? Maybe it wasn't what he said at all, but the offer of his hand, at which Helen now stared.

                              At length she stepped closer, reaching tentatively for his proffered hand. How had he come by such a trinket, she wondered silently. It wasn't as if he'd give a clear explanation if she asked directly.

                              “Brilliant as the ancient vampires were,” he caught her hand firmly, “I doubt they completely understood its properties.”

                              Nikola helped her onto the ledge, keeping a determined grip on her as she wavered slightly against the strong wind.

                              “I spent many years with these relics – but this is no place to talk,” he observed, as the door behind them crashed open.

                              Not wanting to risk another bullet, Nikola pulled Helen towards him, capturing her in a sudden embrace – and then threw them both off the edge of the building.

                              Whatever thoughts or questions had been in her mind to voice fell away into a tumultuous and panicked cacophony of silent screams. Had she not been plummeting to what was likely an inevitable death, Helen would've noted the oddity of being held flush to someone with little body heat of which to speak.

                              As it was, Helen clung tightly to him as the shock lanced through her. Her fingers dug into his already ruined jacket, wrinkling the fabric in her white-knuckled grip. The wind deafened her as they fell, whipping her hair around her face and into her eyes. Oh, God, this could really be the end! And all she could think of was Ashley...

                              Nikola had been prepared for the fall – but not the strength of Helen’s desperate grasp on him which nearly squeezed the air from his lungs. Before taking the plunge he’d whispered something to the stone and now all that remained was to wait and trust that the ancient technology would not fail him as they fell toward the street in what would certainly be Helen’s end – if not his own.

                              They didn’t have long – the slanted calico of market stalls, sea of bustling people and very solid ground was approaching with haste.

                              A haze of dust kicked up into their faces. Nikola turned his head away and held Helen protectively so that if they hit the ground he would hit first.

                              Something was wrong – they were still falling.

                              Had he miscalculated the distance to the ground – the time it would take them to fall?

                              He had just closed his eyes in a final surge of panic when a flash of golden light enveloped them.

                              With a crack they were gone – literally vanished into thin air.

                              and that's it for now - consider that the end of chapter one of this impromptue story.

                              elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                              HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                              NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                              HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                              Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                                Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
                                it kind of does make sense - in a way because
                                Tesla's already tried to fight ashley which result in him either killing ashley or being killed - not a desirable outcome - so john gets rid of him first. next threat is will - with a gun, but john can't take him and helen at the same time because helen's bound to put up a fight so he comes back for her last.

                                thoughts? or am i crazyily gullable?
                                Yeah but
                                John was fighting her first before she totally kicked his butt...

                                Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
                                *in best teal'c voice*

                                And now - the Conclusion:


                                Well, it could never be said that Tesla didn't show her an exciting time when they were together. Despite all the danger they were facing, she gave him a charming smile and an agreeable tilt of her head. "Can you show me one I've not yet seen?" After all, she did spend a bit of time in Rome now and again.

                                "Such things you say," Helen crooned in kind. "You may very well upset my delicate Victorian sensibilities." Just in case it hadn't been obvious that she was making light before, it certainly was after that.

                                "A bullet-ridden vampire is hardly a new sight for me," Helen reminds him, glancing around at the unstable lift. How it takes her back to less modern times.

                                "Your 'Victorian sensibilities' - such as they are," he openly mocked, "will remain intact."

                                The lift shook and came to a stop at its pre-destined location. Once again, Nikola pried open the grates. He strolled out of the lift, over to the doors and pushed them open revealing the roof. At once the smell and sound of Rome poured in.

                                "Rome awaits..." he said, holding the door open for her.

                                It's true, even in the Victorian era Helen was a far cry from the ideal Victorian woman. No, she was ahead of her time displaying qualities which would in the 1920s embody the New Woman.

                                After the chase through the old library, the smells of blood, books, sweat, and staleness gave way to the sweet outdoor air. All the scents of the city washed over her. The momentary distraction was enough to make her forget, for only a few seconds, that danger still lurked behind.

                                "We've not much time." Already, pale eyes scanned the rooftop for a latter or an old fire escape. Any means by which to get to the ground and once more lost in the throng of people on the street.

                                But there was nothing – nothing but an expanse of concrete speckled with air-conditioning units spinning happily to themselves.

                                He could see the terracotta rooftops of the other buildings tessellated around them in an endless maze and – far beyond, the dark hills of Rome. The air was full of passing flocks of seagulls, squawking as they grazed by in a single white sheet and somewhere in the distance a siren wailed.

                                There were no safety railings around the tops of these old buildings. The sides of the roof simply ended in a low marble step with a sharp, slippery drop to the busy streets below. This feature was haunted by a solitary pigeon, softly cooing as it bobbed its head and moved away from the pair of humans intruding on its territory.

                                Nikola closed the door behind them – for all the good it would do, and headed off toward the nearest edge. He strode the half-step onto it, and nestled himself right at its extremity with the toes of his shoes hovering over nothing while he fished around inside his jacket pocket.

                                “You always complain that I never keep in contact,” he said to her, against the wind.

                                Nikola withdrew the same silk bundle from before – only this time it was soaked in his own blood.

                                “I did try to give you this earlier,” he said, as a stunning amber stone fell out of the silk and into his other hand, “but now we’re going to use it.”

                                Helen followed behind him, close at his heels. Until, of course, he walked to the building's edge. Her gaze drifted from the edge, to the ground, then back to Tesla. There's no doubt he has some plan to escape. He's not so foolish as to trap himself. Then again, being part vampire lends him a resilience Helen lacks. It's very likely Tesla could fall or jump from such a height and still manage to walk away.

                                "Rightfully so," Helen mused. "I usually see you on occasions such as these, then not again, not even a word of greeting, for decades." Perhaps a touch of bitterness to the words? They'd been friends once upon a time, hadn't they? Whatever insult she may have felt was quickly pushed aside when Tesla unwrapped the stone. Now it was pure curiosity that gripped her. Glancing back over her shoulder, pale blue eyes then drifted back to the stone, then up to Tesla's face. "Make haste, Nikola."

                                “Ah...” he sighed, “and now she’s curious.”

                                Nikola held the ruined silk out and then let it float down into the street, caught in several currents of air. The stone he kept safe, resting in the palm of his hand with the strong light piercing through it, scattering out the other side in waves of colour.

                                “This is one-half of a quantum pair,” he cast his eye over his shoulder at her as if he were some kind of professor. “Call it, a souvenir from Bhalasaam.”

                                He held his free hand out to Helen, inviting her to join him on the ledge.

                                Her eyes widened slightly at his words. Whether she was more amazed by what it was or form where it came, who could tell? Maybe it wasn't what he said at all, but the offer of his hand, at which Helen now stared.

                                At length she stepped closer, reaching tentatively for his proffered hand. How had he come by such a trinket, she wondered silently. It wasn't as if he'd give a clear explanation if she asked directly.

                                “Brilliant as the ancient vampires were,” he caught her hand firmly, “I doubt they completely understood its properties.”

                                Nikola helped her onto the ledge, keeping a determined grip on her as she wavered slightly against the strong wind.

                                “I spent many years with these relics – but this is no place to talk,” he observed, as the door behind them crashed open.

                                Not wanting to risk another bullet, Nikola pulled Helen towards him, capturing her in a sudden embrace – and then threw them both off the edge of the building.

                                Whatever thoughts or questions had been in her mind to voice fell away into a tumultuous and panicked cacophony of silent screams. Had she not been plummeting to what was likely an inevitable death, Helen would've noted the oddity of being held flush to someone with little body heat of which to speak.

                                As it was, Helen clung tightly to him as the shock lanced through her. Her fingers dug into his already ruined jacket, wrinkling the fabric in her white-knuckled grip. The wind deafened her as they fell, whipping her hair around her face and into her eyes. Oh, God, this could really be the end! And all she could think of was Ashley...

                                Nikola had been prepared for the fall – but not the strength of Helen’s desperate grasp on him which nearly squeezed the air from his lungs. Before taking the plunge he’d whispered something to the stone and now all that remained was to wait and trust that the ancient technology would not fail him as they fell toward the street in what would certainly be Helen’s end – if not his own.

                                They didn’t have long – the slanted calico of market stalls, sea of bustling people and very solid ground was approaching with haste.

                                A haze of dust kicked up into their faces. Nikola turned his head away and held Helen protectively so that if they hit the ground he would hit first.

                                Something was wrong – they were still falling.

                                Had he miscalculated the distance to the ground – the time it would take them to fall?

                                He had just closed his eyes in a final surge of panic when a flash of golden light enveloped them.

                                With a crack they were gone – literally vanished into thin air.

                                and that's it for now - consider that the end of chapter one of this impromptue story.

                                WRITE MORE NOW

                                "Nikola turned his head away and held Helen protectively so that if they hit the ground he would hit first."
                                *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* *FLAILFIT*

                                Well...after all that, everyone should be in a considerably good mood, right?

                                Unfortunately, I am about to crush that with the SADDEST banner I have ever made:

                                sorry for being a downer, but the pic was begging for angst
                                (the song is "All Alone in the World" from Mr. Magoo's A Christmas Carol)
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

