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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    AGH I feel like I haven't been on here for forever...what's been going on?! Camp is eating up my life...not that that's a bad thing But I DO work 13 hours a day, 5 days a week for little pay...with 4 and 5-year-olds who still don't understand that it's not, erm, okay, to run out of the bathroom without their pants on O_o lol

    And SC, WHY can't you be on?!?! That makes no sense!! *bawls*

    Btw...HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!! to all the Americans on here I was in D.C. to see the fireworks at the Washington Monument, and yes, I did see PIGEONS!! We stopped to feed them b/c I was so obsessed with them. LOL
    we miss ya though *grins*


      As I miss all of you!!! Although camp truly makes my life...I wouldn't be working there if I hadn't absolutely loved it as a camper and an assistant counselor The people are just AMAZING there And I loves the little ones--no matter how annoying they get, they are just so CUTE. And I love knowing that I'm making an impact on their lives even though most of them won't ever really remember me...

      Anyway, I've gotten this brilliant idea for my future fic(s) (not "Falling")--it was partially inspired by elly's genius at incorporating ancient vampire mythology into her fics, and partially from out of nowhere. I know from reading the beginning of Marc Seifer's book about Tesla that his ancestors were originally from the Draganic clan, and the family name later changed to Tesla, which was the name of some sort of axe-like instrument--the family was given this name due to the shape of their teeth, which apparently resembled the instrument (). So, my idea is to take that family background and make it so that the original people of that clan were vampires (it's already said in the show that Tesla had some ancestral blood connection to vampires, hence the gene was brought out in the experiment at Oxford), and that some old vampires from an opposing clan resurface and start facing off the last of the Draganics (which is yeah, Tesla). And I'm thinking of throwing into that something about my kiddie vampire (whom I mentioned as being a central part of the fics wayyyyy back in this thread) actually being a blood relative of Tesla's, connected by way of the old Saxon Dragan clan. I have no idea if the Dragan clan is somehow connected to the Draganic clan in Croatia, but it's very possible, and I really want to research it or something--I might actually use that in a book I'll write one day

      So, here's how I'm trying to plan out my fics...I'm writing this down here b/c I feel like it and I need to organize it all in my head--you can read if you like since it's all on-topic, although there's the time I actually write all the stuff you will have forgotten all of it anyway, so I don't care :

      "Falling" (title may change)
      Over a century after Helen pretty much ruins her then already confusing relationship with Niko by practically breaking his heart, we see the memories of the repercussions of her actions resurface in her present life. Although she's tried to repress the memories for all these years, Helen has still constantly been haunted by them and still finds herself utterly confused about her feelings for Nikola. And Nikola, although torn apart by Helen's rejection and his own inability to deal with personal pain, still finds himself hopelessly in love with her after nearly 150 years. This underlying conflict drives much of the story, in which Nikola spontaneously reappears at Helen's doorstep after one of his typical long disappearances, while John still remains unaccounted for. As Helen tries to wrestle with her guilt and resurfacing memories, while attempting to figure out just exactly what Nikola wants from her this time, she finds herself face-to-face with shocking discoveries that just might prove the existence of an abnormal she had so long believed to be nothing more than fiction.

      "The Ones We Love" (tentative title)
      After her parents are mysteriously killed, a young girl is brought to the Sanctuary after Will, Helen, and the others learn information that suggests the possibility of the girl's "abnormality". Everyone soon discovers that young Ella [name may change] is in fact of vampire ancestry, like Nikola. Because of this and because of the young girl's isolation, traumatic past, and lack of parental figures, Helen decides to "encourage" conveniently present Nikola to be Ella's mentor, of sorts, much to Niko's dismay. But Ella immediately latches on to Niko, not to mention everyone else at the Sanctuary, and before long, everyone has grown attached to her--especially Nikola, who tries to hide his attachment although the two have by that time become inseparable. However, in the midst of this, Ella's presence triggers the return Nikola's traumatic childhood memories, memories he has kept hidden from others, especially Helen, for so long. Helen guiltily begins to realize that she has both misread Nikola's behavior and buried her true feelings for him. With Ella's help (intentional and unintentional), everyone begins to see each other in a new light and unearth the secrets they have kept in the dark for too much time, and Helen and Nikola finally begin to bridge the tension-filled gap between them...but the Cabal is lurking in the shadows, aided by an all-too familiar enemy, and some other surprising allies, and they're searching for the key to unlock their next sinister plot, a key which Ella unfortunately--and unknowingly--possesses.

      "The Annihilation of Distance" (tentative title--title may in fact switch with the prequel's)
      Sequel to "The Ones We Love". After the Cabal kidnaps Ella and a despairing Nikola leaves the Sanctuary, Helen, Will, Ashley, Henry, Bigfoot, and Kate set out to find him, coming up empty with every search. Simultaneously, they and several of Helen's foreign allies are conducting a worldwide search for Ella and her captors. But a lucky break reunites them with a still saddened but somewhat recovered Nikola, who finally agrees to return to the Sanctuary and aid the search for Ella. However, Nikola's health mysteriously begins to falter, and it is with great despair that a somewhat lovestruck Helen soon discovers that both the cure to Nikola's illness and the key to Ella's whereabouts lie in the strange power of the most elusive abnormal to walk the earth--an abnormal Helen has always seen in dreams and visions but has never yet encountered. The makeshift family must make a cross-Atlantic trip to search for the last survivors of this ancient species, but in doing so they find themselves in the midst of a resurfacing war between Nikola's ancestral vampiric clan and its ruthless mortal enemy, whose agenda may include more than just destroying the last of the Draganics.

      Btw: "Falling" is completely UNCONNECTED to the other two fics. if you read all that, erase it from your mind. It'll probably end up getting buried in this thread by the time I write it all, though, so again, I don't think I have to worry
      Sig by ME!!!


        hmmmm looks interesting....


          I'm itching to write, but I have no time
          Sig by ME!!!


            not fun *holds up drink* cheers

            yes im drinkin and postin at the same time... *giggles*


              wow those fics look pretty cool *holds up emtpy hand* Cheers CKO!


                ... And no drunk posting?
                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  hmmmm i should do drunk posting... i gotta find something to eat... damn im outta mac&chz and that's sounding really good too.. *sighs* oh well its supper time... guess i'll be back in a bit... i think im gonna hit Sonic's... its like right across the street from me.


                    THE PROMO TRAILER HAS AIRED

                    and guess what's inside it!

                    TESLA FIGHTING OMGZ YES

                    elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                    HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                    NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                    HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                    Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                      Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
                      THE PROMO TRAILER HAS AIRED

                      and guess what's inside it!

                      TESLA FIGHTING OMGZ YES
                      It's not much, but hey...
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Someone posted, in the Official forum (spoiler page), screengrabs form the teaser. Check it out...looks like Tesla may not be the only one.


                          Ok I squealed like a little girl from that teaser. Its amazing how much I like this show. Really good shows are hard to come by. The last show I loved this much was Seinfeld. I know they are different types of show but I only watch about 3 shows a year.

                          I was so excited to see Tesla I freaking love him! Not because he is cute or whatever, I love the way the actors plays him. Brillant on his part. He was a geeky science guy on Atlantis and now he plays this arragant and twisted Vampire. Wonderful actor!

                          I wish some how we could bring watson back, he was so darn cool! PS. Must re watch The Five today and get a Tesla Fix!

                          O'Neill: Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound...
                          Nothing comes to mind.


                            I'm new.... but have become Nikola obssessed, but i've no idea how to use this forums, i'm only just getting used to livejournal.
                            So i've started a wallpaper, but i don't know what quote to add, it needs something and i think a quote will work best.
                   thanks for any help.

                            and can somebody add a link to the supposed screencaps of the season 2 trailer as i've look where somebody said they were and i couldn't find them.
                            Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." —
                            Charles Schultz


                              WOW new promo vid, only 20 secs but still WOW

                              Can't wait till it airs, it won't get to me for ages if its airing in u.s in october


                                ohhhhh must go see the trailer... dammit... looks like i go to BK... but oh well... its free wifi... *grins*

