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Helen Magnus/John Druitt Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
    uhm, H/J relationship is so complicated!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have made this vid for them. I think that the song is perfect for them...your opinions?

    That is a awsome video XFchemist the clips go realy well with the words very cool
    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
      That is a awsome video XFchemist the clips go realy well with the words very cool
      thanks! (but remember to remove the tag of the video when you quote it)
      My vids Sig made by me


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        That's sort of what I was getting at. Cause realistically, NO ONE I know in RL (as far as I know) *really* has a fairly tale romantic ending to their relationship... Except, as you say, theirs sort of just keeps going. Though I'm not really sure simply the fact it keeps going on would cause it to be dark so much as the scars from the past. Cause in thinking of elderly couples I know, the really good ones seem to achieve a true union those of us just starting out (relatively) can only hope to emulate one day.

        And in that way, really, we come back to how SciFi can show truths more easily than other genres. Cause in the end, all relationships stop being about joy and fuzzy bunnies and happily ever after and more about the very real Grecian concept of happiness as a state of being and that, I think, under the right circumstances, John and Helen might be capable of.
        I just think that it's hard to be optimistic when things just keep going on. The happy older couples also generally experience a sense of growth in terms of their familial relations - they were once the children, then the young married couple, then the parents, then grandparents, and now they face the final breath together. John and Helen are observers to the transiency of humanity rather than participants and so I think that creates perhaps not a "darker" relationship but certainly a more "weighted" one in which one aspect of their relationship is to comfort each other at the continued turning of the world while they remain (in a way) the same (or that their development progresses over centuries rather than decades).

        Jenn - you mentioned fairy tale endings and I just got this very disturbing image of Helen in a pink princess out fit on a white unicorn with John in a very fluffy prince outfit in front of a white castle. All hail the residual effects of Ambien... I'm going to work now to attempt to exorcise that image from my head....


          Slightly adult conversation (though we're discussing JtR so not gratuitous):
          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
          2. Helen had other lovers, but I wouldn't put it past John to have had other screws (sorry for the crude statement, but I can't think of a better term).
          IIRC, though, from back when I went through a fascination with Jack the Ripper (and it was over a decade ago, so it's possibly blurry in memory) the way the crimes were committed suggests a hatred and loathing (fueled most likely by fear) of women and that the acts themselves were a sort of twisted substitute for sex. I rather imagine it: (spoilers for Haunted)
          I rather imagine it was some combination of the creature wanting to attack and destroy Helen and John wouldn't let it, so that rage got displaced to prostitutes who John was unable to protect from the rage like he was Helen because part of him was attracted to them and so the creature took John's anger at them over that and fed it to get him to kill...

          But that's just my personal theory.

          There's no proof either way of course


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Slightly adult conversation (though we're discussing JtR so not gratuitous):
            IIRC, though, from back when I went through a fascination with Jack the Ripper (and it was over a decade ago, so it's possibly blurry in memory) the way the crimes were committed suggests a hatred and loathing (fueled most likely by fear) of women and that the acts themselves were a sort of twisted substitute for sex. I rather imagine it: (spoilers for Haunted)
            I rather imagine it was some combination of the creature wanting to attack and destroy Helen and John wouldn't let it, so that rage got displaced to prostitutes who John was unable to protect from the rage like he was Helen because part of him was attracted to them and so the creature took John's anger at them over that and fed it to get him to kill...

            But that's just my personal theory.

            There's no proof either way of course
            Slightly adult Jack the Ripper discussion:
            I didn't get a chance to fill out my thoughts more (had to go to work) - I remember the same fact about Jack the Ripper that it was more of a hatred and a twisted sexual thing and overlaying that with John is an interesting level being as that...
            the creature could have been responding to John's very deep and real love of Helen

            That being said, it's also typical that serial killers have their method and there are theories that JtR was an American that left and so the killings stopped or that he died or any number of reasons and John doesn't fit the bill for our typical serial killer so it's clear they're taking some artistic license with it. Which I don't have a problem with but as you point out - it could be interpreted either way and either way suits me. I just can imagine John raping whenever the urge so arose. JtR was quite the monster.


              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
              uhm, H/J relationship is so complicated!!!!!!!!!!!
              I have made this vid for them. I think that the song is perfect for them...your opinions?

              That was awesome vid!!


                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  and yes the H/J relationship is riddle with complicated but we enjoy the Love Angst between them and are addicted to our TV screens to see how it will play out!!


                    Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                    and yes the H/J relationship is riddle with complicated but we enjoy the Love Angst between them and are addicted to our TV screens to see how it will play out!!
                    So true Ares
                    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                      “Do you remember that day in the park when it started to rain?” Helen asked. She knew he knew which day she had mentioned.

                      “Yes, we were lying on a secluded knoll. I had just met you from my Literature class.” John couldn’t keep the wicked grin from his lips.

                      “You were reading ‘Tales of Troy’. I can still picture that day and the way you sounded while you read it out loud.” Helen smiled in return. This was the first time in this year that she had meant the smile. It felt good to smile and just be content. That day had started out sunny and bright, but just as things changed between them so did the weather. As they smiled and laughed and kissed, dark clouds formed in the heavens and unleashed a downpour of warm summer tears. But the now bad weather had not deterred them, through the rain Helen and John stayed in their secluded part of the park feasting at the others lips. It had been their perfect day.

                      “‘Is this the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless towers of Ilium? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.’” John recited placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. He could see Helen lounging on the blanket, her hair cascading over one shoulder, and she gave him her undivided attention as he read. She had told him that she loved the sound of his voice, just as he loved the sound of hers.

                      When John had left her that last time Helen had wanted so badly for him to lean in and take her lips. She needed that last connection to him, but he just stared at her before disappearing to reunite with the creature that had driven him to his murdering habits. The infirmary was quiet, no one was around, and she doubted that anyone was watching them on the security cams. Shifting from his side Helen situated herself over his thighs and leaned over him so her mouth was extremely close to his. “Just one kiss?” She whispered and was mindful to keep her back arched slightly so her torso did not brush his and cause him more pain.

                      “Dear Lady, if only you would be so kind,” John brushed his lips closers so the air moved over hers.

                      “I think I am in a kind mood,” Helen purred and moved that final inch so her lips touched his. Gone was the taste of his blood, all she could taste was John. He tasted of wild rain and the forest in the dead of winter; clean and crisp. John let his lips dance with hers as his tongue licked at the seam, begging entrance into her mouth. Relenting Helen opened her mouth, but she did not allow him entrance, instead it was her tongue that explored his mouth and tasted him again. It was his taste alone that had driven her nightly fantasies, and she never could find another that tasted as sweet as John when the need arose and her body needed the touch of another; but there was no other than John Druitt. He alone could coax her body into and explosion of feeling.

                      here is a little Helen and John fluff because i need some


                        Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                        “Do you remember that day in the park when it started to rain?” Helen asked. She knew he knew which day she had mentioned.

                        “Yes, we were lying on a secluded knoll. I had just met you from my Literature class.” John couldn’t keep the wicked grin from his lips.

                        “You were reading ‘Tales of Troy’. I can still picture that day and the way you sounded while you read it out loud.” Helen smiled in return. This was the first time in this year that she had meant the smile. It felt good to smile and just be content. That day had started out sunny and bright, but just as things changed between them so did the weather. As they smiled and laughed and kissed, dark clouds formed in the heavens and unleashed a downpour of warm summer tears. But the now bad weather had not deterred them, through the rain Helen and John stayed in their secluded part of the park feasting at the others lips. It had been their perfect day.

                        “‘Is this the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless towers of Ilium? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.’” John recited placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. He could see Helen lounging on the blanket, her hair cascading over one shoulder, and she gave him her undivided attention as he read. She had told him that she loved the sound of his voice, just as he loved the sound of hers.

                        When John had left her that last time Helen had wanted so badly for him to lean in and take her lips. She needed that last connection to him, but he just stared at her before disappearing to reunite with the creature that had driven him to his murdering habits. The infirmary was quiet, no one was around, and she doubted that anyone was watching them on the security cams. Shifting from his side Helen situated herself over his thighs and leaned over him so her mouth was extremely close to his. “Just one kiss?” She whispered and was mindful to keep her back arched slightly so her torso did not brush his and cause him more pain.

                        “Dear Lady, if only you would be so kind,” John brushed his lips closers so the air moved over hers.

                        “I think I am in a kind mood,” Helen purred and moved that final inch so her lips touched his. Gone was the taste of his blood, all she could taste was John. He tasted of wild rain and the forest in the dead of winter; clean and crisp. John let his lips dance with hers as his tongue licked at the seam, begging entrance into her mouth. Relenting Helen opened her mouth, but she did not allow him entrance, instead it was her tongue that explored his mouth and tasted him again. It was his taste alone that had driven her nightly fantasies, and she never could find another that tasted as sweet as John when the need arose and her body needed the touch of another; but there was no other than John Druitt. He alone could coax her body into and explosion of feeling.

                        here is a little Helen and John fluff because i need some
                        Thats awsome Ares
                        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                          All that serious talk from the other two pages was like.... Uhh, now i need some john and Helen mushy stuff.

                          and the quote I used just fits her so well... lol!


                            Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                            All that serious talk from the other two pages was like.... Uhh, now i need some john and Helen mushy stuff.

                            and the quote I used just fits her so well... lol!
                            I so agree with u Ares and it does fit her
                            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                              There is just so much to explore with them. i mean so many layers and under all of them is the base of love. They have the love, but it is buried. some of those writers need to do another Helen and john episode and bring out that love, this time from her side.


                                Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                                There is just so much to explore with them. i mean so many layers and under all of them is the base of love. They have the love, but it is buried. some of those writers need to do another Helen and john episode and bring out that love, this time from her side.

                                Totaly we need to see a nice ,hot, romantic moment between them and a major KISS i soooooooo wanna see that
                                (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen

