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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by parsifal View Post
    There's a new video at Just Robin this time.
    Which is sadly region blocked *pouts*

    OK so why is it our Canadian fans seem to all be luddites?? Aren't there any geeks up there tech savvy enough to help the rest of us??? Mandy, you're going to have to give up your luddite status sooner or later!!


      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      Which is sadly region blocked *pouts*

      OK so why is it our Canadian fans seem to all be luddites?? Aren't there any geeks up there tech savvy enough to help the rest of us??? Mandy, you're going to have to give up your luddite status sooner or later!!


        Originally posted by parsifal View Post


          Originally posted by parsifal View Post
          There's a new video at Just Robin this time.
          It's times like these it pays off to be Canadian.



            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            Which is sadly region blocked *pouts*

            OK so why is it our Canadian fans seem to all be luddites?? Aren't there any geeks up there tech savvy enough to help the rest of us??? Mandy, you're going to have to give up your luddite status sooner or later!!
            So, I'm not the only one that's noticed this pattern.
            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
            William Shakespeare

            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


              Season 2 so far:
              I hate split screens and they seem to happen in every episode.
              i hate the new girl and I hate what they've done to Ashley, Emilie being my favorite after Amanda. Don't get me wrong Ashley's "death" was brilliantly done, but I wish they've found a way to save her. Maybe she was just a clone?
              The new girl has a definite Vala-vibe...
              Last edited by siles; 24 October 2009, 12:29 AM.


                Yeah. I watched last night's episode and kinda got mad at what they did to Ashley.


                  Originally posted by Gem of Tigress View Post
                  Yeah. I watched last night's episode and kinda got mad at what they did to Ashley.
                  I still don't believe she's dead, either way I'm sure the Cabal will pay.


                    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                    So how is everyone liking S2 so far? I'm loving it and can't wait for tonight's episode!!

                    I ran across a poll at SciFi Stream last night (Which fall show is off to the BEST start this season?) and it got me to thinking, yes I love Sanctuary but how did it's season premiere compare to the other shows I watch?

                    Well, Season 1 left us with a cliffhanger after an exciting 2 part season finale and I was dying to see the new season. THEN they upped the pace and tension and delivered a brilliant 2 part season opener that has me dying to see the next part. The end of the second episode was stunning in it's delivery, kudos to Amanda for that scene!!

                    So Sanctuary has me super hyped for the season and I can't wait for the next episode though what about the other shows that I watch?

                    Stargate Universe : This hasn't really caught my attention. It should have as it has all the right elements but it's just missing striking a key with me - they really need to work on their pacing though. Four episodes in and I have found my attention wandering in 3 out of 4 episodes, not good but I always give new sci fi shows at least 1 season to establish themselves, unless they are eye gougingly bad of course , and SGU is by no means bad but...

                    Flash Forward : I liked the first ep as it had possibilities but the eps to follow since haven't really done anything for me. I'm still watching though.

                    Supernatural & Fringe : I haven't seen the current seasons yet as they aren't showing in Aus but I'll get to them ASAP

                    Smallville : I was happy with the intent to head more towards the comic book characters but... they have yet to wow me. I'm still watching though.

                    The Vampire Diaries : I saw the first ep and... I'll catch it on DVD later.

                    Heroes : I stopped watching at the beginning of S3 but I'll eventually catch up with it on DVD sometime.

                    Dollhouse : Very disappointing first 2 episodes but the 3rd ep was good and I hear tonight's ep should be great. S1 was disappointing but it picked up as it went along and I still have hopes for it.

                    So far, Sanctuary is the only show in my must watch category for sci fi & genre shows.
                    Of the shows you mention I watch Sanctuary and have seen some eps of SGU. Let me explain it this way, last night I was out so I taped Sanctuary (must see TV) but not SGU. I haven't been captivated by SGU so if I'm home and because it's on after Sanctuary I will watch it. Otherwise, I can't be bothered.

                    As for season 2 so far, I agree there has been some pretty terrific stuff but I've had something nagging at me about the shows so far. I realised it was the impending doom for Ashley. Great storyline to turn her into a Cabal "weapon" and it made for some terrific episodes and some great work from the cast, especially AT and EU but, bottom line, I don't want Ashley gone. I very much hope they will bring her back. I think the character had great potential in her relationship with Helen and in how she was going to deal with her Dad. That was increased a hundred fold when she was used by the Cabal. What potential for the character to deal with what was done to her and what she did while under their control. I hope she is back and that potential will be realised.

                    Originally posted by Gem of Tigress View Post
                    Hi. I'm kind of new to the Sanctuary relm. Any info on this series would make me very happy.

                    Welcome to the Sanctuary. Check out the various threads here and you will get lots of info. You can also check out

                    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                    Which is sadly region blocked *pouts*

                    OK so why is it our Canadian fans seem to all be luddites?? Aren't there any geeks up there tech savvy enough to help the rest of us??? Mandy, you're going to have to give up your luddite status sooner or later!!

                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    So, I'm not the only one that's noticed this pattern.

                    It is the lack of electricity in the igloos.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      As for season 2 so far, I agree there has been some pretty terrific stuff but I've had something nagging at me about the shows so far. I realised it was the impending doom for Ashley. Great storyline to turn her into a Cabal "weapon" and it made for some terrific episodes and some great work from the cast, especially AT and EU but, bottom line, I don't want Ashley gone. I very much hope they will bring her back. I think the character had great potential in her relationship with Helen and in how she was going to deal with her Dad. That was increased a hundred fold when she was used by the Cabal. What potential for the character to deal with what was done to her and what she did while under their control. I hope she is back and that potential will be realised.

                      It is the lack of electricity in the igloos.
                      I thought she was supposed to be back at the end of the season. At least I hope so. I think they could really create a great abnormal hunting team with Kate and Ashley. And some great initial tension between the two, as you know Ashley would be extremely leery of Kate and very suspicious of her motives.

                      Solar and wind power baby! And you can even create electricity with pedal power.
                      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                      William Shakespeare

                      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                        I love Sanctuary. It now holds a place as my favourite scifi/fantasy show together with Supernatural.

                        It looks like the second season will be even better than the first. Episodes 1&2 were amazing, the two eps had just the right amount of action and drama. I really liked the different reactions of Helen and John to what happend to Ashley. The final scenes of Helen mourning Ashley were truly touching, and i felt a great sense of satisfaction when John followed Dana Witcomb.

                        I'm still hoping that Ashley is alive. It would be interesting to see Ashley overcoming her programming and dealing with her vampire nature.


                          Originally posted by Betelgeuze View Post
                          I love Sanctuary. It now holds a place as my favourite scifi/fantasy show together with Supernatural.

                          It looks like the second season will be even better than the first. Episodes 1&2 were amazing, the two eps had just the right amount of action and drama. I really liked the different reactions of Helen and John to what happend to Ashley. The final scenes of Helen mourning Ashley were truly touching, and i felt a great sense of satisfaction when John followed Dana Witcomb.

                          I'm still hoping that Ashley is alive. It would be interesting to see Ashley overcoming her programming and dealing with her vampire nature.
                          I still believe Ashley is alive, no one dies in Syfy, look at Daniel Jackson, perfect example.

                          I bet she'll be back by the end of the season.


                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            I still believe Ashley is alive, no one dies in Syfy, look at Daniel Jackson, perfect example.

                            I bet she'll be back by the end of the season.
                            It occurs to me that she now has vampire blood (or did I misunderstand something?), and since Tesla has been run through with spikes and other nasty stuff and survived, I should think that somehow Ashley survived even though that was quite an explosion she was involved in. We can hope ...


                              Question that I have is that I thought I remembered reading an interview somehwere that AT had stated that in Eulogy something really neat happens to Ashley's character. I guess I don't see where she got that from. Am I missing something here???????


                                I refuse to believe Ashley's gone for good. I'm thinking maybe
                                she somehow *did* get out even though the other abnormal didn't. I choose to take it as a good sign that the other came (sort of) close to rematerializing intact.

