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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by memnarch View Post
    I'm really confused...aren't the first few episodes supposed to be free?? I tried watching them on the site, but it says I have to buy them. What's the deal? Can anyone clear this up for me?
    You can watch them for free via youtube. There is a link on the site.


      Downloading was fine for me.

      So, the first webisode was 17 min-ish long, and it felt like the first 17 min of a TV show. Which is a shame, because pretty much nothing happened. Production quality was fairly high, good acting, etc.

      In all honesty, I'd rather this was on TV than the net given the length of the webisode. Too small a chunk for my liking.

      6/10, hope the next installment has a bit more going on.


        The download worked! Yee ha! No lip sync problem! Nice quality--though I did crank up the contrast on my monitor to see a bit better.
        I think we'll really get into the story in the next episode.
        One of the things I thought was interesting is that
        Helen seems to have "regular" life outside the Sanctuary. I suppose she would need a day job.


          SG1 - Amanda Tapping - Ain't It Cool News: Sanctuary:

          SG1 - Amanda Tapping - Ain't It Cool News: Sanctuary

          From Ain't It Cool News:

          Tapping!! Monsters!! STARGATE Guys!! Cop-Hating-Destructo-Kids!! The
          First Episode Of SANCTUARY Is Now Online!!

          Merrick here...

          A few weeks ago, we posted a link to a 5 minute preview of a new
          online web series called SANCTUARY. It stars STARGATE SG-1's Amanda
          Tapping & is headed up by numerous STARGATE alumni. You can read the
          original report (and find more details & credits) HERE.

          The first full episode of the series went on-line today, and seems
          rather impressive in style, scope, and concept. It looks to be an
          homage to/amalgam of many genre faves (I'm sensing a touch of X-
          FILES, HIGHLANDER, and HELLBOY among several other nods), although
          its personality seems distinct at the moment. Each episode will be
          roughly 15 minutes long, and new eps should roll around every two
          weeks or so.

          I wasn't knocked out by the preview footage we saw, but this first
          episode suggests the series could be a lot of fun. Between Tapping
          (who is super-mega-desirable…all the time) and a variety of monsters…
          it oughta make for good Geek fodder.

          SEE IT HERE!!!

          Love the title sequence & music.

          By the way, they've been experiencing some server slammage
          be patient & be sure to try back if you get frozen out. I'm told
          these issues have been resolved. But, I thought I'd mention it just
          in case.

          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
          Morjana's Blog Twitter


            Finally watched it and sadly it was too dark for me (as it the vid itself wasn't bright enough). I'm going to try again later tonight once it's darker outside (my monitor is near a window) to see if that will help.

            I enjoyed the 'sode but wish it were longer.
            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
              Finally watched it and sadly it was too dark for me (as it the vid itself wasn't bright enough). I'm going to try again later tonight once it's darker outside (my monitor is near a window) to see if that will help.

              I enjoyed the 'sode but wish it were longer.
              I'm still waiting for them to sort out my problem so I can download a hires copy but I did download the YouTube version so now I can play it on a player and adjust the player display properties. The YouTube version always seems harder to see for me.

              I really am hooked on this and can't wait to get a better copy to watch again

              Some vague webisode spoilers included but mostly my impressions of the actors performances.
              I was most impressed with Chris Heyerdahl's John Druitt and I can't wait to see more scenes with Helen and John. Lots of juicy potential there. I also would like to know more about his "power", I have lots of questions there.

              I liked David Hewlett's portrayal of a nutter. A very effective performance complete with manic moves, wandering attention, physically hurt, with a fascination of the murderers technique. He also seemed to be warning off Will from finding the boy as it would be dangerous. Perhaps he cares a little about his former doctor's safety? I wouldn't mind one bit if they have an opportunity at a later date to revisit this character.

              We saw a lot of Will as a doctor and a glimpse of his childhood. I can't wait to see more aspects of his character unfold as the story progresses.

              Helen Magnus is shaping up to be a complex character and I was most impressed with Amanda's performance. I have a lot more to say on this but I have promised a friend to help write a review for her blog so maybe later.

              2 weeks So we're back to waiting again

              It's a good thing I'm working on practicing patience

              I also did a transcript of the webisode and I submitted it to but if anyone would like a copy I could post it here too. Just let me know.


                I still can,t view it!
                I,ve paid for the bundle,sent an email to "team sanctuary" and cleared internet cookies, i've seen on Sanctuary fans that to clear your cache, can someone tell me what that is and where i might find it as i'm not sure what i'm looking for.


                  Originally posted by tara3583 View Post
                  I still can,t view it!
                  I,ve paid for the bundle,sent an email to "team sanctuary" and cleared internet cookies, i've seen on Sanctuary fans that to clear your cache, can someone tell me what that is and where i might find it as i'm not sure what i'm looking for.
                  Hold the CTRL key down and click F5...then close and reopen your browser.

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                    Hold the CTRL key down and click F5...then close and reopen your browser.
                    Thankyou for your help!


                      Just saw the HD version - WOW!!!

                      Beautiful, stunning, awesome!!

                      And, guess who is in the credits???

                      Myrth, Ooobs, and Shelma for all their hard work on the fan site!!

                      YAY!! A very nice touch by Team Sanctuary!

                      Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                      Quint Studer


                        I thought there was a HD bundle and a non-HD bundle? I'm only seeing the non-HD bundle for sale.


                          I heard the HD bundle was temporarily removed as an option because of some glitches, but it is only a temporary removal per Melissa - one of the mods on the sanctuary forum.

                          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                          Quint Studer


                            Originally posted by tagger View Post
                            I heard the HD bundle was temporarily removed as an option because of some glitches, but it is only a temporary removal per Melissa - one of the mods on the sanctuary forum.


                              SG1 - Amanda Tapping - Vancouver Sun: Sanctuary:

                              From the Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, BC, Canada):


                              )Please follow the link for the complete TWO page article.)

                              Local Web film's premiere sparks a global buzz

                              Yvonne Zacharias, Vancouver Sun

                              Published: Tuesday, May 15, 2007

                              A Vancouver company launched early Monday its premiere of an innovative made-for-Web film called Sanctuary, setting off such a worldwide clamour for the first episode that its computer delivery system crashed.

                              The sci-fi film using real actors is broken down into eight 15-minute "webisodes," with the first having been launched at about 3 a.m. Monday. The Gastown-based company, Stage 3 Media Inc., claims Sanctuary is the highest-budget film designed specifically for Web launch in the world.

                              The company was surprised by reaction to the launch.

                              "It has been a wild morning," said Damian Kindler, the show's writer/creator and executive producer. "We got bombarded."

                              Since about February, the Internet community has been abuzz with word about the impending series. Interest reached a crescendo at about 3 a.m. Monday, with people checking the film's website from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and Canada. The entertainment industry around Vancouver has also been abuzz about the project, viewing it as groundbreaking because of its use of its designed-for-Web quality.

                              "There were hundreds and hundreds of people all over the world chatting with each other waiting for this to go live," said Kindler, adding team leaders in the online community were urging Stage 3 Media to launch.

                              "I was here at 3 a.m. as we were preparing to flip the switch, which is a cool moment," he added. A new webisode will be released about every two weeks with the next scheduled for May 28.

                              Kindler said he had no actual numbers of people who had signed on to the first instalment and his company was too busy scrambling to switch to a more powerful server to get a tally.

                              "We thought it would be a slower uptake but it kind of went pretty hard out of the gate. We are a little red-faced but it is a high-class problem."

                              Once the computer server problem was sorted out, "I think we are going to hit a patio this afternoon and have a couple of beers. Then it will all sink in that we just did something no else has done before."

                              Sanctuary stars actress Amanda Tapping (Stargate: SG-1, Stargate Atlantis), who plays Dr. Helen Magnus, a character who seeks out all manner of terrifying and monstrous creatures. She is aided in her quest by her reluctant protege Will Zimmerman, played by Robin Dunne (Dawson's Creek, The Big Hit, Species 3), and her intrepid if somewhat reckless daughter Ashley, played by Emilie Ullerup (Battlestar Galactica).


                              © The Vancouver Sun 2007

                              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                              Morjana's Blog Twitter



                                Series openers being what they are, I didn't expect to be dazzled by episode one (I wasn't). But I certainly wasn't expecting to only get 17 minutes and then a two-week wait. I was expecting to get the opener - broken into 15 minute chucks - all in one go. Free or not, two weeks between snippets is too long to sustain interest in a show.

                                At this point the only things Sanctuary have going for it is its unique format and the actor's fan base. As for the story itself? Superficial characters and little plot nibbles(what does one expect in 17 minutes?) doled out in two week intervals is, I think, a dangerous way to start a new series.

                                A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                                "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                                One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                                resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                                confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                                A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                                The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."

