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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by Steff View Post
    Plus by then most of the other shows will begin reruns on the other networks. Sanctuary will still have new shows. A great plus for a night when most are home and ready to watch away the Monday work blues.
    i'll try to keep the good thoughts of this working.

    i like it being on monday more (b/c of my work sched on fri/sat), but my mom has things she likes (LOVES castle), so i'm going to have probs with this.



      here's a good thing for us in the us.....bad news for the canucks though.....we'll be a full 4 days ahead of them

      (honestly, liked it when we had simultaneously airings, but any silver lining is a silver lining)
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        I have to admit, I am looking forward to two new episodes on both Friday and Monday night.
        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          here's a good thing for us in the us.....bad news for the canucks though.....we'll be a full 4 days ahead of them

          (honestly, liked it when we had simultaneously airings, but any silver lining is a silver lining)
          Now for the people that can only watch on ITunes we have to wait to see what day they pick. Right now we are a week ahead. If it stays on this schedule we will just be 3 days ahead of you guys. I like it to be closer so I can join in the discussions. Having rewatched Hangover for the ? time I am ready for everyone's opinions.


            Originally posted by ames View Post
            For my Cdn compatriots: have we heard anything about Space yet? While they usually follow roughly what SyFy does, it's not always exact...
            We're staying on Friays.

            Originally posted by samcartersg1 View Post
            Sneak Peak of One Night that will air on Monday!

            I'm guessing they put the sneak peek up early to advertise the fact that the new ep comes on Monday. (Cause really, Hangover didn't even air yet!)

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            from a tweet, space will keep the show on fridays, so i'm presuming....well the US will be ahead of them, won't we?

            hangover - both space and skiffy on friday
            one night - skiffy on monday, space on friday
            Yep. You'll be ahead of us.
            Which is why I don't like the decision. No more watching it altogether on Friday nights and talking about it afterwards. :/
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              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              I feel very sad for people that can give up hope so easily

              Edit: From Sanctuary's Facebook:
              It is sad that a lot of people have given up hope. I read that some are not even going to watch the show anymore because they're tired of how Syfy handles it. That breaks my heart to read that.

              Originally posted by ames View Post
              For the record: moving to Monday is actually better for some viewers, personal-schedule-wise. Yes, we may be a small segment of the overall viewership, but believe it or not, we do exist. So while it doesn't work as well for others, you didn't hear us complain about it being on Friday night at 10. /snarky moment

              Also, as it was pointed out above, there are a huge chunk of viewers who will be missing their usual fare in a couple of weeks (Castle and Hawaii 50 come immediately to mind) who are likely to be looking for something to watch ... by the time their regular shows return, I have faith that Sanctuary will have a portion of them hooked. It's a team figuring out problems, full of adventure, action and with comedic points - that description covers both of the aforementioned shows as well. Sure, there are obviously sci-fi elements to Sanctuary ... but that doesn't exclusively define it, just as the other two shows shouldn't be merely described as "cop shows".

              For my Cdn compatriots: have we heard anything about Space yet? While they usually follow roughly what SyFy does, it's not always exact...
              Again, the issue is that people could want to watch other shows at the same time, and may not want to tune in to see Sanctuary, but another show they like. Even if the show gets bad ratings, there is no reason to think Syfy would move it back to Fri, but to another day.

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i've gotten conditioned to expect the worst with stargate (certain topics), *b/c* of the way things went, being disappointed and lead on over and over, but with this, the move to monday...

              it COULD go bad, or it COULD work even better for sanctuary. we don't know yet. we'll have to wait and see how it does.

              is sanctuary a strong enough series to handle this move? we'll see. but this is what 'every' series goes through, having to stand on it's own legs. we'll see...

              Oy, the timing and is just bad, with Pax ratings not being great, and if tomorrow's episode also isn't good un the ratings, imagine what will happen on Monday. I look at S4 as like a Syfy trial. They screw that season around too, and I fear Sanctuary will not end well.

              Originally posted by Melora View Post
              It will be once SGU ends. SGU has its series finale in early May. After that, ST: TNG will be on before Sanctuary at 9/8c.
              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
              ST:TNG is a better fit than SGU
              Originally posted by Steff View Post
              Both are better than Wrestling. hehe
              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              omg you're not kidding

              (i'd have the last two or three mins of wrestling on before sanct, and i didn't even want to look at the tv screen )

              but i still think syfy could do better than st next gen. oy
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              actually, next gen, an almost 20 year show, gets better ratings than much of skiffy's normal programming
              Wow, talk about adding insult to injury.Of all the shows, TNG? Why not a show that's on today, why a 20 year old show? I would actually have wrestling or even SGU as it's lead it, it's a more modern show.
              Last edited by Rocky89; 21 April 2011, 08:47 PM.


                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                It is sad that a lot of people have given up hope.
                Exactly .... especially giving up by so much doom and gloom talk.


                  Originally posted by Steff View Post
                  Now for the people that can only watch on ITunes we have to wait to see what day they pick. Right now we are a week ahead. If it stays on this schedule we will just be 3 days ahead of you guys. I like it to be closer so I can join in the discussions. Having rewatched Hangover for the ? time I am ready for everyone's opinions.
                  Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                  We're staying on Friays.

                  I'm guessing they put the sneak peek up early to advertise the fact that the new ep comes on Monday. (Cause really, Hangover didn't even air yet!)

                  Yep. You'll be ahead of us.
                  Which is why I don't like the decision. No more watching it altogether on Friday nights and talking about it afterwards. :/
                  I did something I don't normally do, I DM'd the Space channel to ask them if they can move to Monday's, so we can all see it together.

                  Now I feel even worse. For 3 years the US and Canada has shared watching the show together, US and Canadian viewers were able to come online and share their thoughts about it in posts, and now that'll also change? Why is Syfy dividing up this fandom? Also, if the show airs on different days, won't be affected without the US and Canada aiding in the viewings.

                  Originally posted by Steff View Post
                  Exactly .... especially giving up by so much doom and gloom talk.
                  I'll watch it, and so we'll y'all, but some won't now. It's all messed up now, I'll bet half the fans don't even know of the move to Mondays, due to poor advertising, I mean Syfy throws a Sanc promo out there when there's nothing else to do.


                    Originally posted by Melora View Post
                    It will be once SGU ends. SGU has its series finale in early May. After that, ST: TNG will be on before Sanctuary at 9/8c.
                    Castle returns early May and that show has more than 10 mil viewers and I for one would chose Castle over Sanctuary, heck I might choose Castle re-runs over Sanctuary for some eps


                      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                      I'll watch it, and so we'll y'all, but some won't now. It's all messed up now, I'll bet half the fans don't even know of the move to Mondays, due to poor advertising, I mean Syfy throws a Sanc promo out there when there's nothing else to do.
                      I saw an ad (the general 3.5 one) for Sanctuary on skiffy tonight, said it was on "Fridays"...


                        Originally posted by wurlitzer153 View Post
                        I saw an ad (the general 3.5 one) for Sanctuary on skiffy tonight, said it was on "Fridays"...
                        Well it is, for today, then Mondays. I wonder if/when the Monday advertising will kick in.


                 has made changes to their web site:

                          From today's front page

                          click for original size

                          From the Sanctuary show site


                            Nothing more annoying than having a tweet come through on the phone while eating my bacon & eggs around the campfire to hear that Sanctuary has been moved...only saying that coz I don't like to think about why they moved this going to be a good thing or is this SyFy's way of trying to say "adios amigo...this is your last stand"....I don't trust SyFy so I will try to remain optimistic and hope this change is for the better and not the excuse SyFy is looking for to end the show at the end of season 4.

                            Oh just to add - here on our free to air tv, SGU is on Thursday nights at 8.30pm followed by ST:TNG at 9.30pm...not that it matters anyways as both shows no longer are in production...but here's a question...why so late for Sanctuary??? Why 10pm?? Lots of people are in bed at that time or are at least getting ready for bed...seems a bit late to be on at 10pm...just MHO.

                            Oh and apologies for the mini rant but I've just come home from camping...left the family up in the bush coz I have to work - so I'm catching up. Whoops.
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 22 April 2011, 02:55 AM.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Nothing more annoying than having a tweet come through on the phone while eating my bacon & eggs around the campfire to hear that Sanctuary has been moved...only saying that coz I don't like to think about why they moved this going to be a good thing or is this SyFy's way of trying to say "adios amigo...this is your last stand"....I don't trust SyFy so I will try to remain optimistic and hope this change is for the better and not the excuse SyFy is looking for to end the show at the end of season 4.
                              First let me say that Syfy or any other network doesn't need excuses to end shows nor do they plan that far ahead. Theirs is a very fluid business, they have to be.

                              A probable reason is that Urban Legends supposedly tanked on Monday prompting the switch. With Friday successfully tied up with Wrestling it looks like Syfy is making a concerted effort to put their scripted shows on Mondays now.


                                if they're moving urban legends to friday....well they're putting one low intelligence show (wrestling) with another low intelligence show (reality)

                                sounds like a match made in heaven honestly.

                                I used to be on skiffy's 'contemporary consumer panel', but oddly enough, after i told them my opinion of their 'fact or faked' was 'cheap remake of Mythbusters without the science' they stopped sending me survey invites...must be a coincidence

                                One thing they seem to lack is any sort of 'touch' on their viewership in general.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


