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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Thanks for the explanation Evanstar. I think you hit my level because I'm starting to see it. As far as Helen's gift, even John said in the Five that Helen's gift was the "simplest of all." Granted one wonders how much of a gift it is because she has to live when others around her are dying. Even though the others have lived as long, I think their sacrifices to get there have been at a greater cost to who they are as "humans." Even Gregory, who I think lived as long because of something similiar to cryogenics, really ended up losing... time with his family and just life in general until he was brought out of it. But, maybe you're right majorsal; maybe, he is a clone .


      Originally posted by Inward Wind View Post
      Thanks for the explanation Evanstar. I think you hit my level because I'm starting to see it. As far as Helen's gift, even John said in the Five that Helen's gift was the "simplest of all." Granted one wonders how much of a gift it is because she has to live when others around her are dying. Even though the others have lived as long, I think their sacrifices to get there have been at a greater cost to who they are as "humans." Even Gregory, who I think lived as long because of something similiar to cryogenics, really ended up losing... time with his family and just life in general until he was brought out of it. But, maybe you're right majorsal; maybe, he is a clone .
      Oh yeah, Inward Wind... but what we were chatting about was "wouldn't it be interesting if..." Helen had another power, but HADN'T told John or any of the others because it was morally/ethically dubious.

      Not saying we think that's true / likely, it was just an interesting discussion point.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        i feel gregory still being alive negates some of helen's specialness too. like what was said, everyone else that have lived as long as helen had certain things done to make it happen, where with helen is came naturally.
        I disagree that others having survived doesn't make Helen special. After all, they've all paid a high price for their longevity, like Tesla also having Vampiric traits and losing much of his humanity, and John going insane. And obviously James's was high maintenance and has now failed. Interestingly, Griffith's 'immortality' is the natural one we can all have, really, and is in fact the other one John and Helen have themselves.

        Gregory is the exception, though he's not really 'old' or had a long life, as I'd not consider the time he spent frozen as part of his life... His life just spanned a lot of years with a big gap in the middle. Interestingly, really, that's one thing he and his granddaughter have in common as, really, Ashley's been around that long, too...


          Welcome to the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards 2009. We've had an outstanding response which has exceeded all hopes, aims and expectations. 48 titles by 27 different authors have been nominated in our 11 categories (Romance has now been subdivided into Adult and General). The calibre of the stories nominated, I'm sure you will agree, is phenomenal, with writers ranging from high school students to published authors.

          Until March 16th, there will be a preview round in which you will get to start reading stories, but not vote. In the meantime we will start our “Author Spotlight” sessions every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday in the sanctuaryfic community, where you will get the chance to meet the people behind your favourite titles. After all, the best thing about fandom is the friends you can make!!

          Due to the difficulties in colour coding the announcements on some forums, I will instead link you both to our Livejournal Announcement and to our Nominations Page on

          Please consider leaving feedback for our authors, all of whom have worked hard to contribute to your fandom. We also ask that you are respectful of everyone involved in the process as you participate - that includes Sanctuary PTB, the Sanctuary Fiction team, Authors, Readers and Fellow Fans. If you have an questions, comments or feedback, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

          Thank you

          Tracy, Antoa and Neep
          The Sanctuary Fiction Team
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Welcome to the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards 2009. We've had an outstanding response which has exceeded all hopes, aims and expectations. 48 titles by 27 different authors have been nominated in our 11 categories (Romance has now been subdivided into Adult and General). The calibre of the stories nominated, I'm sure you will agree, is phenomenal, with writers ranging from high school students to published authors.

            Until March 16th, there will be a preview round in which you will get to start reading stories, but not vote. In the meantime we will start our “Author Spotlight” sessions every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday in the sanctuaryfic community, where you will get the chance to meet the people behind your favourite titles. After all, the best thing about fandom is the friends you can make!!

            Due to the difficulties in colour coding the announcements on some forums, I will instead link you both to our Livejournal Announcement and to our Nominations Page on

            Please consider leaving feedback for our authors, all of whom have worked hard to contribute to your fandom. We also ask that you are respectful of everyone involved in the process as you participate - that includes Sanctuary PTB, the Sanctuary Fiction team, Authors, Readers and Fellow Fans. If you have an questions, comments or feedback, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

            Thank you

            Tracy, Antoa and Neep
            The Sanctuary Fiction Team
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Majorsal writes: “do you know how close amanda is to finishing the q/a?”

              Answer: Nope. I told her to take her time and that there was no rush.
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                Looks like good news for you Aussies:


                Sci Fi will air the series internationally in Asia, Australia and Europe.
                No dates, but it's a start


                  Originally posted by antoa View Post
                  Looks like good news for you Aussies:


                  No dates, but it's a start
                  Darn, where's RoX?

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    Darn, where's RoX?
                    Waiting for clarification from Sci Fi Aus because it is unusual for TV show to go to pay TV first (we've got some convoluted public broadcast regulations)

                    *kicks Aussie networks*


                      But... but...
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by antoa View Post
                        Looks like good news for you Aussies:
                        No dates, but it's a start
                        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                        Waiting for clarification from Sci Fi Aus because it is unusual for TV show to go to pay TV first (we've got some convoluted public broadcast regulations)
                        *kicks Aussie networks*
                        Not all shows go to the public networks depends on whether the networks already have a contract with the company as to who gets first dibs. In the case of Stargate, channel seven was airing before pay tv so it had the contact rights to air it first...but with Sanctuary, no other network has had any rights to it here yet so it very well can go straight to pay tv. Having said that though...we still aren't sure if it is going direct to pay tv yet or not...and if it does, I dare say, this would be a kinda pointless move given the small audience numbers on pay tv here and the fact that the economic situation here and globally would have an impact on audience numbers with pay tv.
                        I can't believe they would limit their audience numbers by not allowing it to air on free to air tv here...most of the people i know who are fans of the show, do not have pay tv...and I know of a few who have had to give up their pay tv subscriptions due to the financial pinch we're all feeling.
                        I is not a happy camper.
                        *Joins RoX in kicking Aussie networks!*Dang it!!!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          From wikipedia

                          Connections with the Stargate franchise

                          In Episode 8, "Edward", one of the creature drawings created by the episode protagonist is of an Unas, a recurring species in Stargate SG-1, another one is of a Wraith, from Stargate Atlantis.


                            Hoh AXN bought it. Maybe it will show up in Portugal


                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              Looks like good news for you Aussies:


                              No dates, but it's a start
                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Not all shows go to the public networks depends on whether the networks already have a contract with the company as to who gets first dibs. In the case of Stargate, channel seven was airing before pay tv so it had the contact rights to air it first...but with Sanctuary, no other network has had any rights to it here yet so it very well can go straight to pay tv. Having said that though...we still aren't sure if it is going direct to pay tv yet or not...and if it does, I dare say, this would be a kinda pointless move given the small audience numbers on pay tv here and the fact that the economic situation here and globally would have an impact on audience numbers with pay tv.
                              I can't believe they would limit their audience numbers by not allowing it to air on free to air tv here...most of the people i know who are fans of the show, do not have pay tv...and I know of a few who have had to give up their pay tv subscriptions due to the financial pinch we're all feeling.
                              I is not a happy camper.
                              *Joins RoX in kicking Aussie networks!*Dang it!!!!

                              In Canada it shows on The Movie Network and Movie Central. Both are pay TV stations. I extended my cable package to get current SGA episodes when Amanda joined the cast and kept it for Sanctuary. I think it is a matter of which station they can sell it to and isn't it better that it's available than not? I've made it clear to my channel that the only reason I pay for their service is because of Sanctuary.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                In Canada it shows on The Movie Network and Movie Central. Both are pay TV stations. I extended my cable package to get current SGA episodes when Amanda joined the cast and kept it for Sanctuary. I think it is a matter of which station they can sell it to and isn't it better that it's available than not? I've made it clear to my channel that the only reason I pay for their service is because of Sanctuary.
                                Ah no it's not because we are talking a teeny tiny market here. Our total population just cracked the 21 million mark (I think) and the number of people with pay TV is a tiny fraction of that and Sci-Fi is an even smaller fraction of that as it's a pay extra channel - sooooooooo...

                                Besides I'll bet that Skiffy isn't paying anything near what the free to air channels pay.

                                *kicks Aussie networks*

