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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    OMG this eps is awesome! So far, my favorite bit...
    Helen catching the cameraman eaves dropping on them and tells him the creature is behind them...then she's all in his face telling him to NOT eaves drop on them like tha again. I LOVE HER! mwahahahahaha!
    Yeah, that was classic! The camera work at the beginning was a bit hard on the eyes, but I understood why they did it that way. May have been b/c I was a bit headachy already. I loved
    the end where Helen totally had the reporter's number.
    Not really an obvious character episode, but nice little bits that help show more about each of them.


      the reporter is a cylon :O



        Hello again, Sanctuarians!

        "Instinct" is the latest episode of Sanctuary to hit the airwaves, and proved a unique adventure from start to finish!

        From the fearless director of this episode, S. A. Adelson:

        "This is the first episode of television that I directed... "Instinct" is a unique episode, in that every scene was photographed in one take; much like Hitchcock's "Rope." It is a fast paced episode with a really cool creature. My hats off to all of the cast and crew. Happy Holidays to everyone!!!"

        Let's go out with a bang this year!! Make sure you, your family and friends are watching live this Friday!

        Team Sanctuary

        Sorry if this was posted already. I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of S1's complete awesomeness.


          I didn't mind the camera stuff...
          much better than some shows where they spin around...a lot! My fave scene would be when Helen asks them to not eavesdrop...and when they bag the mother the reaction of all the team!!
          Probably the only thing I couldn't really get a handle on was the reporter...she just did nothing for me. I'm sure the actress who plays her is lovely but...maybe it's my aversion to reporters...not all of them, but with some of the sensationalism out there in the media, I get a little icky with reporters.
          But other than that, I enjoyed it.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            I made 6 icons from that cute Sanctuary cast pic. Because it made me smile (a lot)

            1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


              Ok, I had nooooo idea where to post this question, but here goes:

              In a flash of inspiration, I just wrote a 4000 word or so Sanctuary fic... my first! It's pretty much a Helen!Whump Dark Fic, (perfect for the Christmas time??? Don't ask, my muse does as it pleases) And was wondering where to fish about to catch a good Beta...


              Please PM me!! Thanks so much.
              The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

              |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                I saw "Instinct" last night, another great ep! My favourite bit was...
                When the reporter thought she had the tape at the end and then all she gets is Helen....hahaha that was brilliant!

                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                  Don't remember seeing this posted. A new blog entry:

                  I love that Amanda's favorite holiday movie is the same as mine.
                  I actually have a small leg lamp in my front window.
                  Last edited by rderoch; 23 December 2008, 09:56 AM.
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    Don't remember seeing this posted. A new blog entry:
                    Oh wow, thank so much for that . it's funny because I've actually been wondering lately what Amanda enjoys doing on Holidays . And now I know , it was very nice on getting some insight on what her favorite activities are, they were so human and so cute . And I'm particularly fond and impressed of Amanda's answer for what her best Christmas/holiday memory is. Now that's the kind of answer I'd expect from her .
                    I really hope Amanda enjoys all those things she mentioned, and that she makes more memories.

                    Merry Christmas!!
                    December 23, 2008 posted by Jaclyn MacRae

                    Hello Sanctuarians!

                    Rather than a regular blog entry, we thought it would be fun to give you a peek into our team’s holiday favourites and traditions leading up to the magical day!

                    Enjoy, and have a very Merry Christmas!!!

                    Team Sanctuary!

                    P.S. Make sure you check out the Christmas photo card we’ve posted on our Facebook page!!


                    Favourite Christmas album from childhood:

                    Damian Kindler (Creator/EP/Writer): Charlie Brown Christmas - Vince Guaraldi Trio
                    Martin Wood (EP/Director): a) Charlie Brown Christmas; b) The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
                    Sam Egan (EP/Writer): Nat King Cole Christmas
                    Ryan Robbins (Henry Foss): Chipmunks Christmas
                    Shona Miko Musgrave (Post Production Supervisor): Frank Sinatra
                    Jaclyn MacRae (Script Coordinator): Mini Pops Christmas
                    Sam Kim (Office PA): Church Hymns? Does that count?

                    Favourite Christmas album now:

                    DK: Charlie Brown Christmas - Vince Guaraldi Trio
                    MW: Celtic Christmas
                    SE: A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
                    RR: Chipmunks Christmas
                    SMM: Diana Krall
                    JM: I just like Christmas music…
                    SK: Trans-Siberian Orchestra – The Lost Christmas Eve

                    Favourite Christmas song:

                    DK: Good King Wenceslas - The Skydiggers version. Best tune about charity and a good king.
                    Amanda Tapping (EP/Helen Magnus): Fairytale of New York by The Pogues
                    MW: Christmas Day by Dido
                    SE: Happy Christmas/War is Over by John Lennon & Yoko Ono
                    Emilie Ullerup (Ashley Magnus): Last Christmas by Wham (Dancing and singing at the top of lungs required)
                    RR: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
                    SMM: Christmas Day by Dido
                    JM: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by The Carpenters

                    Favourite holiday movie:

                    DK: It's a Wonderful Life - no freakin' contest.
                    AT: A Christmas Story
                    MW: A Christmas Story
                    SE: The Nightmare before Christmas
                    EU: The Grinch (Jim Carrey version)
                    RR: The Nightmare before Christmas
                    Peter DeLuise (Director): Scrooged.
                    SMM: It’s a Wonderful Life
                    JM: Tie: A Christmas Story & One Magic Christmas
                    SK: Die Hard!

                    Favourite item on the table at Christmas/holiday dinner:

                    DK: Menorah.
                    AT: Stuffing
                    MW: Mint Melties
                    SE: Roast beast, Yams, with marshmallows, white chocolate sprinkles and savage sour apple pop rocks
                    EU: Ris a l’amande
                    RR: Guinness Basted Turkey
                    PD: My head after passing out.
                    SMM: Yams
                    JM: Juleribbe, Julegrøt
                    SK: Gravy!

                    Favourite Christmas treat:

                    DK: Latkes
                    AT: Gingerbread Cookies
                    MW: Mint Melties
                    SE: Dark Chocolate honeycomb, cranberry sauce
                    EU: Homemade nougat and marzipan treats
                    RR: Mom’s Shortbread
                    PD: Pasta… It’s not holiday related, I just like pasta.
                    SMM: Dark Chocolate
                    JM: Terry’s White Chocolate Oranges

                    Favourite Christmas beverage:

                    DK: Soy nog. Really. Just add rum...
                    AT: Mulled Wine
                    MW: Eggnog straight up – Just the Nog
                    SE: A double of whatever you're having
                    EU: Gløgg
                    RR: Eggnog
                    PD: Saki
                    SMM: Red Wine (Good Zinfandel)
                    JM: Gløgg

                    Best Christmas/holiday memory:

                    DK: Um...
                    AT: All of Olivia’s first Christmas.
                    MW: Waking up to find Santa in my living room – loaded with presents.
                    SE: Watching my daughters open packages and play with the boxes.
                    RR: a) My Daughter’s reactions every Christmas morning; b) Christmas in Dublin
                    PD: 1st sexual experience… I was alone at the time.
                    SMM: Backcountry skiing.
                    JM: The night that Santa AND the Toothfairy both came to visit me. Which was last year…

                    Best Christmas gift ever:

                    DK: Two framed pictures of both my daughters' artwork (2007)
                    AT: The dolls house my Grandfather made
                    MW: A Basset Puppy
                    SE: A week off
                    RR: BMX Bike
                    PD: 1st video game… my brain has been rotting ever since
                    SMM: Kayak Paddles
                    JM: The last Christmas gift I ever received from my Grampa – a pink car for my dolls
                    SK: Snow

                    Most disappointing Christmas gift ever:

                    DK: The old "homemade wine" gift from my friends' dad - 1998. Nasty.
                    AT: Boney M Christmas album
                    MW: A Little Brother
                    SE: Head cheese ornaments.
                    EU: A doll received at age 6. I did NOT enjoy dolls. It was an insult.
                    RR: Jewelry box when I was, like, 14…
                    PD: We were in Hawaii and I complained to my parents that we did not receive enough presents. I was very young at the time, and the memory and guilt still haunt me.
                    SMM: A re-gift I gave the year before.
                    JM: it was more a disappointing experience… my brother bought me a book for Christmas, then read it before wrapping it up for me…
                    SK: No snow

                    Favourite Christmas/holiday family tradition:

                    DK: Making "cheesies" (buns with Cheez Whiz, grilled) on Christmas Eve.
                    AT: Listening to “Child’s Christmas in Wales.”
                    MW: Christmas morning with my immediate family.
                    SE: Watching the Rose Parade on New Year's Day -- especially when the Firesign Theater did their radio simulcast.
                    EU: Dancing around the Christmas tree.
                    RR: Dinner with family.
                    PD: Improv games.
                    SMM: Cutting down our own Christmas tree.
                    JM: a) Dancing and Singing around the Christmas tree; b) Boxing Day cousin movie outing!
                    SK: Christmas dinner with family; All Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc.

                    Favourite winter activity:

                    DK: Skiing, snowboarding.
                    AT: Skiing and tobogganing.
                    MW: Playing in the snow with my kids.
                    SE: Watching people shiver through large double pane windows.
                    RR: Snowboarding.
                    PD: Pulling a sled with a car till the rider falls off.
                    SMM: Backcountry skiing or snowshoeing.
                    JM: Skiing (downhill) and Skating – preferably not at the same time…
                    SK: Drinking.

                    Favourite frivolous thing to do with time off over the holidays:

                    DK: Hit a bar early in the day for "shopping relief"
                    AT: Play board games in front of the fire
                    MW: Board games in front of a fire - Naked
                    SE: Drive through neighborhoods that go xmas light crazy.
                    RR: Time off????,,, Hmmm… probably travel…
                    PD: Eat until I can’t feel my legs.
                    SMM: The family huddled in bed together watching a movie.
                    JM: Laze around in pyjamas each day, as long as is possible, doing absolutely nothing!
                    SK: Drinking

                    Thing you are most looking forward to about Christmas 2008:

                    DK: 2009: Year of the Personal Jetpack.
                    AT: Seeing my brothers, nieces, nephews and Alan’s family.
                    MW: Season 2 of Sanctuary finished under the tree.
                    SE: The dawn of a new day in politics.
                    EU: Christmas with Kyle for the first time.
                    RR: My Daughter’s reactions.
                    PD: Obama!!!
                    SMM: Spending time with loved ones!
                    JM: A big surprise that I cannot reveal here…
                    SK: Drinking.
                    Last edited by Rocky89; 23 December 2008, 09:03 PM.


                      no one liked white christmas!!!

                      the travesty!!!!!!!!!1

                      and i'm surprised that national lampoon's christmas isn't on the list
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        White Christmas rules.

                        And AT's favorite Christmas song is by the Pouges! Rawk! \m/ I have that song on my iPod.

                        And Chipmunk's Christmas. Heh.

                        OK, seriously hilarious. Glad to see the love for the nog!! it does not get enough love IMHO.
                        Last edited by antoa; 23 December 2008, 10:35 AM.


                          Personally I like Shona Miko Musgrave's (Post Production Supervisor) music choices with Frank Sinatra and Diana Krall
                          My View From The Peanut Gallery


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            no one liked white christmas!!!

                            the travesty!!!!!!!!!1

                            and i'm surprised that national lampoon's christmas isn't on the list
                            I've never seen the movie White Christmas, but my firm's holiday outing this year was to see the stage show. And the General was played by David Ogden Stiers! I about fell off my chair when he walked on stage. (He was the leader of the human form replicators on SGA and of course Charles Winchester III on MASH)

                            Originally posted by antoa View Post
                            White Christmas rules.

                            And AT's favorite Christmas song is by the Pouges! Rawk! \m/ I have that song on my iPod.

                            And Chipmunk's Christmas. Heh.

                            OK, seriously hilarious. Glad to see the love for the nog!! it does not get enough love IMHO.
                            I've never heard the Pogues song or if I have, I don't recall it. Will definitely track it down now.

                            Chipmunk's rock!

                            And where was I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas? (A couple of years ago, I bought everyone in my family a hippo beanie baby for their stockings. We all got a hippo for Christmas. )
                            Last edited by rderoch; 23 December 2008, 01:43 PM.
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              *delurks to say...

                              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                              Personally I like Shona Miko Musgrave's (Post Production Supervisor) music choices with Frank Sinatra and Diana Krall
                              Diana Krall's Christmas CD ROCKS!

                              So does Sanctuary and AT.

                              *returns to lurking....
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Oh wow, thank so much for that . it's funny because I've actually been wondering lately what Amanda enjoys doing on Holidays . And now I know , it was very nice on getting some insight on what her favorite activities are, they were so human and so cute . And I'm particularly fond and impressed of Amanda's answer for what her best Christmas/holiday memory is. Now that's the kind of answer I'd expect from her .
                                I really hope Amanda enjoys all those things she mentioned, and that she makes more memories.

                                Merry Christmas!!
                                December 23, 2008 posted by Jaclyn MacRae

                                Hello Sanctuarians!

                                Rather than a regular blog entry, we thought it would be fun to give you a peek into our team’s holiday favourites and traditions leading up to the magical day!

                                Enjoy, and have a very Merry Christmas!!!

                                Team Sanctuary!

                                P.S. Make sure you check out the Christmas photo card we’ve posted on our Facebook page!!


                                Favourite Christmas album from childhood:

                                Damian Kindler (Creator/EP/Writer): Charlie Brown Christmas - Vince Guaraldi Trio
                                Martin Wood (EP/Director): a) Charlie Brown Christmas; b) The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
                                Sam Egan (EP/Writer): Nat King Cole Christmas
                                Ryan Robbins (Henry Foss): Chipmunks Christmas
                                Shona Miko Musgrave (Post Production Supervisor): Frank Sinatra
                                Jaclyn MacRae (Script Coordinator): Mini Pops Christmas
                                Sam Kim (Office PA): Church Hymns? Does that count?

                                Favourite Christmas album now:

                                DK: Charlie Brown Christmas - Vince Guaraldi Trio
                                MW: Celtic Christmas
                                SE: A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
                                RR: Chipmunks Christmas
                                SMM: Diana Krall
                                JM: I just like Christmas music…
                                SK: Trans-Siberian Orchestra – The Lost Christmas Eve

                                Favourite Christmas song:

                                DK: Good King Wenceslas - The Skydiggers version. Best tune about charity and a good king.
                                Amanda Tapping (EP/Helen Magnus): Fairytale of New York by The Pogues
                                MW: Christmas Day by Dido
                                SE: Happy Christmas/War is Over by John Lennon & Yoko Ono
                                Emilie Ullerup (Ashley Magnus): Last Christmas by Wham (Dancing and singing at the top of lungs required)
                                RR: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
                                SMM: Christmas Day by Dido
                                JM: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by The Carpenters

                                Favourite holiday movie:

                                DK: It's a Wonderful Life - no freakin' contest.
                                AT: A Christmas Story
                                MW: A Christmas Story
                                SE: The Nightmare before Christmas
                                EU: The Grinch (Jim Carrey version)
                                RR: The Nightmare before Christmas
                                Peter DeLuise (Director): Scrooged.
                                SMM: It’s a Wonderful Life
                                JM: Tie: A Christmas Story & One Magic Christmas
                                SK: Die Hard!

                                Favourite item on the table at Christmas/holiday dinner:

                                DK: Menorah.
                                AT: Stuffing
                                MW: Mint Melties
                                SE: Roast beast, Yams, with marshmallows, white chocolate sprinkles and savage sour apple pop rocks
                                EU: Ris a l’amande
                                RR: Guinness Basted Turkey
                                PD: My head after passing out.
                                SMM: Yams
                                JM: Juleribbe, Julegrøt
                                SK: Gravy!

                                Favourite Christmas treat:

                                DK: Latkes
                                AT: Gingerbread Cookies
                                MW: Mint Melties
                                SE: Dark Chocolate honeycomb, cranberry sauce
                                EU: Homemade nougat and marzipan treats
                                RR: Mom’s Shortbread
                                PD: Pasta… It’s not holiday related, I just like pasta.
                                SMM: Dark Chocolate
                                JM: Terry’s White Chocolate Oranges

                                Favourite Christmas beverage:

                                DK: Soy nog. Really. Just add rum...
                                AT: Mulled Wine
                                MW: Eggnog straight up – Just the Nog
                                SE: A double of whatever you're having
                                EU: Gløgg
                                RR: Eggnog
                                PD: Saki
                                SMM: Red Wine (Good Zinfandel)
                                JM: Gløgg

                                Best Christmas/holiday memory:

                                DK: Um...
                                AT: All of Olivia’s first Christmas.
                                MW: Waking up to find Santa in my living room – loaded with presents.
                                SE: Watching my daughters open packages and play with the boxes.
                                RR: a) My Daughter’s reactions every Christmas morning; b) Christmas in Dublin
                                PD: 1st sexual experience… I was alone at the time.
                                SMM: Backcountry skiing.
                                JM: The night that Santa AND the Toothfairy both came to visit me. Which was last year…

                                Best Christmas gift ever:

                                DK: Two framed pictures of both my daughters' artwork (2007)
                                AT: The dolls house my Grandfather made
                                MW: A Basset Puppy
                                SE: A week off
                                RR: BMX Bike
                                PD: 1st video game… my brain has been rotting ever since
                                SMM: Kayak Paddles
                                JM: The last Christmas gift I ever received from my Grampa – a pink car for my dolls
                                SK: Snow

                                Most disappointing Christmas gift ever:

                                DK: The old "homemade wine" gift from my friends' dad - 1998. Nasty.
                                AT: Boney M Christmas album
                                MW: A Little Brother
                                SE: Head cheese ornaments.
                                EU: A doll received at age 6. I did NOT enjoy dolls. It was an insult.
                                RR: Jewelry box when I was, like, 14…
                                PD: We were in Hawaii and I complained to my parents that we did not receive enough presents. I was very young at the time, and the memory and guilt still haunt me.
                                SMM: A re-gift I gave the year before.
                                JM: it was more a disappointing experience… my brother bought me a book for Christmas, then read it before wrapping it up for me…
                                SK: No snow

                                Favourite Christmas/holiday family tradition:

                                DK: Making "cheesies" (buns with Cheez Whiz, grilled) on Christmas Eve.
                                AT: Listening to “Child’s Christmas in Wales.”
                                MW: Christmas morning with my immediate family.
                                SE: Watching the Rose Parade on New Year's Day -- especially when the Firesign Theater did their radio simulcast.
                                EU: Dancing around the Christmas tree.
                                RR: Dinner with family.
                                PD: Improv games.
                                SMM: Cutting down our own Christmas tree.
                                JM: a) Dancing and Singing around the Christmas tree; b) Boxing Day cousin movie outing!
                                SK: Christmas dinner with family; All Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc.

                                Favourite winter activity:

                                DK: Skiing, snowboarding.
                                AT: Skiing and tobogganing.
                                MW: Playing in the snow with my kids.
                                SE: Watching people shiver through large double pane windows.
                                RR: Snowboarding.
                                PD: Pulling a sled with a car till the rider falls off.
                                SMM: Backcountry skiing or snowshoeing.
                                JM: Skiing (downhill) and Skating – preferably not at the same time…
                                SK: Drinking.

                                Favourite frivolous thing to do with time off over the holidays:

                                DK: Hit a bar early in the day for "shopping relief"
                                AT: Play board games in front of the fire
                                MW: Board games in front of a fire - Naked
                                SE: Drive through neighborhoods that go xmas light crazy.
                                RR: Time off????,,, Hmmm… probably travel…
                                PD: Eat until I can’t feel my legs.
                                SMM: The family huddled in bed together watching a movie.
                                JM: Laze around in pyjamas each day, as long as is possible, doing absolutely nothing!
                                SK: Drinking

                                Thing you are most looking forward to about Christmas 2008:

                                DK: 2009: Year of the Personal Jetpack.
                                AT: Seeing my brothers, nieces, nephews and Alan’s family.
                                MW: Season 2 of Sanctuary finished under the tree.
                                SE: The dawn of a new day in politics.
                                EU: Christmas with Kyle for the first time.
                                RR: My Daughter’s reactions.
                                PD: Obama!!!
                                SMM: Spending time with loved ones!
                                JM: A big surprise that I cannot reveal here…
                                SK: Drinking.
                                that was *great* to read! i LOVE learning more about amanda.

                                (loved 'sk's answers too , but especially trans-siberian orchestra. they're amazing!)



