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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Imitation is the highest form of flattery, eh?

    Even if it isn't Sanctuary, it is idea that will eventually come into it's own.

    Movies to computer games and computer games to movies have all been done for years.

    I guess what Howe mentioned is somehow different? Game plus interact with the show? Effect the storyline? I dunno, I don't have a clear picture of what he means yet.

    I think the interactive Sanctuary building MW talked about sounded cool - walk down a hallway and new scenes unfold, more backstory, more clues and character bits. I guess it is a lot of work and expense for not much reward, though. I would hate to have to sit through a commercial every 30 virtual steps.

    Speaking of commercials, I don't really notice them too much; I'm conditioned to their presence but Requiem was another matter. I think I developed one new ulcer every commercial break! I begrudged every break up of the flow of the story, the suspense.

    I wish commercials were somehow a thing of the past, there must be some new marketing paradigm, using products, or something that can substitute for commercials? Advertising money makes a show possible, so I don't know what could work.
    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
    Quint Studer


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      The age sort of makes sense in a way...

      They've kept Magnus at 157, so kept Ashley at 23. Last year, we worked out that the first test tube babies were born in 1984ish and the most popular girl's name in 1984 was Ashley, so we sort of placed that year as her birth year, making her 23. Now it's 2008, that puts it a little out of synch, but no more out of synch than it puts Helen's timeline, really. A year changes a heck of a lot. Plus it was just nice and neat to have her born in 1850.
      Heh, that's pretty cool since I'm one of those first test tube babies born in 1984.

      *wonders if she should worry about having a latent 'killer instinct'*



        Has everyone seen the blog on the official Sanctuary site? I just noticed it.
        Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
        Quint Studer


          I totally hadn't seen that yet! Thanks, Tagger!


            i've dabbled, and dabbled is an overstatement, in flash programming. it is beyond time consuming and difficult to do. gotta make every room, every action, every thing you'll see, THEN you break out the programming language to make things happen, and you have to account for every thing a person could want to do.

            the morale of the story...yeah, takes more than a year unless you have one MASSIVE crew doing it. and even then, it'll take time.

            i would love it (for their sakes) if they use sanctuary. but i'll believe it when i see it
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i have copies of all the eps on dvd or my dvd recorder. It's an easy matter to make a disc and toss them in the mail if anyone needs them
              Hmmm, thinking those would be a better quality than my VCR recorded ones.... Our Scifi channel tapes so wonky....
              Hmmm.... Pming you...
              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Yep I agree with Suse

                I think she purposefully(sp?) used the american accent to Will, like making fun of his accent. To more so taunt Will than anything else.

                What an awesome episode, both Amanda and Robin turned in a tour de force performance tonight
                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                Wow! We agree!

                Most definitely. Watching a second time and enjoying it just as much. I wonder if it will be just as good the third, thirtieth, three hundredth......time.
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                What an incredible episode!

                Amanda bein' bad. We haven't seen that too much over the years...and wasn't it fun? Tee-hee!

                This show just keeps getting better and better.
                Originally posted by tagger View Post
                Huge amounts of cheering and standing ovations for Requiem!!!!


                If this was live theater, the audience appreciation would be overwhelming, deafening.

                The best acting I have ever seen from AT and Robin.


                Writing, acting, directing, lighting, props, the creepy sub, vis effects, everything was spot on.

                I wrote more in the episode thread, but this episode was something else. The best yet. Possibly the best I have ever seen.

                Scifi has no idea how lucky they are to have this team.

                Talent out the whazoo, great attitudes, great work ethic.

                Originally posted by amconway View Post
                Spoilers for both tonight's Sanctuary and Atlantis episodes below. Don't open if you haven't seen both:
                Tonight we had two episodes about people being trapped in a dangerous situation.

                On one show, Atlantis, we learned absolutely nothing new. There was no character development, and all the character interaction was completely predictable, with the one exception of Rodney forced, rather oddly, into being the Daniel-like role of the voice of moral concience. That one moment was the only moment of actual characterization in the entire episode and it was... brief--thrown away without making anything out of it. It was all shooting, monsters, and ship.

                What a difference between that, and tonight's episode of Sanctuary! Without losing the element of danger and action, we learned an amazing amount about the characters. Will learned that he is capable of much more than he thought. We saw a completely different side of Helen, and got a lot more insight into her life and feelings. I've been waiting for a script like this from the beginning, one that really let Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne do what I knew they could, and this one delivered in spades!

                Only a couple of nitpicks... I've noticed a tendencey to some rather heavy-handed lines from the writers on Sanctuary. We only got one of these tonight-the one from Will about them being the only family he has ever known. They need to use a smaller stick for things like that. We'll get it even if they don't spell these things out so clearly. Really, we will! I also thought that they probably should have ended it when they were still on the floor of the sub, mainly because it would have been the more dramatic ending, but also because I would have liked to see it end with things still a little shaken up. The epilogue patted every thing back into place a little quickly and didn't really give us anything new in terms of character development.

                All in all, a superlative episode. I think these last two have really shown us where Sanctuary is going, and it's a very, very good place.
                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                YAY!!!! I finally got the episode in my greedy little hands

                *runs off to watch it*

                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
      ! SUCH acting chops. Although,
                I'm not sure where the discussion of an American accent came from? I heard her slip into a more Cockney English dialect, but never American.

                But seriously...
                Helen...all...*gulp*...wet. And...aggressive....*makes Homer Simpson drooling sounds*
                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                Yeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!! I've seeen it!!!!!!! I love it when Amanda plays different parts of her character because she does it greatly.

                I never saw a trace of Helen (or her calm) while she was 'under the influence'. All in all ... AWESOME!!!!! I loved how perfectly crazy she looked when she put a hand on Will's face. That was such a nice touch, and very real.

                I agree with you.
                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                I caught on that one too. Does she think for some reason that she will die in the near future (which would be in Will's life time). And why not leave her work to Ashly...

                As for Will and his feelings I was wondering the same thing, although it comes and goes in a sense that in one ep we see him a little tense with Ashly and in another with Helen... though I'm more inclined to think Will has more of a respectful feeling's towards Helen then anything else.

                About what was running through Helen's mind, I couldn't help it to think it brought on some true feelings about her existence.
                When she says how terrible existence it is (or something like that), and that no body should live (or lives) forever... it's sad and ominous.

                Like you said, many questions, and that's part of the charm... waiting for answers.
                Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                Okay I totally just watched Requiem for the second time....
                Totally *squeeing* the whole time.... That acting was just frelling amazing....

                *running off to watch a third time before I comment further*

                Best ep yet IMHO hands down.....
                Probably some of AT's best work ever.....
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!

                That was freaking AMAZING.

                My favourite part was the
                look of glee on her face as she looks up to see the fire Will is trying to put out. Bad Helen!

                I for one am glad that Helen uses her powers for good.
                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                Me too!!!
                I posted this over in the Sanctuary cross posting as I'm tired today from a very long weekend...and no..I didn't even get a drink!! Just Christmas party season and working! Oh...and staying up til 2am waiting for teenage daughter to return from work Christmas party!
                On with the show!!!
                I watched it first thing this morning but then I had to go to I was late from watching the ep but I couldn't be that late to post about it...sorry!
                I think the team out did themselves. I don't know how they are going to better this one. Requiem certainly did not disappoint. I wish I could describe how I felt or what I truly thought about it without it sounding corny! I loved it.
                Amanda was just awesome. No single word can accurately describe Amanda's performance in this ep.
                Robin...OMG...I have such a new respect for Robin. It's just grows all the time!
                My favourite scene...
                well I actually have a few favourite scenes but the whole scene where Helen dies...OMG...AMAZING!!
                And when Helen is fixing the valve thingy and she's got this evil smile...ahhhh!!
                The scene where Will is reviving ended to quickly but it was fantastic!

                Every time there is a brilliant episode no matter what the show, it always ends to quickly for me...but that's showbiz...I know they have time constraints but...OMG...Requiem has got to rate the highest for the season.
                Amanda and Robin both deserve top honours for their performances in this ep.
                I don't think I can praise the whole team at Sanctuary, high enough.
                It was brilliant...just bloody brilliant!
                Beautifully put you guys . I know I can't possibly say anything more than what I already said in my HUGE review post , but I agree with you, I love character driven stories, and this is one of the best I've ever seen in a Sci-fi show . Put Amanda in that scene, and you've got yourself a great story . The looks on Helen's face were looks I've never seen on Amanda or Sam before, they were just dark, evil, crazy and scary to the core . I loved that 'seeing the sunshine' line, it was just freaky, I honestly don't know what was better, Helen's crazy talk or her actions. With an actress as brilliant as Amanda, it's sometimes hard to tell . If there are performances like this in future episodes, that'll be really awesome . I'd love to see Sam do those things .

                I had been looking forward to this episode for a while, more than any other episode . I also gave this episode the most attention, I mean I was at the edge of my seat. At some points, I was saying to Helen "You're crazy, you are crazy". Other parts I was squeeing out loud like Sally , heck, some of the things Helen said and did gave me chills . Like when she whispered into Will's ear *Chills*

                Can someone get Amanda an award for this episode? .


                  You know what I was thinking today...and this might be somewhat morbid or what not...but
                  Helen is able to die. We now know she can die and isn't immortal in the sense of she can't be killed. She can actually die. Or maybe, she dies but only for a short time then she regenerates and comes back to I'm just confusing myself!
                  I loved how when she asked Will to be creative...she knew what he had to do...this woman is just too calm
                  ...I sooo love her!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Just a reminder for those fans registered at IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) -- don't forget to rate the Sanctuary episodes!

                    Here's the link for Sanctuary:


                    NONE of the episodes so far have received over 5 rating votes! (And you can rate the series as a whole, and it hasn't received over 5 rating votes!)

                    And Sanctuary has gone down 3% on their MovieMeter!

                    If you're not registered -- it's free, and relatively painless.

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      I don't know why but IMDB doesn't seem to be working for me as of late...I keep getting a page load IMDB updating or something???
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        I don't know why but IMDB doesn't seem to be working for me as of late...I keep getting a page load IMDB updating or something???
                        Try using a different browser. For some reason, some sites I can access only using Firefox, and some I can only use IE.

                        Drives me batty (and I knew you were wondering what the reason was...)

                        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                        Morjana's Blog Twitter


                          Originally posted by morjana View Post
                          Just a reminder for those fans registered at IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) -- don't forget to rate the Sanctuary episodes!

                          Here's the link for Sanctuary:


                          NONE of the episodes so far have received over 5 rating votes! (And you can rate the series as a whole, and it hasn't received over 5 rating votes!)

                          And Sanctuary has gone down 3% on their MovieMeter!

                          If you're not registered -- it's free, and relatively painless.

                          10 stars easy.
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            Originally posted by tagger View Post
                            Imitation is the highest form of flattery, eh?

                            Even if it isn't Sanctuary, it is idea that will eventually come into it's own.

                            Movies to computer games and computer games to movies have all been done for years.

                            I guess what Howe mentioned is somehow different? Game plus interact with the show? Effect the storyline? I dunno, I don't have a clear picture of what he means yet.

                            I think the interactive Sanctuary building MW talked about sounded cool - walk down a hallway and new scenes unfold, more backstory, more clues and character bits. I guess it is a lot of work and expense for not much reward, though. I would hate to have to sit through a commercial every 30 virtual steps.

                            Speaking of commercials, I don't really notice them too much; I'm conditioned to their presence but Requiem was another matter. I think I developed one new ulcer every commercial break! I begrudged every break up of the flow of the story, the suspense.

                            I wish commercials were somehow a thing of the past, there must be some new marketing paradigm, using products, or something that can substitute for commercials? Advertising money makes a show possible, so I don't know what could work.

                            Well, you could move to Canada because we get it commercial free. However, you would have to give up hearing the episode!

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by eh-t View Post
                              well, you could move to canada because we get it commercial free. However, you would have to give up hearing the episode!


                                Requiem was excellent! Definitely worth the wait.

