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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Hmmmm, interesting theory, Devilish Me, but if you look at the history of the real Montague John Druitt, he read classics at Oxford (and then started training to become a barrister, as I recall). Then again, you could argue that John was involved simply through Magnus.

    On a different note...

    I was wondering about Tesla and the vampires. Now Helen has refused to help, is there a chance he'll try to do it on his own? And if so, what happens if it goes wrong? He gives them the intellect but loses all control. Can you imagine having a super intelligent vampyric cabal leader?
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      Hmmmm, interesting theory, Devilish Me, but if you look at the history of the real Montague John Druitt, he read classics at Oxford (and then started training to become a barrister, as I recall). Then again, you could argue that John was involved simply through Magnus.
      I didn't know that. It'll sure be interesting to find out.

      On a different note...

      I was wondering about Tesla and the vampires. Now Helen has refused to help, is there a chance he'll try to do it on his own? And if so, what happens if it goes wrong? He gives them the intellect but loses all control. Can you imagine having a super intelligent vampyric cabal leader?
      Tesla and vampires.

      I think he already tried, but without success. For now. That's why he wanted Helen's help. But I'm sure we'll see more of this in the upcoming episodes. He may yet succeed. And than 'bye bye lowly humans.'
      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


        I'm generally not a big fan of
        but I didn't let that ruin it for me. I really liked this episode. I thought the Henry storyline was a bit of a distraction & wanted to get back to Magnus' story--but when don't I? I thought the ending of the episode was well handled.
        you know everything's not perfect, but Ashley is going to give Helen a chance. and of course we see in the previews that they definitely have things to work out.
        I'm looking forward to seeing how that all plays out.
        I also have to give high marks to CH--he has a way of playing both the villain and sympathetic...
        Oh, and did I say Magnus was great?


          Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
          Another Sanctuary fan is on board!
          That is so awesome! YAY!

          Originally posted by morjana View Post
          I agree with you, Sarah, each week the episodes are getting better. I'm enjoying Sanctuary very much, and 'The Five' rocked!
          Every episode has become my favorite. I haven't looked so forward to Friday since SG-1.

          Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
          Jonathon Young as Tesla was awesome.
          Yes, he was fantastic! And I'm glad you've given the show a chance!


            Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
            Another Sanctuary fan is on board!

            So I have been nagging my mother to try this show since...well, forever. She has been avoiding because we don't have cable and she claims to a technophobe. I finally got her to start watching on sci-fi rewind, and after I saw "the five" I was like "seriously you need to catch up! and low and behold I get this email saying that she is caught up and that it is the first show she has been this excited over since Dr. Quinn! Then I told her they green lit season 2! She is now going to look into getting a cable plan with scifi so she doesn't have to wait and watch it online!
            Another "conn"-vert! Way to go.

            Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
            "The Five" was the best episode so far. At first I wasn't too impressed with the series as a whole, but it's getting better.

            Jonathon Young as Tesla was awesome.
            Glad you stayed with it. I started watching SG1 in season 4. When I finally saw season 1 and some of the very early episdoes I thought if I had started watching then, I might not have become a regular viewer. Every show takes a bit to find its way.

            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

            Every episode has become my favorite. I haven't looked so forward to Friday since SG-1.

            Last Friday was particularly good. I was at a fundraiser and won the 50/50 draw and got home in time to see Sanctuary.

            Loving all the talk about the characters from The Five. This show is fun and educational!

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
              Another Sanctuary fan is on board!

              So I have been nagging my mother to try this show since...well, forever. She has been avoiding because we don't have cable and she claims to a technophobe. I finally got her to start watching on sci-fi rewind, and after I saw "the five" I was like "seriously you need to catch up! and low and behold I get this email saying that she is caught up and that it is the first show she has been this excited over since Dr. Quinn! Then I told her they green lit season 2! She is now going to look into getting a cable plan with scifi so she doesn't have to wait and watch it online!
              Awesome. My mom is working on a new recruit. My aunt is at her place to help her while she recovers from surgery. She has all the eps on her dvr and is planning a marathon.

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              ah yes, but...who's gonna pay for all that research?

              and just because that guy is known for stocks, it's possible that he had a scientific hobby.

              of course, there's also the possibilty that it's just a coincidence and the show's 'sir james watson' isn't this guy at all
              Maybe that's how Helen got some of her money.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                Maybe that's how Helen got some of her money.
                That or the 50/50 draw.

                Yesterday a Canadian scifi news show called The Circuit had an item on the renewal of Sanctuary. They showed an interview they did with Robin on the set a couple months back and also had him in studio. He had a little scruffy beard but it didn't make him look much older. Is it a sign of MY age that I find he looks so young?

                Anyhoo, he had some lovely things to say about Amanda, how awesome she is and how one could not ask for a better co-star. Despite the fact she is a big star(his words) he said she is very generous and a real team player. He said the only downside in working with her is the laugh and giggle so much it is hard to get through a scene.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  That or the 50/50 draw.

                  Yesterday a Canadian scifi news show called The Circuit had an item on the renewal of Sanctuary. They showed an interview they did with Robin on the set a couple months back and also had him in studio. He had a little scruffy beard but it didn't make him look much older. Is it a sign of MY age that I find he looks so young?

                  Anyhoo, he had some lovely things to say about Amanda....
                  And for those who would like to see it.....


                  Thanks goes to camera person extraordinaire Mandy



                    Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                    After Kush, there's supposed to be an 8 day delay on the posting of episodes. So today would be Nubbins, next Saturday The Five, and so on. I should go watch it before they realize this.
                    They are a bit confused. I signed up for the Sanctuary text updates and they sent out the blurb for Edward on Friday - a full week early.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                      And for those who would like to see it.....


                      Thanks goes to camera person extraordinaire Mandy

                      Thanks to you both. Mandy for the camera work and Jan for the tech support.

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Yesterday a Canadian scifi news show called The Circuit had an item on the renewal of Sanctuary. They showed an interview they did with Robin on the set a couple months back and also had him in studio. He had a little scruffy beard but it didn't make him look much older. Is it a sign of MY age that I find he looks so young?
                        No.....I keep thinking that Emilie Ullerup looks so of those, "she's really attractive, but she's so young!" thoughts when I'm watching....then I remember that she's a few months younger than I am lol.

                        I'm sulking because we've got flipping darts on ITV4 bottom lip is well and truly out!
                        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                        My Fanfic~My Femslash


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          On a different note...
                          I was wondering about Tesla and the vampires. Now Helen has refused to help, is there a chance he'll try to do it on his own? And if so, what happens if it goes wrong? He gives them the intellect but loses all control. Can you imagine having a super intelligent vampyric cabal leader?
                          I'm thinking that's exactly what Tesla will do...
                          he'll try to do it himself and hopefully fail miserably...or he'll do something to force Helen to help him...and maybe she'll get so far and sabotage certainly left a huge door open for that story arc to be developed! Do you think that Helen's intellect has been enhanced? I know that this was asked by someone else...not sure if it was here or in the Sanctuary forums but Tesla needed Helen's intelligence to help him out. Just a thought!

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          I'm generally not a big fan of
                          but I didn't let that ruin it for me. I really liked this episode.
                          I also have to give high marks to CH--he has a way of playing both the villain and sympathetic...
                          I have an aversion to
                          myself...that stems back to my childhood where I had some rather disturbing nightmares that to this day still haunt me. But nuff said...I did enjoy the story with the
                          ...totally wicked!
                          And Chris Heyerdahl...OMG...he and David Hewlett totally blow me away...David's performance in The Shrine and Chris in Sanctuary...Druitt is fast becoming one of my all time favourite characters ever...male characters that is!
                          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                          And for those who would like to see it.....
                          Thanks goes to camera person extraordinaire Mandy
                          Thank you Jan and Mandy!!
                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Yesterday a Canadian scifi news show called The Circuit had an item on the renewal of Sanctuary. They showed an interview they did with Robin on the set a couple months back and also had him in studio. He had a little scruffy beard but it didn't make him look much older. Is it a sign of MY age that I find he looks so young?
                          I just had to go back to this part of your post EH-T...Robin is 6 years younger than me and he does indeed look rather young...not a fan of the scruff...I love full on beards and all but not the three day growth thing...but he does look young...I much prefer my men to be older!
                          It should be noted that I don't really look at men or anything as I am quite happy with the fella I have already...thank you! I mean I do look at men but not in the way that you might think...ok..this is just not coming out right...I like men...but I don't need anymore...coz I already have one...I think I fixed that up now! Oi!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                            No.....I keep thinking that Emilie Ullerup looks so of those, "she's really attractive, but she's so young!" thoughts when I'm watching....then I remember that she's a few months younger than I am lol.

                            I'm sulking because we've got flipping darts on ITV4 bottom lip is well and truly out!
                            Be careful you don't trip over that bottom lip!!

                            I can totally sympathise with you though as SF regularly gets bumped over here for sports (though nothing as boring as darts!!). I'm just wondering if they did postpone it so that you don't get ahead of the US when they bump Sanctuary for Thanksgiving??

                            It doesn't help though does it


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              Be careful you don't trip over that bottom lip!!

                              I can totally sympathise with you though as SF regularly gets bumped over here for sports (though nothing as boring as darts!!). I'm just wondering if they did postpone it so that you don't get ahead of the US when they bump Sanctuary for Thanksgiving??

                              It doesn't help though does it
                              Yes....I spent many an evening in my adolescence sulking because the BBC2 cult slot got cancelled (both ahead of time or at no notice) for darts/cricket/snooker.

                              I like to pretend I am more grown up and accepting now but really I just get more fed up because there are umpteen thousand TV channels and *still* the shows I like get moved for sport. Yet soaps are sacrosanct. *rolls eyes*

                              Maybe they did do it so we don't get ahead of the US...but you're doesn't help...I liked being only a few days behind.
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                I'm trying to look at it in a positive light, that it will afford me the time to catch up on some of the other stuff I've recorded, perhaps I could actually sit down and watch the final Jericho episode now.

                                Still not the same though

                                Pouty face.

                                Oh well at least it's not that long. I'm just happy that we get it so quickly anyway. Without a cable or sky channel it's usually ages before you get to see anything.

