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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by morjana View Post
    Sanctuary - SFX Magazine: SFX Awards:

    At SFX Magazine:

    Vote In This Year's SFX Awards

    Doctor Who's Time War was a pub scuffle compared to this – the great and the good (not to mention the shonky and irredeemably evil) of the science fiction universe, slugging it out for the gongtastic SFX Reader Awards 2008. Will Wall-E triumph over Cloverfield? Will The Dark Knight lord it over Iron Man? Will Torchwood lay the smack down on Primeval? Which was the best novel? The best comic? Who stirred your soul and who fried your hormones? You can vote for anything and anyone from the last twelve months - and you can cast your mind back further for the Lifetime Contribution Award, naturally.

    To make life a little easier, we've listed some memory-jogging names and titles for the majority of categories. Simply use the drop-down menu to choose your fave – or feel free to put your own choice in the handy blank box provided. Our tireless votebots will do the rest.

    You'll need to cast your votes by 28 October.

    We'll be printing the results in SFX 178, on sale 17 December. Don't forget to join us for the victory celebrations.

    Categories include:

    Best Film
    Best Film Director
    Best Film Actor
    Best Film Actress
    Best TV Show
    Best TV Episode
    Best TV Actor:
    Best TV Actress
    Best Videogame
    Best Comic
    Best Novel
    Sexiest Woman
    Sexiest Man
    SFX Lifetime Contribution Award


    Amanda is one of the nominees in the Best TV Actress category (for Stargate Atlantis).

    HOWEVER, all of the categories have a WRITE IN feature available.

    So...we could nominate Sanctuary for Best TV Show.

    And nominate Amanda for Sexiest woman...

    OK, last chance to vote, I do hope y'all have been voting though . Remember, you need to vote by tommorrow, so lets make our girl and Sanctuary winners


      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

      And I'm so taping that episode of GH, I wonder what Amanda will do if she encounters a ghost .
      Be all that you can be, with 'Depends'!




        Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
        XD Yeah, I saved that last time you posted it.
        Someone should make one of those, but have it to do with Amanda

        *random pondering*

        I forgot to go get a larger tape. I have three 2 hour tapes and probably another one or two around here, but that means taping over the Sanctuary pilot. Hmm... I suppose I could go after school tomorrow... I don't doubt someone will put it on teh webs for download, but that means deleting a bunch of stuff...
        Oh no, don't tape over any Sanctuary, I don't because in 10 years from now when I watch the tape I can say, "I saw that when it first came out". I have quite a few 8 hour long tapes, I'm using one to tape season 1 of Sanctuary on TMN, 1 for taping S4 of Atlantis (their best season ) and another of Amanda public events like Comic Con, The Circuit, The Today Show and so on . I have my own little Amanda collection going on .

        Oh, I have magazines too .


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          By the by, a heads up for Canadian fans. Next Friday night Space will be showing the Ghost Hunters episode that features Amanda. There was a bit about it today on The Circuit which included an audio clip from Amanda. She commented that the Ghost Hunters gig was going to make her the national spokeswoman for Depends.

          Checked the Space website. It is 6:00 p.m. Central and 7:00 p.m. Eastern.
          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          Be all that you can be, with 'Depends'!

          . Speaking of which, I saw and taped the The Circuit of course , and when I did, I noticed that the host said "Joining them will be Sanctuary's Amanda Tapping". He didn't say "Stargate's Amanda Tapping." This could mean nothing, but I'm glad Amanda's making a new name for herself with Sanctuary, and that she's already known for something other than Carter so fast .


            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            And I'm so taping that episode of GH, I wonder what Amanda will do if she encounters a ghost .
            I hope that it will somehow magically become available for those of us who don't get GH on tv!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Sanctuary - SciFi Wire: How Did The Fall TV Shows Fare?


              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                Originally posted by morjana View Post
                Sanctuary - SciFi Wire: How Did The Fall TV Shows Fare?

                Sanctuary (SCI FI) Premiered with 3 million viewers. Television's first mostly virtual series kicked off great, and it looks like a worthy successor to exiting SCI FI Friday shows Stargate Atlantis and BSG. Grade: A

                Alright, alright, now that's what I like to see . Hopefully with Atlantis and BSG out, Sanctuary will become more popular with Sci-fi, and things will get better and Amanda, the cast and the show can show viewers more of what it's all about . In my whole school career I've gotten a few A's here and there, I'm glad Sanctuary has gotten it's first A so soon . Thanks for the news morjana, sorry I can't green you


                  Originally posted by morjana View Post
                  Download link for SciFi Talks Audio Interview from Oct. 27:

                  Thank you so much morjana *hugs*

                  I have a dumb question: Can some tell me how people outside of the US can leave a message somewhere for Tony like a forum or something? I'd love to tell him how much I'm enjoying listening to his Sanctuary interviews.

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                    Thank you so much morjana *hugs*

                    I have a dumb question: Can some tell me how people outside of the US can leave a message somewhere for Tony like a forum or something? I'd love to tell him how much I'm enjoying listening to his Sanctuary interviews.

                    Hi, Julia.

                    Not a dumb question at all! A very nice and thoughtful question.

                    Tony has a forum and a MySpace page where you can leave comments:

                    Here's the link to SciFi Talk Forum:


                    Here's Tony's My Space site:

           (although, you do need to be a member of My Space to leave a message)

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      Originally posted by morjana View Post
                      Hi, Julia.

                      Not a dumb question at all! A very nice and thoughtful question.

                      Tony has a forum and a MySpace page where you can leave comments:

                      Here's the link to SciFi Talk Forum:


                      Here's Tony's My Space site:

             (although, you do need to be a member of My Space to leave a message)
                      Thanks morjana I joined and left a comment for Tony on his profile page.

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Just to double check: there's no new Sanctuary this week right?


                          Originally posted by Naddy View Post
                          Just to double check: there's no new Sanctuary this week right?
                          Right Amanda will be on the Ghost Hunters special

                          my fanfic


                            no sanctuary for the US, not sure about the UK, i wonder if they'll get caught up with us?
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              no sanctuary for the US, not sure about the UK, i wonder if they'll get caught up with us?
                              No Sanctuary in Canada either, and according to TMN schedule, there won't be a new episode until Nov 7- TMN schedule


                                I just googled the IT4 schedule and it looks like Sanctuary was replaced with Pokemon.

