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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    I'm not sure how much you know about the show, but if Amanda was to do a pure English accent, she could have; but would it have fit the part? Remember Helen's from Victorian London and has lived 157 years, many of which have been in many other countries. I know people who go to other countries lose some of thier accent and may pick up some of what is around them. Heck my mom and her 2 sisters came to Canada from Poland, and each has a differing amount of an accent.
    I agree with you, Mandy.

    I have a step-aunt, who was born in Holy Locke, Scotland. She lived for ten years in London as a young adult, then married my step-uncle, who was in the Navy. They then lived in Italy, Florida, Hawaii, back to Italy and finally moved to Mexico when my step-uncle retired.

    Oy! It's hard enough trying to understand her when she's speaking English... she has accents from all over...but try following her when she's butchering Spanish!
    Last edited by morjana; 04 October 2008, 06:56 PM.

    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
    Morjana's Blog Twitter


      You know I just have this to say about watching Sanctuary last night. I just sat back and let this new show draw me in to the storyline. I didn't let the weps dictate how I viewed this brand new and shiny program called Sanctuary. I really wanted to try and view this new program as just that, NEW. I did see all 8 of the weps and enjoyed them in their own right. But now's the time for this new and yes, at times, different Sanctuary. I didn't worry about the music, the costumes, the hair, the special effects, the accent, or the lack of previous characters showing up in this new Sanctuary. I wanted to give this New Sanctuary a chance to win me over. And IT DID!!!!!!! I thoroughly enjoyed the two hours and am looking forward to the coming weeks of learning more about Will, Ashley, Druit and, of course, Helen. Had a wonderful evening of being entertained.


        I just managed to watch Sanctuary

        Yep, I REALLY liked it

        I'll have to make time later today to rewatch it and really look at it's different components. I tend to just watch something new in what I call "sponge mode", that is absorb everything at once. Then I like to go back and rewatch (assuming I consider it worth rewatching) it several times concentrating on certain aspects, like performances, special effects, music/sound etc.

        I liked how they fleshed things out but on initial viewing I do think some parts of the webisodes were better. I'll sort out those feelings in detail on later viewings.

        I thought it was a good start for a pilot and it shows lots of promise. OK we got heavy on Will in the pilot as he was our entree to the Sanctuary so in future episodes I'm looking forward to getting to see more of Helen and her backstory and more of Ashley and what makes her tick.

        On the secondary characters:
        • I do really enjoy the character of Henry
        • wasn't so hot on Silvio but hey what could they do PDL wasn't available
        • I missed having David Hewlett in the opening story and his excellent portrayal of a phycho
        • I hope Wexford is in some of the episodes as I really like that character
        • I'm not sure about the changes to Bigfoot, I'm going to have to ponder on the differences to the webisodes


          For the UK fans, SFX Magazine has a video clip of Sanctuary.

          (I couldn't access it here from the US, so I have no idea what it is.)

          After starting out on the internet last year, science fiction show Sanctuary is about to make its television debut – the first ever web series to make the transition to make the transition to episodic TV. The show focuses on 157-year-old Dr Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping), a scientist who’s devoted her life to finding and helping the supernatural monsters and creatures who populate the world, out of sight of the human race. She’s helped out by her all-action daughter Ashley ( Emilie Ullerup) and psychiatrist Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne), her reluctant protégé.

          In a groundbreaking move for a TV show, Sanctuary’s gone down the route of Sin City and 300 to film predominantly in front of green, with intricate CG sets built around the actors. You can get a glimpse of what to expect in this exclusive clip.

          If that’s whetted your appetite, the show starts airing on ITV4 at 9pm on Monday 6 October.

          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
          Morjana's Blog Twitter


            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            I thought it was a good start for a pilot and it shows lots of promise. OK we got heavy on Will in the pilot as he was our entree to the Sanctuary so in future episodes I'm looking forward to getting to see more of Helen and her backstory and more of Ashley and what makes her tick.
            On the secondary characters:
            • I do really enjoy the character of Henry
            • wasn't so hot on Silvio but hey what could they do PDL wasn't available
            • I missed having David Hewlett in the opening story and his excellent portrayal of a phycho
            • I hope Wexford is in some of the episodes as I really like that character
            • I'm not sure about the changes to Bigfoot, I'm going to have to ponder on the differences to the webisodes
            i would love to see some more history on helen and ashley, but i'm assuming that'll come along later in the season. it does have a lot of promise, and a very interesting, very different premise.

            and i never watched the webisodes, but i did see parts of david hewlett's performance on youtube, and i really hope that he does come back. and with SGA ending () who knows? maybe he'll come on "sanctuary" ()

            credit to Stef for the sig
            credit to Stef and dvshiper for the DeVillish logo
            team mckay! <3


              LOVED IT!

              In a way though, I'd like to skip past next week's episode and get to the first ep of new story. But, it will be interesting to see how much of the witch story is changed. I'll just have to be patient. I'm REALLY looking forward to "The Five".
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                LOVED IT!

                In a way though, I'd like to skip past next week's episode and get to the first ep of new story. But, it will be interesting to see how much of the witch story is changed. I'll just have to be patient. I'm REALLY looking forward to "The Five".
                I know how you feel!!!

                I hope you do patience better than I do (I simply don't do it ). At the moment I really want the DVD boxset of Season 1 so I can just sit down and watch it all in one go!! (and then watch all my favourite parts repeatedly).

                Patience?? I got none


                  I really liked it. Not sure if I'm glad I watched the webisodes or not, I kept comparing the differences.
                  It usually takes a few episodes to really get into any new series, but this one has hooked me out of the gate.

                  My son watched with me, but he didn't see the the webisodes, and he loved it too.
                  In fact, I caught him re-watching it today on the DVR.

                  Glad Sci-Fi has finally put forth a new series with some promise.
                  "Science Fiction is an existential metaphor. It allows us to to tell stories about the human condition.
                  Isaac Asimov once said 'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and and philosphers of today. But the core of science fiction--it's essence--has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all.' "
                  ~Grell, 'Silver/Teal'c', SG-1, 200th Episode


                    Originally posted by morjana View Post
                    At Walt TV:


                    Finally, photos from the Sanctuary appearance at the Tampa Bay Rays game.
                    Whoa, whoa, whoa . Thanks so much for those .

                    Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                    Ah, the memories...

                    Thank you SOOOO much for that.
                    Enjoy them and make new one's .


                      OK guys, sorry it took so long for me to reply, I saw the show last night, and

                      The opening shot of the city was amazing, it looked so wicked and real, like something out of a PS3 video game , and as I was watching it, I thought "Oh wow, this is real, it's finally here" . I of course payed close attention to the opening credits, looking for Amanda's name, and BOOM, and big smile came to my face when her name came up first, it just made it official that yup, she's the star . For a good part of the start, I was waiting for Helen to show up, and I was a little impatient I thought the shots of the "murder" scene was cool, mostly after Will shows up to check it out, I liked how he was smart about it, and how he didn't miss anything, but a big surprise was seeing Lorne, eh Sky, your man . But one of my favorite scenes/moments of the show was when Helen hit Will with her car , I'm thinking "She's 157 years-old and she still doesn't know how to drive? I hope Amanda's not like that ."

                      Now this is gonna sound a little silly and corny , but this is my most favorite moment in the whole series right now, and I'll never forget it, up until last night, I had never really seen Helen before, only Amanda with dark hair, and in promo pics and vids and stuff like that, but when I saw her for the first time, as she looked down at Will, a big smile came to my face again, I was just so happy to see her, and I actually said, out loud too, "It's nice to finally meet you Helen " just before she said "This is not how I hoped we'd meet". At that moment I said "It's fine with me" . I hope that didn't sound corny .

                      Anyway, the scene outside the hospital with Helen and Will was cool, the scene where they arrive at the Sanctuary was wicked because the look of the sky, stars and moon was really cool. And the shots inside the Sanctuary and of the creatures were really cool. Most of the time I was like "Wow." Every time I saw the "snake" coming out of the boys chest I kept think it looked like a goa'uld . I really liked the scene with Helen and Will talking in a room, and I really liked her speech, and I thought "Wow, she's really the star, this is her show" .

                      One part that stuck with me was when Helen and Will were on the roof, and she was trying to convince him to join, and she said "It's a massive leap of faith". As soon as she said that, I kept thinking of all the times in interviews Amanda said leaving SG and coming to Sanctuary was a big big leap of faith on her part. I really do think that was definitely a reference to Amanda. Anyone else think so?

                      The scene with Helen and the Mermaid was really calm and sweet, and how could I forget the scene with Helen and Ashley teaming up to find the boy. The part that scared me a little was when Helen and John were talking, and he started getting mad and yelling, I thought he was gonna hit her , and I'm thinking "oh, don't you dare, don't you dare." And the last scene with her and will was really sweet, and I liked that scene with her and an 8 year-old Will, it was really touching.

                      The show really met my expectations very nicely and although I wanted more-- a lot more Helen scenes, of course . Amanda was amazing, and top-notch, it was a fantastic feeling to see her staring in her own show, being the lead, the boss and I really can't wait for some Helen centred episodes. I'm really looking forward to requiem. I thought the show was amazing, and even though some my not see the pilot episode as super, I thought it was a way to start the series, and best of all, the premiere was only 90 minutes for me, because The Movie Network has no commercials . You know, I never saw the pilot episodes of SG-1 or Atlantis when they first came out, and I'm really, very proud and happy that I got to see this shows pilot, Amanda's show .

                      And as the show went on, I kept looking at Amanda/Helen's hair, it was really cool seeing the new Amanda and Helen for the first time, and I loved it. Oh, and I loved the ending credits, the music was creepy and wicked, and mysterious, and I liked that, and the best part of the ending credits was when I saw Amanda's name under the Executive producer title. *Wink* Can't wait to see the opening credits next week, and more Amanda/Helen screen time.


                        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                        The trailer for episode 3 Fata Morgana is available at SCIFI's website here:

                        Not sure when we'll see stills from any episodes.
                        I'm not live in the US.
                        So I can not watch this trailer.


                          I have the trailer from the end of the episode but I'm exhausted.....I can make a clip for you tomorrow though if you like.


                            (Repost from Samanda)

                            OK guys, it's been like 2 days since the Sanctuary aired, and I think it did rather well . Remember guys, now that the ball's rolling, I strongly think we owe it to Amanda to try and keep it going. Let me re-post this little post of mine from a while back to help me explain my point:

                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            I made this little statement about why Sanctuary is worth watching, and why Amanda deserves it.

                            The one thing I love about any Sci-fi show or movie are the visual effects, I want something that'll leave you in Stargate did that for me, and I hope Sanctuary can deliver that too. Amanda and company have worked very long, and very hard and I'd like nothing more then to see them very well rewarded, in fact, Amanda had to reduce her acting salary, and completely take her producer's salary off the table All for budge constraints, so she's not making what she should. They did that in order to retain their creative control, and if they're ok with it, I'm ok with it. A lot of actors wouldn't want to cut back 2 salaries, and she should be getting a lot more $$$, I mean she's earned and deserves it. Wow, Amanda is such a team player, dying her hair, cutting back her salaries so much for the benefit of the show, I didn't think it was possible, but I love, respect and admire this woman so much more for doing that. It's attitude like that, that always makes a job all that much better. YOU ROCK AMANDA.

                            Which brings me to my next statement: I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly want the show to go on as long as it can, and be as big a success as it can, we already know the show's a hit online, and it wouldn't be coming to TV if it wasn't, and I know it's already in for 1 season, but I want to help the show go on anyway I can. I know you guys, and a lot of other people are going to watch it, but I feel like I want to do more than just watch it, I want to help it, I mean when I used to watch Scrubs, I'd have like 3 TV's on that channel just to help its ratings. Yeah, I also used to go to other message boards, write to the network, even sign/make petitions and send them to lots of related sites to have people sign it. What I'm saying is, and I know this may sound silly, but as fans we owe it to Amanda to keep the show going as long as it can. By that I mean, spread the word to friends, neighbors, famliy and strangers standing next to you in the clothing and grocery store , purchase the show on iTunes if made available and buy the DVDs. and And I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure Sanctuary stays on as long as it can. So I'm asking, what can we do to help the show? Because I don't want it to be another Firefly.


                              Originally posted by jyh View Post
                              Anyway, I hate to say it, but Tapping's fake accent was really distracting to me. Not the fact that it was "Carter" with an accent, but it just seemed like a bad accent. In the commercial promos I've seen, it was fine, probably because there was so little of her dialog. But to hear her giving long speeches with the accent was, well, distracting and kind of annoying for me.
                              Actually, I thought it was great! AT said she has worked hard to create a character who grew up in the Victorian era...ergo...the more exaggerated, aristocratic British accent. She didn't want the character to remind anyone of she has done everything she can to avoid that.

                              BTW...did you know that AT is British by birth? Yep, she has relatives there she visits often.

                              Just a fun fact to share!!!


                                I saw it and loved it. I even tried to stay awake for the second airing...but didn't make it all the way through.

                                As for Amanda's accent in the show, I like it. It's different yes, but fake? I highly doubt it. I think maybe for some folks (no I'm not putting words into people's mouths by my statement, just sharing my thoughts on what the issue could be) the problem with the accent is that we're all use to hearing her American/Canadian one as Sam. I mean...12 years is a LONG time to listen to someone and then to kinda suddenly hear them speaking completely different is a bit of a shock. I know when I first watched the webisodes I was a little thrown because well, it didn't sound like Amanda or even Sam...but I got use to it and kinda like it now.

                                I guess it bothers me who some folks are all "that actor's accent is horrible/bad/awful" when they hear one using any accent of any kind. The thing is, not everyone sounds alike, even if they're from the same freakin' town, much less country. I grew up primarily in Georgia (in the US) but lived in Idaho, Maryland, Washington state and California. I've had people over the years ask me if I was from New York. New York?! Seriously, I have never been there. So for some of us, we tend to pick up the accent of where we're living at the time and it goes with us in some form or other and gives us a mesh of where we've lived type of accent. That's how I view Helen's. Dudes and dudettes, she' 157 years-old for frell's sake. You'd have an odd accent too I'd wager.
                                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.

