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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by BruTak View Post
    Ok, this is getting beyond a joke.

    It is now 1407hrs UK time, on Sunday 2nd of September - and despite wep 8 being on line since Friday, I still cannot download it.

    Is it just me? Am I the only one having these problems?

    C'mon guys, get it fixed. I'm on the verge of giving up in disgust here.

    Don't make me return my Sanctuary t-shirt and baseball cap...
    Nope I still can't DL, and I actually tried my mom's computer, my pc and my mac and all 3 give me an empty zipped file... I mean at least I was able to see it online but I would actually love to have it tomorrow, cause i was going to watch it at work all of them...

    I can understand them having problems and since I really like this show I will not stop watching it. But I can say this isn't fun anymore But then again they know of the problem so... I guess they are working on it...

    Just give them time to sort this out...


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      Just give them time to sort this out...
      Yeah, yeah, I know...

      Like I said in a previous post - teething troubles.

      But it's still frustrating. Even more so because I'm starting a new job tomorrow (after being unemployed for seven months) and won't have so much free time on my hands.
      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


        Originally posted by BruTak View Post
        Yeah, yeah, I know...

        Like I said in a previous post - teething troubles.

        But it's still frustrating. Even more so because I'm starting a new job tomorrow (after being unemployed for seven months) and won't have so much free time on my hands.
        Sorry you haven't got the webisode yet, but hey congrats on the job!
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!



          I'll be working for a large internet based retailer that shares its name with a mighty South American river...
          Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
          To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

          Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
          And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


            Originally posted by BruTak View Post

            I'll be working for a large internet based retailer that shares its name with a mighty South American river...
            Oooh, I wonder what that could be
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by BruTak View Post
              Ok, this is getting beyond a joke.

              It is now 1407hrs UK time, on Sunday 2nd of September - and despite wep 8 being on line since Friday, I still cannot download it.

              Is it just me? Am I the only one having these problems?

              C'mon guys, get it fixed. I'm on the verge of giving up in disgust here.

              Don't make me return my Sanctuary t-shirt and baseball cap...
              This was posted on the Sactuary forums by James. I too Have not been able to download wep 8 yet but I was able to watch online.
              Hi guys,

              It's being worked as we speak so all I can do is ask for your patience.

              Vitalstream's servers in Europe are being super finicky, that's why you're having download issues. We know what's going on and are doing our best to resolve the problems, asap.

              In the meantime, as the official line said, keep trying, it is working for some folk, so the attempt is worth it.

              If you haven't already, submit the problem through the support section so we have a record of it.


              James Graham: Stage 3 Media:
              Support Guru/Evangelist/Audience Relations

              Last edited by JamesGS3M : 08-31-2007 at 09:22 PM.

              I know it's frustrating, but if you bought something from an online shop that didn't work, you wouldn't expect there to be customer support 24/7. That is just is not realistic.

              It looks to me like this problem is out of thier control anyway. You can only scream shout and otherwise light fires up peoples backsides to fix things to a certain point. At some point you have to leave them alone to do thier jobs. There is a fundamental and intermittant fault with the servers. They (S3M)know about it, but they can't directly fix it.

              I would submit a support ticket ( if you have not already done so) and take a step back. Breathe.... Now we in the UK have a crappy time difference to contend with as well as the holiday weekend but James has assured us he will be back on the case on Tuesday morning 9am PST ( which is 17:00 UK time). Send in those support tickets, that gives him ammo to shoot at the person(s) responsible.

              Now, in other news::::
              Congrats on the new Job Brutak, I just got a new one myself also having been technically unemployed since the begining of August. I too, have had way too much time on my hands as my collegues at GABIT will attest.

              So, has everyone got thier fabric yet???



                Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                I know it's frustrating, but if you bought something from an online shop that didn't work, you wouldn't expect there to be customer support 24/7. That is just is not realistic.

                It looks to me like this problem is out of thier control anyway. You can only scream shout and otherwise light fires up peoples backsides to fix things to a certain point. At some point you have to leave them alone to do thier jobs. There is a fundamental and intermittant fault with the servers. They (S3M)know about it, but they can't directly fix it.

                I would submit a support ticket ( if you have not already done so) and take a step back. Breathe.... Now we in the UK have a crappy time difference to contend with as well as the holiday weekend but James has assured us he will be back on the case on Tuesday morning 9am PST ( which is 17:00 UK time). Send in those support tickets, that gives him ammo to shoot at the person(s) responsible.

                Now, in other news::::
                Congrats on the new Job Brutak, I just got a new one myself also having been technically unemployed since the begining of August. I too, have had way too much time on my hands as my collegues at GABIT will attest.

                So, has everyone got thier fabric yet???

                From what I understand of the situation, it is indeed out of their control. The issue is with the hosting provider not delivering and not providing the support needed to address the issue.

                "Why don't they simply switch hosting providers?" you may ask. Well, the process of switching providers is long and complicated (if you want to do it right). If they just up and pick the first one on the list, they could end up right back where they are now. Before they even start the physical process of moving the site over, they must research and find a place that will meet there needs and be able to provide the support that their current provider cannot.

                I know it's frustrating, but you have to understand that it is just as frustrating for those at S3M (if not even more so!).

                And congrats to Brutak and Becks on the new jobs!

                And my fabric is in then mail!

                *edit* in the mean time, it seems someone has found a dirty work around for the download issues:
                Last edited by antoa; 02 September 2007, 03:00 PM.


                  Originally posted by BruTak View Post
                  Ok, this is getting beyond a joke.

                  It is now 1407hrs UK time, on Sunday 2nd of September - and despite wep 8 being on line since Friday, I still cannot download it.

                  Is it just me? Am I the only one having these problems?

                  C'mon guys, get it fixed. I'm on the verge of giving up in disgust here.

                  Don't make me return my Sanctuary t-shirt and baseball cap...
                  It's not just you BruTak, i'm also having trouble still, i've been over to the sanctuary website and some are still having trouble.
                  Some kind soul had a bunch of numbers (web address) that seemed to work for a few but not for me or it seems some others
                  I emailed "help" and got a reply from them saying they are having trouble with servers (which i know nothing about so does not mean alot to me!)
                  and to keep trying as some are getting lucky!
                  As i've seen it online i'm not to worried at the moment but for new customers coming into this might get put off by the problems they seem to still be getting and that would be a real shame.


                    switching hosts is also something that's easier said than done. especially when you're talking about something like this, with MASSIVE bandwidth drains.

                    some companies literally won't touch a site like sanctuary simply because it's too much of a strain and the hosting company - while they love the revenue - are kinda like insurance companies, they love being paid, but HATE it when you make THEM pay up so to speak.

                    a hosting company would likely love to have sanctuary as a client, but hate the tech support and infrastructure they'd need to handle the bandwidth issues.

                    I know it sucks to wait, but hey, you could be like me...if i didn't have a download buddy to get the shows for me, i'd NEVER get to see it. It's a great thing, but only for those on high speed...which a good chunk of the world does not have. including me. If it wasn't for a friend, i would have seen none of the eps. and, at times, i've had to wait days/weeks for my friend to get me the file he downloads.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I just for the heck of it downloaded Webisode 8 HD even though Ive had it since it came out & it still finished for me in 5 minutes or less. Maybe its an area issue.


                        Originally posted by Nameless View Post
                        I just for the heck of it downloaded Webisode 8 HD even though Ive had it since it came out & it still finished for me in 5 minutes or less. Maybe its an area issue.
                        It seems to be everyone in the UK and Europe that can't download the webisode. That's a lot of unhappy people.


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                          It seems to be everyone in the UK and Europe that can't download the webisode. That's a lot of unhappy people.


                            hmm, episode 8
                            was good, but it need more noobs getting pwnt. like gatting noobs in teh face with pistols is fun, but it'd have been hell more prime if Ashley had been toting like an AK-47 and blowing those noobs away. or Magnus picking up the USAS-12 auto-shotty and blasting the fools as they entered teh kitchen. Would have been great fun


                              I finally watched Wep 8 on the OL player and wow it was great! Although the video was pixelating(sp?) in few places making it harder to see, did anyone else get that or is it just my PC? LOL.

                              But the Webisode (In spoilers just in case)

                              Oh wow what a cliff hanger, that's so cruel lol, are Helen, Will, Ashley and Big Foot alive? What happened to Henry and The Witches? The Criped(sp?) keeper monsters reminded me strangely enough of Harry Potter and the Dementors lol.
                              I was thinking about who could have died and think it could be Henry I don't know why I think he's dead I just get that feeling, unless he and Will are trying to trick the monsters...hmmm??

                              I can't wait to fine out! I read on SFA that fans have a chance to write the next bit of the story, is that true? That would be so awesome!
                              Do we know when the Season 1 will start yet? My only hope/wish is that the Europe/UK DL issues can be sorted out before then, but I know that the people in the know are working on it so I'll try to be patient

                              To all at S3M (The Sanctuary Team) Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, I'm really enjoying the show and can't wait to see more

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                i finally got to see part 8 and i gotta say...yep, damian is evil
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


