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Once Upon A Time General Discussion/News/Speculation (spoilers possible)

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    Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
    I really enjoyed the last night's episode(Skin Deep)
    loved the Belle/RumpleBeast take on Beauty and the Beast. I felt really felt bad for both of them. Also love the whole Regina vs Gold thing, I enjoy watching both characters.
    It really was fantastic. I actually sqweed at the end when
    Mr. Gold revealed who he was to Regina


      Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
      It really was fantastic. I actually sqweed at the end when
      Mr. Gold revealed who he was to Regina
      Yes, that part was great I loved that whole scene
      from the moment Regina comes in dangling Henry in front of Emma, in order to get her out of the way, so that she could talk to Gold alone. I felt a bit bad for Henry, since he was pretty much being used by Regina, but at least he looked really happy to get spend time with Emma again.


        Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
        Mr. Gold has been influencing a lot of things, I think that shows he has some degree of power there. in a lot of ways I think he is playing with Regina and maybe he is ready to go back, you know?
        I am pretty sure he is,
        otherwise he would have never brought Henry to Storybrook. Suddenly Mr. Gold has Reginas love locked up somewhere too. If someone knows who it is, it would be Rumpy.
        Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt old,
        Fuzzy Wuzzy gotten bald
        There was Fuzzy no more Wuzzy


          I freaking knewwwwwww it! I knew that
          Mr. gold knew who he really was, it was hinted all over the place!

          In ratings news Once Upon A Time had a 3.0 in the adults 18-49 demographic against the frakking GRAMMY'S! You can pretty much garruntee that the show will be back for another season. ABC has a real hit on their hands, so pleased it's doing well!


            Originally posted by Homer 120 View Post
            I freaking knewwwwwww it! I knew that
            Mr. gold knew who he really was, it was hinted all over the place!

            In ratings news Once Upon A Time had a 3.0 in the adults 18-49 demographic against the frakking GRAMMY'S! You can pretty much garruntee that the show will be back for another season. ABC has a real hit on their hands, so pleased it's doing well!
            Me too!
            I KNEW Mr. Gold knew all!
            What a great episode!
            Now that it's Regina vs. Rumple, Let the fireworks begin!


              I wonder if Gold will help Emma & Henry on their quest to break the curse ? All he has to do is tell Emma that Henry is right & then voila


                Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
                I wonder if Gold will help Emma & Henry on their quest to break the curse ? All he has to do is tell Emma that Henry is right & then voila
                Then what's left? That would ruin Gold/Rumpy's character if that happened.


                  Originally posted by Homer 120 View Post
                  Then what's left? That would ruin Gold/Rumpy's character if that happened.
                  How so ? It would be a good way to get back at Regina. Gold may tell Emma that Henry is right about everything. But getting everyone to remember might not be so easy


                    But something is missing in Rumpi's story. Last time he had acquired that sword with great magical powers, but now he is cursed which changed his face as well. I hope they will tell us what happened.
                    "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

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                      Originally posted by Platschu View Post
                      But something is missing in Rumpi's story. Last time he had acquired that sword with great magical powers, but now he is cursed which changed his face as well. I hope they will tell us what happened.
                      That sword is what cursed him, his appearence had already changed a bit when he got to his Son.
                      Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt old,
                      Fuzzy Wuzzy gotten bald
                      There was Fuzzy no more Wuzzy


                        i missed the last 10 mins of last nights ep, so can anyone tell me exactly what happened?



                          Quick recap for majorsal

                          Rumpy kicks Belle out.

                          Evil Queen visits Rumpy and tells him the girl was shunned by her father, he imprisoned her in a tower and eventually she killed herself.

                          In Storybrook, Gold beats the flower seller and wants to know where something is, Emma stops him and arrests him (he also mentions about the guys daughter).

                          In Sheriff's office, Gold is locked up, Regina comes in with Henry and offers half hour with him to Emma, to get her out the way, she then confronts Gold and he works out she put the flower seller up to his robbing, he asks if she has what he wants, she says yes, so they do a deal, Regina wants him to answer one question "What is your name".

                          He replies Mr Gold, bit of verbal chess goes on, then he reveals he's Rumple. She then hands over what he wants, the chipped t-cup from earlier in the episode.

                          Last scene is Regina at the hospital, she goes down into the basement, opens a viewing hatch, and there is Belle, locked up.

                          Presumably Belle is the daughter of the flower seller (imho).

                          Hopefully I haven't missed anything.

                          I always though Gold knew who he was, but it's intriguing that Regina asked him, not sure if that was her playing it carefully, just incase he didn't know, or whether she doesn't know who the people were herself apart from maybe a few (the previous Sheriff etc.).

                          If she knew, surely she'd have dealt with Emma by now?


                            I think she asked because
                            of him saying Please he has said it a couple times and the way he says it, it is like he is saying "you owe me for what I allowed you to do"

                            On a side note I looked on IMDb (not always the most accurate place for info but...
                            Belle is in the ep 14 Dreamer
                            Personally I am really excited by that

                            Sorry to jump right in the conversation just wanted to put in my 2 cents.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              one interesting thought came to me

                              all emma needs to do is find Regina's true love and have him, her, it kiss her and the whole thing will be fixed.

                              I think that Regina has the book, which is why she wanted confirmation as to who Rumpy was. She's using the book to get an advantage of who to play against whom.
                              I'm thinking there's been a lot of
                              manipulating on Gold's part, since Emma's arrival, to cause suspicion on Regina's part. She may be evil, but she's not dumb. So I'm on the fence as to if she's got the book or not.


                                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                                I think she asked because
                                of him saying Please he has said it a couple times and the way he says it, it is like he is saying "you owe me for what I allowed you to do"

                                On a side note I looked on IMDb (not always the most accurate place for info but...
                                Belle is in the ep 14 Dreamer
                                Personally I am really excited by that

                                Sorry to jump right in the conversation just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
                                As to my knowledge we have only seen him say please once before this ep somewhere in the beginning. I find it very interresting to find out
                                that all this time they didnt know. I mean, what the heck did they do the last 26 Years?
                                Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt old,
                                Fuzzy Wuzzy gotten bald
                                There was Fuzzy no more Wuzzy

