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The Avengers (Marvel) - News/Discussion/Speculation

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    Holy....frakkin'....hell!! Just came back from seeing The Avengers!

    BEST....MOVIE....E-VER!!! My eyes we practically glued to the screen! Oh....and mega-AWESOME in 3D!

    You gotta see it in 3D!
    Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


      The wife and I plan on seeing this tomorrow. I know I can't wait.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        This was my first midnight premiere....and IT WAS SO AWESOME. My face hurt afterward from 2 1/2 hours of smiling from the awesomeness.

        As always, Tony was hilarious! I cracked up at his "Shakespeare in the park" dig at Thor. Also, I've noticed that his Iron Man suit deployment gets progressively more awesome with each movie.

        This was the first time I actually liked the Hulk. And as with everyone else, I was duly gratified when Hulk started wiping the floor with Loki.

        I was surprised how much I liked Black Widow and Hawkeye! I wouldn't mind a separate movie for those two.
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          The Avengers Sets New Opening Weekend Record with $200.3M!


            I was planning to see this this weekend, but I have now decided to watch it during the week at a quiet theatre time as I hate watching films in a crowded cinema.


              for a lot of movies thats half the experience.

              if you want to watch it alone, just rent it when it comes out on DVD.


                Personally I like watching movies in a crowded theater if the audience is a good one. The waiting until they let people in can sometimes be a hassle though, plus I'm really adamant about getting good seats

                Still, even if there are few people in the theater then that's ok so long as it isn't a comedy as comedies really benefit from a large audience imo.


                  I just hate having other people around lol.
                  If Im watching a movie, I cant have any distractions, and I hate people talking and stuff like that in cinemas.
                  Ok, so there probably wont be little kids watching this movie, but I just enjoy watching a film more in an empty cinema.


                    Wow, this movie did not disappoint one bit. It definitely lived up to the hype for me. My wife and I decided to go see it really early this morning, the first showing of the day in fact, and it was sold out when we got there. I could not believe it. From the money this seems to be making, I think an Avengers 2 is all but assured.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      saw it yesterday. like most people i was completely glued to the screen. one of my favorite parts is when
                      Hulk and Loki were about to duke it out and Loki was like " i am god" and Hulk just grabs him and smashes him around like a damn rag doll. also enjoyed the fights between captain america, iron man and thor.

                      one of the saddest moments was when
                      loki kills agent coulson and coulson tries to take him out using that gun and he's like "huh. So That's what it does.

                      All in all, i thought this movie was great, it had a good story, good cast, excellent characters and i would go see this movie at least two more times this summer.

                      also i would like to see a black widow/hawkeye prequel to see how they met and how they became members of SHIELD.
                      Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 06 May 2012, 08:49 PM.


                        Yeah, the part where
                        Coulson died
                        was so sad.
                        I do have the slim hope that perhaps he didn't die after all, though, and Fury was just playing it up for the emotional punch. (He did lie about the Captain America cards, after all, and we only heard that Coulson had died through Fury.)

                        On a completely different note, anyone else think that the blonde waitress who popped up in a few scenes toward the end is going to be
                        Cap's future love interest?
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                          Good movie but I have to ask..
                          BW interrogating Loki. Did those two have a Backstory with each other?
                          Or was this just a case of JossWhedoning up a scene?
                          I like Sharky


                            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                            saw it yesterday. like most people i was completely glued to the screen. one of my favorite parts is when
                            Hulk and Loki were about to duke it out and Loki was like " i am god" and Hulk just grabs him and smashes him around like a damn rag doll. also enjoyed the fights between captain america, iron man and thor.
                            Me too! I think the whole theater roared with laughter on that one. That was just too funny. I thought Iron Man and Captain America were hilarious together.
                            Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                              Finally, if there are no other distractions I'm gonna watch it on Thursday with a good friend whom I watched all the marvel movies in the theatre !


                                I plan on seeing it this weekend.
                                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.

